#had to redo the dang thing bc this hellsite won't bother to fix its own dang code
elements-of-harmony · 2 years
Reaaaaad Meeeeeee Seymooooore ( BYI )
Visual roleplay and ask blog based on the Tupperbox community q and a and source material from "The Year without a Santa Claus", "A Miser Brothers Christmas" and the fanction "The Holiday Inn" Please continue below and read the information under the cut.
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Aliases/Nicknames: Hothead, Mr. Sun, Sultan of the South
💕Significant Other: Aqua 💕
Gender: Masculine leaning; he/him pronouns
Powers/Species: Sun/Fire Elemental
Physical Age: 45
Height: 6’5
Eye Color: Brown/Amber
Hair Color: ginger
Bio:  Heat Miser is observant and a deep thinker, a true introvert with a keen intellect and a mean sarcastic streak. What he may lack in bedside manner, however, he more than makes up for with his fierce loyalty and love for his family. 
His hot temper is his greatest weakness.
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Aliases/Nicknames: Snowy, Mr. Snow, King of Cool
💕Significant Other: Shocky 💕
Gender: agender/ genderfluid; he/him pronouns 
Powers/Species: Snow/Ice Elemental
Physical Age: 45
Height: 6’9
Eye Color: Brown/Amber
Hair Color: White/Translucent
Bio: The more outgoing of the two brothers, Snow is both openly and unashamedly autistic and very outgoing. His wit, tendency toward imagination, and loyalty to being his authentic self make him a fun and refreshing companion, his empathy a true ally. 
His lack of tact and filter, however often leads to arguments between the two brothers and more often than not puts him in an unfavorable position with others.
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Aliases/Nicknames: Shocky, Missy
💕Significant Other: Snow Miser 💕
Gender: feminine leaning; she/they pronouns
Powers/Species: arctic elf with light and electric powers
Physical Age: 26
Height: 5’5”
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: gray/green, ginger
Bio: Shocky is observant, a deep thinker and a wearer of her heart on her sleeve. A outwardly warm and personable elf, she possesses both a vivid imagination and scars from her lifelong battle with rampant ableism and struggle to be accepted in her own family leading to harsher image of herself than most outside her birth guardians will ever prescribe.  Her handicaps with memory and dyscalculia, tendency to hold long grudges, sensitivity to rejection, and chronic pain are among her greatest weaknesses.
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Aliases/Nicknames: Aqua, “Miss No Fun” 💕Significant Other: Heat Miser 💕 Gender:  feminine; she/her pronouns Powers/Species:: arctic elf with water powers Physical Age: 29 Height: 5’3 Eye Color:  green Hair Color: blue Bio: The more outgoing of the two sisters, Aqua is a silver-tongued diplomat with a cleverly hidden wild side. While her knack for navigating the ins and outs of society quells many would-be disputes, her boldness, snark, and love of letting loose make her the life of the party. Her ability to mask easily, however, alienates her from those who cannot conform so easily and the walls she builds are her greatest weakness.
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 The Misers are both in happy exclusive monogamous marriages and are not looking for thirds, please do not ask to date them, privately or otherwise or send them romantic asks or starters. 
Asks about their relationships are welcome and will appear under their respective tags but attempts to replace the established significant others  listed above will be ignored and may result in further restriction from interacting with this blog- the answer is a hard no!!
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The Miser brothers are not related to your character unless discussed beforehand ( Find me here! ) or, of course if they are related in canon. 
 Likewise, these two haven’t met your character unless we’ve agreed that they have, or if your character belongs to the Rankin Bass lore that’s part of their source material. Don’t hesitate to ask though, I’m a sucker for found family and would love to add to theirs, they can always use more friends, siblings, and adoptive children! They do not, however, owe you their love or compassion and sympathy baiting will not be taken lightly. They are gods, not therapists. If you or someone you know are struggling to stay safe, please contact your local suicide hotline!
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Sending asks and starters about the Misers recreationally using or abusing drugs is a really good way to be banned from this blog. Don’t try me <3 
Jokes about either of them being under the influence are something I find disgusting and regardless of whether you think it’s funny, there is no place for that here. This content is not welcome anywhere near my inbox at any time under any circumstance.
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You do not have permission to kill, maim, traumatize, or otherwise seriously harm my characters physically or otherwise.
Additionally, this blog is an all ages blog. To keep it that way, asks and starters intended for mature audiences will be omitted. 
The Misers do, however, spar more than occasionally. It is after all how they do their job! Feel free to send light angst and test your dice roller against the seasoned brothers.
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Original characters, characters from most other fandoms, and self inserts are, of course more all than welcome to interact. Shocky herself happens to be one after all! * Will not interact with content pertaining to Steven Universe or its fans including roleplayers of the characters. The Diamonds in particular makes me deeply uncomfortable and I do not wish to invite people who support them to this blog. 
I, run this blog on spare time and spare energy. Because of this, more often than not I favor simple asks and light starters over longer and more serious posts.
Additionally, art reblogs are hand picked based on activity and to match my interpretation of the characters to enhance immersion. Because of that, posts depicting other pairings, designs, and headcanons are excluded as well as most popular posts.
If I don’t interact with your content it’s not because I don’t like you, promise! And finally, as this is a roleplay blog, this blog WILL feature AI generated content. All content posted has been edited, transformed, or directly created by me and the posts will specify which but will occasionally feature replies enhanced by Character.ai and audio trained on character data through So-vits-SVC. If you disagree with this content you are free to leave or engage in the posts not collaboratively made with this technology such as my drawings but I will not debate with you, entertain bad faith questions, or tolerate aggression. Engaging with my blog with the intention of starting a fight will end badly for you, do not try it :)  It is also worth noting that I do not support the use of ai for the purpose of defamation or career theft. These posts are created for personal and nonprofit artistic enjoyment only and if you redistribute any of it with the intent to sell, to impact the legacies and careers of the very real voice actors and singers involved, or to feed it into any extra algorithm I will find your kneecaps and delete them :)
Failure to respect the boundaries outlined in this post will result in revocation of access to this blog and its contents
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