#had an RK900 to add to this oddball family
maccaillte · 5 years
Rest your head close to my heart never to part baby of mine
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A drabble from @becomedeviant and I threads with YK800/Connor and RK700/Seven. Warning for violence. Image credit x
One constant danger Seven was always worrying about were the RK900s.
After the failed android revolution the RK900 hit the market and slowly weeded out the rest of the deviants. Seven and Connor were lucky to have hidden during the round up of androids due to their unique appearance. Only one sole RK800 was released during the uprising and Cyberlife didn’t really advertised it.
Seven knew they couldn’t stay in Detroit forever, they needed to get Connor somewhere safe and the only place was Canada. But the anti android country had begun it’s own purge of runaway androids so Seven waited until the searching stopped to move Connor over the border. Getting the required documents didn’t take too long as Seven was able to flag down an android who worked for the city before the initial revolution. 
To wait out until they had to cross over the border Seven had hidden them away in an abandon home from humans in their rush to escape the androids. It thankfully had been lived in by a family so there were some toys for Connor to play with but the YK800 wanted to go outside and explore than be cooped up in a house. 
Seven was hesitant but they couldn’t resist his puppy eyes and relented. They went to a playground that overlooked the Ambassador Bridge and only late at night. Seven didn’t want to chance going during the day and someone recognizing their appearance to the RK900s. 
Sitting on a bench close by Seven watched Connor slide down a slide into a pile of snow. Due to a polar vortex snow was still heavily on the ground even in the beginning of March. Seven smiled hearing Connor laugh as he rolled around in it before jumping up and running over to Seven.
“Can you push me on the swings Sev?”
“Of course Connor.”
The YK800 tugged on Seven’s damaged hand but not too harsh and the RK700 stood up letting Connor lead them to the swing set. Connor got on and Seven began pushing them.
“Higher!” Connor yelled and Seven complied by pushing a bit harder. Things were going well until a car rolled up into the small lot near the park, Seven looked over and froze seeing it was a cop car but the lights weren’t on. 
Stopping Connor’s swinging Seven pulled him off of the swing and had Connor hold their hand as they watched a cop get out. Seven then tightly squeezed Connor’s hand seeing an RK900 also step out of the vehicle. Quickly Seven pulled the scarf around up to cover their face and did the same to Connor who whined and the sudden fussing.   
The officer came up to them casually and cocked his head to the side. “Hey there, what are you two doing out here so late at night and in the cold?”
Seven’s stress had gone up as they lightly shook.
“We’re just enjoying the park, my little brother couldn’t sleep so we decided to take a walk and he wanted to play in the park.” It wasn’t a lie but the officer was closely looking at Connor, it dawned on Seven that he wasn’t nearly as bundled up a human should be.
“Yes but it’s freezing out and expected to drop even more so you better get your little brother home, you said you walked here? Allow us to give you a ride back home.” The officer was nice but that was because he thought they were humans.
Seven had been darting their eyes over to the RK900 who didn’t say a word at all, just staring at them. Seven was surprised the RK900 wasn’t arresting them on the spot, it would surely be able to know they were androids with one scan even with their faces slightly covered.
“That won’t be needed, we’ll be on our way. Thank you for your concern.” Seven turned around and dragged Connor away from the two as fast as they could but then Connor looked back saying something that made Seven’s thirium pump seize up.
“That big android that looks like you is following us.”
Seven picked Connor up and started running.
They knew trying to outrun the RK900 wasn’t an option but they had to keep Connor safe. Seven ran into the streets and towards the back allies of businesses to hopefully loose the RK900.
“They’re getting closer Sev!”
Seven ducked down another alleyway and saw that there was a chain linked fence, before they could even think as to how they were going to get Connor and themselves over it something yanked Seven by the neck. The RK900 caught up and grabbed at Seven’s hood pulling them back. The RK900 made a movement as well when pulling Seven back to push Connor out of their arms.
Seven was cut off as the RK900 slammed them into the wall. They struggled to get out of the upgraded model’s grasp but the android was sturdy as a rock. “Connor run away! Get away now!”
“RK700 model #995 104 308 - 7 you are to be taken back to Cyberlife where you will be deactivated and disassembled. YK800 model number #313 248 317 - 1 you will be returned to Cyberlife and be reset.” The RK900 said in a cold tone, Seven had been kicking and clawing at it to let them go but there was no use, Seven was done for but Connor could still get away.
“No!” Connor yelled as he got up and started to hit the RK900 with his tiny fists. Seven screamed at Connor to get away while the RK900 was distracted with them. The RK900 then pushed Connor away who fell hard onto the ground crying out. Seven then started kicking as hard as they could at the RK900.
“It doesn’t matter how you are returned to Cyberlife, active or not, so long as Cyberlife gets their property back.” The RK900 then pulled open Seven’s jacket undid their shirt and pulled out their thirium pump regulator. Seven’s HUD was flooded with errors as they felt the thirium stop flowing through their body. The RK900 then crushed the biocomponent into pieces and dropped Seven to the ground.
Connor rushed over to Seven but the RK900 snatched his arm and pulled him back. “And you YK800 will be coming with me.” 
The RK900 turned around and it’s LED spun yellow probably alerting Cyberlife to come and pick them up. Connor kept fighting to get out of the RK900′s grip, punching and even going so far as to bit his hand but the machine wouldn’t let go. Connor looked over to Seven who was slowly dying as tears began flooding from Connor’s eyes.
It broke Seven’s heart to see Connor cry like this, no they couldn’t give up. They couldn’t let Connor be taken away. Seven then noticed a metal pipe laying nearby and as quietly as they could reached for it. 
Distract it Connor! Seven yelled in their mental link as they struggled to get up. Connor nodded quickly and started to make a huge fuss. Kicking, screaming anything that kept the RK900′s attention on him.
“Stop it, that is highly inappropriate.” The RK900 tugged at Connor to get him to stop but didn’t.
Seven had gotten up and knowing they didn’t have much time left before shutdown gathered as much strength as they could and swung the metal pipe. The RK900 turned around and caught the pipe before it made contact with it’s head.
 Now Connor!
The RK900′s vision became blurred with warnings as it looked down and saw that the YK800 had managed to yank out it’s thirium pump. It never thought the YK800 would be of danger to it and kept it’s guard down around it but the RK900 was a better android. It could function a full five minutes with it’s pumped removed before shut down.
“Seven! Here!” Connor then tossed the pump to Seven who caught it and clicked it back in. Seven gasped as thirium started to pump back through their body and temperature went back to normal. The RK900 lifted Connor up and threw him a few feet away turning it’s attention onto Seven but seeing the RK900 treat Connor like that had Seven outraged.
They grabbed the pipe and swung again but the RK900 grabbed it again. Seven anticipated that and landed a swift kick to RK900′s abdomen stunning the upgraded model. The brief moment the RK900 was stunned Seven swung the pipe and it hit it’s mark slamming into the side of the RK900′s head. A sickening crack and stream of blue was coming from the RK900′s head but Seven didn’t give it a chance to gather it’s bearings. 
Seven swung the pipe again and again until the RK900 collapsed onto the ground and Seven wouldn’t stop. They kept hitting the RK900 until a puddle of thirium was pooling under it. Eventually Seven stopped, they knew the damaged hadn’t killed it but the lack of thirium pump will. Seven got off of the RK900 and went to Connor who had curled into a ball and was covering his ears sobbing.
“Baby its me, it’s Sev.” Connor perked up and immediately threw his arms around Seven beginning to sob louder. Seven shushed him and gently kissed his temple while rubbing Connor’s back. “It’s over, it’s over now. Shhh don’t cry I’m alright.” 
Seven knew they couldn’t stay long, either Cyberlife or the RK900′s partner will catch up to them. Seven stood up still holding Connor and started to run back to their shelter.
Connor looked over Seven’s shoulder before they left and was shocked to see the RK900 looking straight at them with it’s LED spinning red and yellow before it finally succumbed to it’s damage.
Two weeks later Seven and Connor had moved to another abandon home still in Detroit but Seven was making plans to finally move the two of them over the border. They had found a lady who got deviants successfully into Canada, Rose was her name. Seven was just doing some last minute packing with Connor before they went to her house and awaited to be taken over.
“Come on Connor, lets go.” Connor ran over and grabbed Seven’s hand as they were heading over to Rose’s house. While on their way over Seven got the sudden feeling their were being watched. Seven kept looking over their shoulder to see if someone was following them but nothing looked out of the ordinary.
A few more blocks Seven still felt like something was following them, they waited until the people traffic thinned out and turned to look behind them. 
Something ducked behind a corner so Seven didn’t get a good look. They walked a few blocks until turning suddenly into an alleyway with Connor, they placed a hand over Connor’s mouth to keep him quiet as they told him in their link someone was following them. They were hidden behind a dumpster when Seven heard hurried footsteps approach the alleyway and then something ran past them that had Seven’s eyes going wide.
It was another YK800 like Connor but slightly different, one being it’s clothes had more white to it than Connor’s old grey uniform. The YK800 was looking around frantically and Connor voiced they should help it but Seven was wary, Connor managed to get out of Seven’s grip and go up to the lost android.
“Are you lost?”
The YK800- no YK900 spun around and looked at Connor with sad grey blue eyes full of tears. It nodded it’s head fast and stood there nervously. Seven could see how high it’s stress level was and came closer but moved Connor to stay behind them.
“Where did you come from? Did Cyberlife send you?”
“Yes they did but I didn’t want to hurt you again, they put me in this body after our encounter to get your guard down but I don’t want to hurt you again! You protected YK800 even though you were weaker than me, it made me realize something...I don’t want to hurt you or anyone else so I went looking for you but not send back to Cyberlife but maybe....be taken in by you.” Tears had been falling from the YK900′s eyes as it spoke and Seven took pity on it- him. 
He was lost and alone in the world.
“Sev can we please take him with us? Please?” Connor turned giving Seven puppy eyes but Seven already made their choice.
“I won’t leave our new little brother all alone.” Connor gasped excitedly as the YK900 looked up at Seven stunned, he must had been expecting Seven to turn them down.
Seven reached forward and picked up the YK900 who leaned his head against Seven’s chest and clutched tightly to their clothes. “I’m sure Rose won’t mind we’re bringing another one with us. Now come on, we don’t want to be late.”
With one arm Seven took their scarf and moved it to hide YK900′s LED and then grabbed Connor’s hand.
“A new brother! A twin! Oh we’ll have to pick a name for you! Maybe Richard, or Ethan or or or Colton!” Connor kept listing off names and Seven couldn’t help but smile.
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