mxonkxss · 7 years
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“Naked?” That explains why he’s acting the way he is. Her clothes are extremely tight and a little bit see through, but not completely. You just see the red tattoos through her skintight ass clothes. “I’m actually dressed, would you like to see me naked?” SHE’S JOKING. She wouldn’t take her clothes off for anybody.
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hxgure · 8 years
⊰☠⊱ — BB guns-- that certainly brought back memories of a certain pasty ass punk he met at the Hive way back. Haine. A name that was familiar but a long, distant memory now. Heh. A low guttural dry yet silent chuckle parted from parched lips-- followed by a slight shake of his head, smirk carved on slight chapped lips. A gesture that could easily have been mistaken as the deaf Tagged laughing at the blond boy with the BB guns-- not that it was his intention at all.
Reminiscing was at fault here-- although Nicolas did laugh out of the blue and right after he saw BB guns pointed in his direction. Probably startled the goon in the first place when he brushed past him on accident. 
Still, he figured he should clear it up. He’s been shot by a BB guns so even if the goon does decide to make him bite a bullet, he’ll live. Nothing hazardous, not a big deal.
Calloused hands would rise up-- dead fish eyes were trained on the boy with the BB guns as his hands began their dance as he signed.
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  «My bad. Wasn’t laughing at you. Just remembered something.»
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hoennize-blog · 8 years
▏▏▏ 🌸 @gunslingertadashi​
     Torchic was of lax nature and usually wouldn’t mind being held like May had taken to holding him, but the situation had him feeling more than a little anxious. He had to trust in his trainer, though. He had been with her for a very long time, and despite the sudden devolution he had to believe that May would keep him safe. But it was frustrating. He had spent too long as a Torchic being protected by her, so as soon as he was able to look after her, he did. It was frustrating to have the tables flipped again. The instinct to protect was still there, though, and this guy looked suspicious.
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                      “---oh, uhm! 'Scuse me, sir!! I think y’dropped this!!”
     May rushed up to him, holding a small was of money out toward the man. If Torchic could face palm, he surely would. Of course his trainer would go up to some angry looking guy to try and give him bills she’d found on the ground.
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Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.
12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.
1. Many may think he has his eyes missing, but 2D actually has both eyes and can see clearly! From being in multiple car accidents both his eyes got damaged and he developed eight ball hyphema. (TW; blood? where the inside of your eye gets ruptured and the lens fills up with blood, so blood in his eyes dried black making for his fully black eyes.)
2. He has two dents in his head (where the nickname 2D came from) that he has gotten from two different car accidents. In these car accidents his brain got so damaged that he can’t always think or comprehend things properly like normal and seems a lot younger then he actually is.
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3. 2D has his two front teeth missing which adds a lot to his lisp and makes it unable for him to say some words properly, he has a golden cap on one of his bottom teeth. 
4. His legs, arms, and fingers are a bit longer then normal, already with his tall height at 6′2″ it’s his legs which add mostly to his height. This can be bit of trouble to him at times, when he’s feeling unwell or just not able to properly stand he will trip on his own two feet and wobble around with his long legs sometimes crashing into things, or if he swung his arms a bit too far he always had a big possibility of knocking anything in his path over and onto the ground. His long limbs added a lot to his clumsiness.
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5. When he gets anxious it shows easily, he will tense his face and reveal his teeth with a fearful expression and tap the tips of his fingers together restlessly. He will try his best to curl up into a fetal position or just find any way to securely wrap his arms around himself in a panic matter.
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raijiyuu · 8 years
▌雷獣 ⸥ ▬▬  A gun. It was the thing that had been used to harm the princess; and frankly, he wasn’t too fond of them. For obvious reason. And yet, here he stood. A gun was the thing he had just spent the very last of his money on, along with a few bullets.
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And by some miraculous turn of events (right along with Hak actually gaining possession of the gun, without having some BS called a “license”), a guy with a deathly case of Bitchface stood beside him inside the gun shop near the register, similarly holding one of the weapons of his own. It was a guy he’d seen around before, no less. And whilst Hak normally would’ve seen this as a coincidence, and left the man be, the bodyguard could definitely perceive a certain look in this guy’s eyes. And it was a look akin to a feeling that the Thunder Beast felt currently.
❝Hey, you over there. I need you to teach me how to fire a gun really fast.❞
Straight to the point, as always.
@gunslingertadashi liked for a starter
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blowyourhousedown · 8 years
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Bigby might be experienced in navigating the crowded streets of New York City, but even he is bound to run into someone eventually.
When it happens, he steps aside, hands half-raised, too used to the possibility of someone flying off the handle in a spectacular and near-lethal fashion.
“Sorry about that. Crowded around here.”
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murasameryou-blog · 8 years
The sight of the boy would make her cry.
Boy, perhaps, was not the right word to describe him. His body language did not betray youth. It betrayed something far more familiar. Ryou noted the younger man to be much like himself in how he presented. The cold behind those eyes would freeze most people. Ryou knew that gaze. The moments he, himself, dropped his own frigid demeanor were few.
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How sad it seemed to see one younger than himself feeling just the same. Ryou knew he stared at the younger. He made no attempt to hide or divert his gaze. He leaned against the building, arms crossed, almost waiting to be approached.
@gunslingertadashi [starter call]
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soporificisms-blog · 8 years
‘This isn’t necessary.’ Is what he should say. Is what would be the right thing to say. But he felt so much warmer now, the clothing leeching the cold right out of his skin. He covered his mouth and yawned, sleep ready to knock him out.
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“Thank you... promise... to wash... it lat...er...zzzz.... zzz..”
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✘ Any unpopular opinions about your muse?
mun interpretation | accepting
iruka’s fandom is kind of interesting in that there’s people who play him a little tougher and more confident (at least on the surface) like i do and there’s people who also play him as this shy awkward mess, but both seem to be equally accepted. so not really, i guess? 
there’s a lot of debate around whether iruka’s a strong or weak fighter and i could go on for h o u r s about this don’t let me. but a lot of people in the naruto fandom who aren’t necessarily iruka fans think he’s weak and useless which my iruka doesn’t match up with. i’m not active in fandom at all but whenever i see things like that i quietly go fight me to myself 
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mothermagician-blog · 8 years
“what’s the matter?”
“Ah..” Thalassa’s head is in her hands, heels of her palms pressed into her closed eyes. “Tadashi.”
She sits up, hands falling to rest on the other arm’s forearm, and she tries to smile - but she’s carrying obvious tension in her face and it’s clear she’s still in pain.
“No, nothing’s the matter. Please, don’t worry - thank you for your concern.. I just had a slight headache.”
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