#grumpy dark haired guy roving popular anime dudeslash presence on twt & here.
intertexts-moving · 1 year
HI ROS my dumbass didn’t know this account was you ToT i was actually wondering something! i used to love trigun as a kid (yes i know very age appropriate), would you recommend the new show as a way to get back into the series?? i’ve been wanting to rewatch the original for a while but the new one looks really good, i’m just not sure if it’s a sequel or adaptation or what? i miss vash so much he’s my favoritest dude i just need to see him again!! :((((( anyways hope you’re well!!
HIII SULLYYYYY!! hksdfkdkffgg naurrr i JUST. just today. edited my pinned to get rid of the part where i was like "i REMADE its ROS B0R0WSKI HI HI HI. its ME." 😭it ok. anyway. ok. ok. hi :]]]]]
ok back on topic. trigun stampede!!!!!!!!!!! hm. yes. yes i think its a good way to get back into the series yeah! it's insanely well animated & looks gorgeous, wonderful score imo, interesting and sparkling reboot, already confirmed for s2, etc etc. counterpoint: it's more of just like... shonen of the year type show than the original. like. truly it does steamroll over the "show don't tell" and "extremely slow escalation from slapstick comedy to horrifying cosmic philosophical tragedy" and "focus on specific interactions & people & moments on gunsmoke" parts of the original & replaces them w/ a more generic feeling type of action. like, u get the plant rem vash etc. reveal in the first five minutes of the first episode. nevertheless, i think it succeeds very well at what it was trying to do & visually it's stunning, the vaguely altered reboot premise is compelling, there's some utterly breathtaking cinematic shots that do make me feel shrimp emotions, & it's still a rlly fun show! etc. :}
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