#grimgrinnrs: lucifer
king-of-wrath · 4 months
(( Continued from here ))) @grimgrinnrs
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infernal-general · 4 months
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“Your Majesty, I...”
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Thank you for allowing the possibility of courting your husband ?
“I don't believe I can conjure an appropriate answer.”
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infernal-feminae · 3 months
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Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
@grimgrinnrs said: △ "...Do you miss me?" Lucifer @ Sera
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There is a long moment of silence and Sera simply staring at Lucifer. Her carefully constructed facade begins to break with each passing second. Until it just shatters completely.
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@grimgrinnrs; Lucifer vc: Make me~!
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deathinfeathers · 4 months
@grimgrinnrs said: Lucifer has arrived to fondle the butt as he's passing by and then blow a kiss while he passes. To fuck with her. Big time.
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There is no way that that actually just happened.
Who the fuck does he think he is???
"You turn your ass RIGHT back around, Morningstar!"
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themissilesilo · 5 months
@grimgrinnrs said: Lucifer vc: Shut the fuck up, imp.
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"Aw, wouldja look at that. His majesty finds the time to slink away from the pleasure palace to scold his subjects. How fuckin' generous."
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 5 months
@grimgrinnrs said: Lucifer vc: Don't.
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Whichever of the two courses of action you're arguing against, he is unfortunately too much like you to listen.
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waywardsculs · 3 months
@grimgrinnrs : Lucifer vc: Say less!
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" W - Wait a second -- " She genuinely wasn't expecting Lucifer to jump on this so quickly.
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saucysheba · 2 months
Fan Fic plotting for @grimgrinnrs/ Burning only pls
Fan Fic
Rough Outline
Chapter 1: Shortly after the battle is won and the Hotel is fixed, Alastor finds his way to Mimzy's jazz bar. Drinking turns to a search for comfort and ends up breaking a deal between Heaven and Hell.
Chapter 2: Fast forward a few weeks, Mimzy has a hunch something is wrong with her. She arranges, and breaks her bank, to get her hands on something from the surface. She is ecstatic with the results. Alastor? Not so much.
Chapter 3: As an extra measure, Alastor extends his weakening powers to confirm Mimzy's news by visiting the surface. While there a hunch is confirmed and mortals sell their souls.
Chapter 4: With confirmation that Mimzy is pregnant, a lot of changes are in store for the flapper. Namely a change of scenery. Oh and her entire lifestyle. Charlie, Vaggie nor the rest of the Hotel are prepared for whats in store.
Chapter 5: Morning sickness coupled with her battled withdrawal symptoms is not a fun time for Mimzy, nor anyone else involved. She's tired all the time, sick, emotional and angry all the time. Doesn't help that a conversation with Alastor leaves her feeling he views their coupling as a mistake, leading her to conclude he views her pregnancy as a mistake too.
Chapter 6: Meetings between Heaven and Hell resumes. Negotiations about Extermination and Redemption are back on the table. Lute is holding a grudge. Emily is keeping a secret. And poor Sera is stuck in the middle of it all.
Chapter 7: While the Hotel has won a temporary truce, Lucifer does move in full-time to provide additional protection. While there, he learns of Mimzy's predicament what all it means for the future of Hell.
Chapter 8: Lucifer is determined to protect Charlie and her dream, therefore the King of Lies cooks up a plan to get the flapper evicted.
Chapter 9: After being betrayed and her 'rehab' stay revoked, Mimzy doesn't know where to turn to...
Chapter 10: Cannibal Town ought to be the last place for an expectant mother to live at, but Rosie and Bonnie and warm and sincere in their offer of help. In exchange for room and board, Mimzy helps Bonnie with her brood of kids.
Chapter 11:An uneasy alliance forms between Lucifer and Alastor. Mimzy gets a visit from the Radio Demon, but it quickly turns sideways.
Chapter 11. 5: After fully breaking ties with Alastor, Mimzy attempts to adapt to her new life in Cannibal Town. In addition to Helping Bonnie, and learning about child rearing in return; she also takes on work at Rosie's shop. However her nightclub is still anchoring her to Pentagram City and must be dealt with.
Chapter 12: As the year draws to a close, Lute is planning a full scale blitz attack against the Hotel, Carmine's weapons facility and Cannibal Town. Meanwhile, Charlie is having doubts about Mimzy's eviction.
Chapter 13: Charlie's search yields no results, so the Princess of Hell ropes others into helping her look. In turn, she finds more than the bargained for.
Chapter 14: Confrontation between father and daughter comes to a head. Now that she knows Mimzy was framed, she visits Cannibal Town, dragging both her dad and Alastor with her.
Chapter 15: Although Mimzy accepted Charlie's apology, she refuses to listen either to the King or Alastor and doesn't want to return to the Hotel since she was so easily tossed out on suspicion.
Chapter 15.5” Charlie and Vaggie have a serious discussion concerning Lucifer and Alastor. Both played a part in derailing one person's attempt at Redemption. Who's to say one or both won't interfere again?
Chapter 16: A contract holder decides to pay a deer a visit. Lilith makes an appearance and starts her comeback tour.
Chapter 17: With Rosie's help and selling off her bar, Mimzy has paid off her debts and has a small home for herself and the baby, once it arrives. However, she soon finds herself plagued by playful shadows.
Chapter 18: Reunions lead to more questions and rising conflicts as Charlie feels her dream is being attacked on all sides.
Chapter 19: Camilla Carmine and daughters unearth a spy and a meeting is called. Bring on the Vees!
Chapter 20: Mimzy calls Alastor, asking for a name.
Chapter 20.5: Family Dynamics
Chapter 21: Just as Charlie feels her dream is a lost cause, Emily breaks ranks to confess.
Chapter 22: Lute, also, breaks rank and starts the first leg of her attack.
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stormcried · 4 months
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"If yur aboutta kill me, jus' make it quick or somethin', othahwise stop staring loike a creep." Drake rolled his eyes lightly at what he HADN'T realized were Lucifer Morningstar, the literal king of all Hell in the flesh. Drake would lean his head back where his pile of clothing had been haphazardly set next to the lava pool he's soaking in. Drake had exerted a LOT of energy this last week and a half, and he couldn't move during that time. So; with luck he had help getting him to the lava pool earlier which mean he couldn't leave yet. "I'm a Lava demon if yur wonderin'." More like a wrath sinner who got caught up in pride with no way out. He'll go back to Wrath one day, but for now until he's got the cash, no dice.
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king-of-wrath · 3 months
I can't help but notice how I came up with a Satan/Sera crack ship around the same time @grimgrinnr and @infernal-feminae apparently decided to make their Lucifer and Sera exes
It's a sign of something, but I'm not an expert in astrology and stuff
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infernal-general · 3 months
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"Who the fuck you think you are?!" came the outraged yelling after the legion commander could barely dodge the dagger thrown by the seething demon
“The one who can singlehandedly slaughter your whole fucking mercenary horde, you limp dicked bastard!” Rozália snarled viciously, fangs bared, scales creeping onto her face as well with a vivid glow in her fury.
The demon lord Sorgath from Greed had the advantage of height, 10 feet to her 8'5, but that hardly mattered when she already knew his next move before he figured it out himself. Her back harshly met with the table, the strong wood creaking in protest from the amount of force and weight.
Calculative serpent eyes stayed calm despite the demon now on top of her, his long fingers bruisingly wrapped around her neck. Her retaliation punch carried enough force to create momentary distance between their bodies for her legs to snake around his neck in a secure triangle chokehold. Only after fully securing the upper hand she allowed herself to grin, too wide with too sharp teeth, the crimson of her iris steadily bleeding into the sclera.
Rozália wrenched the hand still clawing at her neck away and bent the index finger fully backwards till she felt the tendons tearing. The response was a sweet howl of agony mixed surprise, Sorgath struggling even harder to get her hold loosen, spikes from his body pierced through her iron thighs, yet his screams increased in volume as liquid hellfire flowed onto him from the punctures.
Dark laughter mingled into the symphony of agony, the being hardly resembling to a woman by now.
“Too bad you missed the femoral artery.”
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Was the only ‘warning’ before an another finger was mangled, his scramble at her unbreakable hold growing even more frantic.
"You are mad! You insane bitch!" The commander wheezed out in panic, making her pause for a moment.
“That would be the first correct statement ever leaving your mouth.” she nodded in validation, weaving her legs even tighter to make sure it will be the last as well
The rest of the room was only watching in silent horror until now, Rozália too busy wrestling an another finger into position to notice.
"M-my Lord!" Sorgath tried as last hope "L-ucifer-!!!" the last syllable turning into an another pain filled yell as Rozália accidentally broke the finger at the realization that the King was actually...present during the...what supposed to be a meeting.
“Your Majesty, I can explain.” she stated, still while half underneath the other legion commander with her blood still searing him “Lord Sorgath wanted to send a mercenary group famous for violating everything that moves into a sector of civilians. Then insulted my mother and my female soldiers in such ways I would rather not repeat.”
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infernal-feminae · 4 months
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@grimgrinnrs said: ❛ what now? ❜ Lucifer @ Gloria
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"Sorry to bother you, SIR." Gloria bit out, irritation lacing her tone from the King of Hell's dismissive attitude. Well, excuse her for doing her Satan-damned job! "But you have several pending requests that I really think you should take a look at. A few of them happen to be from your fellow SINS. I don't think any of them will accept another 'he's out right now but will get back to you shortly.'"
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@grimgrinnrs; Lucifer: And suddenly I support this. You go girl!
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Finger guns.
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deathinfeathers · 4 months
@grimgrinnrs said: Lucifer vc: I've also proven how good I am too.
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"How good you are? In what sense?"
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exorcisticlute · 4 months
Closed starter with @grimgrinnrs
“You did what!?” Adam yelled loudly looking down at lute with such disgusted face. “You’re an angel why would you fucking think to go down to fucking hell and fuck those sinners” his voice grew louder. He knew what this meant, he had to loose his best angel. Lute just stood there and took it all from him. Her eyes not meeting up with his.
“You know what if that’s what you want then you’re no longer an exterminator. Consider yourself a fallen angel along side Lucifer” he waved his hand in dismissive shooing her away. She had turned around and looked back one more time as she formed her hand into fists and flew down to hell to find Lucifer.
“All I wanted to do was have fun and this is the shit I get!” She gritted between her teeth as she made it in front of his grand castle as she knocked on the big doors and waited.
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