#greetings my luv thank u for sending this uwu
sacredpit · 8 months
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↳               “   Get  out  of my  way .   ” From Jotaro !
     sender :   @vialaviolenza​     /     source :   prompted     /     status :   open .
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         slender hands loosen around the flimsy paper of the map in their grasp ——— thin as gossamer, a whisper of a crinkle sighing through the air as the neat folds go limp without enough force to keep them erect . then , sharp violets flit from the color - coded diagram of the world around them , shifting focus from the golden star declaring ' you are here !! ' , to catch the sour image of jotaro in their increasingly narrow gaze . the issue of diminishing the unfortunate obscurity of the location mr. joestar had so hastily designated for their debriefing session evaporates in the intensifying heat of kakyoin's irritation ; admittedly , were he dealing with polnareff , he would have snapped in the vein of a popsicle stick in the hands of an overactive child . but he manages to maintain his composure for now , enough to cognize the underlying implications of jotaro's acid tongue .
he usually doesn't talk to me like that . concerning what he knows of him , jotaro had never been anything of a friendly or approachable person ——— sometimes ( oftentimes , even ) , he's unambiguously callous and rude , which should make him unlikeable & a thorn in kakyoin's side , considering he never handled the presence of people who exhibited similar behaviors with any extent of patience . however , the truth is that he's never met anyone quite like kujo jotaro ; though he's certainly encountered his fair share of mannerless bastards & faux - edgy scumfucks deep in the abyss of teen angst , kakyoin cannot rightfully view them in the same light as his friend . for all his flaws , jotaro has a pure heart ( i saw it that day he saved me , i haven't lost sight of it since ) , and though it doesn't excuse his crass tendencies , it allows kakyoin to be more understanding of them , to see through them as if he peers through the polished lens of a microscope bearing the true content of jotaro's core .
some people may feel so inclined to call that bias . given that he hadn't a single friend ( one that wasn't an extension of his own conscience , at least ) before they met , kakyoin really wouldn't concern himself with anyone else's single - sided opinion .
all of this considered , kakyoin knows the difference between standard jotaro shit - talking and something is actually wrong with him . the premier member of their coterie that tends to receive the worst of jotaro's discourtesy is his own grandfather , with whom they are currently attempting to reconnect , & at times polnareff , whose pea - sized brain could render even a saint ready to wrap their hands around his neck . figuratively or otherwise .
" oh , " kakyoin starts , mouth slanting with indignance while his arms cross over his chest , crumpling the map against his immaculately buttoned gakuran , " i see . you're so graciously telling me to move instead of just shoving me out of the way , right ?? you must be in a good mood . "
even if he can be understanding of jotaro's disposition , that doesn't equate with a willingness to put up with it .
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" sorry , jojo , but i don't honor any requests made by someone who's not talking to me like a normal person , " he says , hip protruding at the perfect angle for a hand to perch upon it . " so i'll be staying right here . but if you're so eager to storm off & get lost in the middle of a foreign country , you're welcome to go ahead of me . i wish you an ounce of luck . "
a huff billows past his nares like smoke . he doesn't like this . & he knows jotaro isn't dumb enough to go off on his own when all they have for god knows how many kilometers is each other . despite himself , the pearl - handled knives of kakyoin's eyes soften into something less severe , just subtly enough to perhaps be a trick of the desert sun . " or you could stay here and tell me what's bothering you so i can try to help . it's your call , jotaro . "
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cherryhanji · 4 years
when you love someone
drabble. day6 young k x reader
this is for the district nine writers' guild writers' room week#12! (confessions + featuring other group members)
genre: pure fluff, college au, best friend to lovers au, female reader
words: 2.4k
warning(s): foul language. (but not too much tho)
alexa's note:
my love for young k and the song when you love someone is overflowing i need to make this drabble. (It's rlly a good thing the guild made this idea for writer's room) If you haven't listen to this song or the band itself, pls give it a try! All their songs are great and relatable uwu
"You busy again?" you tried to peek at what your friend's writing in his notebook where he writes most of his own lyrics, one that you're dying to read since last week.
"Yeah, I need to finish this soon, so go away." You pouted and glared at Younghyun while he turn his attention back to his notebook.
"Seriously, Younghyun, I know that it isn't even for a certain subject. Why you won't let me see it?" You whined and the pout never left your lips, hoping that Younghyun will give up and let you see what he's writing.
"Yeah I know, but-- Y-you don't need to read it" realizing that he really won't let you take a peek at what he's writing, you just let him much to your chagrin. After all, you never won against him.
"Right, I guess that one's really important, and confidential I think?" You said and grabbed your bag, fishing for your books instead to make yourself busy since your vacant time just started and you're not hungry (yet). But when you heard Younghyun called you after closing his notebook and fixed his bag, your stomach started to grumble.
"Let's eat? My treat." You can't help but to smile and nodded at him, fixing your bag. Of course, who wouldn't say no to food? Take note, you won't spend a dime.
You met Dowoon after you eat from the nearby diner. Telling each others' greetings. Dowoon was an Economics major, and he's part of Younghyun's self made band together with Sungjin, Jae and Wonpil.
"Hyung, is it done?" Dowoon asked Younghyun, while you just listened to them, not having any idea with their topic.
"Uh, oh y-yeah. Tomorrow?" Their ambiguity makes you so curious, but you were shy to ask since you were really not that close to Dowoon, so you excused yourself and waited for them to finish, grabbing your phone from your pocket to check the time.
You were a bit shock, well not really because of the time, it is because your birthday is almost next week, but truthfully speaking, it didn't excite you. You're used to being at home or just do normal things on your birthday. Your parents keep on telling you to celebrate but you just tell them you're too lazy to do so. In the end, they don't have any choice but to just visit or send you a birthday cake and greet you. You were fine with that, after all you were not a party person and you know how busy they are.
On the other hand, Younghyun just barges in to your apartment with pizzas, chicken and soda with him. A dinner with unhealthy foods and movie marathon is the best birthday celebrations for you, and also you get to spend your special day with him.
"Sorry, I can't walk you home. I have something to do. I'll make it up to you, hm? Really." You nod in response, while Younghyun patted your head. This is the fourth, since last week. You understand that he's busy these past few days, but you can't help but to get a bit peeved. You know you don't have the rights to because you are just his best friend for God's sake, he can do what he damn well please.
"Oh, o-okay. I'll wait for it. And- and don't worry, just take your time. You don't have to be sorry, though. See you then?" He just nod and bid your goodbyes before separating ways.
After taking a shower, you plopped yourself down on your bed, planning to scroll on your phone until sleepiness find its way to you. You don't have classes tomorrow, much better for a birthday rest.
You received a message from your mom, tapping the message icon to check it.
from: Mom
What are your plans tomorrow dear? Your turning 21 now.
to: Mom
what else mom? Of course laze around the whole day tomorrow. That's the best gift I'll ever receive from myself after the hell week mom.
from: Mom
Okay then. What else we can do? We know how hardheaded you are.
to: Mom
i luv u mum.
from: Mom
don't wait for me to throw a kiddie party just for you.
to: Mom
not funny mommy
from: Mom
whatever you say girl. just take your rest or do whatever you want. We'll just send a cake bcs we're gone tomorrow, for work. Love you hun. And we missed you. Happy birthday!
to: Mom
thank you mom, i miss and love u too!
After a conversation with your mom, you opened your Instagram just to see posts from everyone. Your hands never stop its duty to scroll.
After a long ass scroll, it stopped on a video posted by Wonpil. A video of Younghyun playing his guitar. You smiled while your eyes were shooting hearts as you watch him play his guitar and humming in to the music. He's so ethereal. No wonder why every girls from your major envied you. You're one hell of a lucky girl, being best friends with someone like Younghyun, the sweet, talented Younghyun. And that is the problem. Being best friends. You never want to be just best friends with him. You like him for so long. But can you blame yourself for thinking that he might not feel the same way? And you can't stomach yourself being rejected. You hate rejections, how immature of you. But isn't it too much if you'll get rejected again? You got rejected so many times already when you confessed. Maybe it's enough. No confessions, no rejections. No harsh feelings, I guess.
You were not expecting. You really aren't. But Younghyun should be here at this time now, right? You groaned in exasperation. You really hate yourself with passion. It isn't his duty to go here and bring foods for you, stupid. You keep on convincing yourself that he is busy. But greeting you a Happy Birthday won't eat all of his time, right?
Woah, you are indeed a hopeless case now.
It's almost 7 in the evening, and you were just lazily sitting on your couch, your eyes glued on the television, but you weren't focused on what you were watching. You don't even have an idea on what's the title of the movie. You jumped when you heard your phone ring, your mind automatically registering Younghyun's name. You smiled like an idiot as you tapped the icon open. But your smile disappeared as soon as you read the message.
from: Younghyun
Where are you?
Not even a happy birthday? Wow, what an amazing friend.
to: Younghyun
apartment. why?
from: Younghyun
Can you come over? I'll send you the address.
You don't even get the chance to ask him why when you received the address. It seems so urgent, but what does it have to do with you? You checked the address and it isn't somewhere near his apartment. You just shrugged and decided to change your clothes to a decent shirt and pants, with your shabby pair of sneakers. You really need to buy new ones now.
You hailed for a cab and gave the driver the address. A half an hour of travel and you finally arrived at the place. At first, you hesitated because the driver stopped at a fine looking diner, where your attire seems off from everyone who walks inside. But the driver says that the location was right. So you apologized and gave your payment, thanking the driver before hopping out of the car. Why will Younghyun gave you this address? You grabbed your phone from your pouch and typed a message for him.
to: Younghyun
Why did you gave me this address?
You tapped your feet against the floor while waiting for him to reply. You immediately opened the message as soon as you felt the buzz.
from: Younghyun
go inside. and by the entrance, you'll see a hallway leading to the garden. go there.
to: Younghyun
Seriously Younghyun?? I'll go inside looking like a shit? bet they won't let me in!
from: Younghyun
Just go inside. They don't really give a damn.
You just groaned and put your phone inside. You faced the mirror from the diner and fixed your hair and everything to make yourself at least presentable. You just wish that they won't look at your shoes. Your oh so good looking shoes. God damn it.
"Good evening Ma'am. Welcome to Haven Diner. A seat for two, Ma'am?" A sheepish smiled crept up on your face as the lady attendant asked you.
"Uhm... Actually I have a friend here. And he said that I need to go to that hallway heading to the garden." The lady gasped and nodded enthusiastically.
"Oh, yes, yes. Please take that way, Ma'am. It'll lead you to the diner's garden." You mouthed thanks to her before heading to the said hallway. You don't know why you feel iffy about this situation. But you decided to brush it off since you don't want to have false hopes. Maybe his band have a gig and unfortunately he called you for some errands.
And you weren't wrong. The instruments are there. But what's confusing is no other people from the five boys. You turn your head to Younghyun, together with his bandmates.
Younghyun smiled at you, and he seems so edgy.
"Just, just stay there and watch. Okay?" You just nodded slowly, the situation is still not sinking in to you. Dowoon started by beating the drums, before Jae started to sing.
It was a really hard day today
My heart aches for you
The only thing I can do for you
Is to be next to you, I’m sorry
While Jae was singing, your eyes never left Younghyun. He looks so nervous a while ago, but it seems like it all went away when he started playing his guitar. You feel like he took your breath away especially when he started singing.
You’re so pretty when you smile
So every time you lose that smile
Even if I have to give my all
I want to give it back to you
It's like he's talking to you, his eyes were sparkling as he sings, your heart never stay calmed when he looks directly at you.
I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don’t want any scars in your heart
Ever again
When you love someone
So much that it overflows
It’s so amazing
Because this is how it is
Younghyun sang once again, and this time, he is smiling, and your lips instantly form into a smile, too.
This is a song for you
I'm singing for you
I'll give you my everything
You clapped after their song ended, your face will almost rip at how wide your smile was. And the beatings of your heart is still not in normal state. Can you? After Younghyun sang for you? It's not that you never saw him sing with his band, but this one feels utterly different from all his gigs that you attended. It's like this one is especially for you. For you only.
"What was that for?" You can't think of anything to say when Younghyun went near you, so you asked the first thing that came to your mind. Your heart skipped a beat when he hold your hand. His hand was so cold, telling how nervous he is.
"happy birthday, Y/N. and--" he stopped mid-sentence when you hugged him.
"You're so annoying! You- you don't have to do that, you know. But really, thank you. That was so beautiful. I really liked it." You said, and squeezed him more you can already feel how his heart beat so fast.
"I-I'm glad you liked it. But I still have something to tell you." You hummed and pull away from the hug, he sighed as you cock your head, encouraging him to continue.
"I... I like you Y/N." Your eyes flutter as you register what he said. It feels like you're in a dream. This feels so surreal.
"A-are you serious?" You know how much he hates lying. But you just can't believe that this thing was happening. You don't think you deserve any of this.
"Yeah. I won't lie about it Y/N. You know how I hate lying to people. And I don't want to hurt you. I just want to see you smile. I just want to see you happy. Just like the message of the song. The song's for you. That's my gift." You pouted as you try to stop your tears from falling , but it is to no help because it automatically fell. You can hear the sincerity in his voice. Telling that he isn't really joking around. Younghyun just smiled and hugged you once again, rocking your body side by side.
"I hate you" you mumbled while smacking his arms lightly making him chuckle.
"Why tho?"
"Because I like you too, you silly." You told him making him gasp in shock.
"Did you just confessed to me?" He said making you frown. Now he's joking around.
"You confessed first." You remarked and rolled your eyes. Wiping the tear stains away from your face.
"So what are we now?" You asked even if you already know the answer. You just want him to hear from him.
"We're dating. I can see you want to hear it from me." He said and pinched your cheeks. But the grumble from your stomach made Younghyun bursts into laughter. That's surely a mood killer.
"Come on, you need to eat. The celebrant needs to eat." Younghyun said and grabbed your hand, pulling you to sit on the chair. Your eyes wander around to see if the boys are still there.
"But where are the others? I thought they're going to join us?" You said as you wait for the waiter to come.
"They're already stuffing their mouths with tons of food. Don't mind them. This is our time, okay?" He said and winked making your heart jump out.
"Whatever you say, Kang Younghyun."
this got me like iiiichk omg i hoped you like it! i really enjoyed writing this one🖤
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