stultiiudexmortem · 11 years
Minato/Chie because now I'm curious.
i don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship | OTP
//It's one of my many OTPs with Minato honestly, not sure what caused it. Maybe Chie's attitude. But I'd just love to see how they'd be together.
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Enamor Me [@greendragonschariot. I just super want to play this out yep!]
She had been trying to deal with these emotions for far too long. Ever since Chie had spoke such wonderful things about her in the TV World, she hadn't been able to stop thinking about her 'best friend.'
It was almost a disgrace to allow herself to call Chie that; in fact, she felt more than a little guilty that she had asked Chie over. Their friendship had always been loving, solid, and absolutely perfect.
But Yukiko was about to ruin all of that in one, and the hammering in her chest indicated her fear to herself; but regardless, if she were to truly be free, so would her emotions.
And no-one had ever cared for her as much as Chie Satonaka.
In a magazine, Yukiko had read trying to 'woo' a person was the best way to go about getting them to see you as a potential partner, or date. Therefore, Yukiko had (with a little help) prepared a few perfect steaks  for the shorter girl, and set them out in her room (admittedly for the privacy), alongside a selection of different soft drinks her 'best friend' could choose from.
And now, with Chie sitting before her, Yukiko switched to working on her words.
"I like what you've done with your hair today, Chie. You look beautiful!" 
If anyone were to say Yukiko was great with any form of romantic wording, they were probably deaf. The girl was just straight out with it.
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adachiininaba · 11 years
greendragonschariot started following you
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Satonaka, mh? Long time no seen... 
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homukami · 11 years
gimmeanapple replied to your post: Your daughter is being sexual psst.
greendragonschariot replied to your post: Your daughter is being sexual psst.
Psst anon you usually put psst at the beginning just saying. No use trying to get their attention AFTER you say it.
red-puella-magi liked your post: Your daughter is being sexual psst.
[I have gathered you all together, today, to discuss the possibility of Harley possibly tagging posts of a sexual nature with something that daddy and I might blacklist, so as not to be scarred for the rest of our lives. All in favour raise your hands?]
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