#green star certification consulting services
green-ea · 6 days
The Crucial Role of Building Services Design Engineers in Achieving Green Star Certification
In the evolving landscape of sustainable construction, the expertise of building services design engineers has become increasingly indispensable. As the construction industry shifts toward more sustainable practices, these engineers play a vital role in the design and execution of building systems that meet rigorous environmental standards. This is particularly evident in the process of achieving Green Star certification, where their skills are crucial in ensuring that buildings are both efficient and environmentally responsible.
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What Is Green Star Certification?
Green Star is a comprehensive, national voluntary environmental rating system developed by the Green Building Council. It evaluates the environmental design and construction of buildings and communities. Projects aiming for Green, Star certification must meet stringent criteria in various categories such as energy and water efficiency, indoor environment quality, and materials used. The certification aims to promote sustainability across the construction industry, reducing environmental impacts and enhancing occupant well-being.
The Essential Role of Building Services Design Engineers
Building services design engineers focus on the systems that make buildings work. They are responsible for the design, implementation, and optimization of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems in buildings. Here's how they contribute to achieving Green Star certification:
Energy Efficiency: These engineers are pivotal in designing systems that reduce overall energy consumption. By incorporating advanced technologies such as energy-efficient HVAC systems, smart lighting, and other automated systems, they help buildings minimize their energy footprint which is a critical aspect of Green Star ratings.
Water Management: Water efficiency is another critical component of sustainable building design. Building services design engineers develop sophisticated water collection, recycling, and usage systems that help buildings reduce water waste and manage water resources more effectively.
Sustainable Material Usage: While primarily focused on MEP systems, these engineers also collaborate with architects and other professionals to select materials that are sustainable and have a reduced environmental impact. This holistic approach to materials helps in meeting the Green Star standards that focus on resource conservation.
Indoor Environmental Quality: The comfort, health, and productivity of building occupants are directly impacted by the quality of the indoor environment. Building services design experts play a key role in ensuring that the indoor environment meets the standards required for Green Star certification. This includes optimizing natural light, ensuring adequate ventilation, and maintaining comfortable humidity and temperature levels.
Case Studies and Success Stories
Several high-profile buildings have achieved Green Star certification thanks to the innovative solutions provided by building services design engineers. For instance, office buildings that incorporate state-of-the-art energy management systems and green roofs designed by these engineers not only meet Green Star standards but also serve as benchmarks for sustainable design in urban settings.
The Future of Green Star Certification
As the demand for sustainable buildings grows, building services design engineers will continue to be at the forefront of innovation in sustainable construction. Their expertise will be crucial not only in designing buildings that meet current standards but also in pushing the envelope on what is possible in sustainable design.
The role of building services, design engineers in achieving Green Star certification cannot be overstated. Through their expertise in MEP systems and their commitment to sustainable design principles, these professionals are key players in transforming the built environment. By prioritizing sustainability, they help create buildings that are not only energy-efficient and environmentally friendly but also healthier and more productive spaces for occupants. Their work ensures that the buildings of today meet the sustainability standards of tomorrow.
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Sustainable Spaces: Case Studies of Green Buildings around the World
In the realm of architecture and urban planning, the concept of green buildings is no longer just a trend but a necessary shift towards sustainable development. As environmental concerns mount alongside rapid urbanization, the importance of integrating eco-friendly designs and technologies into new and existing structures has become paramount. In this blog, we explore several exemplary case studies of green buildings around the world, showcasing the innovative approaches and the role of specialized green building consultancies like Agile Advisors.
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The Edge, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Often cited as one of the greenest office buildings in the world, The Edge in Amsterdam exemplifies how technology and sustainability can coexist. The building boasts a BREEAM score of 98.4%, the highest ever awarded at its completion. Key features include a vast array of solar panels, Ethernet-powered LED lighting, and a sophisticated Building Management System (BMS) that maximizes energy efficiency and comfort based on occupancy data. The project's success underscores the importance of expert consultation in green building strategies, akin to the services provided by firms like Agile Advisors.
Pixel Building, Melbourne, Australia
The Pixel Building in Melbourne is another beacon of green construction, notable for achieving a perfect score under the Green Star rating system. This small office building incorporates features such as a green roof, photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, and a façade designed to maximize natural light while reducing heat gain. The building also treats all grey and black water on-site to reduce water usage. These initiatives reflect the kind of comprehensive green building consultancy services offered by companies like Agile Advisors, ensuring all aspects of sustainability are addressed.
The Change Initiative, Dubai, UAE
Located in Dubai, The Change Initiative is an impressive example of sustainable retail space. It was once recognized as the most sustainable building in the world, according to LEED certification, scoring 107 out of a possible 110 points. The building’s sustainability features include energy-efficient lighting, high-performance insulation, and solar thermal panels. The presence of Green Building Consultancy in Dubai, such as those provided by Agile Advisors, is crucial to achieving such high standards of sustainability.
Bullitt Center, Seattle, USA
Dubbed "the greenest commercial building in the world," the Bullitt Center in Seattle operates entirely off the grid. It is designed to have a 250-year lifespan, featuring a rainwater-to-potable-water system, composting toilets, and a solar array that exceeds the building's energy needs. This project highlights the critical role that green building consultants play in pushing the boundaries of what's possible in sustainable architecture.
National Bank of Kuwait Headquarters, Kuwait City, Kuwait
The National Bank of Kuwait’s new headquarters is designed to withstand the harsh, desert climate of Kuwait while minimizing energy consumption. Its design includes a double skin façade to reduce cooling needs and a high-performance exterior to manage solar gain. Green Building Consultants, particularly those familiar with regional challenges like Agile Advisors in the UAE, are instrumental in tailoring sustainable practices to local conditions.
These case studies demonstrate the global imperative and practicality of green building practices. The role of specialized consultancies like Agile Advisors is critical in this transition. As a Green Building Consultant in UAE, and more specifically in Dubai, Agile Advisors offers expertise that spans across different climates and building types, ensuring sustainability goals are not only envisioned but achieved. For regions facing significant environmental challenges, these consultancies provide not just design and construction guidance but also a pathway to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.
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dbunicorn · 2 months
I asked copilot about Virginia's economics prosperity for fun....
Certainly! Let’s create an energy profile for Virginia, focusing on green energy and job optimization. Here are some key points:
Strategic Plan for Economic Development:
The Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) has a comprehensive five-year strategic plan (FY19-FY23) that outlines ambitious economic goals for the Commonwealth1.
Key transformational goals include:
Robust state growth: Position Virginia to achieve growth rates comparable to the top 5-10 states in the U.S.
Every region wins: Ensure positive employment and income growth in all regions.
Best state for business: Restore Virginia’s leadership position in national business climate rankings.
Top state EDO: Re-establish VEDP as a premier state economic development organization.
Super-collaborator: Prioritize collaboration and coordination in VEDP’s efforts1.
Debt Management:
Virginia must carefully manage its debt to maintain fiscal stability.
The looming uncertainty around the federal debt limit can impact the state economy, so prudent debt management is crucial2.
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs):
Leverage PPPs to strengthen critical infrastructure, such as digital infrastructure (broadband).
By partnering with private entities, Virginia can enhance connectivity, promote economic growth, and bridge the digital divide13.
Focus on Rural Regions and Small Metros:
Prioritize growth initiatives in rural areas and smaller cities.
Encourage investment, job creation, and sustainable development in these regions1.
Enhance VEDP’s Capabilities:
Invest in VEDP’s capacity to drive economic development.
Strengthen expertise, collaboration, and coordination to achieve the transformational goals1.
Remember, this plan requires ongoing collaboration, adaptability, and alignment with the unique needs of Virginia’s diverse communities. 🌟🌐🌱
Clean Energy Jobs in Virginia:
Virginia ranks in the top ten nationwide for clean energy hiring1.
Clean energy jobs have a positive impact on both the environment and the economy. They contribute to economic development in small cities and rural communities1.
Renewable Energy Jobs:
Virginia offers various opportunities in the renewable energy sector.
Job roles include positions such as solar sales representatives, field service technicians, and utility agents2.
Solar sales representatives can earn between $140,000 and $340,000 annually2.
Field service technicians work on installing, testing, and repairing electrical equipment2.
The state also has programs like the Small Renewable Energy PBR Program, which requires specialists knowledgeable about renewable energy environmental programs, laws, and regulations2.
Green Building and Energy Efficiency:
Green building measures are essential for sustainable development.
Energy and green building consultants/verifiers play a crucial role in conducting energy benchmarking, audits, modeling, and green building verification for multifamily apartments3.
These professionals analyze and verify green building program measures for certifications like EarthCraft, ENERGY STAR, Enterprise, NGBS, and Zero Energy Ready Home4.
Workforce Training:
The growing demand for clean energy emphasizes the need for a trained workforce.
Training programs should focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation1.
Remember, this energy profile is a starting point. For a comprehensive analysis, we recommend collaborating with experts in the field and considering specific projects and policies tailored to Virginia’s unique context. 🌿🌎
- I've been playing around with Microsoft copilot and am pleasantly surprised. Imagine each state having a research team to help identify, infrastructure needs, energy, healthcare, educational, agricultural needs, attract capital investment to create robust institutions and economies
Large states might need considerably more research but smaller ones would definitely benefit. Play to your strengths, natural resources, geography, innate talent, histories.
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esgagile · 2 months
Who is in charge of the LEED certification procedure?
We as an LEED Consultant, an individual who is essential to the LEED certification process is a LEED Accredited Professional (AP), who offers project teams aiming for LEED certification advice and experience. An individual must pass an exam assessing their understanding of LEED rating systems, green building concepts, and the certification procedure in order to become a LEED AP. The label that applies to the home certification procedure is LEED for Homes. The goal of this certification program is to encourage the use of energy- and sustainably-friendly design and construction techniques for both new construction and extensive remodeling. Obtaining LEED certification requires a major financial commitment. Before you choose whether LEED certification is important for your home, weigh the following benefits and drawbacks.  The USGBC estimates that standard built-to-code homes consume 20% to 30% more energy than LEED-certified homes, with some reporting savings of up to 60%. Third-party validation proves that your home is functioning as intended and helps ensure that every renovation reduces overall environmental impact by saving energy, water, and other resources. Don't take any shortcuts.
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As an expert LEED Consultancy, Reduced resource usage results in monthly utility bills that are lower.  Be ready for higher building expenditures whether your goal is to develop a sustainable site from the ground up or to renovate your home with energy-efficient features. Though LEED building is more expensive, keep in mind that these expenses are sometimes offset by lower energy bills and increased property values. Getting a new or existing home LEED certified is an investment, so budget for the associated expenditures. Should a LEED certification be appropriate for your residence, the expenses incurred for preparation will be entirely justified.  LEED, an acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a rating system for environmentally friendly construction practices. A building project's sustainability is confirmed by its LEED certification. Additionally, LEED buildings require less maintenance. That is in contrast to typical business structures. Lower running expenses are another benefit of green buildings.
We are renowned LEED Consultant, LEED-certified buildings are also eligible for tax breaks and incentives. Local governments supply these advantages. These advantages consist of subsidies, tax rebates, and fee savings. Additionally, the structure can benefit from waived fees and expedited building permissions. Energy audits are conducted at some facilities. A building may avoid an audit thanks to its LEED accreditation, saving the project money. Property values have also grown for LEED buildings. In addition, the structures draw in renters. Comparatively speaking, non-green properties have higher vacancy rates than green structures. A LEED certification also offers a competitive advantage. Consumers nowadays are more aware of the environment. The majority are prepared to pay more for products and services provided by environmentally responsible businesses. Revenue increases with the number of clients.
In our opinion as LEED Consultancy, Appliance efficiency can significantly lower total electricity use. The first strategy is to make sure you budget for the size and kind of appliances that best suit the needs and lifestyle of your family. It is not required for tiny houses to have oversized appliances. Appliances that you'll never use are also not. Additionally, choose appliances that have earned the Energy Star certification wherever feasible. The goal is not to reduce energy use. The house will always require an energy supply. You can generate a green power supply by producing electricity on-site using a rooftop photovoltaic system or tiny wind turbines. If you cannot have electricity on-site, consider community solar initiatives or green energy credits from your provider. Accountability contributes to better homes. LEED certification validates the authenticity of green construction pledges by using a meticulously overseen, impartial, third-party verification mechanism.
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Organica Engineering Organica Engineering stands as a specialised company with a distinct focus on seamlessly weaving sustainable design into the fabric of the built environment. Our vision revolves around conceptualising structures, infrastructure, and entire urban landscapes that not only harmonise with the surroundings but also uplift the quality of human life. Our core objective involves the seamless integration of environmental engineering principles and sustainability concepts into the very fabric of organisations, architectural marvels, and ambitious infrastructure ventures. By doing so, we facilitate our clients' journeys towards greater sustainability. This journey encompasses enriching social value, fostering the growth of natural resources, and optimising the efficiency and profitability of buildings and operations. Our array of services spans a wide spectrum, encompassing consultative guidance, impactful training modules, immersive workshops, insightful consultations, precision-engineered design solutions, and innovative software development, including: - Green Star certification assistance and review - Government ESD policy and toolkit development - Sustainable Design for buildings and infrastructure - Green Buildings design such as Building Code Section J energy compliance reporting - Environmental Audits - energy, water, and waste - Net Zero Transition plans - Integrated Water Management Our overarching aspiration is grounded in visualising a captivating 21st-century landscape where the intricate process of balancing human welfare, financial prosperity, and planetary well-being yields outcomes that are not only synergistic but truly remarkable. https://organicaeng.com.au/
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armorservices · 11 months
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) in Kuwait?
ArmorServices provides HVAC services in kuwait that are determined to reduce the client's air conditioning costs without compromising the required comfort condition.WSP provides HVAC consulting services that are determined to reduce the client's air conditioning costs without compromising the required comfort condition.Each building is treated on its merits and each project we work on is unique. Therefore, a suitable HVAC system is proposed to meet the particular requirements of the building.
We strive to meet and exceed the needs of our customers in the following ways:
With a team of dynamic and proactive design engineers and CAD and Revit operators producing the required bidding and construction documentation.
We employ an experienced commissioning and test engineer who checks and tests the HVAC plant.
Senior engineers and site supervisors monitor the progress and quality of the installation.
At the end of the warranty period, the plant is checked again to ensure that it is still in good working order and delivered.
We provide HVAC related reports using energy modeling simulation software.
We provide advice on excellent air quality.
Services we provide:
Our mission is to lead the industry to be environmentally responsible by offering technical and water-saving solutions to clients such as:
Air conditioning systems that are very low energy air conditioning systems
Air conditioning systems for ecological buildings
Knowledge of Green Star and LEED certifications.
Building Management Systems (BMS)
solar cooling plants
gas coolers
Heat recovery systems
geothermal cooling
dry coolers
water harvest
three generation systems
Specialized air conditioning for data centers
Surveys of existing HVAC systems
Alternative energy air conditioning plants
District cooling and heating plants.
Our mission is to lead the industry to be environmentally responsible by offering technical and water-saving solutions to clients such as:
Ventilation systems to combat COVID-19?
The use of ventilation systems allows the air inside the buildings to be constantly renewed, which allows it to be kept pure and clean. Some of these systems are already located in spaces for medical use such as operating rooms or sterilization rooms. .
Due to the current crisis that has been occurring in the world due to the Covid 19 pandemic, there will be a before and after. In this sense, HVAC projects must be optimized from engineering, implementation, operation and maintenance, which includes joint work where they are involved; Designers, Builders, Supervisors, Building Administrators, Maintenance Personnel, Owners and Users, to generate strategies, with health as the main objective.
These events show the importance of good indoor air quality. In the past, improving indoor air quality was often considered a luxury. It must now be considered necessary and essential.
It is important to indicate the use of larger equipment due to air treatment, which will imply increases in energy costs, larger spaces and adequate false ceilings.
Great care must be taken with some technologies, such as UVC emitters, since they can cause damage to people and furniture. Its management must be specialized and controlled.
The achievement of strategies against COVID-19 will depend on knowledge of both the behavior of the virus and the new technologies, and how disciplined we can be in the projects.Book us for best  Air Conditioning Kuwait
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farsanaashiq · 2 years
The Importance Of Green Certification Systems for Buildings
The construction industry accounts for 40% of worldwide energy consumption and emissions, and sustainable construction can significantly minimize its environmental impact. It not only decreases the building industry's environmental impact but also makes financial sense. Buildings have a lower lifetime ownership cost when sustainability is considered during the design and construction phase. Indoor environmental quality is also provided by green buildings, which is good for human health and comfort. When the built environment is healthy, residents save money on medical bills, and businesses can increase production. 
A green building certification indicates that the project has been certified by an independent and reputable authority.
This has many advantages:
Green building certification can help companies boost their image as corporate citizens.
Because the process has been authorized by a qualified third party, sustainable design approaches can achieve improved performance in certified buildings.
Tenants may be attracted to green building services because they expect cost savings and a better internal environment.
Green certification may win financial incentives from the local government or utility companies, depending on where the building is located.
There are many green certifications found around the world. They use various performance categories and grading methods, but they all have the same purpose in mind: to make the built environment more sustainable.
LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
BREEAM: Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method
CASBEE: Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency
ESC- Energy Star Certification
Green Globes
EDGE: Excellent in Design for Greater Efficiencies
NGBS: The National Green Building Standard
LBC- Living Building Certification
Real estate developers can certify their projects to attract tenants. Businesses benefit from green building consultants in UAE as well: they have cheaper ownership costs and a better internal environment, which improves human health and productivity, not to mention the fact that a certified building can boost the public image of the company.
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mohrwilkins2 · 2 years
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How women founders are leading innovation across industries
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Tech, food, and finance are rarely welcoming, and frequently hostile, to female founders. But every one of the following Women entrepreneurs--a little subset of Inc.'s list of 100 women founders building the most advanced businesses--is breaking through in a male-dominated profession: overhauling our food programs, programming cutting-edge robots or world-changing apps, and bringing financial services to people who have never had access to them.
Lisa Q. Fetterman | Nomiku Drinks
After knockoffs hurt sales of her home sous vide machines, Fetterman started offering frozen meals based on recipes devised by herself and Michelin-starred chefs. RFID readers let the machines comprehend each meal and cook it perfectly. The business sells the apparatus at cost and makes money on its own food. And revenue is doubling. --Leigh Buchanan
Lisa Sedlar | Green Zebra Grocery
When residing in Boulder, Colorado, Sedlar would find fit cyclists catching junky snacks in the minimart. This disconnect inspired her idea for a corner shop that offered healthy food. Launched in 2012, Green Zebra--named after an heirloom tomato--has many stores in Portland, Oregon. Sedlar, shortly to close a $10 million funding round, is researching places in Seattle, L.A., and the Bay Area.
Sevetri Wilson | Resilia
Wilson's first firm, a Consulting service for non-profits, faced a severe challenge: plenty of non-profits needed aid, but not many could manage it. Her next firm, New Orleans-based Resilia, is an attempt to solve that issue. Its software-management platform aims to make non profit consulting faster, cheaper, and more reliable via automation. Resilia began in 2015 with corporate retreats for newcomers. Now, the business also helps cities, foundations, and other businesses monitor budgets, manage grants, and train new hires. A New York City office is coming in October.
Emily Feistritzer | Teach-Now Graduate School of Education
A 78-year-old former nun, Feistritzer learned a long time ago that she did not like traditional teaching approaches. In 2011, she set Teach-Now to train and certify teachers online. Now with master's certificates in high-growth disciplines like early-childhood and special-needs schooling, Teach-Now has assisted 4,000 aspiring teachers in 125 nations.
Olivia Ramos | Deepblocks
Architecture and real estate development, but it wasn't until she'd worked in those businesses for a decade, she saw a demand for software that could merge Demographic, zoning, fiscal, and market data all in 1 area. Using her Deep blocks A.I. applications, developers and agents can pull a Feasibility investigation for any parcel of land in 20 minutes rather than the usual Two to four weeks. Real estate pros at 1,100 U.S. cities are already using the software. The savings will flow to property tenants and buyers.
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dog-matterz · 3 years
Basic Dog Commands - Training a Puppy
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All things in life need to grow and develop. This applies to our relationships as well. This also applies to our relationships with our dogs. Whether you just got your furry best friend and want to plant the seeds of a harmonious long-term friendship, or you have been living together for a while, and want to take your relationship to the next level, we all need guidance sometimes. And just like you would go to a specialist if you wanted more out of your relationship with your partner, you would go to a... dog training school if you needed to work on your relationship with your dog.
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The question is, how do you find a good specialist? Now, if you were just feeling under the weather, you would probably go to a general practitioner. But what if you had a toothache? I bet you would go to a dentist instead! Same with dog training. First, you need to decide whether you want to work on general obedience, aggression, separation anxiety, or maybe you want to take on therapy dog training or a protection dog training course. And then you got to read on because we created a list of local hidden gems in San Diego area that specialize in exactly the kind of dog training classes you want!
Now, what types of dog training schools are we going to look at exactly?
Dog Obedience Training
Aggressive Dog Training
Protection Dog Training or Guard Dog Training
Behavior Modification Dog Training - Dog Separation Anxiety Training
Therapy Dog Training
Service Dog Training
We will also take a look at such training types as a dog training camp, group classes, in home dog training and online dog training.
All of these gems have 5-star ratings on Yelp, tons of happy clients and they are local, oftentimes family-owned businesses, so you can make great friends among your neighbors while doing some training as well!
First things first, there are plenty of options out there in regards to dog training. How do you know which one is good for you? Here are 6 tips.
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6 Tips For Picking the Right Dog Training School
1. Know That the Dog Training Industry is Unregulated
That means that virtually anyone could call him or herself a trainer, sadly. However, there are certifications and organizations that can help you identify those who actually have the right designations and experience. Always check to see if the trainer has some of the following certifications: The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), The Academy for Dog Trainers (ADT), the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT KA), the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior (KPAATB), or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. Being the primary educational organization for trainers, APDT has a very useful resource called Trainer Search that allows you to find trainers in your area based on your city or zip code. Great tool! Note that if a trainer is certified by the APDT it does not necessarily imply that he or she uses a specific training method, which brings us to the next tip.
2. Know the Training Methods Used
Now, all trainers have different training methods, but here are a few basic things that would help you swim confidently in the sea of trainer jargon. There are currently 4 basic methods of training that stem from behavioral psychology: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Now, the words positive and negative aren't representing the concept of "good and evil" here, they function more like they would in math, with positive meaning addition and negative meaning subtraction of something. It will become clearer in a second.
Positive Reinforcement
This is the most popular method today, and, sure enough, you are all familiar with it. Positive reinforcement has, at its core, rewarding a dog for desired behavior usually with a treat, a toy or play time, depending on what motivates your dog the most. The trick is to pick the right timing: just as your dog does the desired behavior, reward him or her right away, and supplement the treat with a high-pitched "good dog", to make sure your pet realizes how pleased you are with this behavior. See how a treat is added here? This is the positive part, the addition.
Negative Reinforcement
This technique involves taking something unpleasant away to reinforce the desired behavior. That is how electric fences work, for example. When a dog gets too close to the perimeter, it gets a shock, but the shock disappears the moment the dog moves away from the boundary. This way, the dog learns to stay away from the perimeter. See the subtraction here - the unpleasant sensations are taken away to reinforce a behavior, this is negative reinforcement.
Positive Punishment
With punishment techniques, the trainer is trying to make a particular behavior happen less often. With positive punishment, the trainer adds some unpleasant stimuli to discourage a behavior. With excessive barking, for example, a trainer can add a spray bark collar to the training, so that every time a dog barks, it gets sprayed. The dog will associate nuisance barking with being sprayed, and this will discourage him or her from barking all night long again. Did you see how with this technique a trainer would add (=positive) something to discourage a behavior (=punishment).
Negative Punishment
This technique implies taking something away (=negative) in order to discourage a behavior (=punishment). A good example would be if a trainer turns away from a dog that is jumping on him or other people to get attention. He takes the attention away from the dog to discourage undesired behavior. This method is often used together with positive reinforcement to reduce the unwanted behavior and reinforce the desired behavior.
Ah, that was quite a bit of information, right? Did it become somewhat clearer what the different training methods do? Great. There is still much debate around the best training methods in the trainers' world, but what you choose remains up to you.
Now that you've learnt more about the behavioral psychology, do you start seeing some similarities between how we train dogs and how the government trains us? On to the next tip.
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3. Choose the Training Type
Group Classes, Boot Camps, In House Training or even Skype chats - there is every type of dog training you might need under the sun. Consider the benefits and drawbacks. With in house dog training the obvious advantage is that you will get more personal attention. If your dog has some socialization issues, in home training won't be as effective as group dog training classes, where both you and your fido can learn to be around other dogs and work around so many tempting distractions. If you want your dog to get the experience of a full immersion, then a dog training camp will be the best option. Whereas, if your budget is tight, online dog training might be the solution you are looking for. Deciding on the type of training you need will make the task of finding a good dog training school way easier.
4. Watch a Class Before You Sign Up
Once you picked a class or a training school, take some time to come to one of the training sessions and just observe. Pay attention to the following:
How big is the class size and whether you will be getting enough attention,
If puppies and adult dogs are trained separately,
How many levels do the classes have (basic, intermediate, advanced),
How the trainer interacts with the dogs,
How dogs react to the training,
Whether everyone seems to be having fun and enjoying the process.
If you ticked all the checkboxes here, and are comfortable with the environment, you have found a good candidate.
5. Don't Forget About Vaccinations
Safety first! Make sure your dog is properly vaccinated before you start any dog training and get the green light from your vet. Next, ensure that the training school requires every dog to be vaccinated and is asking for a proof. This way you can rest assured that the safety aspect of your training is covered.
6. Ask About the Follow Up
Now, what happens after you have completed the course? Do you get a lifetime membership and can come any time for future "tune ups", or are follow up visits limited? Maybe there are no follow up visits in case a problem does arise. Make sure to ask the school or the trainer about what happens once you are done with their program.
Great, you are all set for the dog training school of your dreams. Now, we are introducing you to the 10 hidden gem schools with 5-star Yelp ratings that specialize in the type of dog training you are looking for. Go ahead and find the one for you!
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Top 10 Dog Training School Hidden Gems
Let's start with puppy training. The best time to start training is when your pooch is between 3 and 14 weeks old, it doesn't mean that your pup doesn't learn well afterwards, but it is just the juiciest time when he or she absorbs new tricks like a sponge, so take advantage of that if you can! The next stage at which pet owners often need assistance is the 6 months mark, when pups transition into adolescence, and this time is much like the teenage years we've all been through - rough. Puppy training to the rescue!
1. Woofingham Palace - Puppy Training 
Woofingham Palace is our 5-star hidden gem for specialized puppy socialization and puppy training in San Diego. It is a family-owned business run by Samantha & Jon Mears, who both immigrated from London 11 years ago. Hence, the name of their dog training school. Samantha Mears is a certified professional dog trainer, who passed her CPDT KA (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainlines) exam with distinction. Samantha has worked with dogs every day for over 10 years. She is also a Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and is a qualified Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and a member of the Pet Professional Guild (PPG).
Woofingham Palace offers plenty of different puppy training options for you and your pooch all held within a fenced training area in the shade of large sails. The classes are small, so you will get that individual attention. This dog training school puts lots of emphasis on puppy socialization, and notes that pups who have been socialized young tend to show less behavior problems in the future than those pups who haven't. The prices for group puppy training classes vary from over $100 to over $300, so you have plenty of options.
2. Total K9 Training - K9 Dog Training/ Dog Obedience Training 
Now, an all 5-star hidden gem for dog obedience training in San Diego is Total K9 Dog Training. Its trainer, Shannon, is a Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP), member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), and is CPDT Certified. She also holds a BA in Psychology and started training animals in 1991 at Sea World. Total K9 Dog Training offers a range of classes, but specializes in dog obedience training, both beginner and advanced.
Total K9 Dog Training teaches the owners how to become good leaders for their dogs without using any intimidation or domination techniques. They focus on building the trust and communication that would allow the dog to follow the owner... even when he or she doesn't have that tasty food handy. Shannon puts a lot of emphasis of training the whole family on how to work with their dog, as this strengthens the bond between all the family members and ensures that everything a dog learns at school will be further reinforced at home. The prices of classes vary, but the general range is between $100 and $165 for group classes.
Total K9 Dog Training serves the areas of San Diego: Escondido, 4S Ranch, Del Sur, Santa Luz, Rancho Bernardo, Poway, Sabre Springs, Rancho Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch.
3. Think Pawsitive Dog Training - Service Dog Training and Therapy Dog Training
Interested in Therapy Dog Training/Service Dog Training? A service or therapy dog certification requires you to take a number of steps along the way. Think Pawsitive dog training school can help you throughout the process. Its founder, Vanessa Melrose, is a member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), certified by ABCDT (ABC Dog Trainer) and KPA CTP (Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner). She has been working with dogs since 2003.
What Think Pawsitive offers in terms of service dog training and therapy dog training: it offers to help you with the entire process, from basic training to preparing and passing the CGC Certification and Therapy Pet Certification, which you must get in order for your dog to become an official service/therapy dog. To start the program, your dog doesn't need to be a specific size or breed, it needs to have a calm, friendly temperament. You know, a therapy dog - boy, that patience! Therapy Dog Evaluations are $30, and Think Pawsitive offers extended discounts for referrals or recently adopted pets, so you can email Vanessa directly to learn more about the program and the pricing.
4. Behave! - Aggressive Dog Training
Behave! - another hidden gem that specializes in aggressive dog training in San Diego. Its founder, Alexandra Gant, graduated from ACBDT animal behavior college, and since 2012 has been working with "unworkable" or "last chance" dogs who are on the verge of being euthanized or re-homed due to aggression issues. Alex focuses on teaching owners in need of dog aggression training how to train the dog by themselves, without relying on professional help. Behave! trainers are knowledgeable about the different forms of aggression and believe that aggression is a symptom of a much deeper problem, so they focus on fixing the problem, rather than just the symptoms.
Behave! realizes that dog aggression training is a big commitment, so it encourages all owners who work with them to consider packages instead of sessions. The classes are $80-$125 Per Session, and they currently offer a 10% package discount.
5. American Canine Training - Dog Protection Training 
So you were looking for guard dog training in San Diego? We found a hidden gem for that too, all 5 stars - American Canine Training. Chris Moredock is the head trainer, certified by APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) and the Pro-train institute of California.
American Canine Training has a number of different options when it comes to dog protection training. You can choose Security Alert Training, which will teach your dog to watch out for strangers and warn you should they be up to something spooky. It will also teach your dog to stop aggressive responses on your command. Or you could go for a Personal Protection Training (on and off leash), which will teach the dog to protect his or her humans and property, learn "attack" and "release" commands, etc. There you go, you are on your way to getting that cool police-style dog you've always wanted.
6. Legends Dog Training - Behavior Modification Dog Training/Dog Separation Anxiety Training
If your pooch needs some professional behavior modification training, this is your local 5-star professional dog behaviorist - Legends Dog Training School. They specialize in dog separation anxiety training, training for dogs with impulsivity issues, fearful response to other dogs and many other behavioral problems.
Alyssa Rose (Lapinel), the founder of Legends, is a CPDT-KA certified Canine Training and Behavior Specialist with 15 years of experience in the area of behavioral studies. She is also certified by the Council for Professional Dog Trainers, and by Triple Crown Dog Training Academy. Alyssa is an AKC Citizen Evaluator, and a Professional Member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT). She applied her degree in Phycology to work with children and adults diagnosed with serious disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and bipolar disorder, and later used this experience to start working with animals. Alyssa designs behavior modification dog training programs that address the root cause of a behavioral problem and provide a systematic framework for improving communication and strengthening the bond between the dog and his/her owner.
One consultation costs $150, but it is included if you decide to pursue a training package with 5 classes for $575. Mind you, different options are available, so check Legends website and see their contact info below to learn more.
7. Pawtopia - Dog Agility Training 
You have sure enough heard about this dog training school - Pawtopia. But did you know that they had a specialized dog agility training class? Yep, this one also made it to our hidden gems list. Its founder, Colleen Demling, is an accredited trainer with 16 years of experience. She is an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, is accredited by the CBCC-KA and CPDT-KA, as well as IABBC. Colleen also designed the Temperament Test for the Naval Medical Center's Therapy Dog Program here at San Diego. Colleen is actively involved in many professional organizations, including the International Association of Canine Professionals, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, and the Animal Behavior Management Alliance.
"Fun with Agility!" is the class Pawtopia offers for dogs of all levels of training, so don't look away if you are not interested in competing - this is dog agility training class for all those who just want to have fun, run through tunnels and jump through hoops, no pressure! The price is $170, and you can learn more on the Pawtopia website.
8. Devotion to Dogs - In Home Dog Training
For those of you looking for in home dog training, Ben of Devotion to Dogs offers just that, and takes a place in our list of hidden San Diego gems. Ben is a graduate of Northridge Animal Behavior College, is AKC certified, and is a member of IACP. Ben has been a dog trainer for 15 years, and trained dogs with a variety of behavioral issues. He also works with local rescues and believes that every dog can be trained and successfully rehabilitated. His specialty is in home dog training: a personal, one on one type of training that allows him to assess the environment and find the right solution. And allows you to save time on commute of course.
Devotion to Dogs offers a variety of packages. The starting package includes a 2-4 hour in home session as well as a 1 hour follow up session, which goes for $500. 
9. Tully's Training - Online Dog Training
If you need some flexibility or are on a budget, Tully's Training offers not only private in home training and group classes, but also basic obedience positive-reinforcement online dog training - via Skype.
Tully's Training team is comprised of trainers with experience in exotic, domestic, and marine mammal training, which allows it to look at animal behavior from different angles. One of their most titled trainers is Meghan McLeod, who reportedly trained with a number of well-recognized behaviorists such as Karen Pryer and Dr. Ian Dunbar. Meghan is also a certified CGC evaluator. Check out Tully's team of trainers with a whole spectrum of different backgrounds here.
According to Tully's, online dog training has been working great for them and their clients, as they are able to get that same individual, one on one session that you would get in person for a fraction of the cost. So, if online dog training suits your needs, this is the school for you. Training packages are highly customizable. 
10. Specialty Dog Training - Dog Training Camp San Diego
Were you looking for a dog training camp in San Diego? Then this is the place for you - Specialty Dog Training. It is a family-owned dog training school founded by Graham Bloem, a professional dog trainer with 17+ years of experience and a recipient of numerous awards, including American Red Cross Real Heroes Award and the Honeywell Life Safety Award presented by Larry King himself. Graham's team consists of a number of seasoned professionals that together have accumulated numerous accreditations, including certificates by IACP, APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), NADOI, ABSCDT and others. Graham and his wife, Kyrie, also actively support nonprofits, shelters and rescue organizations.
Specialty Dog Training focuses on using positive reinforcement and discipline in their training. Their dog training camp, i.e. in-kennel training, dog board and train or a boot camp is a structured environment where your dog will be taught all the obedience basics he or she needs to be a great companion. Being away from the usual environment is a good opportunity for your dog to "reset", while the trainers can work on his/her behavioral issues in a controlled environment.
Specialty Dog Training offers plenty of packages, they also have a Boot Camp Special for the month of March, with 25% off all dog training camps. The price varies between $1575 (with the discount) for a 2-week program with 2 private sessions, to $5400 for an 8-week program with 2 private lessons.
Read this:-
Revealed at last by one of America's top professional dog trainers, a simple training strategy that…Develops your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence" To eliminate bad behavior and Create the obedient, well-behaved pet of your dreams…
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fridlyckanblog-blog · 4 years
Basic Dog Commands - Training a Puppy
All things in life need to grow and develop. This applies to our relationships as well. This also applies to our relationships with our dogs. Whether you just got your furry best friend and want to plant the seeds of a harmonious long-term friendship, or you have been living together for a while, and want to take your relationship to the next level, we all need guidance sometimes. And just like you would go to a specialist if you wanted more out of your relationship with your partner, you would go to a... dog training school if you needed to work on your relationship with your dog.
The question is, how do you find a good specialist? Now, if you were just feeling under the weather, you would probably go to a general practitioner. But what if you had a toothache? I bet you would go to a dentist instead! Same with dog training. First, you need to decide whether you want to work on general obedience, aggression, separation anxiety, or maybe you want to take on therapy dog training or a protection dog training course. And then you got to read on because we created a list of local hidden gems in San Diego area that specialize in exactly the kind of dog training classes you want!
Now, what types of dog training schools are we going to look at exactly?
Dog Obedience Training
Aggressive Dog Training
Protection Dog Training or Guard Dog Training
Behavior Modification Dog Training - Dog Separation Anxiety Training
Therapy Dog Training
Service Dog Training
We will also take a look at such training types as a dog training camp, group classes, in home dog training and online dog training.
All of these gems have 5-star ratings on Yelp, tons of happy clients and they are local, oftentimes family-owned businesses, so you can make great friends among your neighbors while doing some training as well!
First things first, there are plenty of options out there in regards to dog training. How do you know which one is good for you? Here are 6 tips.
6 Tips For Picking the Right Dog Training School
1. Know That the Dog Training Industry is Unregulated
That means that virtually anyone could call him or herself a trainer, sadly. However, there are certifications and organizations that can help you identify those who actually have the right designations and experience. Always check to see if the trainer has some of the following certifications: The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), The Academy for Dog Trainers (ADT), the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT KA), the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior (KPAATB), or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. Being the primary educational organization for trainers, APDT has a very useful resource called Trainer Search that allows you to find trainers in your area based on your city or zip code. Great tool! Note that if a trainer is certified by the APDT it does not necessarily imply that he or she uses a specific training method, which brings us to the next tip.
2. Know the Training Methods Used
Now, all trainers have different training methods, but here are a few basic things that would help you swim confidently in the sea of trainer jargon. There are currently 4 basic methods of training that stem from behavioral psychology: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Now, the words positive and negative aren't representing the concept of "good and evil" here, they function more like they would in math, with positive meaning addition and negative meaning subtraction of something. It will become clearer in a second.
Positive Reinforcement
This is the most popular method today, and, sure enough, you are all familiar with it. Positive reinforcement has, at its core, rewarding a dog for desired behavior usually with a treat, a toy or play time, depending on what motivates your dog the most. The trick is to pick the right timing: just as your dog does the desired behavior, reward him or her right away, and supplement the treat with a high-pitched "good dog", to make sure your pet realizes how pleased you are with this behavior. See how a treat is added here? This is the positive part, the addition.
Negative Reinforcement
This technique involves taking something unpleasant away to reinforce the desired behavior. That is how electric fences work, for example. When a dog gets too close to the perimeter, it gets a shock, but the shock disappears the moment the dog moves away from the boundary. This way, the dog learns to stay away from the perimeter. See the subtraction here - the unpleasant sensations are taken away to reinforce a behavior, this is negative reinforcement.
Positive Punishment
With punishment techniques, the trainer is trying to make a particular behavior happen less often. With positive punishment, the trainer adds some unpleasant stimuli to discourage a behavior. With excessive barking, for example, a trainer can add a spray bark collar to the training, so that every time a dog barks, it gets sprayed. The dog will associate nuisance barking with being sprayed, and this will discourage him or her from barking all night long again. Did you see how with this technique a trainer would add (=positive) something to discourage a behavior (=punishment).
Negative Punishment
This technique implies taking something away (=negative) in order to discourage a behavior (=punishment). A good example would be if a trainer turns away from a dog that is jumping on him or other people to get attention. He takes the attention away from the dog to discourage undesired behavior. This method is often used together with positive reinforcement to reduce the unwanted behavior and reinforce the desired behavior.
Ah, that was quite a bit of information, right? Did it become somewhat clearer what the different training methods do? Great. There is still much debate around the best training methods in the trainers' world, but what you choose remains up to you.
Now that you've learnt more about the behavioral psychology, do you start seeing some similarities between how we train dogs and how the government trains us? On to the next tip.
3. Choose the Training Type
Group Classes, Boot Camps, In House Training or even Skype chats - there is every type of dog training you might need under the sun. Consider the benefits and drawbacks. With in house dog training the obvious advantage is that you will get more personal attention. If your dog has some socialization issues, in home training won't be as effective as group dog training classes, where both you and your fido can learn to be around other dogs and work around so many tempting distractions. If you want your dog to get the experience of a full immersion, then a dog training camp will be the best option. Whereas, if your budget is tight, online dog training might be the solution you are looking for. Deciding on the type of training you need will make the task of finding a good dog training school way easier.
4. Watch a Class Before You Sign Up
Once you picked a class or a training school, take some time to come to one of the training sessions and just observe. Pay attention to the following:
How big is the class size and whether you will be getting enough attention,
If puppies and adult dogs are trained separately,
How many levels do the classes have (basic, intermediate, advanced),
How the trainer interacts with the dogs,
How dogs react to the training,
Whether everyone seems to be having fun and enjoying the process.
If you ticked all the checkboxes here, and are comfortable with the environment, you have found a good candidate.
5. Don't Forget About Vaccinations
Safety first! Make sure your dog is properly vaccinated before you start any dog training and get the green light from your vet. Next, ensure that the training school requires every dog to be vaccinated and is asking for a proof. This way you can rest assured that the safety aspect of your training is covered.
6. Ask About the Follow Up
Now, what happens after you have completed the course? Do you get a lifetime membership and can come any time for future "tune ups", or are follow up visits limited? Maybe there are no follow up visits in case a problem does arise. Make sure to ask the school or the trainer about what happens once you are done with their program.
Great, you are all set for the dog training school of your dreams. Now, we are introducing you to the 10 hidden gem schools with 5-star Yelp ratings that specialize in the type of dog training you are looking for. Go ahead and find the one for you!
Top 10 Dog Training School Hidden Gems in San Diego Area
Let's start with puppy training. The best time to start training is when your pooch is between 3 and 14 weeks old, it doesn't mean that your pup doesn't learn well afterwards, but it is just the juiciest time when he or she absorbs new tricks like a sponge, so take advantage of that if you can! The next stage at which pet owners often need assistance is the 6 months mark, when pups transition into adolescence, and this time is much like the teenage years we've all been through - rough. Puppy training to the rescue!
1. Woofingham Palace - Puppy Training San Diego
Woofingham Palace is our 5-star hidden gem for specialized puppy socialization and puppy training in San Diego. It is a family-owned business run by Samantha & Jon Mears, who both immigrated from London 11 years ago. Hence, the name of their dog training school. Samantha Mears is a certified professional dog trainer, who passed her CPDT KA (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainlines) exam with distinction. Samantha has worked with dogs every day for over 10 years. She is also a Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and is a qualified Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and a member of the Pet Professional Guild (PPG).
Woofingham Palace offers plenty of different puppy training options for you and your pooch all held within a fenced training area in the shade of large sails. The classes are small, so you will get that individual attention. This dog training school puts lots of emphasis on puppy socialization, and notes that pups who have been socialized young tend to show less behavior problems in the future than those pups who haven't. The prices for group puppy training classes vary from over $100 to over $300, so you have plenty of options.
559 Union Street
Encinitas. CA 92024
P: 760-929-1996
2. Total K9 Training - K9 Dog Training/ Dog Obedience Training San Diego
Now, an all 5-star hidden gem for dog obedience training in San Diego is Total K9 Dog Training. Its trainer, Shannon, is a Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP), member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), and is CPDT Certified. She also holds a BA in Psychology and started training animals in 1991 at Sea World. Total K9 Dog Training offers a range of classes, but specializes in dog obedience training, both beginner and advanced.
Total K9 Dog Training teaches the owners how to become good leaders for their dogs without using any intimidation or domination techniques. They focus on building the trust and communication that would allow the dog to follow the owner... even when he or she doesn't have that tasty food handy. Shannon puts a lot of emphasis of training the whole family on how to work with their dog, as this strengthens the bond between all the family members and ensures that everything a dog learns at school will be further reinforced at home. The prices of classes vary, but the general range is between $100 and $165 for group classes.
Total K9 Dog Training serves the areas of San Diego: Escondido, 4S Ranch, Del Sur, Santa Luz, Rancho Bernardo, Poway, Sabre Springs, Rancho Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch.
3. Think Pawsitive Dog Training - Service Dog Training and Therapy Dog Training
Interested in Therapy Dog Training/Service Dog Training? A service or therapy dog certification requires you to take a number of steps along the way. Think Pawsitive dog training school can help you throughout the process. Its founder, Vanessa Melrose, is a member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), certified by ABCDT (ABC Dog Trainer) and KPA CTP (Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner). She has been working with dogs since 2003.
What Think Pawsitive offers in terms of service dog training and therapy dog training: it offers to help you with the entire process, from basic training to preparing and passing the CGC Certification and Therapy Pet Certification, which you must get in order for your dog to become an official service/therapy dog. To start the program, your dog doesn't need to be a specific size or breed, it needs to have a calm, friendly temperament. You know, a therapy dog - boy, that patience! Therapy Dog Evaluations are $30, and Think Pawsitive offers extended discounts for referrals or recently adopted pets, so you can email Vanessa directly to learn more about the program and the pricing. http://www.fridlyckans.com/
1273 Crest Dr.
Encinitas, CA 92024
949.533.4756Service area: San Diego + Orange County
4. Behave! - Aggressive Dog Training San Diego
Behave! - another hidden gem that specializes in aggressive dog training in San Diego. Its founder, Alexandra Gant, graduated from ACBDT animal behavior college, and since 2012 has been working with "unworkable" or "last chance" dogs who are on the verge of being euthanized or re-homed due to aggression issues. Alex focuses on teaching owners in need of dog aggression training how to train the dog by themselves, without relying on professional help. Behave! trainers are knowledgeable about the different forms of aggression and believe that aggression is a symptom of a much deeper problem, so they focus on fixing the problem, rather than just the symptoms.
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green-ea · 1 month
Pioneering Sustainable Building Solutions with Comprehensive Energy Assessment and Consulting Services
In the dynamic world of building construction and design, sustainability is no longer a luxury but a necessity. As architects, builders, and developers increasingly focus on green building standards, the demand for specialized consulting and assessment services in energy efficiency and sustainability is growing. At Green Energy Assessment, we offer a suite of services designed to meet these needs, including NatHERS energy rating assessment services, Green Star certification consulting, Section J compliance reports, JV3 assessment services, mechanical design consultancy for commercial buildings, and CFD modelling consulting services. Our aim is to provide our clients with the expertise needed to achieve not only compliance but also performance and sustainability in their building projects.
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NatHERS Energy Rating Assessment Services
The Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) provides a standard measure of a home's potential energy consumption for heating and cooling. Our expert assessors at GEA utilize advanced software tools to model your building’s thermal performance, providing you with a detailed energy rating that helps in making informed decisions about thermal comfort and energy efficiency. Our services ensure that your project meets or exceeds Australia’s stringent energy regulations, optimizing your building's design for sustainability and cost-effectiveness.
Green Star Certification Consulting Services
Achieving Green Star certification signifies a building’s achievement in environmental sustainability. Our green star certification consulting services guide you through the complex process of certification, from the initial design stages to the final application. We focus on sustainable design practices, helping you incorporate elements such as energy and water efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality into your project. Our consultants are experienced in navigating the Green Star rating system, ensuring your building achieves its highest potential certification.
Section J Compliance Report and JV3 Assessment Services
For commercial building projects, compliance with Section J of the National Construction Code (NCC) is crucial. Our services include detailed Section J compliance reports that analyze your building's design against the Deemed-to-Satisfy (DtS) provisions and suggest enhancements for energy efficiency. Additionally, we offer JV3 assessment services, an alternative solution to Section J compliance, using thermal simulation methods to demonstrate that your building's energy performance meets or exceeds the DtS provisions. This tailored approach allows for more design flexibility while ensuring compliance.
Mechanical Design Consultancy for Commercial Buildings
Our mechanical design consultancy services are tailored to commercial buildings, focusing on HVAC systems, piping, and energy management systems that meet both the operational needs and sustainability goals of your project. Our team of mechanical engineers designs systems that optimize energy use, enhance indoor air quality, and reduce overall environmental impact. We integrate the latest technologies and sustainable practices to deliver systems that are not only efficient but also cost-effective in the long run.
CFD Modelling Consulting Services
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling is essential for understanding and optimizing the airflow, temperature distribution, and contaminant dispersal in buildings. Our CFD modelling consulting services provide detailed analyses that support the design of ventilation systems and environmental controls. This service ensures that your building provides comfort while maintaining the highest standards of energy efficiency and environmental health.
At Green Energy Assessment, we are committed to leading the charge in sustainable building practices through our comprehensive consulting and assessment services. Whether you are aiming for NatHERS compliance, Green Star certification, or innovative mechanical designs, our team is here to support your project’s success with expert guidance and cutting-edge solutions. Visit our website https://green-ea.net/ to learn more about how we can assist in bringing your sustainable building ambitions to fruition.
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Eco-Friendly Design Made Easy: How Green Building Consultancy Services Lead the Way
Green building consultancy services are crucial in promoting eco-friendly design and construction practices. These services help architects, builders, and developers incorporate sustainable principles into their projects, ultimately reducing environmental impact and improving energy efficiency.
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Green Building Consultant know the latest sustainable building techniques, materials, and technologies. They can guide the incorporation of features such as energy-efficient HVAC systems, passive solar design, renewable energy sources, and water-saving fixtures into building designs. Green building consultants ensure that projects adhere to green building standards and certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), or Green Star. They help clients navigate the certification process and implement strategies to meet the required criteria.
Green Building Consultancy In UAE conduct lifecycle analyses to assess the environmental impact of building materials and design choices over a project's entire lifespan. Identifying opportunities for resource conservation and efficiency improvements helps clients reduce operating costs and achieve long-term savings. Green Building Consultant In UAE services minimize ecological impacts such as carbon emissions, water consumption, and waste generation through careful design and planning. They advocate for sustainable site selection, biodiversity preservation, and responsible waste management to mitigate environmental harm. Green building consultants educate clients and stakeholders about the benefits of eco-friendly design practices. Promoting sustainable principles encourages broader adoption of green building strategies within the construction industry.
Green Building Consultancy In Dubai stay abreast of the latest sustainable design and construction advancements through ongoing research and innovation. They incorporate cutting-edge technologies and methodologies into their recommendations, helping clients stay ahead of regulatory requirements and market trends. Beyond environmental considerations, green building consultancy services address social equity and community well-being. They advocate for inclusive design practices, accessible infrastructure, and sustainable urban planning initiatives that benefit residents and promote social responsibility. Green Building Consultancy In UAE often collaborate with architects, engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders to integrate sustainability principles into every phase of the project lifecycle. By fostering teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration, they ensure that eco-friendly design goals are effectively implemented and maintained.
In conclusion, green building consultancy services are pivotal in advancing eco-friendly design by providing expertise, guidance, and support throughout construction. Their efforts contribute to creating healthier, more sustainable built environments for present and future generations.
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ecomaxhomes · 4 years
Basix Certificate is The Need of the Hour!basix certificate nsw
Basix certificate is the need of the hour! We all know that whether you are buying a new home or renovating or old one and adding a spa in it, you should obtain a Basix certificate, means, it needs no introduction. It is a type of building sustainability index that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption. Hence, we can say that obtaining a BASIX certificate means your residential building or villa or townhouse or a Multi-unit development has passed the NSW Government’s environmental targets.
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It is more than important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions…
Today, it is more than important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprints and stabilize earth's overall temperature. It will also improve our climate in a dramatic way.  
Of course, more and more people are reducing it significantly by embracing solar and wind power and using electric bikes; however, it is also important for the buildings to help in reducing green house has emissions. Forward-thinking governments have started thinking in this direction and developing guidelines for homeowners and Basix certificate is a step towards it…
What Is a Carbon Footprint?
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions that come from the production, use and end-of-life of a product or service. - Nytimes
Basix certificate is an initiative
Basix certificate is an initiative to encourage sustainable residential development’ and is in effect part of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. It is not just a certificate in itself; it encompasses many elements such as, location and construction of the building, window size and type of the buildings, appliances used as well as the landscaping of the building.
In addition, it also calculates and analyzes landscape plans, rainwater harvesting, insulation, thermal comfort, star rating systems and heating and lighting system, as well. Indeed, this certificate is very significant when it comes to urban property development. People also come forward to embrace this change to empower themselves and support our planet.
Besides that, obtaining this certificate has its own advantages, such as –
Reduction in water consumption
Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
Saving money
However, if you are unable to understand all these critical things, then you should hire an Energy Efficiency Consultant that will enable you to obtain the certificate. Energy efficiency consultants can provide you with the most efficient, economical and focused solutions for slashing greenhouse gas emissions. They use a wide range of tools to evaluate the energy, water use as well as thermal comfort of your residential unit.
 The green economy’s taking off like a jet, but emissions are still climbing. We need stronger green policies and low-carbon breakthroughs. - Rob Jackson
Many people still believe that Basix certificate and NatHERS is same, which is a wrong notion. Both these are different and have there own significance. According to some experts, Basix certificate can address the problems of heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting. Hence, we can say that it is the best companion of people that enables them to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a significant manner.
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esgagile · 4 months
Who is in charge of the LEED certification procedure?
We as an LEED Consultant, an individual who is essential to the LEED certification process is a LEED Accredited Professional (AP), who offers project teams aiming for LEED certification advice and experience. An individual must pass an exam assessing their understanding of LEED rating systems, green building concepts, and the certification procedure in order to become a LEED AP. The label that applies to the home certification procedure is LEED for Homes. The goal of this certification program is to encourage the use of energy- and sustainably-friendly design and construction techniques for both new construction and extensive remodeling. Obtaining LEED certification requires a major financial commitment. Before you choose whether LEED certification is important for your home, weigh the following benefits and drawbacks.  The USGBC estimates that standard built-to-code homes consume 20% to 30% more energy than LEED-certified homes, with some reporting savings of up to 60%. Third-party validation proves that your home is functioning as intended and helps ensure that every renovation reduces overall environmental impact by saving energy, water, and other resources. Don't take any shortcuts.
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As an expert LEED Consultancy, Reduced resource usage results in monthly utility bills that are lower.  Be ready for higher building expenditures whether your goal is to develop a sustainable site from the ground up or to renovate your home with energy-efficient features. Though LEED building is more expensive, keep in mind that these expenses are sometimes offset by lower energy bills and increased property values. Getting a new or existing home LEED certified is an investment, so budget for the associated expenditures. Should a LEED certification be appropriate for your residence, the expenses incurred for preparation will be entirely justified.  LEED, an acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a rating system for environmentally friendly construction practices. A building project's sustainability is confirmed by its LEED certification. Additionally, LEED buildings require less maintenance. That is in contrast to typical business structures. Lower running expenses are another benefit of green buildings.
We are renowned LEED Consultant, LEED-certified buildings are also eligible for tax breaks and incentives. Local governments supply these advantages. These advantages consist of subsidies, tax rebates, and fee savings. Additionally, the structure can benefit from waived fees and expedited building permissions. Energy audits are conducted at some facilities. A building may avoid an audit thanks to its LEED accreditation, saving the project money. Property values have also grown for LEED buildings. In addition, the structures draw in renters. Comparatively speaking, non-green properties have higher vacancy rates than green structures. A LEED certification also offers a competitive advantage. Consumers nowadays are more aware of the environment. The majority are prepared to pay more for products and services provided by environmentally responsible businesses. Revenue increases with the number of clients.
In our opinion as LEED Consultancy, Appliance efficiency can significantly lower total electricity use. The first strategy is to make sure you budget for the size and kind of appliances that best suit the needs and lifestyle of your family. It is not required for tiny houses to have oversized appliances. Appliances that you'll never use are also not. Additionally, choose appliances that have earned the Energy Star certification wherever feasible. The goal is not to reduce energy use. The house will always require an energy supply. You can generate a green power supply by producing electricity on-site using a rooftop photovoltaic system or tiny wind turbines. If you cannot have electricity on-site, consider community solar initiatives or green energy credits from your provider. Accountability contributes to better homes. LEED certification validates the authenticity of green construction pledges by using a meticulously overseen, impartial, third-party verification mechanism.
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gofridlyckans-blog · 5 years
Basic Dog Commands - Training a Puppy
All things in life need to grow and develop. This applies to our relationships as well. This also applies to our relationships with our dogs. Whether you just got your furry best friend and want to plant the seeds of a harmonious long-term friendship, or you have been living together for a while, and want to take your relationship to the next level, we all need guidance sometimes. And just like you would go to a specialist if you wanted more out of your relationship with your partner, you would go to a... dog training school if you needed to work on your relationship with your dog.
The question is, how do you find a good specialist? Now, if you were just feeling under the weather, you would probably go to a general practitioner. But what if you had a toothache? I bet you would go to a dentist instead! Same with dog training. First, you need to decide whether you want to work on general obedience, aggression, separation anxiety, or maybe you want to take on therapy dog training or a protection dog training course. And then you got to read on because we created a list of local hidden gems in San Diego area that specialize in exactly the kind of dog training classes you want!
Now, what types of dog training schools are we going to look at exactly?
Dog Obedience Training
Aggressive Dog Training
Protection Dog Training or Guard Dog Training
Behavior Modification Dog Training - Dog Separation Anxiety Training
Therapy Dog Training
Service Dog Training
We will also take a look at such training types as a dog training camp, group classes, in home dog training and online dog training.
All of these gems have 5-star ratings on Yelp, tons of happy clients and they are local, oftentimes family-owned businesses, so you can make great friends among your neighbors while doing some training as well!
First things first, there are plenty of options out there in regards to dog training. How do you know which one is good for you? Here are 6 tips.
6 Tips For Picking the Right Dog Training School
1. Know That the Dog Training Industry is Unregulated
That means that virtually anyone could call him or herself a trainer, sadly. However, there are certifications and organizations that can help you identify those who actually have the right designations and experience. Always check to see if the trainer has some of the following certifications: The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), The Academy for Dog Trainers (ADT), the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT KA), the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior (KPAATB), or the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. Being the primary educational organization for trainers, APDT has a very useful resource called Trainer Search that allows you to find trainers in your area based on your city or zip code. Great tool! Note that if a trainer is certified by the APDT it does not necessarily imply that he or she uses a specific training method, which brings us to the next tip.
2. Know the Training Methods Used
Now, all trainers have different training methods, but here are a few basic things that would help you swim confidently in the sea of trainer jargon. There are currently 4 basic methods of training that stem from behavioral psychology: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Now, the words positive and negative aren't representing the concept of "good and evil" here, they function more like they would in math, with positive meaning addition and negative meaning subtraction of something. It will become clearer in a second.
Positive Reinforcement
This is the most popular method today, and, sure enough, you are all familiar with it. Positive reinforcement has, at its core, rewarding a dog for desired behavior usually with a treat, a toy or play time, depending on what motivates your dog the most. The trick is to pick the right timing: just as your dog does the desired behavior, reward him or her right away, and supplement the treat with a high-pitched "good dog", to make sure your pet realizes how pleased you are with this behavior. See how a treat is added here? This is the positive part, the addition.
Negative Reinforcement
This technique involves taking something unpleasant away to reinforce the desired behavior. That is how electric fences work, for example. When a dog gets too close to the perimeter, it gets a shock, but the shock disappears the moment the dog moves away from the boundary. This way, the dog learns to stay away from the perimeter. See the subtraction here - the unpleasant sensations are taken away to reinforce a behavior, this is negative reinforcement.
Positive Punishment
With punishment techniques, the trainer is trying to make a particular behavior happen less often. With positive punishment, the trainer adds some unpleasant stimuli to discourage a behavior. With excessive barking, for example, a trainer can add a spray bark collar to the training, so that every time a dog barks, it gets sprayed. The dog will associate nuisance barking with being sprayed, and this will discourage him or her from barking all night long again. Did you see how with this technique a trainer would add (=positive) something to discourage a behavior (=punishment).
Negative Punishment
This technique implies taking something away (=negative) in order to discourage a behavior (=punishment). A good example would be if a trainer turns away from a dog that is jumping on him or other people to get attention. He takes the attention away from the dog to discourage undesired behavior. This method is often used together with positive reinforcement to reduce the unwanted behavior and reinforce the desired behavior.
Ah, that was quite a bit of information, right? Did it become somewhat clearer what the different training methods do? Great. There is still much debate around the best training methods in the trainers' world, but what you choose remains up to you.
Now that you've learnt more about the behavioral psychology, do you start seeing some similarities between how we train dogs and how the government trains us? On to the next tip.
3. Choose the Training Type
Group Classes, Boot Camps, In House Training or even Skype chats - there is every type of dog training you might need under the sun. Consider the benefits and drawbacks. With in house dog training the obvious advantage is that you will get more personal attention. If your dog has some socialization issues, in home training won't be as effective as group dog training classes, where both you and your fido can learn to be around other dogs and work around so many tempting distractions. If you want your dog to get the experience of a full immersion, then a dog training camp will be the best option. Whereas, if your budget is tight, online dog training might be the solution you are looking for. Deciding on the type of training you need will make the task of finding a good dog training school way easier.
4. Watch a Class Before You Sign Up
Once you picked a class or a training school, take some time to come to one of the training sessions and just observe. Pay attention to the following:
How big is the class size and whether you will be getting enough attention,
If puppies and adult dogs are trained separately,
How many levels do the classes have (basic, intermediate, advanced),
How the trainer interacts with the dogs,
How dogs react to the training,
Whether everyone seems to be having fun and enjoying the process.
If you ticked all the checkboxes here, and are comfortable with the environment, you have found a good candidate.
5. Don't Forget About Vaccinations
Safety first! Make sure your dog is properly vaccinated before you start any dog training and get the green light from your vet. Next, ensure that the training school requires every dog to be vaccinated and is asking for a proof. This way you can rest assured that the safety aspect of your training is covered.
6. Ask About the Follow Up
Now, what happens after you have completed the course? Do you get a lifetime membership and can come any time for future "tune ups", or are follow up visits limited? Maybe there are no follow up visits in case a problem does arise. Make sure to ask the school or the trainer about what happens once you are done with their program.
Great, you are all set for the dog training school of your dreams. Now, we are introducing you to the 10 hidden gem schools with 5-star Yelp ratings that specialize in the type of dog training you are looking for. Go ahead and find the one for you!
Top 10 Dog Training School Hidden Gems in San Diego Area
Let's start with puppy training. The best time to start training is when your pooch is between 3 and 14 weeks old, it doesn't mean that your pup doesn't learn well afterwards, but it is just the juiciest time when he or she absorbs new tricks like a sponge, so take advantage of that if you can! The next stage at which pet owners often need assistance is the 6 months mark, when pups transition into adolescence, and this time is much like the teenage years we've all been through - rough. Puppy training to the rescue!
1. Woofingham Palace - Puppy Training San Diego
Woofingham Palace is our 5-star hidden gem for specialized puppy socialization and puppy training in San Diego. It is a family-owned business run by Samantha & Jon Mears, who both immigrated from London 11 years ago. Hence, the name of their dog training school. Samantha Mears is a certified professional dog trainer, who passed her CPDT KA (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainlines) exam with distinction. Samantha has worked with dogs every day for over 10 years. She is also a Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and is a qualified Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and a member of the Pet Professional Guild (PPG).
Woofingham Palace offers plenty of different puppy training options for you and your pooch all held within a fenced training area in the shade of large sails. The classes are small, so you will get that individual attention. This dog training school puts lots of emphasis on puppy socialization, and notes that pups who have been socialized young tend to show less behavior problems in the future than those pups who haven't. The prices for group puppy training classes vary from over $100 to over $300, so you have plenty of options.
559 Union Street
Encinitas. CA 92024
P: 760-929-1996
2. Total K9 Training - K9 Dog Training/ Dog Obedience Training San Diego
Now, an all 5-star hidden gem for dog obedience training in San Diego is Total K9 Dog Training. Its trainer, Shannon, is a Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP), member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), and is CPDT Certified. She also holds a BA in Psychology and started training animals in 1991 at Sea World. Total K9 Dog Training offers a range of classes, but specializes in dog obedience training, both beginner and advanced.
Total K9 Dog Training teaches the owners how to become good leaders for their dogs without using any intimidation or domination techniques. They focus on building the trust and communication that would allow the dog to follow the owner... even when he or she doesn't have that tasty food handy. Shannon puts a lot of emphasis of training the whole family on how to work with their dog, as this strengthens the bond between all the family members and ensures that everything a dog learns at school will be further reinforced at home. The prices of classes vary, but the general range is between $100 and $165 for group classes.
Total K9 Dog Training serves the areas of San Diego: Escondido, 4S Ranch, Del Sur, Santa Luz, Rancho Bernardo, Poway, Sabre Springs, Rancho Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch.
3. Think Pawsitive Dog Training - Service Dog Training and Therapy Dog Training
Interested in Therapy Dog Training/Service Dog Training? A service or therapy dog certification requires you to take a number of steps along the way. Think Pawsitive dog training school can help you throughout the process. Its founder, Vanessa Melrose, is a member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), certified by ABCDT (ABC Dog Trainer) and KPA CTP (Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner). She has been working with dogs since 2003.
What Think Pawsitive offers in terms of service dog training and therapy dog training: it offers to help you with the entire process, from basic training to preparing and passing the CGC Certification and Therapy Pet Certification, which you must get in order for your dog to become an official service/therapy dog. To start the program, your dog doesn't need to be a specific size or breed, it needs to have a calm, friendly temperament. You know, a therapy dog - boy, that patience! Therapy Dog Evaluations are $30, and Think Pawsitive offers extended discounts for referrals or recently adopted pets, so you can email Vanessa directly to learn more about the program and the pricing.
1273 Crest Dr.
Encinitas, CA 92024
949.533.4756Service area: San Diego + Orange County
4. Behave! - Aggressive Dog Training San Diego
Behave! - another hidden gem that specializes in aggressive dog training in San Diego. Its founder, Alexandra Gant, graduated from ACBDT animal behavior college, and since 2012 has been working with "unworkable" or "last chance" dogs who are on the verge of being euthanized or re-homed due to aggression issues. Alex focuses on teaching owners in need of dog aggression training how to train the dog by themselves, without relying on professional help. Behave! trainers are knowledgeable about the different forms of aggression and believe that aggression is a symptom of a much deeper problem, so they focus on fixing the problem, rather than just the symptoms.
Behave! realizes that dog aggression training is a big commitment, so it encourages all owners who work with them to consider packages instead of sessions. The classes are $80-$125 Per Session, and they currently offer a 10% package discount.
(303) 746-3487
5. American Canine Training - Dog Protection Training San Diego
So you were looking for guard dog training in San Diego? We found a hidden gem for that too, all 5 stars - American Canine Training. Chris Moredock is the head trainer, certified by APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) and the Pro-train institute of California.
American Canine Training has a number of different options when it comes to dog protection training. You can choose Security Alert Training, which will teach your dog to watch out for strangers and warn you should they be up to something spooky. It will also teach your dog to stop aggressive responses on your command. Or you could go for a Personal Protection Training (on and off leash), which will teach the dog to protect his or her humans and property, learn "attack" and "release" commands, etc. There you go, you are on your way to getting that cool police-style dog you've always wanted.
(858) 274-0268
Serving area: the entire San Diego County
6. Legends Dog Training - Behavior Modification Dog Training/Dog Separation Anxiety Training
If your pooch needs some professional behavior modification training, this is your local 5-star professional dog behaviorist - Legends Dog Training School. They specialize in dog separation anxiety training, training for dogs with impulsivity issues, fearful response to other dogs and many other behavioral problems.
Alyssa Rose (Lapinel), the founder of Legends, is a CPDT-KA certified Canine Training and Behavior Specialist with 15 years of experience in the area of behavioral studies. She is also certified by the Council for Professional Dog Trainers, and by Triple Crown Dog Training Academy. Alyssa is an AKC Citizen Evaluator, and a Professional Member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT). She applied her degree in Phycology to work with children and adults diagnosed with serious disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and bipolar disorder, and later used this experience to start working with animals. Alyssa designs behavior modification dog training programs that address the root cause of a behavioral problem and provide a systematic framework for improving communication and strengthening the bond between the dog and his/her owner.
One consultation costs $150, but it is included if you decide to pursue a training package with 5 classes for $575. Mind you, different options are available, so check Legends website and see their contact info below to learn more.
Serving the City of San Diego and San Diego County: Golden Hill, South Park, North Park, Talmadge, Kensington, Mission Hills, Mission Valley, Little Italy, Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, Escondido, La Jolla, Mission Bay, Mission Beach, La Mesa, Ramona, Poway, El Cajon
7. Pawtopia - Dog Agility Training San Diego
You have sure enough heard about this dog training school - Pawtopia. But did you know that they had a specialized dog agility training class? Yep, this one also made it to our hidden gems list. Its founder, Colleen Demling, is an accredited trainer with 16 years of experience. She is an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, is accredited by the CBCC-KA and CPDT-KA, as well as IABBC. Colleen also designed the Temperament Test for the Naval Medical Center's Therapy Dog Program here at San Diego. Colleen is actively involved in many professional organizations, including the International Association of Canine Professionals, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, and the Animal Behavior Management Alliance.
"Fun with Agility!" is the class Pawtopia offers for dogs of all levels of training, so don't look away if you are not interested in competing - this is dog agility training class for all those who just want to have fun, run through tunnels and jump through hoops, no pressure! The price is $170, and you can learn more on the Pawtopia website.
Service areas: South Park, Hillcrest, Mission Hills, North Park, Point Loma, Ocean Beach, Sunset Cliffs, Mission Valley, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, Mission Bay, Bay Park, Morena, Kearney Mesa, Linda Vista, Clairemont Mesa, Normal Heights,University Heights, Clairemont, Coronado, San Diego, Lemon Grove,, Linda Vista, Serra Mesa, Tierrasanta, Sports Arena, La Jolla, Bird Rock, UTC, Sorrento Valley, Carmel Mountain Ranch, Scripps Ranch, Mira Mesa, Rancho Santa Fe, Crosby, Del Sur, Carmel Valley, Torrey Hills, Del Mar, Del Mar Heights, Solana Beach, Fairbanks Ranch, Cardiff By the Sea, Encinitas, Encinitas Ranch, Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Penasquitos
8. Devotion to Dogs - In Home Dog Training
For those of you looking for in home dog training, Ben of Devotion to Dogs offers just that, and takes a place in our list of hidden San Diego gems. Ben is a graduate of Northridge Animal Behavior College, is AKC certified, and is a member of IACP. Ben has been a dog trainer for 15 years, and trained dogs with a variety of behavioral issues. He also works with local rescues and believes that every dog can be trained and successfully rehabilitated. His specialty is in home dog training: a personal, one on one type of training that allows him to assess the environment and find the right solution. And allows you to save time on commute of course. Visit
Devotion to Dogs offers a variety of packages. The starting package includes a 2-4 hour in home session as well as a 1 hour follow up session, which goes for $500. Call Devotion to Dogs for more information.
Garfield Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020
9. Tully's Training - Online Dog Training
If you need some flexibility or are on a budget, Tully's Training offers not only private in home training and group classes, but also basic obedience positive-reinforcement online dog training - via Skype.
Tully's Training team is comprised of trainers with experience in exotic, domestic, and marine mammal training, which allows it to look at animal behavior from different angles. One of their most titled trainers is Meghan McLeod, who reportedly trained with a number of well-recognized behaviorists such as Karen Pryer and Dr. Ian Dunbar. Meghan is also a certified CGC evaluator. Check out Tully's team of trainers with a whole spectrum of different backgrounds here. More
According to Tully's, online dog training has been working great for them and their clients, as they are able to get that same individual, one on one session that you would get in person for a fraction of the cost. So, if online dog training suits your needs, this is the school for you. Training packages are highly customizable, so get in touch with Tully's for more information.
Service area: San Diego and Los Angeles
10. Specialty Dog Training - Dog Training Camp San Diego
Were you looking for a dog training camp in San Diego? Then this is the place for you - Specialty Dog Training. It is a family-owned dog training school founded by Graham Bloem, a professional dog trainer with 17+ years of experience and a recipient of numerous awards, including American Red Cross Real Heroes Award and the Honeywell Life Safety Award presented by Larry King himself. Graham's team consists of a number of seasoned professionals that together have accumulated numerous accreditations, including certificates by IACP, APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), NADOI, ABSCDT and others. Graham and his wife, Kyrie, also actively support nonprofits, shelters and rescue organizations. http://www.fridlyckans.com
Specialty Dog Training focuses on using positive reinforcement and discipline in their training. Their dog training camp, i.e. in-kennel training, dog board and train or a boot camp is a structured environment where your dog will be taught all the obedience basics he or she needs to be a great companion. Being away from the usual environment is a good opportunity for your dog to "reset", while the trainers can work on his/her behavioral issues in a controlled environment.
Specialty Dog Training offers plenty of packages, they also have a Boot Camp Special for the month of March, with 25% off all dog training camps. The price varies between $1575 (with the discount) for a 2-week program with 2 private sessions, to $5400 for an 8-week program with 2 private lessons.
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