#granted its not like theres a big fan base for Connor Guerrin the child that has 8 minutes of screen time when youre not kicking his ass
the-dragon-folk · 1 year
Rat Pack Ramblings
Parsley's father (Oghren) was one of the best warriors in his generation, and the woman she was named after was the Hero of Ferelden and the first Commander of the Grey appointed after the Blight. Oghren is a barbarian drunkard, and Partha was losing her mind long before she ~ mysteriously disappeared ~ and left CotG to Killian. I also imagine a home of Felsi and Oghren was just a somehwat rocky home in general, even if they did love their daughter. Parsley may have been a little parentified growing up. Partha's reputation is also pretty easily marked as "people called her Peace-Keeper as a pointed joke." I think Parsley parallels this by living up to the "Peace" part of the name Partha. Parsley does this by just simply... being more at peace with herself than adult in her life ever was. She's the most mentally & spiritually healthy person in the group because she takes the time to Relax and Unpack Shit, as well as just devoting herself to kindness and seeing people as the complicated fuck ups that they are rather than Good or Bad.
"Were you dropped as a child?" "Twice!"
While Parsley is a good fighter, she's rarely on the offensive. This goes to Selsie - who has been trained by a pack of Gray Wardens and an Ativan crow. Selsie as a child dreamed of being the Commander of the Grey, and the Warden Archivist, and the queen of the Antivan Crows. Now, at 19, she's a little more reasonable, but strives to one day become the Commander of the Grey. She planned to take the Joining as soon as she was allowed, but when Selsie started wondering about the world that existed out beyond Vigil's Keep, Killian and Judpha jumped to encourage her in the hopes they could put off their daughter dying to The Cup or being doomed to the calling by a few more years until they found a way to change her mind. Selsie was probably paired with Parsley to run around the country side with, and Kieran probably involved himself from there.
Parsley definitely knows more about certain Warden secrets than Selsie for the sake that Oghren was probably more apt to let those things slip than Judpha and Killian, who were set on keeping Selsie out of Grey Warden stuff when possible. The Architect comes up.
A lot of Jacinth's character centers around the fact that Jay spent much of her life being told she was the daughter of a coward, compounded by the fact that people probably didn't immediately drop the idea that the Grey Wardens betrayed the nation at a sensitive moment. She was, like, really bullied her entire childhood, and that never really subsided as she grew up. She kind of left when she got the chance. Maybe she served as a helping hand to Connor until they ran into the other kids and converged since Connor and them all had that warden connection.
I need to generate more ideas on Kieran, Connor and Jay, they're definitely my least developed group.
Anyways, Connor ran from the circle after his mental health got worse and he learned they were planning to tranquilize him.
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