#gotchard & geats strongest chemmy gotcha operation
narashikari · 6 months
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Buffa and Tycoon Chemmies seem to be made of a hard plastic material, but Naa-go and Geats Chemmies look like they're made like plushies
I'm curious as to how they decided to make the Geats rider Chemmies this way. Like what about Tycoon and Buffa made them less... plushiefiable
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narashikari · 6 months
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narashikari · 6 months
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This team is actually really interesting??
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Oh my god the purple bastards are teaming up... I want to see them getting bodied to knock them down a peg or ten
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...He didn't even let Buffabutt out of the card lmaooooo
Also Mr Spanner why are your lips shiny??? Are you wearing lip gloss at a time like this-
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Houtaro, honey, what happened to you???
At least he's a good kouhai carrying his Chemmified senpai...
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Okay so apparently one of the perks of being Fox Jesus is not being turned into a Chemmy
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...Am I the only one who doesn't find Geats Chemmy cute? Tycoon and Naa-go are adorable but this is kinda creepy in an uncanny valley way tbh 😅
Also I find it interesting how the current main rider Houtaro is teamed up with the previous secondary Keiwa... but the previous main rider Ace is teamed up with Rinne. Not even Spanner, the only other (debatable) rider on Gotchard right now, but Rinne.
It makes some sense because Rinne was supposed to be a co-protagonist with Houtaro despite not being a rider... but if the teamups are meant to mirror each other... might this be foreshadowing for Rinne becoming a rider? Maybe even the secondary?
(I might even extend this to theorize that either Sabimaru or Renge becomes tertiary because they're teamed up with Neon, and they are more closely allied to Houtaro than Spanner is... but I'm getting ahead of myself, lol)
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