#got called an ant1 earlier and imean like. while i AM staunchly against pr0shippers im not an ant1
dropoutparty ยท 2 years
god pr0shippers are so fucking weird,,, its so uncomfortable and distressing seeing ppl just casually be ok with that shit. i hate being dragged into shipping discourse because both sides are wrong imo but it bothers me SOO much when ppl act like its not normalizing gross shit. like. people are allowed to make a horror of some kind where its SUPPOSED to be distressing (think like ki//ing sta/king, which is often treated as a romance even though its explicitly stated to be a psychological horror) but people are Not Doing That. people are shipping children with adults and acting like its cute. the pr0shipping community or whatever isnt making horror stories, theyre making sillygoofy little ship drawings depicting pedophilia and incest in a lighthearted way. you can try to dance around it all you want but the label "pr0shipper" is associated with that kind of thing whether you like it or not. its not just a group of ppl who are doing nothing wrong and just want to write about dark subjects uwu, a huge part of that community romanticize and in some cases just straight up see nothing wrong with this gross shit. as i said before, i dont look at shipping discourse stuff so MAYBE the self identified "ant1s" are actually like this, but the way that pr0shippers make it sound like everyone whos against them is some puritan who thinks that Nothing Bad Ever should be in literally anything just seems disingenuous. like who the fuck is saying that horror as a genre just shouldnt exist.
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