I think that Ayda and Zelda are absolute besties because they bonded at some Sig Figs shows where they really really wanted to support their respective partners but really really didn’t want to stand in a crowd of fans of their partners, so they enjoyed themselves and hung out backstage for an entire tour. They now talk and text all the time, especially when the Bad Kids are off adventuring. It originally confused their other friends because they have such different vibes on paper but after thinking about it for a minute everyone completely understood.
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Really though, how did Sam pull it off?
Like she had deep and personal beef with Gorgug from the day she arrived.
And she won, she managed to pull it off.
Good on you Sam Nightingale. Those two weren't exactly destined to last either, but you know, well done babe.
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commiehilfiger · 3 months
big boyfriend energy from gorgug texting fabian telling him to like kristens religion post on fantasy instagram
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lgbtqforeverything · 3 months
trackerbees and gorgugzelda breakups canon?????? brennan WHAT
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alienjock · 4 years
Do you know what Zelda and Gorgug's ship names is? My brain keeps turning up Zeldgug which sounds cursed
i dont know the one thats used by the fandom but im guessing its one of the following:
zelgor (most likely???)
good ol’ zeldagorgug/gorgugzelda
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