summerwishes · 8 months
❝  you just look…you always look good but right now it’s.  wow.  ❞ - from chad ( grtstactr )
chad : @goldnsnds / meme / always accepting.
at first, his silence had made room for doubt that she picked the wrong dress, that he didn't LIKE it, it couldn't get any worse than that. but as she stood holding her breath, he was catching his. honestly its not what she had thought at all, afraid of rejection and its grip it has on her for most parts of her childhood until now. and to pluck a reaction like that from a man who's face deserved to be ALL over newspapers and tabloids, who deserved to have the spotlight shine on him, meant more than belly could express. her heart swells in size, cheeks red from blushing as a twinkling grin formed on bewitched features. he made her feel like she was enough, and right now there was only one thing she really wanted to do. grabbing him by the collar of his shirt she paid him with a kiss, tender and sweet. " for the record, you always take my breath away. " she goes on to say after breaking the kiss. " mostly i hate losing but i can admit you're the PRETTIEST. " she scrunched her nose laughing.
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resi1ients · 8 months
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"hiya," the blonde smiled politely as she held out the box of fun coloured and wildly decorated cakes in one hand. she let the silence linger a little longer before she noticed @goldnsnds still staring at her, that was kinda normal for people to do though. "would you like to try a cupcake? made them myself."
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favcritecriime · 8 months
✘ — @goldnsnds | gets a starter from Nick for Troy
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Brown eyes fell onto a stain on the other's shirt. Nick was certain it hadn't been there earlier, therefore it made him furrow his brow, wondering where it came from as he stepped closer to get a better look at it. "Is that blood?"
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descendantesarchive · 8 months
“Please tell me that’s not a recipe for blood red chocolate banana bread?” - for maya, from zay
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‘  okay...  if that's what you want t'hear,  honey,  then...  this isn't a recipe for blood red chocolate banana bread.  ’    the grin that she pointed in zay's direction—    teeth baring and mischievous  —spoke the truth though.    ‘  riley's planning some halloween get together,  her and lucas.  we were invited,  she invited her family too.  cory,  topanga,  auggie,  josh...  and for the first time ever,  i'm not going to show up emptyhanded.  i'm going to surprise her and everyone else with this,  a banana bread fit for the party.  maybe it's my intention to scare her a little bit too...  she'll bite into the thing and it'll gush red and the look on her face is going to be priceless.  ’
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✉    ˎˊ˗    PROMPT: HALLOWEEN INSPIRED  ▪  feat. @goldnsnds
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jundlcndwastes · 8 months
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↪ 𝑫𝑶𝑵'𝑻 𝑺𝑴𝑰𝑳𝑬 𝑨𝑻 𝑴𝑬 . ( a collection of lyric starters from an assortment of billie eilish songs . | don't ask questions , you don't wanna know . - troy otto asked by @goldnsnds
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❝ We made a promise to each other that no matter how ugly things got, we would always tell each other the truth. I want to know . . . it doesn't matter how bad it is. ❞
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fxntasmagoria · 8 months
"You can't fucking walk in here, say all this fucking shit, and expect me to be okay." - for pete, from cartman
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Pete just took a drag from his cigarette and stared at Cartman. "I think i just did." The goth replied casually. "Id ask whats up your ass but its literally an every day thing with you." He retorted. "Ive never met someone who was so sensitive. I take it those anger management classes with Michael didnt do much for you?"
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hcllchestersarchs · 8 months
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@goldnsnds asked: i'll never leave you again. - for dalaney, from dean winchester
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"is that a promise or a threat?" delaney sassed him, grunting as dean helped her get back to her feet. she dusted herself off and checked around her for wherever the supernatural creature had run off. she'd just learned about the supernatural, while navigating these mysterious abilities she developed by the day. her going off on her own for this hunt wasn't smart, but she had truly thought she could handle it. she'd done a few of these hunts already, surely delaney would have learned something right? "i had them, too. until you came barreling in like a lunatic."
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n0prom1ses · 8 months
starter for @goldnsnds (tristan dum tweedle) from tara dee tweedle
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the twin remained where she was seated before looking at her brother, giving him a little poke, "did we do the right thing? running away?"
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snnydcysarch · 8 months
i can't imagine how many lives you've touched. — from kenny mccormick
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"you say that as if i'm some kind of hero or something." sonny spoke with a sheepish grin. swinging her arms from side to side. unsure of how to take this compliment. she didn't really see herself as this amazing person who changes lives. she just happens to care immensely and want the best for everyone. but who doesn't?
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summerwishes · 8 months
❛  you have no idea what you're doing to me.  ❜ — from taylor jewel 👀
taylor : @goldnsnds / meme / always accepting.
" i think i have a pretty good idea. " she whispers, smirk forming down the curve of her body. a kiss here, a kiss there, down to her stomach, the place where butterflies were felt, gently licking. it was how she felt about her best friend too, she did things to the brunette that no one could understand the feeling but them. taylor jewel was her best friend, and she was more than that. they'd been inseparable since they were kids. belly always admired taylor's headstrong nature, her unwavering support of her through thick and thin. she was perfect, so perfect she often thought she wasn't good enough for taylor. she squeezes one of her inner thighs as the conklin woman boldly grinds her hips assertively. " it doesn't feel this good with anyone else. " she moves back up to rest her forehead on taylor's, kissing her slowly.
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snnynaturalarchive · 8 months
when's the last time you let someone help you? - from dean winchester
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"LET ME HELP YOU" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
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sonny blinked a few times as she looked at the winchester in front of her. "huh, never expected to hear that from a winchester." if anything, the winchesters are the last she expected considering they were the ones saving the world. literally. placing the first aid kit down, she let her shoulders fall, "how about this. the moment you let someone help you, then i'll let someone help me?"
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favcritecriime · 8 months
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@goldnsnds asked: that’s it, come on. we’re done. let’s go. - for sebastian, from ominis
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Oh, no. Sebastian wasn't exactly done yet. Leander Prewett was such a sore loser. It felt right to put him into his place. Yet Ominis' insisting tone wasn't one the Sallow boy had missed out on. Albeit reluctantly he did began to back up and readied himself to follow his best friend, but not without giving Leander a last warning. "Watch yourself, Prewett. This isn't the end of it."
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descendantesarchive · 8 months
“Should we put out orange or black pumpkins for the porch?” - for chrissy, from eddie
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it should have been a simple choice, and chrissy knows that and that to anyone else, a decision would have come as soon as the question was asked no problem, but it doesn't with her because she was never afforded the luxury of choice prior to meeting,  befriending,  and entering a relationship with eddie.  her life lied in her mother's hands.  every decision,  big and small,  even those that affected her future  wasn't hers but her mothers.
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‘  um…  ’    thankfully,  he's patient and while she racks her brain for an answer,  she reaches out to cling to him,  like she normally does when she's overwhelmed.  eyes close and chrissy takes a breath in,  a picture of their porch decorated for the season coming to her instantaneously.    ‘  both…?  white too.  white pumpkins,  so…  orange,  black,  and white and maybe…  some garlands?  we could wrap them around the—…  the railing. would that be okay?  ’
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✉    ˎˊ˗    PROMPT: HALLOWEEN INSPIRED  ▪  feat. @goldnsnds
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jundlcndwastes · 8 months
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↪ 𝑫𝑶𝑵'𝑻 𝑺𝑴𝑰𝑳𝑬 𝑨𝑻 𝑴𝑬 . ( a collection of lyric starters from an assortment of billie eilish songs . | don't you know i'm no good for you ? - joel miller asked by @goldnsnds
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❝ You don't have to do that with me. ❞ For those who had been around when the beginning of the end of the world started, you noticed how you had changed. At first, it was learning what it took to survive, as in teaching yourself how to hot wire a car when traveling lost distances or setting up animal traps to hunt for food. For a lot of folks, it was learning how to use weapons and to kill. Not just clickers. People, too.
That's where things shifted when you realized what it took for you to survive in this world. People weren't always there to be neighborly and lend a helping hand when shit hit the fan. Most of the time they took advantage of you - stole from you, beat you, left you for dead, or just killed you to make it easier for them to get what they wanted. Taking a life did something to you. It took away something you could never get back no matter how much you tried. It was blood that would never truly wash off. She suspected the first time she took someone's life went about the same way for Joel. No doubt it changed him the way it had done her. It carved paths out for them. Observing him now, she figured that his path led to him feeling like he didn't deserve to have someone care about him.
❝ You don't have to push me away because you carry the weight of what you've done on your shoulders and that makes you think that you don't deserve someone caring about you. We've all had to do things we'll never get over in this life but what are we supposed to do? Let it weigh us down like heavy, guilty chains? I'm not going to tell myself I don't deserve the love of someone else because of what I thought I had to do to see another day or protect the people I love most. You shouldn't either, Joel. It's a very lonely life and you deserve to let yourself deserve better. ❞
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hcllchestersarchs · 8 months
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@goldnsnds asked: there's no way this is happening. - for camden, from dean winchester
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camden blinked at dean in surprise, staring at him as if he'd sprouted fifty heads. he shut the laptop that rested in front of him and sat up straighter in the chair at the table in the motel room. delaney and sam both slept peacefully on the motel beds while camden and dean remained up for the time being. though, camden couldn't remember the last time he properly slept. "dean, this is our one chance to get dad back. you can't seriously be telling me you don't even want to try it! i thought of all people you'd be the first to jump on it."
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n0prom1ses · 8 months
starter for @goldnsnds (chad dylan cooper) from maddie rooney
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maddie couldn't help but let out a sarcastic laugh before her expression turned into a menacing one, "want to say that again?"
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