#gold hoop earrings were considered good luck for pirates
the-last-quest · 3 months
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Prime bro doodles + young Sails
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the-last-quest · 3 months
Sails didn’t consider himself to be too superstitious. He knew that charms and curses didn’t do anything. They were just stories that people made up to find confort, or to shun things they see as different.
Nevertheless, like many pirates he had good luck charms that were always on his person. They were a pair of earrings, a golden hoop and a coin. Well technically they weren’t earrings anymore Sails had broken off the studs, he wasn’t going to get his ears pierced again.
Sails didn’t actually believe that the two pieces of gold would bring him any luck, they hadn’t before so why would they now. Still he kept them tucked into his bandana, right where they would’ve sat before, because he wanted to.
He wanted to believe that they would protect him like he was told they would.
He wanted to believe her last words to him.
He wanted to believe that this time, with this crew, his luck could finally change.
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