faejilly · 7 years
@wellreadpigfarmer, @fordeliriumwasoncedelight, @tanukiham, @quilleth, @servantofclio, @thievinghippo, @ameliacgormley, @sinvraal, @syzara, @thedivinemissema Thank you so much for the kind words, I got a little teary eyed reading them this morning. It helped a lot. (And FOR THE HEARTS TOO. I see you there, virtual hug likes. <3)
@tarysande replied to your post “[10]”
uhhhhh this is amazing
why thank you so much <3 I had at least three dramatically different ideas for that chapter, which is unusual for this particular series, which usually knows where it’s going pretty quickly. I’m glad it worked. :)
@dragons-barb replied to your post “Inktober #27”
Wow... This totally embodies anxiety attacks. I feel for her!
Sometimes it sucks to be Shepard, huh? <3 (Thank you)
@servantofclio replied to your post “hey guys so the romance questions made me think did I ever tell you...”
otp tags are like fic titles, for me. sometimes they come instantly and the rest of the time they're haaard.
SAME HERE. I only recently started doing otp/aesthetic tags and on the one hand I really like being able to label things that might not have the characters IN THEM but are now still findable... but on the other hand, dang figuring them out is hard sometimes *snorts*
@apocalisse replied to your post “Inktober #26”
@jessaknits replied to your post “@servantofclio replied to your post “Ooh! Erana, 1, 2, 4? LI of...”
Well, that's the beauty of DA2, isn't it? The canon is so sketchy there's room to put WHATEVER YOU WANT in there. Your ficlet definitely gave me "clearing the night streets on the way home from the Hanged Man" feels. Probably mostly reminding me of my own unfinished DA2 fic, but it still made me think about starting the game up again.
that was precisely the feel I was going for, I am DELIGHTED thank you
@servantofclio replied to your post “@servantofclio replied to your post “Ooh! Erana, 1, 2, 4? LI of...”
It was definitely a good wowza, just, the smut and the shame and the longing and and and
it is also hard to be Hawke, yes
(thank you)
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faejilly · 7 years
@goingtoreykjavik replied to your post “things I learned while putzing about AO3 today: there are more...”
Aww, that Russian fic is lovely! And damn, over four years and not even 100 hits. BTW, hey its me ur podficcer
/hey darlings, there’s podfic of my smut. How amazing. (I will never stop being delighted, thank you.) And you know, the perils of rare!pair-ing your way thru fandom. (The most popular prompt-fics I write here on tumblr are almost always fills for things I do not actually ship in particular even if I enjoyed writing them, while the stuff that is near and dear to my heart slips mostly under the radar. The Claw, man, it just doesn’t love me. *laughs*)
@jadesabre301 replied to your post “things I learned while putzing about AO3 today: there are more...”
this is how I feel about Morrigan/Loghain. :-b except I don't actually ship it, so my heart doesn't have to break into tiny pieces at the scarcity of fic. (actually the opposite problem.)
I think my problem, really, in terms of Sebastian, is that it’s such a small number of fanworks to begin with, a portion of that number actually demonizes him rather than enjoys him, and then, AND THEN, even once you’ve found the proportion of the tiny fandom that actually does like him, most of them like a him that bears very little resemblance to the him I think he is, if that sentence made any sense at all.
/they’re all doing it wrong jade, so wrong
also, I mean. Morrigan and any guy always seemed weird to me, but especially a guy she had to coerce into a Dark Ritual which it seems pretty clear neither of them enjoyed, even if she does love her Kieran a lot
@syzara replied to your post “things I learned while putzing about AO3 today: there are more...”
Hey i actually have Brosca/Alistair... if it survived my data migration
gosh, moving data around is always a crapshoot, isn’t it? BUT YAY FOR MORE BROSCAS <3
@genginger replied to your post “things I learned while putzing about AO3 today: there are more...”
This was fun! Also ha. One of those Fenris/f!Hawke/Sebastian people is me! But I don't know if I'm ever going to finish that fic... The whole baby-toddler thing uses up an astonishing amount of my attention & energy.
toddlers, gosh. so exhausting. *hugs*
eh, if you get to it it’d be nice, if you don’t tho, I know how it is, trust me <3
@tarysande replied to your post “things I learned while putzing about AO3 today: there are more...”
I feel like, by word count, From the Ashes might account for like, 50% of the Sebastian/FHawke words ;P Also, there is a whole yearly Hawke/Varric big bang-y THING but that'd never fly with poor Sebastian, I think.
No, it probably wouldn’t. Poor Sebastian. *sighs forever*
And yeah, I think by both word count and the power of its shadow you should probably qualify for at least 50% :D (It’s such a good thing, though. So good.)
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