#god eden ayn's little toy piano...... dude im gonna lose it PLEASE
ad-hawkeye · 4 months
Alternate Selves Dreams Aftermath
Ayn: Buys a toy piano to put in the music room, wanders off to observe and maybe join fencing club for a week until he gets bored, stares into fireplaces for a bit
Alkaid: Yes to 'cold sweat-thank goodness I still have emotions' tag, goes to magic shows involving light tricks, doesn't serve floral tea when Little Painter comes over
Lars: Avoids business trips to places with snow for the better part of a year, visits the old granny who ran a clinic near his hometown more often, has sudden cravings for canned peas
Clarence: Buys and learns how to ride a motorbike, avoids butterflies for at least a few months, includes maple tree planting as part of the next campus beautification project
Hey. Hey You Can't Make Me Emotional Like This. What The Fuck!!
god i'm gonna be thinking about this all day now. i hope you're happy. not to mention this would be incredible fic material??? ghghhhhhh pleaseeee
as someone who has VERY vivid and realistic dreams for a number of reasons, sometimes there are little mundane bits you remember where your brain is just like - did i actually do that? did i think that? and keeping in mind that these are actual alternative lives in clear, complete detail... whew.
so you could have these interesting scenarios.
like, you know how eden alkaid was literally in tears terrified that, after everything, his feelings for mc were possessive and not actual love. imagine feeling those intense emotions in your dreams and waking up like. was that real. feeling slightly off and more cautious when he's around mc.
also lars - his parents keep getting killed off in horrible ways in both godheim and eden. i'm unsure of modern lars' family situation, but either way, that has to be really unsettling. either you dream that your very alive parents are dead, or your dreams are rubbing salt in the wound of your deceased parents.
man i'll stop here. anon i love these so much
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