#god I rlly need to fix my sleep schedule anyway since classes start in like a little under a month
loverdude · 10 months
I stayed up all night for like no reason and only got tired at like 10:45 in the morning (to be fair ive been basically literally nocturnal lately anyway) and dozed off vaguely for like literally 15 minutes till my alarm at 11 and like. I'm so fucking tired I wanna sleep so bad but I gotta go meet w my dad first to help him move some of the last bigger stuff at my bf's old apartment and that should be pretty quick and then I can sleep but I'M SO TIREEEEDDD
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bowlofsoob · 5 months
omg hi kai i havent sent anything in a while but ive been lurking 🤭 anyway not starting college tmr but my first job im so nervous cuz wdym ill barely get alone time for hours bruh and i gotta talk to ppl oh god im gone 😰💀i js gotta think ab the money ill be getting AND my sleep schedule finally getting fixed cuz its been so fucked and wonky esp since covid started plsss rlly hoping work will finally give me a consistent schedule from tiring me out socially, mentally and physically LMFAO 😭🙏
also WHAT u got an apartment omg good luck with the move and the furniture shopping and building OH AND GOOD LUCK WITH THE NEW COLLEGE SEMESTER/YEAR ROOTIJG FOR U AND EVERYONE ELSE STARTING SOMETHING NEW 🗣️🫶‼️
omg congrats on getting a job!!! hope it goes well and ur so real i hate talking to ppl while working 😭 i used to work at a clinic and i was sweating everyday before work fr but keep the money in mind think of all the retail therapy u can do !!
the sleep schedule thing is so real…i’ve been going to bed at 7 in the morning since winter break and my classes start at 8 this semester so ☠️ need to fix that erm
and yes!! so excited omg it’s sm better than the stinky college dorms i used to live in ✊ i absolutely hated living with dorm roommates so i clocked out the moment winter break started 😭 didn’t even tell my roommates until the last minute i felt like a husband leaving his wife in the middle of the night
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