zevuffie · 3 months
This was written eons ago; I was barely out of teenagerdom. 💀 just feeling nostalgic, and I actually like this piece. Maybe someone out there will, too.
Part of a larger headfic; post FBM, Katara and Zuko make their way across the Fire Nation on a mission (it's a long story). During the course of their trip into the heart of the Fire Nation, they stop at one small village that lies just beyond the coast of the mainland; Vei Hong. It is there that they discover that some of the old traditions are still kept alive, one in particular being dancing...
Feels Like Rain
She moved like a storm on the sea, push and pull, rise and fall. Dusky, slender arms turned to glowing bronze in the light of the bonfire as she trailed them above her, weaving with the rest of her body. Wiry, strong feet kicked up dust, the motes dancing around her legs like glittering smoke. He lost sight of her for a moment as the dancers continued to dart in and out of the firelight, then there she was again, a light sheen of sweat covering her brow and collarbone. Her unbound hair had a life of its own, sweeping across her face as she spun around, only to ripple and twist behind her, like an opened fan across her bare shoulders and back.
He was too far away to see the details of her eyes, but when she would turn, he imagined he could make out the spark that burned there. And that dress...damn the flowershop girl for lending it to her. The cream-colored material clung in soft, crinkling folds to her torso and hips, the capped sleeves pulled down her arms to leave her shoulders bare. As she twisted and leapt backwards, arms swinging around her, the gold-edged hem did its own pirouette around her shockingly tan thighs, skimming across the tops of them as the girl came back down to earth.
It was far too short for her, who he was so used to seeing in concealing leggings and a long tunic. She was too practical for an outfit of that...that...brevity. The Agni-cursed thing left her entire top half uncovered! Well, not the entire top...but from her shoulders down to the swelling curves of her breasts there was nothing but glowing, bare skin. A hint of bosom at the top of the dress was all it took to have every male ranging from old windbag to spotty adolescent ogling her. It certainly had his attention. (And where, he would dearly love to know, had she learned to dance like that?)
Why am I even thinking about this? She isn't my sister; I shouldn't be worried how many eyes are on her (not that he worried about said sister in the first place). I don't need to be thinking about her in that thrice-cursed (blessed?) dress, or that everyone else is thinking about her out of it -
That was enough for him. He tore his eyes away from the swaying hips and stamping feet, away from the levity of the dancers and the fire that moved them. He made himself focus on his leg, the one that was propped out in front of him; it was still supposed to be broken, but she had healed it for him only a few hours ago -
And there he went again. He wasn't supposed to be thinking of her. He settled himself back against the trunk of the tree, then picked up his discarded knife and set to the small piece of clay in his hand with a savagery that nearly broke the fragile disk in two. Slowly, swirls and spirals appeared, almost as if the music were being transferred in the stone. Stabs of flame, whorls of dust and waves of water broke across the surface of the clay. Don't think, just do. But his mind couldn't focus for long; neither would his eyes. He felt himself being pulled back into the firelight, into the rippling rhythm of the dancers before him. One dancer. She moved to her own music, it seemed, sometimes almost out of time with the others. Certainly her moves weren't like the other girls'. Theirs were coy and submissive, made to draw the eyes of suitors. Hers were fierce, almost savage, as if she listened to a different set of musicians altogether. The roar of the ocean, maybe, or the thundering of rain. But despite this, or perhaps because of it, all eyes were on the wild-eyed girl that moved in the center of the pinwheel like a typhoon.
The music was changing, he suddenly noticed. Becoming harsher, deeper, faster. Because of her, he didn't doubt. Wherever she went, the Waterbender inspired change. (He was living proof, wasn't he?) The other girls stumbled a bit, losing the beat, but then, as if a key had been turned, they, too, became waves. Pushing, pulling, over and under. Leaping and ducking, as if fire were hot on their heels. But still his eyes followed the one at the center of the maelstrom, the one closest to the flames that lit her hair to fire and turned her skin into dusty gold. He watched, the carving in his hands forgotten.
No, he decided. Not quite the ocean. More like a firestorm. An unchecked force of nature that leapt and grabbed, darted and wove through the hearts of men. Fire can be so like water, in the push and pull, the breaking down of the elements before it, the hunger, the potential for destruction if left to itself. She dances like fire.
Slowly, quietly, something passed through him, sinking deep inside his bones and turning them to jelly. His palms were suddenly sweaty, and he blinked, swiping at the moisture that dripped into his eyes. He felt the change, and wondered what it was. Then, just as softly as it had snuck up on him, the feeling passed, and he was left with the nagging thought that there was something he was missing. As if of their own volition, his eyes found the Waterbender in the throng of dancers once more, and something in the air changed, like the charge of energy before a storm. She looks different. He took a deep, steadying breath, and leaned back against the tree once more, following every step, every twist and bend and fall that her body made against the firelight.
Someday, the thought found him. His fingers absently smoothed over the half-formed design in his hand, barely registering the heat that seemed to come off it. Someday, I'm going to dance with her.
Then he glanced down at the piece of clay, at the abstract design he had carved into it, and blinked. If you looked at it just right, angled it a little this way, and squinted, it looked...it looked almost like...
His calloused fingers closed over the piece abruptly, thinking to melt it. But he didn't. He held it in his fist, knuckles white, and looked back up at the water girl that danced like fire.
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sansanwritersguild · 5 months
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New Year, New AU Prompts are here!
Thank you to all who signed up! Can't wait to read the prompt fills!
Your prompt fill should be at least 500 words. Your fill can be a drabble, text message fic, one-shot, multi-chapter, whatever you choose.
Please tag "SanSan New Year, New AU 2024" on AO3 and/or tumblr so we can track all the wonderful fics!
Post by 29 February. For multi-chapter fics, you’ll only need to have posted the first chapter by 29 February. You can post sooner than this. If real life crops up and your fill will be delayed, just post as soon as you can. If you’re unable to fill your prompt, please reach out to @sansanwritersguild.
Prompts assignments are below the cut:
1: To: @littlewolfbird From: @fuzzychapstick (AO3: Glitterswitch)
High school AU! The older characters can either be fellow students or teachers. Sansa must be a student, however. Bonus points for either cheerleading!Sansa or aversion-to-sweat!Sansa. Most smut is fine, if you want to go that direction, just no urination or defecation kinks. No Sansa and Arya haters.
To: @rayne11 From: @musicfanforlife (AO3: Kylorenfan123)
Horror movie au. You can choose whatever character dynamic you want though I am partial to horror antagonists x protagonists. Smut is fine.
To: @corinalannister From: @3rdstarksistr (AO3: 3rdstarksistr)
Tavern or Bar AU. Smut is fine. No non-con or pregnancy/babies.
To: @fuzzychapstick From: @corinalannister (AO3: CorinaLannister)
Modern day historian Sansa gets thrown back in time to a Westeros of the past. She's not just researching the past, she's now living in it. Sandor is the only one who knows she's not from the time period. Smut is fine. No male pregnancy (female pregnancy is fine).
To: @3rdstarksistr From: @rayne11 (AO3: rayne11)
Futuristic AU: where Sansa is an AI (who may or may not "come to life") and Sandor is a grumpy, lonely but ultimately good at heart individual, long suffering due to the antics of his dear sister Eleanor. No smut. Nothing too dark/sad. I'd appreciate something relatively light hearted. No SA/Violence (may be included in backstory). No troubling scenarios involving Starks (let them all live pls if they're in the fic), Joffrey, or Ramsay, or LF.
To: @cranberry-wine From: @estevnys (AO3: estevnys)
Apocalypse AU. Sandor and Sansa are traveling across the apocalyptic landscape to escape from the Lannisters on his motorcycle "Stranger" :rofl:. Choice of apocalypse up to you-- zombies in no way required. Think Beth and Daryl from TWD. Smut is fine.
To: @ricketyrunt From: @shoshi.gideon (AO3: Shmae)
The Bachelorette AU. Smut is fine.
To: @lemonoak From: @cranberry-wine (AO3: Cranberry_Wine)
Inside the universe of Stephen King's fictional setting of Castle Rock, Maine. Smut is fine.
To: @musicalfanforlife_93 From: @littlewolfbird (AO3: Littlewolfbird)
Your Expertise AU. Whatever you are best at - professionally, hobby-wise, et cetera - that's the AU that I want to read about. Smut is fine. No dubcon, no rape (past mentions is fine), no incest, no minors (as in one is a minor the other is not), no bdsm.
To: @estevnys From: @ricketyrunt (AO3: Ricketyrunt)
Picture them getting stuck in an elevator during a power outage, forcing them to confront fears, share personal stories, and create a unique bond under tense circumstances. Smut is fine. I Don’t love alpha/beta/omega dynamics, but I also want you to write your own thang!
To: @shoshi.gideon From: @lemonoak (AO3: LemonOak)
Mafia princess Sansa and Made man Sandor, what happens is up to you. Smut is fine. No gun or knife kink. No rape or dislike.
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cosmoniki · 6 years
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[ Werbung da Markennennung und Accountverlinkung - PR-Samples ] Na wie war euer Wochenende? Meins war recht entspannt 😌 Auf dem Bild trage ich eine wunderschöne Farbe von den Lottie London (Dream on) aber leider bröckelt die Farbe innerhalb kürzester Zeit ab und die Lippen fühlen sich staubtrocken an. Wirklich schade, besonders bei der schönen Farbe 😩 #lottielondon #glitterswitch #dreamon #liquidlipstick #lipswatch #sundaypost #review https://www.instagram.com/p/Bng64pfgSMS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vfgnro8qki5m
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maroucia · 3 years
Sansan Russian Roulette, summer 2021: the fills!
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Here’s all the fills with links for the SanSan Russian Roulette 2021. Thanks everyone for your participation! 😄
Links under the cut!
1. Meet Me In The Moonlight Author: Fleurdeplume: “Dusk. Secret meetings. Stolen kiss. Sansa looks like a little bird but deep down, she's a wolf.” (Prompt from Lysae).
2. Broken Like Me Author: TheImmaculateBastard: “Inspired by a tweet, "I don't know what just happened, but I was at an animal shelter before work and a toddler walked in, pointed to me, and said “I want that one”. His mother looked at me and said “you can’t have that, that’s a grown man”” (Prompt from Lorel).
3. The Eyes Have It Author: Jadedelcinismo: “Sansa is in love with Sandor and is jealous of someone in his life. Canon/AU, your choice.” (Prompt from Missy-1978).
4. A Long Time Coming Author: Vermilion_Sunrise: “Sandor tucks Sansa in bed after her first day as Queen in the North.” (Prompt from Prettybadmagic).
5. Russian Roulette Author: Meganfence: “Fight, argument or other disagreement. Open to interpretation, minor or major.” (Prompt from Redbirdblackdog).
6. One Picture Author: Sharkaria: “Sandor discovers he's got a good eye for photography. He fills his time taking pictures of his urban landscape, until he spies a Little Bird Muse...” (Prompt from Glamgrowl).
7. The Season Author: Missy-1978: “Kinda stole this from the Discord, but I love a forced marriage trope! Maybe Sansa got left at the altar and Sandor steps in last minute. Or a role reversal where she has to marry him to save his honor. Something fun and unexpected, can be modern or set in GOT world.” (Prompt from Atomic-bomb-shell).
8. 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓲𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓿𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭... Author: TailBobSquid: “Jumanji AU - either a game that they are playing comes to life or they get sucked into a game that they are playing.” (Prompt from ReadyReaderOne).
9. Magic Act! Author: Prettybadmagic: “Sandor is going to do it. He's going to do the kiss your best friend challenge. The friend he just happens to have been in love with since day one.” (Prompt from Islandida).
10. You should meet my Sister Author: Glamgrowl: “Feel good and funny modern au where all Starks are alive and well. Sansa makes the first move on Sandor even though she's not sure she's his type as he is much older and works a blue collar job. (Please no Joffrey bashing) Cameos from other Starks would be awesome but not necessary.” (Prompt from Rayne).
11. better days (just around the corner) Author: Glitterswitch: “Bakery/coffee shop AU Stranger is Sandor’s service animal.” (Prompt from OrangeTabby).
12. A Thin Line Author: LittleWolfBird: “Sandor joins the Stark family traveling circus when he sees a casting call for "freaks." Bonus points for Sansa on trapeze or tightrope.” (Prompt from GlitterGoth114).
13. Feels Like Spring Author: Diverse.lorde: “Sansa playing her high harp (or other instrument) and singing a song that she wrote about/for Sandor.” (Prompt from Neleam).
14. Going Viral Author: Lysae: “Sandor finds out Sansa made him TikTok famous after a video of him goes viral: Sansa: hey can I have x/can we go to y? Sandor: no. Sansa, in a sweet voice: pretty please? Sandor, huffing: fine (Daddy on the end of pretty please would be lovely, but if Daddy Sandor isn’t your thing, no problem).” (Prompt from TailBobSquid).
15. The Package Author: OrangeTabby: “Mafia AU, fancy party. Dominant Sandor, thirsty Sansa Sandor in a suit, hand tattoos, creeping neck tattoo, whiskey - Sansa thirsting.” (Prompt from Meganfence).
16. I Wonder That Too, Ser Chirrup Author: Neleam: “Sanson Stark has always been the dutiful yet idealist second son of House Stark. Sandra Clegane is a Silent sister who has been disappointed by the very songs she once admired. A knight of the Seven and a handmaiden of the Stranger unexpectedly find comfort in each other.” (Prompt from Jadedelcinismo).
17. Good Girl Author: Redbirdblackdog: “Sansa gets her first tattoo by none other than the famous tattoo artist "The Hound". When she's in pain, she exhales slowly and Sandor says, "Good girl". Sexual tension ensues. (This prompt was inspired by a meme.)” (Prompt from Thequeen--in--thenorth).
18. Ever the Same Author: Thequeen--in--thenorth: “Following a tumultuous few years, Sansa has spent every penny she's ever earned on a quiet cottage, surrounded by forest and wildlife. Not long after moving, a strange man appears in the pond near her home, half-alive and unable to remember anything about himself except his name: Sandor.” (Prompt from Suzi).
19. Closure's Overrated Author: Atomic-bomb-shell: “Crust punk modern AU. Sandor is a crustie squatting in the backyard of an abandoned house. Sansa is a friendly neighbor who offers him a warm meal and access to her laundry room.” (Prompt from Diverse.lorde).
20. All Because of a Little Bird Author: Lorel: “Sansa manages a gallery in King’s Landing. After storming out of a fight with her boyfriend, she drives off into the countryside. That’s when she sees the most amazing art behind some dusty glass in a car repair shop. Now all she has to do is convince the artist, Sandor, to do a show at her gallery.” (Prompt from Vermilion_Sunrise).
21. Caught Author: GlitterGoth114: “Walked in on. Caught in the act. "Can opened, worms everywhere." (Prompt from TheImmaculateBastard).
22. Unanswered Author: Islandida: “Robb comes home from war with a big loyal man behind him. Sansa never thought she'd see her brother again let alone *him*. Modern au or canon.’’ (Prompt from LittleWolfBird).
23. Hajime (To Begin) Author: Rayne: “Modern AU: After finally getting out of an unhappy/controlling relationship with Joffrey that desecrated her self-worth, Sansa enrolls for self-defence classes with martial arts Master Clegane, who proceeds to build up her self esteem and fighting skills while the two fight their mutual attraction.” (Prompt from Fleurdeplume).
24. Thig crìoch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh gaol Author: Suzi: “Prompt submission -- passionate time travel.” (Prompt from Sharkaria).
25. His flame Author: ReadyReaderOne: “Sansa leaves with the Hound that night. Their journey thru Westeros is loosely similar - Arya, Twins, etc. They find Elder Brother to help Sandor. After healing, all 3 head for Braavos, and the Dragon Queen. Lots of friendship/bonding b/t all 3; both defend Sandor from Dany. Devoted sansan, HEA!’’ (Prompt from Glitterswitch).
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zevuffie · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fallout (TV 2024) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cooper Howard | The Ghoul/Lucy MacLean Characters: Cooper Howard | The Ghoul, Lucy MacLean Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 01, this is hard to tag, VERY light bondage, Developing Relationship, Traveling Together Summary:
Prompts from Twitter's vaultghoul. First up is "neck."
Lucy isn't sure what she wants...but it probably shouldn't be this.
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maroucia · 3 years
SanSan Russian Roulette | Summer 2021
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Here they are! The results!😄 But first, here’s a reminder of the game’s rules: 
-Your prompt fill should be at least 500 words (one-shot or multi-chapter fic). You can post to the platform of your choice (AO3, FF.net, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.).
-Please tag "SanSan Russian Roulette 2021" on AO3, Tumblr, or Twitter so we can track all the wonderful fics!
-Post by 31 July—For multi-chapter fics, you’ll only need to have posted the first chapter by 31 July. You can post sooner than this. If real life crops up and your fill will be delayed, just post as soon as you can. If you’re unable to fill your prompt, please reach out to maroucia or sansanwritersguild on tumblr or @Mod or @...Maroucia… on Discord.
Now here are the prompts:
1.     To Fleurdeplume: “Dusk. Secret meetings. Stolen kiss. Sansa looks like a little bird but deep down, she's a wolf.” (From Lysae).
2.     To TheImmaculateBastard: “Inspired by a tweet, "I don't know what just happened, but I was at an animal shelter before work and a toddler walked in, pointed to me, and said “I want that one”. His mother looked at me and said “you can’t have that, that’s a grown man”” (From Lorel).
3.     To Jadedelcinismo: “Sansa is in love with Sandor and is jealous of someone in his life. Canon/AU, your choice.” (From Missy-1978).
4.     To Vermilion_Sunrise: “Sandor tucks Sansa in bed after her first day as Queen in the North.” (From Prettybadmagic).
5.     To Meganfence: “Fight, argument or other disagreement. Open to interpretation, minor or major.” (From Redbirdblackdog).
6.     To Sharkaria: “Sandor discovers he's got a good eye for photography. He fills his time taking pictures of his urban landscape, until he spies a Little Bird Muse...” (From Glamgrowl).
7.     To Missy-1978: “Kinda stole this from the Discord, but I love a forced marriage trope! Maybe Sansa got left at the altar and Sandor steps in last minute. Or a role reversal where she has to marry him to save his honor. Something fun and unexpected, can be modern or set in GOT world.” (From Atomic-bomb-shell).
8.     To TailBobSquid: “Jumanji AU - either a game that they are playing comes to life or they get sucked into a game that they are playing.” (From ReadyReaderOne).
9.     To Prettybadmagic: “Sandor is going to do it. He's going to do the kiss your best friend challenge. The friend he just happens to have been in love with since day one.” (From Islandida).
10.  To Glamgrowl: “Feel good and funny modern au where all Starks are alive and well. Sansa makes the first move on Sandor even though she's not sure she's his type as he is much older and works a blue collar job. (Please no Joffrey bashing) Cameos from other Starks would be awesome but not necessary.” (From Rayne).
11.  To Glitterswitch: “Bakery/coffee shop AU Stranger is Sandor’s service animal.” (From OrangeTabby).
12.  To LittleWolfBird: “Sandor joins the Stark family traveling circus when he sees a casting call for "freaks." Bonus points for Sansa on trapeze or tightrope.” (From GlitterGoth114).
13.  To Diverse.lorde: “Sansa playing her high harp (or other instrument) and singing a song that she wrote about/for Sandor.” (From Neleam).
14.  To Lysae : “Sandor finds out Sansa made him TikTok famous after a video of him goes viral: Sansa: hey can I have x/can we go to y? Sandor: no. Sansa, in a sweet voice: pretty please? Sandor, huffing: fine (Daddy on the end of pretty please would be lovely, but if Daddy Sandor isn’t your thing, no problem).” (From TailBobSquid).
15.  To OrangeTabby: “Mafia AU, fancy party. Dominant Sandor, thirsty Sansa Sandor in a suit, hand tattoos, creeping neck tattoo, whiskey - Sansa thirsting.” (From Meganfence).
16.  To Neleam: “Sanson Stark has always been the dutiful yet idealist second son of House Stark. Sandra Clegane is a Silent sister who has been disappointed by the very songs she once admired. A knight of the Seven and a handmaiden of the Stranger unexpectedly find comfort in each other.” (From Jadedelcinismo).
17.  To Redbirdblackdog: “Sansa gets her first tattoo by none other than the famous tattoo artist "The Hound". When she's in pain, she exhales slowly and Sandor says, "Good girl". Sexual tension ensues. (This prompt was inspired by a meme.)” (From Thequeen--in--thenorth).
18.  To Thequeen--in--thenorth: “Following a tumultuous few years, Sansa has spent every penny she's ever earned on a quiet cottage, surrounded by forest and wildlife. Not long after moving, a strange man appears in the pond near her home, half-alive and unable to remember anything about himself except his name: Sandor.” (From Suzi).
19.  To Atomic-bomb-shell: “Crust punk modern AU. Sandor is a crustie squatting in the backyard of an abandoned house. Sansa is a friendly neighbor who offers him a warm meal and access to her laundry room.” (From Diverse.lorde).
20.  To Lorel: “Sansa manages a gallery in King’s Landing. After storming out of a fight with her boyfriend, she drives off into the countryside. That’s when she sees the most amazing art behind some dusty glass in a car repair shop. Now all she has to do is convince the artist, Sandor, to do a show at her gallery.” (From Vermilion_Sunrise).
21.  To GlitterGoth114: “Walked in on. Caught in the act. "Can opened, worms everywhere." (From TheImmaculateBastard).
22.  To Islandida: “Robb comes home from war with a big loyal man behind him. Sansa never thought she'd see her brother again let alone *him*. Modern au or canon.’’  (From LittleWolfBird).
23.  To Rayne: “Modern AU: After finally getting out of an unhappy/controlling relationship with Joffrey that desecrated her self-worth, Sansa enrolls for self-defence classes with martial arts Master Clegane, who proceeds to build up her self esteem and fighting skills while the two fight their mutual attraction.” (From Fleurdeplume).
24.  To Suzi: “Prompt submission -- passionate time travel.” (From Sharkaria).
25.  To ReadyReaderOne: “Sansa leaves with the Hound that night. Their journey thru Westeros is loosely similar - Arya, Twins, etc. They find Elder Brother to help Sandor. After healing, all 3 head for Braavos, and the Dragon Queen. Lots of friendship/bonding b/t all 3; both defend Sandor from Dany. Devoted sansan, HEA!’’ (From Glitterswitch).
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loup-garou · 10 years
glitterswitch replied to your post:because of this fucking Obamacare I have to pay...
The fine for not having it is less than paying for it, if you absolutely don’t need it.
I know. That's why I said "fuck it I dont need this shit. I'd rather pay the fine since it's less"
I was just making the post because everyones like "OMG THANKS OBAMACARE FREE MEDS"
while I'm here PAYING FOR YOUR MEDS when I can't even get affordable insurance.
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zevuffie · 3 years
better days (just around the corner)
Prompt fill for OrangeTabby: Bakery/coffeeshop AU. Stranger is Sandor's service animal.
Baking is Sansa's life, but sometimes it's not all it's cracked up to be. So much sugar, so much temptation...good thing she has her besties to cheer her up!
Modern-day Westeros, Sansan-flavored! 🖤
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cosmoniki · 6 years
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[ Werbung da Markennennung und Accountverlinkung - PR-Samples ] I’m back Leute 😎 und ich bringe gleich einen neuen Blogbeitrag mit! Von Lottie London gibt es relativ neu diese „Glitter Switch“ Liquid Lipsticks. Wieso sie mich leider enttäuscht haben, könnt ihr auf meinem Blog nachlesen (Link in Bio)! Ich wünsche euch einen fabelhaften Start ins Wochenende 🤩 #lottielondon #meinrossmann #neubeirossmann #liquidlipsticks #glitterswitch #newbeautyblogpost #germanbeautyblogger #fridaypost #leichtenttäuscht https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnbw5PmATEH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10eiteyu5yyi7
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nofoxgiven · 11 years
glitterswitch started following you
omg x.x im not worthy -melts-
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testosterlonely · 11 years
omg y'all glitterswitch just followed me fanboying.
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