#gladiolus amicitia.gladio
blustersquall · 6 years
Kiss meme 41 for Gladio and Isla, please ? =)
41. …because the world is saved.
Fluff/angst... I guess, set just after the end of the game when the light has returned. @ffxv-ocs-unite @mp938368 @ffxvhoe   @sephiratales
Meet me at Galdin Quay, tomorrow. x
The past twenty-four hours were a blur of confusion and sudden, dramatic changes. The constant darkness was gone, sunlight breaking through for the first time in years. Daemons that hounded the world all over, gone in moments dissipating in clouds of black particles as the sun rose.
It took time to adjust to the bright light of day again. People in Lestallum murmured and talked, excitedly, among themselves feeling the beams hit their skin. Children who were born during the years of darkness cautiously stepped out into the light, feeling it for the first time and were warmed by it. The atmosphere of excitement and joy was infectious. Isla left The Shield’s Respite in the hands of her staff and left Lestallum to meet Gladiolus as he requested. 
She stood on the shoreline, the soft waves gently lapping at her bare feet while the wind around her whipped up her hair and the skirts of the dress she was wearing. The once beautiful resort was a mess of fallen in roofing and collapsed beams, but it would heal under the hands of skilled builders in time, just as the rest of Eos would. 
For the first time in years, Isla relaxed. There were no daemons to worry about. She could hear the sound of seabirds calling overhead, smell the salt of the spray. For the first time in ten years, she could think about the future and actually believe there was one to be had. Her shoulders felt strangely lighter and as the sunlight warmed her skin, the feeling of fear and dread she carried in her chest was nowhere to be found.
Isla listened to the waves, breathed deeply, and wondered how she could have ever taken something like the sun for granted. She vowed she never would again, not after ten years without it. Her mind was calm and still as she thought of everything, and yet nothing. Free for the first time in years to simply just be. 
“Sunshine,” the soft call of Gladiolus’s voice was just loud enough to pull her from her peaceful trance-like state. She turned to look over her shoulder, and there he stood no more than thirty feet away. His hair pulled back, a small, unreadable smile on his lips, sporting the familiar black tank top that somehow survived ten years of intermittent wear.
She started running, her feet sinking into the sand with every step, but she pushed herself forward. Gladiolus walked a few steps, arms open and extended, catching her and spinning her on the spot when she all but launched herself at him. Isla braced her hands on his shoulders, peering down while he held her aloft, his hands sturdy and strong beneath her arms.
“You came back!” Isla beamed at him, unable to keep the broad smile at bay.
“Said I would,” Gladiolus replied, with a smile just as big as her own. 
“And you brought the dawn with you...” 
Slowly, Gladiolus lowered her to the ground. “...Yeah.” His smile faltered. When she touched the sand, his hands lowered to her waist. 
“What’s wrong?” Isla asked, brushing the fingers of her right-hand back through Gladiolus’s hair.
For a moment so brief she would have missed it if she hadn’t been standing so close, Gladiolus’s eyes grew distant, his expression passive, as though he was suddenly somewhere else and seeing things beyond Isla’s realm of vision. Then, as quickly as it came, he returned to her and his smile lit up his face.
“Nothing.” He bent towards her, pressing his forehead against hers. “The dawn is back. The world is safe. That’s what matters.”
“Gladio...?” Isla wanted to question him further, but a voice at the back of her mind told her now wasn’t the time. She shifted closer, claiming his mouth in a soft, heartfelt kiss while winding her hands back around his neck. Gladiolus cupped her cheek, his thumb resting in the hollow of her throat. Each time Isla went to break the kiss, he pursued, keeping that connection with an almost tangible desperation in each brush of his lips. 
From the way he kissed her, Isla could only assume something bad had occurred and that the defeating of the darkness had not been free of casualties. 
“Hey, hey...” Isla pulled away enough that Gladiolus couldn’t simply keep kissing her. “You saved the world...” she brushed her nose against his, a sign of reassurance between them since the beginning.
“Noct saved it.” Gladiolus rumbled back, his voice tight. He swallowed, hard and Isla’s stomach sank. He didn’t have to say anything, she could gather from the tightening of his jaw that Noctis would not be celebrating the victory. Wordlessly, Isla wrapped her arms around Gladiolus’s middle, squeezing him as tight as she was able. He buried his face in the curve of her neck, his shoulders shuddering and a low, strangled sound escaping his lips. 
The world was safe... but the cost had been a great one. 
This kind of goes really nicely with this commission of Gladiolus and Isla I bought in Dec ‘17 from @sarahmillercreations
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I hope this was okay, @sephiratales Might not have been exactly what you expected. I tried to keep it short. I always imagine this moment of them reuniting is full of conflicting emotions for Gladio. Maybe I’ll do a piece from his point of view eventually.
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