#give yourself some credit Jack I’m sure you’ll do just great if you accept losing a few fingers in the name of love
Ace4ace jagnes is great but consider also:
Jack Barnabas, who thinks very little of himself and has been single for quite a while, dreaming about having happy romantic sex with Agnes some day: oh who am I kidding it’s been forever and she’s way out of my league, she’s so hot I’d probably explode the second she touched me
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Twelve Days of Holly Jolly Tidings - Day 6
Disclaimers: I watched “Dash & Lily” the other day on Netflix. This story is LOOSELY based on that book and Netflix series.  I do not own “Dash and Lily” or Newsies or anything recognizable within the series.  There are occasional curse words throughout the series, nothing too horrible but there’s some.  
Wednesday, December 18
Gathering her stuff, she trudged over to the elevator, happy to finally be leaving her work behind. It had been a shit day and it didn’t help that one of her articles was sent back to her desk with red ink all over it.   
Walking out of the elevator, she smiled seeing a man standing there waiting for her. “Thank God you’re still here. I thought you might have snuck out.” 
“Nope . . . just got my ass chewed out and an article was just redlined back to me.” She sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Not that I don’t love seeing you, but what are you doing here, Spot?” 
He held up the familiar green notebook, grinning. “I’ve been recruited to deliver this to you. But there’s something you need to do first before you can get this.” 
“And what’s that?” Her eyebrow rose in curiosity, Spot holding the notebook just out of her reach. 
He smiled, tucking the notebook in his back pocket. “Have dinner with me?” 
“So I’m guessing today’s adventure isn’t on some sort of time table?” She guessed, looking over at him. 
Shaking his head, he started walking, not waiting for her to catch up. “No, there’s not. Something has to be done tonight but not a strict schedule. Now can we go get dinner?” 
She looped her arm through his as they made their way down the street. “And what’s for dinner, oh grumpy one?” 
“Just for that, you can pick up the bill.” He stuck his tongue out at her as she scoffed. “Kidding but I’m thinking Chinese.” 
“Sounds good to me. Lead the way, dear sir.” She grinned, trying to avoid the hip check that was coming her way; she was unsuccessful. 
Holding open the door, he motioned for her to go in first as he followed behind her. The door shut with a gentle bang as the hostess led them over to a table. Taking off her coat, she threw it in the booth before sliding in it as Spot did the same on the other side of the table. 
“Have you been here before?” She asked, giving him a look as she opened her menu. She immediately knew what she wanted, closing the menu with a snap. 
Spot looked up briefly before returning to his menu. “Once, Race took me here for a date a couple of years ago. I remember this place having really good food.” 
Nodding, she tapped her nails on the table watching him trying to figure out what he was going to order. “You figured out what you want to eat already?” 
“I tend to get the same thing when I go out for Chinese so it’s not rocket science.” She shrugged as the waitress reappeared with two glasses of water and a pot of tea. 
Quickly ordering, they were left in silence as Kat looked at him. “What’s been up with you? Seems like it’s been a while since I’ve seen you.” 
“You saw me last week for our annual lunch date. Hospital has been busy so I’ve been pulling more shifts.” Spot grinned, shaking his head at her. “What’s up with you?” 
Kat motioned to him. “You know what Jack’s been doing?” 
“He mentioned it last time Race and I saw him.” Spot shrugged. “I think it’s sweet that he’s planned this out just for you. He just wants to see you smile, Kat.” 
She nodded. “And it’s been fun to follow his adventures and I’ve had a great time with them.” 
“So what’s the problem?” Spot asked, as their order of Crab Rangoon were delivered to the table along with a couple of plates. 
Picking up a Crab Rangoon, she put it on her plate, pulling it apart and popping a piece in her mouth. “It feels like something is missing or I’m not picking up on something.” 
“So you’re putting an expectation on this?” Spot picked up exactly what she was doing. When the two had met, they had instantly connected and had become fast friends. Spot was her best friend, outside of her group she still hung around from college. 
Kat sighed, giving him a look. “I am trying not to but my brain keeps doing it.” 
“You need to tell your brain to knock it off. There shouldn’t be any expectations along with this.” Spot reached over, grabbing her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Jack is doing this to bring a little more holiday cheer to your life. He wants you to be happy and he designed this for that sole purpose. You need to get out of your head this time and just go with the flow. Maybe that’s what Jack is trying to teach you with these adventures - letting go and letting loose.” 
“Letting go and letting loose?” Kat raised an eyebrow at him. “Have you met me?” 
He chuckled. “Yes, I’ve met you. You’re one of my best friends. Don’t put yourself down but I’m challenging you to let go and let loose.” 
“Ugh . . . alright.” She sighed, nodding her head as their food arrived. 
Spot raised an eyebrow, looking up at her before he dug into his meal. “If you’re going to be like that, then I triple dog dare you to let go and let loose tonight.” 
“How old are you?” Kat asked. She should be shocked by his response but they had known each other long enough that it didn’t even phase her. 
“I’m the same age as you.” He stuck his tongue out at her as he laughed.  “Are you going to shy away from a triple dog dare?” 
Biting her lip, she pushed her food around on her plate. “No, I’m not going to shy away from a triple dog dare!” 
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” He teased, putting his hand near his ear. “Can you repeat that?” 
“I’m not going to shy away from a triple dog dare, old man!” She raised her voice a bit as he laughed, nodding his head. “Make sure those hearing aids are turned up.” 
Looking around them, he quickly flashes her his middle finger as she laughed.  “Love you too Conlon.” 
“It’s Higgins-Conlon, Plums and it’s been that way for the last two years.” He gave her a quick smile, shoveling another forkful in his mouth.
Pushing her plate away, she gave him a tentative smile. “I’m sorry, my apologies Mr. Higgins-Conlon.” 
“Thanks, love.” Sending her an air kiss, he grinned. 
He signaled for the bill, quickly paying it before he leaned back in his seat. “So where is he sending you tonight?” 
“Not sure.” She laughed. “I actually have to read the notebook.” 
Grabbing the notebook from his coat, he tossed it across the table to her. He signed the receipt, watching her crack open the book. 
Hello love, 
I hope you had a wonderful sixth day of Christmas and I hope you had a wonderful dinner with Spot. 
“You told him you were taking me out for dinner?” Cocking an eyebrow she gave him a look. 
Shrugging, he put his credit card back in his wallet. “It may have come up.” 
You’re going on a night adventure tonight. I’m changing it up for today’s adventure. Spot’s going to give you something before you leave him and that’ll give you the ticket to where you need to go.  You’ll need to get on your beloved D-train and take it out to 79th Street and Utrecht. 
You told me that one of your favorite childhood memories was going to look at Christmas lights with your parents and siblings when you were younger. I’ll let you in on a little secret, that was one of my favorite childhood memories as well. It was so cool to see how people would decorate their houses with simple strings of lights and a few blown up characters. 
So tonight I’m sending you to the ULTIMATE Christmas tree lights display in the city.  Once you get there, continue reading the notebook. 
Closing the book, she looked at Spot. “You’re supposed to give me something.” 
“I did . . . I gave you the notebook.” Spot gave her a look, tilting his head. 
Pointing to the notebook, Kat gave him a look. “Jack mentioned that you were going to be giving me something else.” 
“Oh, you’re looking for this.” Grabbing something from his back pocket, he handed it over to her. Accepting it, she saw it was a ticket. Flipping it over, she saw that it was a ticket to the Dyker Heights Christmas tour. 
“He’s sending me to Dyker Heights.” She said, as Spot snorted. 
“Have fun with that one.” Spot chuckled, shaking his head. 
Giving him a look, Kat tilted her head, not understanding why he was laughing.  “Why do you say that?” 
“Have you ever been to Dyker Heights during Christmas?” He raised an eyebrow, knowing exactly what she was getting herself into. 
Shaking her head, she slid the ticket in the notebook, before slipping that into her bag, giving Spot a look. “Do I dare ask what I’m getting into?” 
“Nope, you’re not getting that out of me. Just let loose and go with the flow tonight, okay?” Spot gave her a look. “Now go have fun and I cannot wait to hear all about it.” 
Putting her coat on and grabbing her bag, she leaned over and kissed Spot’s cheek before making her way out the door. Walking to the nearest Subway station, she paid before waiting for the train to arrive.  She looked around at the few people who were on the platform, bouncing on her toes to try to stay warm. Finally, the train arrived, as she boarded and found a spot. 
The train ride was quicker than she thought. Before long, she was walking off the train and through the station. She walked a couple of blocks and her eyes went wide at the brightness of the street. Everywhere she looked were covered in multicolored lights. Every street lamp, every fence, and every square inch of the houses were decorated. 
Hopping up on a brick wall fence, she dug the notebook out of her bag, opening it up. 
So you’ve made your way to the Dyker Heights Christmas Extravaganza.  This is the jolliest street within Brooklyn. Apparently people flock from all over the city every year to take in the brightness and cheer. 
So, my challenge to you, lose yourself in the wonder and the awe of the street. Listen to the history on the tour and join in the singing. Just enjoy yourself and have fun. 
Wish I could see your face right now - I’m sure your face is a mixture of fear and pure happiness. Look for Max, he’ll have a surprise for you. 
Closing the book, she looked around her.  Jack was really throwing her for a loop. The past 6 days, he had hidden the surprise in some random places but Max was a new one. 
“Are you Katherine?” Looking up from the notebook, she gave him a look. 
Jumping off the wall, she slowly nodded. “I am. And you are?” 
“The tour guide, Mitch.” He introduced himself. “And we’re about to start the tour.” 
She nodded, making her way over to the group.  Mitch started by greeting everyone before starting the tour.  “The Dyker Heights Lights displays started in the 1980s and it’s been a yearly tradition for many families since. Lucy Spata started the Christmas Lights tradition when she moved to the neighborhood in the 1980s. She decorates her house to carry on the tradition her mother had started.” 
She made her way with the group as they stopped at each of the houses along the street. Mitch would give them a brief history of the house and the family. He described that there usually was a theme that the neighborhood would decide on, leaving it up to each family to decorate their houses how they saw fit. 
Her eyes went wide taking in the Polizzotto’s house - it had a 15-foot-tall Santa Claus, and even taller nutcrackers. 
They continued down the street and stopped in front of another house. A giant Grinch was in the yard along with his dog, Max. Kat’s eyes went wide thinking back to the notebook and Jack’s note - Max. 
Her eyes swept the house, trying to figure out where Jack would hide the box. Nothing jumped out at her at first until her eyes landed on a divet in the brick wall. Leaning over, she grinned seeing a purple wrapped box, where a brick should’ve been. Pulling the box loose, she backed away from the group, letting them walk ahead without her.  Pulling the wrapping paper loose, she tucked it away in her bag before cracking open the box. Inside, laid a red Christmas bulb charm. Grinning, she closed the box back up and tucked it away. 
Grinning, she looked up and down the street and felt absolutely happiness. She grinned, letting herself go, just like she promised Spot, and twirled around as snow started to lightly fall. Throwing her head back, she caught a few snowflakes in her mouth, giggling the entire time.
So that’s day 6. What did you think? Feedback would be amazing and wonderful! 
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chaniters · 5 years
Ortega has developed a plan to finally free Sidestep from the farm... And it’s initial stage involves facing some of his worst nightmares come true. 
This is a follow up to the “Sick” fic. 
Hope you enjoy it!
WARNING, heavy Chargestep included. Also included, fluff.
"No. No way. Fuck it.  No, I can't do this Ricardo. I can't let's turn back."
"We're almost there! Come on!" he insists.
"I just can't... it's too..."
"Too what?"
"Too risky! What if it doesn't work? I don't want to go back!"
"You won't go back. We already have all the support we need"
"But you don't know these people! You don't know what they can do!"
"I know that when the Panama thing exploded the evidence against them was a million times smaller and a president almost gets impeached. We've got all the safeguards."
"I'm... I'm fucking afraid Ricardo."
"Look, I get it. But what's the option? Getting back into your suit that NO ONE can fix and go on bombing stuff until we both get killed?"
"Yes...?" you say causing him to glare at you "... ok no... but... are you sure there's no other way?"
"I'm sure it's the only way we can stop them." He groans “And you agreed if i recall”
“Yes, but I know jack shit. I mean I’m no model of sanity!”
You stay silent for a few moments, pondering the options.
He takes your hands with his and places them over his chest looking at you with the puppy eyes. 
“We have to do this”
Fuck. You're supposed to be the telepath not him.
You inhale profoundly and finally answer.
Leap of faith it is.
And so you step into the men's salon with him.
Every single customer steps outside as you enter and the hair stylists don't question it as their clients leave. They all think they left something on the fire at home, even the ones who don't own a kitchen.
Ricardo nudges you from behind. "Did you...just...?"
"Yes. Big time. No way I'm going to wait in here" you state matter-of-factly. He seems about to protest but decides not to fight this battle.
Ricardo goes through a magazine showing different hairstyles. You can't really focus on it. All the guys in there look really attractive. You are just... whatever.
"This isn't going to work," you say looking away. "You just pick whichever you want, it'll be fine by me." They can't fix you with some scissors. You know that.
He seems a bit taken back, but he simply tells the barber to inflict one of the pictures onto you.
Your mind races back to the Farm... they would just shave your hair with a machine back there. It was fast. You remember they shaved you when they recaptured you. It wasn't even a choice they made to punish you. You were going to surgery and they needed the hair out of the way to fix you.
This is different. He cuts so slowly... and he touches your head... positions it to the side.. to the other side... forward... back...
You feel the panic levels rising. You need to make it stop ...
He nudges you slightly. The contact of the cold scissors... makes you tremble.
It has to stop...
Ortega's hand presses on your shoulder. You look at the mirror and he's giving you a "Mind your manners"  look. You notice the Barber has frozen and his left eye is twitching.
You relax and let the barber's mind free. You weren't even doing it on purpose.
Ricardo sits by your side. Maybe to give you moral support. Maybe to stop you from breaking the barber's brain.  
And then it's done. He brushes you excess hair off your clothes, sprinkles some water all over and then finishes with a shot of the hairdryer while combing your hair.
You always simply cut your hair yourself. And now you're afraid to look at the mirror.
"What do you think?" Ricardo asks.
You take a brief look and mumble that yes, you do like it.
He's afraid of you not liking your haircut. Maybe he doesn't believe you when you tell him you're terrified of your own body, or it's reflection. Mirrors. You hate them.
And then the torture continues.
Off to get you some clothing.
You remember the first time you picked your own clothes... the colored mountainwear ensemble. Ortega's never stopped joking about it...
You liked it so much. And It was just so hideous. You could dress up Eden as fancy as you wanted, but you just can't do the same with yourself. The farm issued your clothing when they needed you to look presentable... And even among other regenes, when left to your own devices, you were clueless. Perhaps you'll rely on Ricardo's sense of fashion this time.
He guides you to the store. They sell tailor-made fancy suits and men's clothing. You have avoided these places like the plague since ever. Hoodies don't generally need to be tried on as long as you pick the right size, and can come off the rack.
You walk in, and service is fast because you're with Charge, hero of the Rangers.
You make a quick scan of the room and set off a small barrier that will make any other customers coming in think the place reeks and stinks of dead skunks. You don't want anybody else in here either. If you need to suffer this, you will do it alone.
When they take your measurements you smile nervously to Ricardo, trying to pretend you're not about to explode and erase everyone's memories in a one-mile radius. The nightmare goes on and on, as they finish touching your body over your clothing.
And then they have you try several models of suits and other clothing. You've never put these things on before. You're not familiar with buttoning and unbuttoning. The shoes hurt. The socks are too thin. The shirt and pants are too fit. You have to expose your tattoos to try some on some things and you just can't.
Finally, Ortega comes with you inside the dresser to help you. Even if you've become used to physical touch with him, this is extremely uncomfortable. You don't like him seeing your tattoos at all. And there are mirrors on 3 walls and only a thin curtain separating you from the shop assistants. Nightmare accomplished.
No one in the staff says anything. This is a very exclusive place. What you gather from their minds is that they've and they've seen everything. They are just glad you're not on drugs or drunk and throwing up as some superstars have before. Good to know the bar is low enough to allow you in some places.
Ortega keeps bringing new clothing... going in and out. It takes an eternity. Finally, when you think you're about to lose it he puts a hand on your shoulder. This is quickly starting to become his "Keep your shit together Cyrus" gesture.
"I think this is it"
"Great, can we get out of here please?"
"Hey! Take a look first at least?"
"Fiiiiine" you go on.  
Just a peek. Odd. You feel nothing when you look at your reflection.
Because that isn't your reflection.
That's someone else. He's someone confident. Someone you could never be around. It's a man who knows what he wants. And he looks fucking handsome. And Sexy... and...
You look away.
"I can't... I can't wear this!"
"Hm? You are doing it right now Cyrus"
"But... but that's not me!"
"You do know how mirrors work, right?"
"Look... I don't... I don't look like... THAT!" you say waving your hands at the mirror.
The sexy fucker in the reflection, he waves his hands back at you, making the absurdity of your words sinks in even harder.
Ricardo tries not to laugh.
You blush and look away.
"Do you like it?"
"I... " you blush, looking away "Is this really necessary?"
Fuck. You haven't been so confused in a long time.
"Ok then... If you... say so"
"Perfect! Let's pay up!"
Ortega wants to buy the clothes you're wearing, along with a suit he thinks fits you well enough and a host of other things... And even a Tailor-made suit that'll be delivered next week. It's a whole new wardrobe.
He seems about to pay.
"No, let me," you say.
"But i ..."
You simply hand over your credit card to the cashier.
The savage thoughts assault you as she takes the card.
Her thoughts about you aren't dim and off as usual, but she's getting a very positive reaction instead. She will remember you.
Fuck. You take the credit card back, trying not to look at her.
“So... I’ll put back my own clothes and hand these over so they can...”
“I threw them away” Ricardo states.
“You what?”
“These are your clothes now.”
Speechless you end up following him to the exit.
"I could have paid," Ortega says changing the subject "I've got a discount here"
"I can handle it... I robbed all those banks, remember?" you say feeling a bit grumpy about your old clothes. You feel as if you were using a halloween costume.
"Oh," he says remembering the fact.
"I'll return the money... to charity or something else," you say in the end.
"Good," he says relieved.
“I just can’t believe you did that” you say in the end. 
“It’s a change for the better. You’ll see.”
He locks his arm with yours as you walk off together. The two of you are clearly drawing stares now, and you're sure you're face is red as a strawberry by now. If that mirror was showing anything resembling the truth, you are the sexy fucker right now, and Ortega is one of the hottest men on Los Diablos according to that magazine you keep under your pillow back at your lair.
You are a cuckoo. All your life you've been trained to avoid people's attention. Not to provoke it.
You push their stares away with your mind. All of them.
Ortega chuckles as people look away from you two.
"You know you can't keep doing that forever"
"You just watch me" you answer. And then you cling closer to him.
This is the first part of his plan...
The easy part.
You just hope to outlive it.
---------------------------a few minutes later---------------
He stops in his tracks. 
“Something wrong?” you ask
“I just remembered... do you recall that night before the ... before you died?”
“Hmm? That... that was a long time ago” 
“Yes, but do you remember it?”
“Yes... we ... we were training? By the beach right?”
“At the park, I think”
“Oh... right. It was some time after the... Nanosurge”
“Yeah. Do you... recall what you told me?”
“I... “ You have to make a mental effort. “Oh.” You say in the end. You remember. You told him you were going to accept a dinner invitation... that he had made even before that time. You were going to tell him everything. But you never could. You died instead.
“Do you remember?”
“Does it still stand?” he asks.
You nod slowly. 
“Good... because you are looking hot tonight. And I know a place”
“I..” you don’t even know how to respond to that. How could anyone respond to that?
And then he leans in. And you kiss. 
And time turns back it’s course for a few minutes. 
Just for the two of you. 
My Fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero    
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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So, That’s What They Call A Family - Javid
Jack and Davey spend spring break with Davey’s family. Total fluff
Jack’s friends were the most important part of his life and that was no secret. So, even though Davey was mildly appalled by the apparent immaturity and recklessness he’d picked up on from Jack’s stories, when Davey was invited to his first Wednesday Night Movie Night he was eager to accept and simultaneously nervous, hoping to gain the acceptance from Jack’s friends.  
Davey has since been to seventeen movie nights and has earned the official title of “One of the Guys.” And that’s where we leave him. The credits of 13 Going on 30 (Race’s choice) were playing on the TV in the dorm common room and Jack and Davey were alone, everybody else having gone to their dorms. Jack was leaning against the arm of a couch with Davey tucked into his side. They were both covered with a blanket and Jack ran a gentle hand up and down Davey’s bicep in a consistent rhythm as Davey fell in and out of sleep.
“Hey, Davey,” Jack said quietly, not wanting to disturb him but wanting to talk with him before he forgot. Davey hummed in recognition. “I was wondering if you wanna do something over spring break? We can like go on a trip or something like that. Maybe hit a beach? I dunno I was just thinking we could make some plans.”  
“Oh, Jack, I’m sorry,” Davey sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, “I promised my parents I’d go home this break. Apparently, my sisters staying with her girlfriend and they need at least one of us there so they don’t lose their mind,” Davey apologize.
“Oh, that’s okay. I understand.” Despite his words, Jack couldn’t help but look disappointed. He was looking forward to being with Davey outside of school as if being out in the real world would make their relationship real as well.
“No, now you’re disappointed.” While Davey did miss his family, his relationship with Jack is still fairly new and exciting and he’d rather spend his break with his boyfriend than his parents and little brother.
“Dave, it’s fine, really. There will be other breaks. I know you miss your family. Now, why are you twisting your fingers in the cute way you do when you get nervous?”
Davey quickly separated his hands and blushed slightly. “I had an idea. I mean, I know we’ve only been dating for a few months and I’m sure you’d rather hang out with Race or something but I thought that maybe-”
“Spit it out, Davey,” Jack said, grabbing Davey’s hands.
“Maybe, if you want to, you could come home with me for break? It’s probably a stupid idea and you don’t have to say yes or anything, it’s just a thought.”
Jack grinned at Davey’s unnecessary nervousness. “I would so much rather spend my break with you, with or without your family, than third wheel Race and Spot.”
Davey’s lips spread into a smile as he leaned back into Jack’s side as if remembering he was tired. “I’ll call my mom in morning.”
“Why don’t we get you back to your dorm?” Jack asked, but it was too late. Davey was already asleep against him.
“Okay,” Davey said, closing the trunk of his car. “My house is like an hour away if the traffic’s good. That’s enough time to give you the rundown and also do some adequate amounts of performing.”
“I really don’t think I need training, but I’m good with you singing to me,” Jack said, sliding into the passenger’s seat.
“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong. Sarah won’t be home so all the attention will be thrown onto me. Not only that but you’re also the first guy I’ve brought home so my parents are gonna have a field day.” Davey pulled out of the student parking lot and began driving towards his house.
“Okay, fine. Hit me. Fill me up with some good Jacobs knowledge,” Jack replied.
“Don’t make it weird. My brother, Les, is eleven. He’s so sweet and I love him but I have no idea how he’ll react to meeting you. He’ll either be really chill or he’ll tell embarrassing stories without realizing they’re embarrassing. There’s really no telling with that kid. I think you’ll like him.”
“Got it,” said Jack. “Les. Eleven. Probably cool.”
“Exactly. Then we have my parents. My sister came out a year before I did and they were mostly okay with that so by the time I came out they didn’t even blink. So, I’m not worried about the actual boyfriend thing as much as I’m worried about them being too overbearing or making you sleep in Sarah’s room and that kinda thing. I think as long as you compliment my mom’s cooking she’ll love you, no questions asked.” Davey rambled on about his family for a few more minutes before Jack interrupted.
“Dave, as much as I’d love to hear you talk for the rest of eternity, I really think I’ll be fine. There’s nothing to worry about,” Jack assured.
“Yeah, you’re right. Will you play some music?” Davey gestured to his phone that was sat in a cup holder. “Passcode’s 5736.”   
By the time they arrived at the Jacobs’ house Jack had fallen in love with Davey all over again.
“Jesus, Dave. I knew you were a theater geek but that was a lot.” “Don’t pretend like you don’t love hearing me sing,” Davey said, putting the car in park.
“Oh, I do. I just didn’t know that one man could perform the Pippin cast album with such passion.” “Please, that was only like six songs. We should go an a road trip sometime. Then I’ll show you a performance.” Davey unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door, smiling back at Jack.
“That better be a promise, Jacobs.” Jack followed Davey out of the car.
“We’ll have to see if I can put up with you for that long, Kelly.” Davey opened the trunk and passed a bag to Jack before grabbing his own.
“Mom? Dad? We’re here,” Davey called as he and Jack walked inside.
“They’re outside at the grill right now, they’ll be in in a sec,” said Les as he stood up from the couch, walking over to Davey and Jack.
“Les! I missed you, buddy.” Davey opened his arms for his little brother to jump into for a hug. “The house is so quiet without you and Sarah here,” Les said, untangling himself from Davey to look at Jack. “Now, who’s the guy?”
“This is Jack, didn’t mom and dad tell you he was coming?”
“Nope. I barely had any notice that you were gonna be coming. You’d think I’d get extra attention being the only kid in the house.”
“Well, Les, this is my boyfriend, Jack. Jack, this is my brother, Les.”
Just then, Davey’s parents walked into the house. Ester placed the tray of chicken she was carrying onto the counter and began removing her apron as she saw the boys.
“David! You’re home!” Davey’s parents joined them in the living room, quickly engulfing Davey in hugs.  
“Mom, Dad, this is Jack. Jack, these are my parents,” said Davey. Jack shook hands with Ester and mayer.
“It’s nice to meet you, Jack,” Davey’s father said politely.
“Likewise, Davey’s told me a lot about you.”
“Wow,” Les started, “David’s never let me give him a nickname before. You must be special.” “I’m gonna show Jack where to put his bags.” Davey turned away to attempt to hide his blush. “C’mon, Jack, I’ll show you upstairs.”
“Remember when I said I wasn’t nervous. I have since realized that that’s not the case.” Jack said as soon as the door to Davey’s room shut.  
“What do you mean? I thought you said there’d be nothing to worry about,” Davey asked, confused.
“Yeah, I thought so.” Jack walked over to Davey, wrapping his arms around and and burying his face in his neck. “I guess I’ve just never been someone that people wanted to bring home before. People just haven’t been able to put up with me like you do.”
Davey hugged Jack back, tangling his fingers in his hair. “They’re gonna love you, I promise. This is the only time I want you to embrace your cockiness, don’t let me down.”
“Are you telling me that you want me to charm the pants off of your mother?” Jack asked, his voice muffled by Davey’s neck.
“Don’t word it like that, you’re making it weird again. Just be yourself, you look great and you have a wonderful personality and you make me happy. There’s nothing my parents won’t like.”
Jack pulled back, resting his arms on Davey’s shoulders and kissing his quickly. “How’d it change to you comforting me. I thought you were supposed to be the nervous one.”
“Let’s go back downstairs before you start bullying me.” Davey grabber Jack’s hand and led him out of his bedroom.
Once dinner began, the real challenge began.
“So, Jack. What are you studying?” asked Meyer when the sat down at dining table.
Davey took hold of Jack’s hand under the table as a way to ground him and soothe his nerves for his incoming interrogation.
“I’m majoring in Art History. I’m getting a minor in education but ideally I’ll be an artist full time one day.”
“An artist? What kind of art do you do?” Ester sounded genuinely interested as she asked.
Jack smiled at the engagement, “Painting is my passion, really. I draw primary but that’s just because it’s more convenient. I’m currently taking an sculpting course and it’s very interesting but not really my field.”
“Definitely sounds more interesting than David’s economics and policy classes, that’s for sure,” added Les.
“I didn’t bring Jack here as a tool for you to attack me, kid.” Davey feigned offense.
“We can’t all be nerds like your brother.” Jack grinned at Les.
Les looked pleased, “I like him,” he told Davey. “You should bring him here more often.”
“Not if you two keep teaming up on me.”
Dinner ending was met with Jack and Davey loading into Davey’s car to go for ice cream, Jack offering to drive after Davey’s long day.
“That went so well!” Jack exclaimed, finally getting to express his relief.
“I don’t know why we were ever nervous,” agreed Davey as they pulled out of the driveway. “Thanks for driving, I’m totally beat.” Davey yawned.
“It’s no problem, just tell me where I’m headed.”
“I think my parents really liked you, I know Les definitely did. Take this next left.”
“What’s so special about this ice cream place anyway, Dave?” Jack asked, making the turn.
“Oh, they only have the best cake batter ice cream in all of Long Island,” Davey explained.
“Who the fuck eats cake batter ice cream? If you’re gonna go for an unbaked dessert you have to go for cookie dough. It’s a classic!”
“It’s so basic!” Davey shot back. “I used to work there, take this right, and I’ve had every flavor they have to offer and I can assure you that cake batter is the best. By far.”
“Okay, I’ll take your word for it,” said Jack as he pulled into the parking lot.
“Alright, this is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” Jack stole some of Davey’s cone, leaning forward to take some more.
“Nope, I told you to listen to me and you refused. You must eat your basic cookie dough and suffer.” Davey pulled the cone away from Jack before taking another lick himself.
“I’ve always admired the way the employees can scoop the ice cream into such perfect little balls,” Jack said, pouting as he ate his own ice cream.
“The trick is heating up the scoops in hot water so they can get through the ice cream easily. One time while I was working here I forgot to use a heated scoop and I may have sprained my wrist,” Davey admitted.
“You did not! Davey, that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.” Jack was laughing so hard he began to turn red in the face.
“No, it’s not funny! I couldn’t work for three weeks. It was terrible, stop laughing!” Davey playfully hit Jack on the arm, acting offended even though he couldn’t help grinning himself.
“Tiny Davey with a wrist brace on due to an ice cream injury. I can’t, that’s hilarious.” Jack tried to catch his breath.
“Jack, Tiny Davey was like six feet tall. You’re probably shorter now than I was in high school.”
“I feel like you’re being mean for me for being short,” Jack said.
“You had it coming. You’re not supposed to laugh at injuries. Besides, you’re not even short.” Davey was right, Jack was taller than the majority of their friends. “You’re the perfect height for this,” Davey leaned toward Jack and kissed him sweetly on the forehead before wrapping him in a hug, careful to keep their ice creams safe.
“You’re a sap, Jacobs,” Jack teased through his smile.
“You love it, Kelly.”
Jack didn’t respond because he really did.
Back at the Jacobs’ house Davey showed Jack to the bathroom so he could get ready for bed.
“David, can you come in here for a second?” called Esther from her bedroom.
“Of course, what’s up, Mom?” Davey asked as he was standing next to his parents bed, where his mother was sitting.
“While you boys were out I noticed that you and Jack both put you bags in your room. I had been thinking that maybe one of you would be sleeping in Sarah’s room. Now, I know that-”
“Mom, no,” Davey interrupted. “Jack and I are adults, we can both sleep in my room if we want. Jack didn’t give up his spring break so sleep alone in his boyfriend’s house, and I didn’t come here to sleep in Sarah’s room. Besides, it’s not like we haven’t slept in the same bed before.”
Esther looked shocked that Davey spoke back to her. “Fine, David. You make a fair point but I do not appreciate the disrespect. Don’t let it happen again.”
“Goodnight, Mom,” called Davey as he walked back to his room.
Jack was sitting on Davey’s bed when he got back to his room.
“You alright, Davey?” Jack asked, locking his phone.
“Yeah, I’m good. My mom tried to exile me to Sarah’s room,” he explained as he started to change into pajamas.
“If it makes things less tense I wouldn’t mind,” Jack said, wanting to avoid conflict between Davey and his mother.
“I would. What’s the point in having a boyfriend if I can’t cuddle him?” Davey joined Jack on the bed, getting under the blankets.
“Glad to know that’s my only purpose.” Jack joined Davey under the blankets, resting his head on Davey’s chest.
“Jack, don’t be stupid.” Davey carded his fingers through Jack’s hair. “It’s not your only purpose, I also like when you bring me snacks to my dorm.”
“At least I know I’m doing a good job at the whole boyfriend thing, then,” Jack said, wrapping his arms tightly around Davey’s torso.
“I’m glad you’re here, Jack. You really didn’t have to come with me. I know you could have gone on that road trip with Spot and Race.”
“Oh, come on. Dave, I’ve been third wheeling with them since freshman year of high school, I’d much rather spend time with my own boyfriend.”
“Goodnight, Jack.”
“Night, Davey.”
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