#give Britta Perry more hugs 2k20
Soft Britta headcanons
I've been rewatching community and Britta deserves so much affection and softness. She tries her best and I love this disaster dork. I had a bad day and I needed to think about some softness and all of the friendship fluff. Feel free to add or expand on these if you wish :)
Britta volunteers at her local animal shelter, she likes to read her essays to cats and always comes armed with her very lopsided knitting for the animals with 3 legs and ones with injured eyes. She's late to one of the study group's friends-giving events and Abed tracks her down and Britta introduces them all to her army of rescue cats (she's given them all names which are of her favourite famous activists) and talks with a weird baby voice. Abed is really fascinated by them and ends up filming some of Britta cradling the many cats that clamber into her lap. Shirley helps Britta knit the cats little booties and hands out flyers of the cats looking for homes to people within her church.
Britta and Abed have monthly movie nights where they watch movies he specifically picks out with female characters that are very headstrong and passionate. Despite being confused throughout Britta let's Abed show her episodes of Inspector Spacetime and lets him explain everything to her.
Annie and Britta go for frozen yoghurt. Annie researches and finds a desert place that sells vegan ice-cream and it becomes their go to spot. They spend their fro-yo days gossiping and remarkably getting a little studying done.
Troy sends Britta cute texts, they both use way too many emoticons but they're always so enthusiastic. Troy likes to send Britta a burst of compassion every day, he'll compliment her and send her reminders that she's "the best".
Jeff sends Britta pictures of animals wearing little hats because of her adorable prank idea with the frog in a sombrero. If Britta is having a bad day or needs cheering up Jeff will just spam her with pictures until she can't help but crack a smile.
Despite Britta claiming blanket forts are stupid and childish Abed and Troy manage to drag her into theirs. All three of them put on puppet shows for Annie because Abed likes the dramatic voices Britta uses.
When one of Britta's cats pass away she ends up breaking down. She turns up to the study room in her pyjamas with bloodshot eyes and keeps insisting she's fine. Abed makes a mini documentary on Britta's cat with a slideshow of pictures and some videos he took when Britta was dancing around her apartment singing very bad show tunes to her cats. They gives her so many hugs and Annie braids Britta's hair. Shirley bakes her cookies and decorates them with cat faces. With barely any prompting Jeff makes a speech at the memorial service they put together.
Britta gets Abed a weighted blanket and after explaining what it is and how it's supposed to help people she gets a genuine smile and a rare hug from Abed.
Britta tries so hard to come up with handshakes and complicated high fives with people. She usually ends up going for a fistbump when someone tries to high five her and it becomes their thing to have a high five that Britta will purposely mess up on. It makes them all laugh a lot.
Britta coming out as bi to the group and going to pride with Dean. After coming to terms with it Shirley makes Britta little patches in the colours of the bisexual flag for Britta to put on her jackets.
The group being fiercely protective of Britta when she reveals some things about her childhood when she's drunk. I actively try to ignore 6x02 because it makes me that angry and the group has to physically stop Jeff and Shirley from finding Britta's parents and knocking talking some sense into them. Britta and Annie have some conversations about their parents and it brings them closer.
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