verdantmoontruther · 2 years
i know he looks like a scrungly brooding little goth and i know he tries his very best to present himself as brooding and regal and eternal but the fact of the matter is that Dream is so emotional, so unbearably full of love and hate and rage and happiness and desperation and everything in between, because what is a dream if not an evocation, and i like to think that this severely affects his work. he is every dream, all of them, so it makes sense that a part of every dream is also him, the same way him being absent from the dreaming meant eternal sleep.
every time you dream of falling and wake up with your heart racing is him. calliope left and now the writing on the back of cereal boxes doesn’t make sense. That Man that everyone sees as an extra in their dreams but never in real life is hob gadling, who’s always in the back of Dream’s mind.
just! dream! incapable of controlling himself! thinking thinking thinking and all those thinks!! imprinting themselves in human brains!!!!! aaah
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