#giri x ninjo
sasorisroom · 8 months
Ms. Claire's Giri x Ninjo
ILTV novels spoiler warning
I'm majoring in Japanese, and of course Literature plays a huge part in it. Whether you're talking about classical or modern, most works will use these two very important concepts. Giri (your duties in society) and ninjo (your human emotions). Usually, there's a lot of conflict.
In Inori's 'I'm in love with the Villainess', the protagonist/love interest, Claire, feels this a lot. I won't say Rei doesn't go through this, but I think Rei's agony is more about "letting Claire be happy however it is" vs "make Claire happy myself". Whilist Claire has her obligations as a noble, as she clearly states herself.
By the climax of the main story, in the second novel, Claire and Rei talk about their lives after Claire becomes a commoner. It's a sweet scene, but it soon turns bitter. Claire is certain that she can't move on, that she needs to fulfill her job as a noble. That's her giri. Meanwhile, she is deeply in love with Rei (God knows for how long) and she would like to spend eternity with her, even if that meant being a commoner. That's her ninjo.
Everyone who's read up until that part knows that they end up happy, for a while. After the 5th volume's plot-twist, Claire is once again facing her giri x ninjo internal battle. Up until the construction of the new world where the series takes place in for most of its time, her ninjo seemed to win... but, deep inside, she has that guilt, that feeling that will make her sacrife her happiness, her body and her mind, for something bigger.
Thankfully, Rei finds a way to change that destiny. But I think it's really fun how giri x ninjo play a part in nowaday's literature (being the webnovel first released around mid 2010s). It's not that surprising, though, when it's something that japanese people themselves face (not that different in the western society, but I'd say we have more of a christian guilt than anything else).
Giri is important, obviously, but I love seeing ninjo winning. Surrending yourself to love, to your happiness, to your own peace, even if the world is falling apart. Maybe it's a little selfish, some may say, but I'd say it's humanity as it was intended to be.
By Ris, Oct 3rd 2023.
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