ghoost126 · 1 year
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I know you Worship Hell. I just Want to Please you
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caughtbubbles · 7 years
(From this list of questions)
18. Is there anything you really wish you could do, character-design-wise, that you feel is outside your current skillset? A concept that you wish you could pull off but are uncertain about?
I've always tried and failed to create completely alien creatures. Stuff that isn't super obviously mammal/bird/reptile/fish inspired. Like the things Wayne Barlowe did for Expedition/Alien Planet (look it up. Seriously cool concepts). The weirdest stuff I manage to do is still very Earth-centric in design.
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rockymthorrorshow · 7 years
Get To Know Me Better
lol this is like a week old @revealthelightindarkestoftimes, sorry bout that
GOAL: plbplbp idk man i’m just killing time until a reasonable bedtime arrives
Relationship status: grad school
Favourite Colour: greens and grey
Lipstick Or Chapstick: depends on the day 
Last Song I Listen To: something just like this by the chainsmokers 
Last Movie I watched: uuuuum shit. maybe like, hacksaw ridge or iboy, whatever the last time grace and i did movie night was. 
Top 3 TV Shows: leverage is a permanent favorite, hell on wheels was really good, and it’s not fiction but i really enjoy watching who do you think you are? with my mom
Top 3 Ships: shit dude i’m not in any fandoms hardcore enough to have ships, and all the ones i am ride or die for are like.... @dollyriot and my ocs. character development, i guess. 
i’m gonna tag @r2d2official,  @steelplatedhearts, @rockymountaingothic, @why-birds and @ghostinggirl
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thechimeraclass · 9 years
about me tag
Tagged by ghostinggirl
Name: Kelsey
Average Hours Of Sleep A Night: currently 7-9, during school 6-8
Last Thing I Googled: natalie nourigat (artist)
Nickname: non that have really stuck...
Birthday: 7/16
Gender: so far woman
Sexual orientation: questioning, almost certainly demi, maybe aro-demi
Height: 5′
Favourite Colour: blues, black, sliver, burnt oranges and teals
One Place That Makes Me Happy: the beach
How Many Blankets Do I Sleep Under: at least one, depending on weather up to 3 or 4 Favourite movie: hmmm...some constants: arsenic and old lace, harvey, road to el dorado, nausicaa
What I’m Wearing Right Now: t-shirt and jeans Last Book You Read: been reading and re-reading the cal leandros series by rob thurman
Most Used Phrase(s): uhhh...?
What I Last Said To a family member: love the photos!! (by text)
What Is Family?: the people who genuinely care for your well being and you do the same for them (includes friends)
Favourite Beverage: i want tea but its too hot...currently drinking dr. pepper
Favourite Food: current love: tortellini
Last Movie I Watched In Theaters: Mad Max
Dream Wedding: absolutely no thanks, I’ll pass
Dream Pet: having rats again, love dogs and cats too, would like to try society finches or a snake some day
Dream Job: all the things, character and world design, collectable toy design, home goods, book illustration, illustrations for magazines, all of it
Tag 10 people you want to know more about:
any one who feels like it, no pressure
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caughtbubbles · 7 years
13 =P
(From this list of questions)
13. Do you create playlists for your characters?
This lil butt knows the answer to that question, but for anyone else curious, yes! I’ve always made playlists for my projects and characters. I don’t have any really good playlists for single characters at the moment, but I do have playlists on Spotify for AstralSounds books 1 and 2, and the my fantasy project. (Sorry, you have to have a Spotify account to view them.)
My playlists are usually a mix of songs for characters, stuff that reflects the general feel of a project, and tracks that inspire scenes or elements of the story.
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rockymthorrorshow · 9 years
Nico and Will for the married thing
leaves their dirty clothes on the floor | they both do, but will's clothing stays pretty localized in the bathroom while nico's stay on a heap by the closet
forgets to run the dish washer | will forgets, nico's got a system - let dishes pile up in sink, load, detergent, run. will puts dishes in the dishwasher and lets them sit until he has a full load, and then forgets to run it
pumps gas for the car | they both do
drives when they’re going somewhere | depends, if the drive is mostly during the day, will drives, if they're driving at night, nico is more comfortable in the dark 
rearranges the furniture | nico gets restless sometimes and decides the bed needs to be on another side of the room, or the couch needs to be up against the opposite wall. will's pretty flexible about it
falls asleep with the TV on | nico is borderline narcoleptic, once he loses momentum at the end of the day he's done
gets to use the bathroom first | will is usually awake first, being a morning person and all, and nico usually showers in the evenings anyway
decides the temperature for the ac/heater | nico gets cold really easily because he has zero body mass, so once he starts shivering the heater comes on
sets up holiday decorations | nico's a little hesitant to decorate, or even really celebrate, at first, but will insists on basic things (christmas tree, wreath on the door) and then nico sort of eases into being really particular and enthusiastic about decorations 
leaves the lights on | nico tends to ignore light switches, so he either just leaves the lights on forever or sits in total darkness until will comes home
uses the bathroom with the door open | will doesn't care, he's got bigger things to worry about like being late for work
fixes the plumbing (or calls the plumber) | nico's good with puzzles and good with his hands, so he usually ends up working out the problems himself. they call a professional when the outlets in the dining room give out, though
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asspostate · 10 years
After you receive this you must share 5 random facts about yourself and then copy and send to your ten favorite followers :)
;A;! I got it twice!! here we go!
1. I love pigeons. like, common, urban, grey pigeons in particular.2. One time I was at a wildlife park and a baby tiger bit my leg. It didn’t bite me hard tho.3. One time I was faffing around in a lake and a leech bit my ankle. It DID bite me hard.4. Leeches are just like one giant mouth and I’m horrified by that every second of every day of my life.5. My favorite color is white but when I’m pressed for a “real” color, i’ll go for pink or purple.
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mahounya · 10 years
After you receive this you must share 5 random facts about yourself and then copy and send to your ten favorite followers :)
Heyyy this is fun!
1. I just ate a warmed poptart with butter on it for the first time ever. (And it was pretty good, much easier to eat than when they are room temp and dry.)
2. I have one of those cute cat-ear cases for my iPhone. owo
3. I once drowned my car. (Accidentally!)
4. I've drawn 27 things in the past month.
5. I really want a Cintiq 22/24HD but wow they are expensive and I am poor.
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caughtbubbles · 7 years
4 & 5!!
(I’m still answering questions from this list. I’m just crazy slow.)
4. Any minor characters that have either taken over or branched off into their own stories?
Scitch's earliest incarnation was originally a minor character who became my main character to play with for years. Now she's a side character again in the fantasy project I'm developing.
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Tawny and Zaffre were also not intended to be the main characters in the project (I had thought maybe the story would follow Scitch early on), but they definitely took over as I developed their personalities and history.
5. Do you prefer to make human, animal, monster, or _____ characters? Why?
Animals, fantasy creatures, and aliens are my favorites to build. Humans usually bore me. I can't even think of a dozen fully human characters I've made off the top of my head (like, not counting werewolves and things).
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