#ghost of tsushima smutshot
thatdamnmutt-exe · 6 months
I’m Yours • Jin Sakai
It’s just a little smut drabble of Jin. Takes places after Jin escapes from his uncle’s prison and meets up with everyone again. He felt overly frustrated and needy for his partner so he takes out the frustration out on him.
Jin Sakai x Male! OC (Name: Kuro)
Jin Sakai x FtM OC, FtM Smut, Hair Pulling, Edging, Confident Dom Jin, Begging, Possessive Jin if you squint, and gay shit.
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“Nervous, trip over my words,
you’re so pretty it hurt.”
his nails dug into jin’s shoulders, the sting of it caused a low grunt to leave the samurai’s lips. “kuro… you feel so good.” he said, muffled against boy’s neck that lay beneath him.
jin kept his pace slow and teasing, wanting to make this moment last after he had been gone for a month and a half. their bodies craved each other, craved this. "jin... please, more." kuro said in a needy tone as he held jin close to his body.
kuro’s body burned like fire with passion and desire. the long month of fearing if jin was alive drove kuro mad. he had just gotten jin back on iki only to have him taken again. kuro has been frustrated but he could tell jin was more frustrated.
the samurai wasn’t one to showing his emotions due to his code, and he didn’t need to show it out right for kuro to know. the way jin was taking his time with his thrusts and the way he’d pull his fingers away from kuro’s clit everytime the thief grew close was enough for kuro to know.
jin could only chuckle and watch his lover’s face contort in pleasure as he noticed kuro reach the peak again…. only for jin to pull away and stop. “beg for it. beg for me.” one of jin’s hands moved to grasp a handful of kuro’s hair and pulled his head up so their lips could meet.
the kiss was feverish and messy but while still being loving. jin’s fingers moved skillfully between the slick folds that were dripping, throbbing, begging for a release. his two middle fingers moved up and down slowly, every now and then making small circles on the main nub of flesh that held the most pleasure.
jin’s cock was stuffed deep inside of kuro, only moving in and out slightly and slowly, making sure to hit kuro’s spot so agonizingly good.
drool fell from their mouths and down each other chins as they savored the raw kiss. jin kept a hold of kuro’s hair even as they pulled away, forcing the thief to hold eye contact with the samurai. “come on love, let me hear you beg for more. i can just do this all night and not let you release at all.” jin said in a confident tone. kuro knew he was being truthful.
kuro only whined and arched his back slightly, just hoping that jin would give in and fuck him senseless, but he knew that was nearly impossible. the samurai had too much patience and was going to do what he wanted in that moment.
“jin…” kuro started, his cheeks red and flushed, “please let me come. i’ve waited for you for a month and half! please… please! i’ve been so good for you and i can’t take much more!”
jin never lost the confident smirk on his face as he listened to his normally very bossy and independent boyfriend beg and be so needy. “you make some good points, maybe i should let you come.” he replied, leaning in to kiss kuro deeply once more.
jin removed his finger that was on kuro’s clit and moved it to wrap around his lover’s lower half to hold steady before moving his thrusts harder and deeper. moans were muffled against jin’s plump lips as kuro’s now overly sensitive cunt throbbed more. his walls were clenching around jin’s cock, causing the samurai to almost lose himself.
kuro had to pull away from the kiss to regulate his breathing as he felt himself grow close again. his head spun as it fell back against the straw beneath him. “jin!” he called out, his tone strained and whiny as he clenched around jin’s length and came hard.
jin’s eyes rolled back as he felt kuro close around him tighter, it was enough to draw him to an end. he stuffed himself deep into kuro before releasing his seed inside. jin’s head fell against the crook of kuro’s neck, his groans muffled by the skin.
the pair stayed like that to catch their breaths. the held onto each other like the other was going to disappear if they let go. “i love you.” jin was the first to speak, surprising kuro with his words.
“i love you too.” the thief admitted while cuddling into jin’s larger chest.
“I pray to the lord,
but baby i’m yours.”
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thatdamnmutt-exe · 1 year
Meddle About • Jin Sakai
Author Note: I am currently a whore for Jin Sakai. He truly needs all the love and action-
Plot: Jin’s first love appears with Tenzo for the first time after years of Jin thinking he’s dead.
Pairing: Jin Sakai x Male (OC)
Warnings: Possessive Jin, praise, Choking, Dom Jin if you squint, Gay Shit, Some FtM, and Ya Know- Even More Gay Shit
Extras: The oc’s name I’ll use is: Hanzo (means half and to hide). And of course, stick with my FtM Smut Brand. Since this is set in Samurai days, it’ll just be with Hanzo having a homemade chest bind and he has voice trained himself for a deeper voice. This also takes place on iki island. Jin’s wearing his traveler’s attire. Also Hanzo’s outfit: Word Count: 2,929
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Song: Meddle About - Chase Atlantic
Word Count:
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“We only met each other the other day,
but you already got me feeling
some type of way.”
the waters grew wild as jin’s boat began to fight the current. the samurai ran to the captain the best he could to try and make sure he was okay.
the water became too strong as their boat flipped over and all the passengers were cast out to sea. the last thing jin could remember was calling out for his horse, kage.
~ time skip ~
jin had managed to survive as he washed up on shore. he had some minor injuries and bruises but nothing too severe to stop him. he had to find kage and get into cover. he got away from the eagle after drinking some of her poison and meeting with a raider, tenzo.
the two made their way through the back entrance of the raider’s main hiding location. after the handful of stares that jin had received, he and tenzo had made it to see fune.
“tenzo, you better have a damned good reason to have brought a samurai here.” the woman grunted.
“you told me to go out and find capable fighters. here’s one, without him me and my men wouldn’t have made it back.” tenzo defended.
an intense eye contact was shared between the two before fune spoke. “fine, but one wrong move and it’ll be both your lives.”
“i promise no harm. i simply wish to stop the eagle before she reaches my home, tsushima.” jin interjected.
fune waved her hand in dismissal of his words. “i’ll hold that to you, samurai. anyways, we have bigger issues right now. a mongol ship has been blasting areas close to our home. they’ll discover us sooner or later if we don’t stop them now.”
tenzo spoke quickly with a plan, “i can take a handful of my men and jin to take down the boat.”
“take hanzo with you. i know he’s been just itching to have some mongols meet the end of his blade.” fune chuckled before turning her head slightly and yelling, “hanzo! get your ass up here. you’re going with tenzo and his samurai to take down a mongol ship.”
silence fell for a moment until another figure came up the latter. the figure was wearing a red traveler’s outfit with a black straw hat. mouth and nose covered with a face covering mainly used by thieves.
once the figured made their way over to the three, he looked up to meet jin’s eyes, a shock expression appeared. jin’s eyes matched the look but he said nothing, along with hanzo. it was too risky.
hanzo managed to hide his expression quickly before looking towards fune. “why is there a samurai here?” voice filled with venom, making sure to play his act more.
“the samurai claims that he’s here to stop the eagle. we’re believing him for now as we could use his skill. anyways, that’s not the most important part.” fune responded.
twenty minutes pasted as the four all came up with a solid plan and all going their separate way. jin quickly made his way around the little village in search of hanzo. he had to know if it was truly him.
hanzo was making sure to hide in the shadows away from jin until he got a bit closer to his area. once he could pull jin in without anyone noticing, he did.
jin was met with a tight hug from hanzo once the two were hidden away. jin was confused for a moment before hugging back.
when the two pulled away, jin was first to speak, “Maisaki, is it really you?” hanzo physically cringed at the use of his old name. trying his best to forget that part of himself.
“yes jin… but do you remember what i told you about me? how i didn’t feel like maisaki or really like a girl?” hanzo asked calmly. his hands still on jin’s torso as he looked up at the samurai.
jin broke eye contact as he thought for a moment before turning back to meet hanzo’s gaze. “i apologize, i did forget until just now. forgive me, hanzo. which may i add, suits you well.”
hanzo blushed at his words and quickly looked away to hide it. jin and hanzo were each other’s first ever loves. neither of them knew what to do in that situation so they remained very close friends. of course, their friendship was hidden from everyone because of jin’s father. hanzo would’ve been disowned if anyone had found out about his friendship with the butcher of iki’s son.
“what are you doing here, really? i thought you were dead after what happened at kamono.” hanzo asked as the two left the shadows together once they noticed everyone not looking at their general direction. they made sure to stay a good distance away as they kept their conversation to a hush.
“i was fixed up by a woman named yuna. she helped me along with a few other friends of mine to save lord shimura from khun. i thought i died on that beach too, but without her i would have.” jin paused for a moment before responding to the first question asked. “i meant what i said to fune about the eagle. some of her men ended up on tsushima and causing madness amongst my people. i came to put a stop to it. the normal mongols are enough of a threat.”
the pair grew silent as hanzo took in jin’s words. they had just reached the top of the village and mounted their horses. jin was the first to break the silence.
“what about you? i thought you had died too after my father…” jin trailed off.
hanzo was silent for a moment before responding. “you’re father slaughter half of my village, including my parents. that part i didn’t mind as much as they were cruel people anyways. but some of the other kids that lost their parents didn’t know how to fend for themselves so i tried my best to get them to where i live now. i couldn’t come see you after i had heard about your father. it was too risky and the other kids needed my guidance.”
hanzo was raised as a thief and became extremely good with daggers and a bow. if hanzo didn’t wanna be seen, you would not see him. that’s the one good thing that he got from his parents. jin knew this and he didn’t hold it against the boy. his feelings for hanzo still grew rapidly.
the night grew darker and the pair came across an abandoned house. the house looked raided a bit destroyed, probably from the mongol’s doing. other than that, it would hold up for the night.
“shall me? like old times?” hanzo smiled while getting off his horse. he gave his jet black horse a few pets and a treat before heading inside. jin watched hanzo intently, unconsciously licking his lips.
a memory of the two sharing their first kiss under some cherry blossom trees popped up in his head. he smiled fondly at the sweet kiss. they had to be around the age of 16 when jin had brought hanzo over to see his father’s fort while everyone was away.
they made it to the training area where a beautiful cherry blossom tree was held. there jin had managed to gather enough courage to pin hanzo to the tree and kiss him softly. the kiss turned slightly heated as hanzo’s hands grasped more on jin’s hair and pulled jin’s body closer to him.
jin shook his head to pull himself from the memory, his head tingling slightly from the phantom feeling of his hair being tugged on. it was enough to feel something he hasn’t felt in a long time, lust.
“jin! you coming?” hanzo’s head popped out from the window to check in on the samurai.
“yes, sorry. i was just thinking about tomorrow.” jin lied as he made his way inside. hanzo had changed from his traveler’s attire to just a blue kamono, the top of his chest exposed but the rest was hidden by some bandages wrapped around his mid section.
“what are those bandages?” jin asked slightly concerned. hanzo looked down to see his bindings being slightly exposed, he quickly covered it the best he could with his kamono.
“it’s not a wound so don’t worry. it just some bindings to hide my…” hanzo trailed off, not comfortable saying the rest. jin understood and apologized for his intrusion.
“it’s alright. you haven’t seen me in awhile and i’m probably the first person you ever met that is this way.” hanzo smiled sweetly.
jin returned the smile, “you are but i’ll always respect you. you know that.” jin walked closer towards hanzo. hanzo blushed once more at his words while also backing away slightly, well, until his back hit the wall.
“jin?” hanzo’s breath staggered slightly. “what are you doing?”
“finishing what we started under those cherry blossoms. if that’s alright with you?” jin replied, voice dropping lower as his hands came on each side of hanzo’s head.
the pair stayed in that position while jin waited for something to confirm that hanzo wanted this.
“my lord…” hanzo breathed out before crashing his lips into jin’s big ones. jin felt a fire build up in him upon hearing those words from hanzo. he never thought those every day words could affective him so much.
hanzo’s hands traveled up to feel jin’s chest, pulling his shirt down off his shoulders, feeling the muscles under. jin grunted from the feeling of hanzo’s fingers against his skin. everything in him was burning with desire and want. something he’s only ever experienced with hanzo.
hanzo soon removed jin’s shirt completely which led him to pulling away and admiring jin’s chest and toned stomach. he didn’t have fully defined abs but the sight itself was still enough to make hanzo’s core warm up even more.
“mind if i?” jin’s face was now kissing along hanzo’s neck and collar bone as he moved to place his hands to pull off the kamono.
“please, just not the bindings.” hanzo consented. jin respected his wishes with the bindings and removed only his kamono, leaving hanzo fully exposed.
jin swallowed hard while he took in the sight, hanzo was truly more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. hanzo noticed his stare and got extremely self conscious.
the thief moved to cover what he could of his body but that was stopped by the samurai before him. “don’t hide from me, you’re more handsome that i would have ever imagined.” jin cupped hanzo’s face with one hand while the other moved to wrap around his waist.
jin managed to lift hanzo with one arm and guided him onto the makeshift bed that hanzo had made. hanzo’s hands moved to undo jin’s hair and run his fingers through the long strands.
“fuck, my lord.” hanzo moaned out as jin’s lips trailed down hanzo’s torso and met his core. jin moved hanzo’s thighs onto his shoulders before leaning in and teasing him slightly with his tongue.
hanzo whimpered lightly at this and moved his hips to gain some relief. “jin, please. don’t tease me, i’ve waited years for you.” hanzo begged. hearing his cries, jin gave in and moved his tongue magic on hanzo’s clit while two fingers made their way to his entrance.
hanzo’s fingers grasped tightly onto jin’s hair as he tried to push jin closer to him, feeling like he was on the top of the world right now. jim’s fingers and tongue were like his sword arm, undefeated. hanzo knew jin would be good in bed, but he didn’t think he was this good.
the feeling of hanzo being pushed over the edge was coming up and jin could sense it. hanzo’s legs were shaking at this point as jin matched his tongue’s rhythm with his fingers right on hanzo’s spot.
“my lord! i’m so close! please don’t stop! you do me so well!” hanzo moaned out as his thighs clenched around jin’s head. jin didn’t stop his movements, wanting hanzo to feel like he was on top of the world until the very end.
jin sped up his movements and waiting for hanzo to come undone on his tongue. he didn’t wait long for hanzo’s orgasm to ride through his body. his walls clenching around jin’s fingers as he came hard.
hanzo breathed heavily while jin quickly cleaned up his mess down below. he moved back up to meet hanzo at eye level. “you taste delicious, hanzo. you have no idea how long i’ve waited to taste you. you have no idea how long i’ve wanted you. now that i have you, you won’t ever leave again.”
the thief looked up into jin’s eyes, searching for anything that could say he was lying, but he found nothing. jin meant every word he said and it made hanzo’s heart flutter. hanzo had felt the same way for years. he never made time for any other person that took interest in him. he always played it off as he had no time or he didn’t want to get attached to anyone again, but in reality he just never got over jin sakai.
“oh jin, i’ve been waiting for you for years. i don’t want to leave ever again.” hanzo said before crashing his lips back onto jin’s bigger ones. hanzo helped slip jin out of his remaining clothes before moving one of his hands down to grasp his length and start pumping him slightly.
jin moaned in the kiss and pulled away slightly admire hanzo’s body once more. “you’re so handsome and you’re all mine. my pretty boy.” jin moved a free hand to wrap around hanzo’s neck and applying some pressure before lining himself up to hanzo’s entrance.
“are you ready for me?” jin asked, wanting to make sure that hanzo was comfortable with everything.
hanzo nodded and managed to get some words out, “yes my lord, please make me feel good again.” jin didn’t waste a second to oblige to hanzo’s wish. he pushed himself fully in and waited a few minutes before moving himself back and forth slowly.
jin’s mouth found its way back to hanzo’s collar bones as his grasped tightened slightly. it was tight enough to the point where hanzo’s breathing was limited but not to the point where he couldn’t breathe. the light headedness and the pleasure from jin speeding up his thrusts mixed together and cause hanzo to be on a familiar feeling of pleasure.
it was more intense than how it felt just a minute ago as hanzo’s body was still overly sensitive and coming down from his previous high. jin knew this and used it to his advantage. once he felt content with his choking, he released hanzo’s neck and moved his hand down to rub his overstimulated clit.
hanzo moaned out loudly and clawed at jin’s back, back arched up to meet with jin’s chest. the sight was truly beautiful to jin as he pounded harder into hanzo. he felt hanzo’s tight walls clenching around him like they did with his fingers and it felt like heaven. jin hadn’t imagined something like this could feel so good.
“you feel so good around me, hanzo. you’re doing so good for me. no one else could ever make you feel like this. no one else will ever make you feel this good.” he whispered in hanzo’s ear which followed up with a few moans of his own.
“i’m so close! don’t stop please.” hanzo cried out as he pulled jin closer to his body. jin granted his wishes and kept his current pace along with his fingers on his clit.
soon hanzo came again but more intense than last time. jin felt himself become close as he felt the walls tighten around him, almost sending him to the edge.
hanzo’s high had started to calm down when jin finally reached his climax. he released himself deep inside hanzo, moaning his name as he did.
the two stayed in that position until they caught their breath. jin rolled off hanzo and moved them so he could hold hanzo to his chest.
“that was the greatest thing i’ve ever felt.” hanzo spoke up, looking up at jin.
“i would most definitely agree. i’m sure if anyone else is around they would probably say the same thing considering how loud you were for me.” jin teased and kissing hanzo’s forehead.
hanzo blushed deeply at this, “i’m sorry my lord, your skill is just unmatched. both in fighting and in bed.”
the two chuckled at the comment before getting comfortable together and falling asleep soundly.
“Now, if I could figure it out, I’d take you
back to my house so we could meddle about.”
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