#getting specifically courtship feels. bad. rn.
blasphamoustraitors · 2 years
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rcsethcrna · 6 years
Romance Headcanons
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NAME: Margaery Tyrell
NICKNAME: Marg, Margy, Little Rose
GENDER: Cis Female
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: bisexual with a preference for women
PREFERRED PET NAMES: For Marg, she always uses the same terms of endearment for her beloved/partners: love, my love, sweet girl/boy. In contrast, if she ever uses the term ‘darling,’ she’s either angry with you or is faking her affection (e.g. with Renly and Joffrey) As for pet names for herself? She really doesn’t have a preference, so long as the names aren’t offensive for any reason. (Although, only her brothers are allowed to call her ‘Margy,’ as it’s a name she associates with her childhood.) RELATIONSHIP STATUS: This varies a lot according to--and often within--specific verses. Please note that her ‘relationship status’ does not always indicate whether or not she has a significant other.  FAVORITE CANON SHIP: Sansaery or Sansa/Margaery. (It is canon so don’t even try to argue with me on this.) It is the only pairing in canon that brought her any true happiness and certainly the only time she ever seemed to love a potential partner.  FAVORITE NON-CANON SHIP:  Really depends on the verse. I don’t ship Marg with a lot of people but I’d have to say that @purehecrted’s astoria and ambrosia ( @ingeanue ) are my favorites rn.  OPINION ON TRUE LOVE:  She’s generally a skeptic of this idea of a love more pure and true than any other. This isn’t to say that she doesn’t believe in love in general--she does--but she doesn’t necessarily think that a certain kind of love is better than another, just different. Some can be more intense, others more intimate, but she never really holds one above the other. 
OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: She does not subscribe to the idea of ‘love at first sight.’ ‘Attraction’ at first sight, certainly, or even just ‘lust.’ Marg can be fascinated with and strongly attracted to a person when they first meet--i.e. Sansa--but she doesn’t believe it is love. 
HOW ‘ROMANTIC’ ARE THEY?: She’s very romantic. Marg loves to dote on her lovers/significant others, flirt with them, take care of them. She often does so with grand gestures, if society and her current situation allows. 
IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS: This varies, depending on whether we’re talking about men or women. As far as women go, she typically is drawn towards more feminine women. Other than that, there’s not many specifics. She’ll be attracted to a woman if she thinks she’s beautiful and there’s not necessarily a specific definition for it. However, she does have a special love for red hair (duh.) When it comes to men, it’s a little more difficult to describe. She’s more like to appreciate a handsome man from afar than she is to actively pursue him. Out of the few relationships with men she’s had there’s been exactly two constants: dark hair and strong jawlines.
IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: Marg’s fast-paced, political lifestyle--especially in the modern verses--requires that her significant other can keep up with her in that sense or at least. She also needs some balance, someone who can ground her a little. The ability to enjoy herself--both in the public eye and within the privacy of her home--with her partner is something she’ll look for. 
UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS: She has no patience for people that can’t take care of themselves. For example, if it’s obvious they don’t shower regularly or stick to basic hygiene, she’s a no-go. Also, bad mustaches. 
UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: Vindictiveness, sexist tendencies, indifference, open hostility, extreme bouts of arrogance or overconfidence, cruel tendencies
IDEAL DATE: I wouldn’t say she has an ideal date for herself but she will have an ideal date for each partner. She likes to personalize dates to fit her partner’s ideal rather than her own, as she really likes to dote upon those she loves.  DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?: Generally, no. Though, as stated before, she is particularly fond of red hair. 
AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH: In her modern verses, most of her flings don’t last longer than a few months. As far as canon, most if not all of the relationships she’ll have are with the women in her vicinity. The length of those relationships--whether physical, romantic, or both--are dependent upon how long they remain in one place. (idk if that make sense but oh well.) PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY: Playing with each other’s hair (brushing, braiding, weaving flowers into it, etc), bathing together, taking long leisurely rides. 
COMMITMENT LEVEL: Most of Margaery’s relationships rarely go past surface level but when they do, she’s all in. It may take her a while to feel comfortable with the commitment and vulnerability of a long-term relationship but she’s very dedicated to her partners when they get serious.  OPINION OF PUBLIC AFFECTION: Marg is all about public affection but will usually defer to her partner when it comes to specific levels of PDA. 
PAST RELATIONSHIPS?: In canon, Margaery does not have intimate--physically or otherwise--relationships with any of her three husbands. That said, I do not believe she was without meaningful relationships but I do believe that they were with other girls, the first and most obvious being with Sansa. This relationship was never consummated in ASOIAF but it’s my belief that the feelings between them were strong and of a romantic nature. (I also think it’s highly likely that she had exploratory sexual relationships with other girls before we meet her in the series. This is something I’d really like to unpack and write some meta about soon.)
( fyi: for her general modern verse, her canon relationships (courtships? marrriages?) are swapped around to better fit marg’s age. )
In her modern verses, Marg doesn’t really date anyone in her throughout her first two years of secondary. As stated before, she would have flings that allowed her to explore her sexuality as she pleased without sticking to the confines of a relationship. However, at the age of sixteen she meets Sansa Stark and for the first time, she finds herself craving a different kind of intimacy. I consider this to be her first romantic relationship and certainly the first one in which she feels devoted to another person. However, her relationship with Sansa is concurrent with a ‘public courtship’ with Joffrey Baratheon. By design, she and Sansa are forced to hide their burgeoning love though Margaery herself isn’t necessarily bothered by this. She was long since prepared to participate in such publicity stunts for the sake of her family name. As one would expect, this relationship does sour by the time Marg graduates and heads on to university. ( i have a short post describing it here ) During her second year at Cambridge, Margaery publicly dates Renly Baratheon. They are engaged after two years and would likely have wed if Renly had not been outed. 
Tagged by: @russetwolf Tagging: @snowmcid , @purehecrted , @phiinn , @adversregina , @coerulus ,@hrlaw , @liittlehound , @lttledcve , @crowncdcrow , @lttledcve , @aforlornrose , @watcherandshield
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