#getting some freebies was cool too since I haven’t gotten any in so long lol
decembermoonskz · 1 year
it was so funny seeing a stay I met at the atl concert be chosen for the stay games in the la concert LOL
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nadziejastar · 5 years
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Terra’s name was carved on the handle of that wooden Keyblade. It was Ven’s most treasured possession. Both of his friends had gone off without him, though.
He whirled the practice blade around and held it aloft. Maybe it’s because I’m still in training.
When he spun it around once more, his hand slipped, and the sword tumbled to the ground. Someone else scooped it up.
“This yours?”
It was a red-haired boy about the same age as Ven, wearing a scarf with a checkered black-and-yellow pattern around his neck. Who is this weirdo?
“You still play with toy swords? That’s cute.”
Something about his tone irked Ven. What was this guy’s deal?
Yes, me too! I thought their reunion would be so awesome, but it was a joke. Literally. There was no sincerity to it. There was no emotional music or heartwarming dialogue. It was simply played for laughs. Ventus was like...oh hey, you’re that one dude I hung out with for five minutes. Cool. And Lea was just confused why he looked identical to Roxas. I got the same impression that you did. Lea was so close to Roxas because he reminded him of Ventus. Because he WAS Ventus! I mean, it’s just so obvious that the reason Ventus was the only one of the wayfinder trio to meet Lea, was because he was going to develop a relationship with Axel later. Duh!
“You scared of losing? C’mon. Hope you’re ready.” Ven could probably wipe the floor with this scrub if he used a real Keyblade—but he was probably supposed to use the wooden one.
“Yeah! Now we’re talkin’!” Lea’s enthusiasm was weirdly contagious.
“You’re gonna be sorry!” Ven shouted. Lea leaped gracefully into the air by way of response. Ven launched himself upward at nearly the same time, and the two met in battle.
Huh? This is kind of…fun.
While the sound of the wooden sword and toy discs clashing wasn’t exactly epic, he could still feel the force of each blow.
It had been a while since Ven had fought like this against something other than Unversed.
“Not bad, Ventus!” Lea said with a smile. Off to the side, the blue-haired boy—his name was Isa, if Ven recalled—observed them in exasperation.
After KH3 first came out, I made a post on Reddit saying I didn’t like how Roxas and Ventus were kept as separate people because they felt like the EXACT same character, and it would have created a deeper relationship if Ven had his memories of Lea from BBS AND his memories of Axel. And the amount of of people outraged that I could even say such a thing was hilarious. As if there weren’t countless hints in the story that Roxas had Ventus’s heart...
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“Yeah! That’s more like it!” Axel leaped up and struck with the chakrams, then gave Roxas a flying kick that sent him sprawling.
Axel was far, far stronger than the Dusks. But there was something off about him, Roxas thought as he scrambled to his feet. What was it…? What made him seem so strange?
“Time to heat things up!” A gust of flame shot forth from Axel’s hand, knocking Roxas back again. “Ha-ha! Nice, Roxas!”
Axel was laughing—why was he having so much fun?
Actually, fighting him was kind of fun.
Roxas was so fed up with all these things happening to him, and he couldn’t stand this Axel guy spouting all this weird stuff with his smug know-it-all face—and yet, fighting him like this wasn’t all that bad.
What’s going on? How am I having fun fighting him? He’s obviously holding back against me… Why? What does it mean?
The fight scene from KH2 was made to be similar to Ventus play fighting against Lea. Roxas felt like fighting Axel was familiar, even though they never fought before. His heart remembered Lea. The original plan was for Lea and Ventus to rekindle their friendship after Ven got his memories as a Nobody back. All of these characters were supposed to be connected! Not segregated into trios that barely interact with each other. That defeats the whole purpose. 
Terra has a special connection to Riku, Lea has a special connection to Ventus and Kairi due to Roxas and Xion, Ventus has a special connection to Sora and Kairi, Kairi has a special connection to Aqua. The Xehanort Saga should have felt like one cohesive story. The characters meeting should have felt like destiny and all the trios would overlap. 
BBS and Days were sister games being developed at the same time. Ventus meeting Lea was the foundation for the way Roxas/Axel was written in Days. Terra and Lea had a special connection because Axel picked up his toy sword and took on the “big bro” role for a while. Ventus and Isa had a special connection because Roxas found the WINNER stick and took on the role of “best friend” for a while. But now it feels like Days is a self-contained story that has almost nothing to do with BBS and vice versa. 
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“I get it… then I guess we may as well fight!” Roxas cried out, leveling the Keyblade.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way… Roxas!”
Axel launched a flying kick into Roxas. The force sent Roxas smashing into the ground.
I haven’t fought Roxas like this before. And, the Roxas I know isn’t the kind of guy who’d be knocked down by something like that.
“Let’s burn!”
Flames erupted from his hands. Taking the hit directly, Roxas was thrown to the ground again.
“Hahah! ‘Sokay, Roxas!” laughed Axel.
Maybe it would have been better to have fought him like this sooner.
Roxas stood, and came at him with force. Axel caught the Keyblade with his chakrams and forced it down, Roxas’ face in point-blank range.
“How like you, Roxas!”
I’m sure that Axel remembering meeting Ventus and having a play fight with him made it impossible to eliminate him. He met Ventus when he was still Lea, an innocent happy kid who liked to make people smile. Destroying that “stray puppy” would be betraying the very essence of who he is deep down. It would have destroyed him. That one single meeting in BBS made Roxas and Axel’s relationship much more interesting, since Axel was always so nostalgic for the past. Roxas was a relic from his past, as much as his memories of Isa were. Only Roxas was the exact same kid from his memories. Isa became corrupted and Norted. Axel was trying to recapture his lost friendship with Isa through Roxas. It’s why Roxas was such a perfect “replacement” best friend to fill the void of Isa’s absence. Axel clung to Roxas so much because he was everything he wished Isa still was.
I really don’t like the direction the series seems to be going with Roxas now. When he returned in KH3, he was talking in this fake sounding lower pitch than he did in Days or KH2. Like we’re supposed to see him as some edgy hardass now, LOL. Yeah, whatever. His reunion with Lea felt hollow in KH3, because it was just put in for pandering. There was no emotion behind it. There was hardly any dialogue, and what little there was had no substance. There was no mention of the WINNER stick or anything. 
It’s sad because Roxas and Axel’s relationship actually had a lot of emotion and meaning in Days, due to its connection to Axel’s childhood. And it was because Roxas was a sweet innocent kid, and NOT an edgy hardass. In KH3, I felt nothing when RAX reunited, unlike the scene where the wayfinder trio reunited. A reunion like that shouldn’t happen in the middle of a battle. TAV reunited after their fight. RAX’s reunion felt like it was inserted into the story at the last minute, which I am sure it was. It’s why Kairi and Isa got the shaft and why Nomura needs DLC to explain why the hell they’re even there in the first place.
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He didn’t really understand the “icing” part, except that it was ice cream. Like Winner, though, it meant something special. So when Axel came back, Roxas would use the freebie and get him some “icing.”
Roxas left Axel when he was very angry. They ended their friendship on pretty poor terms. Roxas never ever understood Axel, not even a little bit. When Roxas was sitting on the clock tower, he was feeling regret over how he left, which I found so sad. You need TIME to repair this friendship. I would have preferred that Lea reunite with Ventus at Yen Sid’s Tower because we would have gotten a FULL SCENE of them talking and working out their differences with open communication and honesty. This is something Axel never had with Roxas. 
Roxas was thinking too much to taste the ice cream, and before long, it was almost gone. The stick was blank.
There was a lot he’d left unfinished with the Organization—and with Axel. But at the moment, the thing that concerned him the most was the stick that said Winner. Why had he held on to it for so long? He should have given it to him sooner.
Ventus could have learned who Lea really was for the first time. Not the facade he wore all the time. Axel was a person who laughed and smiled all the time to hide a lot of pain, which Roxas (and half the fandom) never realized. Only by learning this could their relationship move out of the babysitter dynamic and grow into something more mature and satisfying for both of them. Lea could finally be himself and not have to hide all of his suffering under a Mr. Rogers mask. This is exactly why I think Lea isn’t able to have a true identity in the sea-salt trio. He has to hide who he really is. Imagine a friendship where you try to solve all of your friend’s emotional problems, but you can never talk about your own. That’s what Axel’s relationship with Roxas (and Xion) was like.
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Other than being told today’s mission, I didn’t really do anything yesterday. Maybe in reality it’d even be okay to have called it a day off. A holiday…
“Didn’t get to go in the end,” muttered Axel, and he got up.
Today I have to destroy Roxas. I cannot betray the organization.
From the little shelf at his bedside, Axel took a white envelope, and looked at it vaguely for a while. Putting it in his pocket, Axel got up off the bed and left the room.
A short while after Axel had entered the room, Saïx still hadn’t said a word. As he typed away at the keyboard, working, the pallid light radiating from the monitor gleamed on the already pale Saïx.
Maybe, this is the last time I’ll see Saïx, too.
Thinking, Axel looked at the seated Saïx’s back.
“We’ve known each other for a pretty long time, haven’t we?”
Ignoring Axel’s words, Saïx continued typing on the keyboard.
“Say something. Have you even thought that maybe I can’t erase Roxas?” Axel said, in a playful tone, and Saix finally looked up. “It’ll be all right. ‘Cause I’m tough.” Axel puffed out his chest.
“How stupid,” said Saïx, and for a moment he smiled.
How am I supposed to buy that Roxas and Lea are such close friends if Roxas never knew anything about the real Lea, his past, or his inner turmoil? The reason why he always lied to him, and why he didn’t come with him when he defected? I mean, come on. There was so much more potential for a genuine and meaningful friendship between Lea and Ventus. Lea could get to know the real Ventus. He wanted to bring back Terra, who was Norted. If he retained his memories as Roxas, he would have learned that Xemnas---the guy he promised Xion he’d defeat---was actually body-jacked Terra. We should have seen his reaction to that. I also think Lea would remind Ventus a lot of Terra. They are both very protective and caring. The reunion would be so emotional due to that.
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Lea handed over some munny and took the two cones from Scrooge, one of which he gave to Isa.
“It’s cold…,” Isa muttered as he took a bite.
“What’re you talking about? It’s ice cream; of course it’s cold. Got it memorized?”
“Salty, too.”
“But sweet!” Lea added, and Isa smiled a bit. That was rare for him. Well, eating ice cream together, talking about silly stuff, laughing together—it was just what friends did.
Wonder what he’s doing now—Ven, was it?
Ventus could really empathize with Lea and offer him emotional support for the first time. Axel only lied to him to protect him, like Terra would have. They would reestablish their trust. Their relationship would be a lot less one-sided. It wouldn’t have to be superficial and totally revolve around ice cream and small talk, either. Like Terra, Isa was a Nort. Ven and Lea could understand each other’s pain. They could develop a deeper friendship on a more adult level. 
Ventus could tell Lea the story of how he was abused by Xehanort. Then Terra gave him the toy sword that Lea picked up when they first met, which was his most treasured possession. And Lea could tell Ventus about his past, and how he took him out for ice cream all the time because of his memories of Isa---which were his greatest treasure. Instead of letting Lea’s friendship with Ventus grow and evolve along with his character, they chose to have Lea regress his development in order to maintain the relationship with Roxas (and Xion), which was relatively superficial and based on lack of communication and dishonesty. 
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