#geraldine ma’am i really don’t think this is doing what you think it’s doing
writingfandomfeels · 5 years
Bellamy Blake - FWB P3 (Final)
Summary: Bellamy accompanies you to the wedding as your fake boyfriend
Part 1 Part 2
Smut between ~~~
Angrily you hung up on your mother. You couldn’t believe her. The event was tomorrow and she was insisting that you find a date to your cousin’s wedding or you’d humiliate the family. How does you being single and independent even make sense as humiliation? Why couldn’t they just be proud of you for the achievements you have had? Why did they feel the need to fixate on you being ‘lonely and single’. You threw your phone down onto your bed and sat on the end of it. Hopelessly you let your head fall into your hands as you softly cried. You let yourself release the emotions for a moment before you pulled yourself together and wiped away the tears. You reached for your phone again and dialed Bellamy’s number. 
The sound of his familiar voice comforted you.  
“Hey, are you free?” You asked, desperately hoping he was. 
“For you? Always” 
You could practically hear him smirking. 
“I’ll be right over.” He added. 
You laid in bed waiting to hear Bellamy at your door, feeling too emotionally exhausted to move. But when he did finally knock, you scrambled to the bathroom, realizing that you hadn’t checked if your makeup had smeared across your face in the process of crying. 
“Just a minute!” You called, frantically trying to wipe away the dried mascara under your eyes with toilet paper. Once it was mostly off, you rushed to get the door. It had become almost routine for you to call Bellamy this late at night, what with the arrangement you had. But for once, you didn’t actually want to bang him. He made casual conversation as he moved to your bedroom, taking off his jacket and shoes. 
“Actually, Bellamy…” You started but felt hesitant to continue. 
“What is it?” He asked, encouraging you to go on. 
You sat down on the bed. “Would it be okay if… for a change… maybe we just cuddled?” 
“Ah, so this was a cuddle call not your regular booty call.” He teased and moved to sit closer to you. 
This made you smile a bit. 
“Yeah, that’s fine by me. As long as I can be the big spoon.” He answered, looking softly at you. 
You nodded and both climbed into your bed. He laid on his side with his arm up, waiting for you to move in closer to him. You fit your body against his, his warmth immediately relaxing you. His arm draped over your side and he took your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours. Closing your eyes, you breathed in the peaceful moment. 
“You smell nice.” You noted. 
“Thanks” Bellamy replied. 
You continued to lay in his arms for a while before you spoke up again. 
“I have to go to the wedding tomorrow.” You stated. 
“The one you needed the dress for?” He asked, his voice muffled in your hair. 
“Yeah.” You paused. “I have to see my parents.” You paused again. “They’re assholes.” 
“Why are they assholes?” He inquired, sounding somewhat sleepy. 
“I’m never good enough for them.” You sighed, feeling the stress coming back. “They say if I don’t bring a date to the wedding everyone will know I’m a spinster.” 
“What? That doesn’t make any sense…” 
“I know!” You agreed a little loudly. “That’s their logic for you. They won’t leave me alone unless they have a prospective son-in-law in view.” 
“Sorry, that sucks.” Bellamy was quiet for a bit. “Would it help if I went with you and pretended to be your boyfriend? They wouldn’t have to know it’s not true. Just so you can at least enjoy the wedding.”  
You turned so you could face Bellamy. “You’d really do that?” 
“Yeah why not. You get your ass saved and I get a free meal out of it.” He shrugged. “I could think of worse ways to spend my Saturday night.” 
You laughed a little. “Like prison?” 
He laughed with you now. “Hey, in my defense you started that!” 
“I did not!” You objected. 
“I was about to leave, but you pulled me back!” He chuckled. 
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “Oh whatever!” 
He chuckled a bit more before settling down. “For real though, I don’t mind doing it. I got a suit and tie. You wanna carpool?” 
So you brought Bellamy as your date to your cousin’s wedding. The ceremony went off without a hitch and the church was packed enough that you didn’t have the pleasure of running into your parents. The reception on the other hand, well, of course you’d see them there. It would have an even bigger attendance than the ceremony and was being held at a massive resort just off a golf course, but there was no avoiding them. 
You let out a deep breath as you entered the massive reception room with Bellamy on your arm. Your cousin’s wife had everything Pinterest Perfect and had chosen the venue for their remodeled barn that matched the rustic theme every girl was after these days. 
“You nervous?” Bellamy asked. 
“Yeah…” You admitted. 
“Don’t worry about it. You’ll be fine.” He said, giving an encouraging smile. 
You found your table where you were seated right next to your parents. Oh joy. 
“Y/N!!!” Your mother called and opened her arms to embrace you in a hug that was too tight for comfort. “Oh I was just talking to your uncle Martin here, we were saying-” Your mother continued to speak while picking at your hair, trying to adjust it. 
“Mom. Please.” You said, trying to push her hands away. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it when you show up with your hair looking like that. My goodness, you’d think birds made homes in that mess of yours.” She laughed, looking at your uncle, expecting him to join in with her. 
Bellamy cleared his throat, getting your mother’s attention. 
“Oh! I’m terribly sorry dear! I didn’t even acknowledge your presence! I’m Geraldine.” Your mother proceeded to introduce herself. “And you are?” 
“Bellamy Blake ma’am. I happen to be the boyfriend of your wonderful daughter.” He replied, shaking her hand. 
“Boyfriend?! She’s never mentioned a boyfriend before. Harold?!” You mother attempted to call over your father who was busy with his reading glasses, trying to read the paper on the table for a game of ‘who knows the bride and groom best’. “Harold! Did Y/N ever mention a boyfriend to you before?” 
He chuckled, still fixed on the paper. “No dear, if she had I’d have won the lottery and seen pigs fly.” 
Your mother nudged your father so he would look up and see Bellamy. 
“Oh!” You father exclaimed. 
“Her boyfriend.” Your mother repeated since he obviously wasn’t paying attention. 
Your father looked Bellamy up and down. “No, not possible. Why in the world would this young man be interested in her?” 
Bellamy tried to object but was interrupted when the announcement was made that the buffet was now open. Throughout dinner your parents continued to pick on you and as hard as Bellamy tried to defend you, nothing he said or did worked. Everything he said was looked at as great, until it came to you. They actually started going through people they knew trying to come up with someone to match Bellamy with since he was ‘so much better than you’. You downed another glass of wine. If you were to survive this evening you certainly weren’t planning on doing it sober. The dancing began and you, your parents, and Bellamy were still seated at your dinner table. 
“Do you want to dance?” Bellamy asked you. 
“Not really…” you replied, watching how happy your cousin was with his bride. Would you ever get that kind of happiness? 
Your mother came to Bellamy’s side now, tapping him on the shoulder. He turned to see what she wanted. She stood there with a different cousin of your’s. 
“This is Maria, she’s in MIT right now studying to be a neurosurgeon.” Your mother introduced. 
Bellamy shook her hand. “Uhh, hi.” 
“I think you’ll find she’s much better suited for you.” Your mother beamed. 
“Excuse me?” Bellamy couldn’t believe her. 
“You know what, dancing is a great idea.” You said, taking his hand and pulling him away, to the dancefloor. “Ugh. I can’t believe her.” You complained while dancing to a fast song. 
“It’s okay. Although you really weren’t exaggerating about them. They’re… intense.” Bellamy replied. 
“Tell me about it.” You huffed. 
He spun you around. “I wouldn’t have gone for her you know.” 
You looked at him, slightly puzzled. 
“I know I could’ve since, what we are isn’t anything exclusive. But even aside from me playing boyfriend for the night, I wouldn’t have done it.” 
“Not your type?” You questioned, feeling slightly annoyed he’d even bring this up. 
He shrugged. “Just… not interested.” He smirked cockily now, “You know, in case you were getting jealous or something.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Me? Jealous?!” 
“You did whisk me away from her pretty quick there.” He pointed out and winked at you. 
“Only because my mother is insane!” You defended. 
The song changed to a slower one now and Bellamy pulled you closer to him. To your surprise, you found that he actually knew how to waltz! Effortlessly he lead you in the steps, dipping you ever so often. 
He smirked at your stunned expression. “Impressed, are we?” 
“I just, didn’t expect that from you.” You smiled and leaned your head against his shoulder now.
“I’m not always predictable” He replied. “I mean you thought that I wouldn’t want to even start… this. But I did.” 
“I suppose you’re right.” You agreed, barely focusing on the conversation now. It was just so nice to be dancing with him. His arms around you, you both moving gracefully. You’d never felt all that graceful in your life and yet, Bellamy made it feel easy. You danced for a long time, until a really fast song left you sweating like crazy and exhausted. 
“Let’s get some air” Bellamy suggested. 
On your way out you grabbed a bottle of champagne, drinking it on your way. 
“Wow!! The stars look amazing tonight!!!” You blurted out, looking at the sky as you walked, tripping over your feet a little. “Whoops!” 
Bellamy laughed. “Getting tipsy?” 
“Definitely.” You nodded your head enthusiastically. 
The two of you walked down a narrow, paved road, eventually leading you both to the golf course. You spotted an abandoned golf cart and got a brilliant idea. 
“I know that wild look in your eye.” Bellamy noticed. “What are you thinking?” 
“Let’s go driving!!!!!” You suggested, handing him the champagne bottle and running to the cart. 
He took a swig of the champagne then joined you at the golf cart. 
“No keys, genius.” He teased. 
You felt at the ignition, finding a set of keys there, pointing at them excitedly. 
He shook his head at you, smiling. “Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this.” 
“Get in Blake!” You ordered, already starting the golf cart. 
He sat down and you started the cart, hurtling it away. You held your foot to the floor, speeding across the green fields and trying your hand in a few doughnuts. 
“Do you think this counts as drinking and driving?” Bellamy asked. 
“Naaah, it’d be drinking and driving if we had a driver club in the back of this golf cart!” You laughed, thinking yourself hilarious, but really you were just drunk. 
The feeling of shooting across the open, green course had you feeling free, almost like you were flying. And then you were falling. The golf cart tipped a bit on that last corner, causing you to fall out of the small vehicle and roll into a pond. You screamed as you fell and Bellamy jumped out of the cart. 
“Y/N!!! Are you okay?!!!” He yelled, jumping in the water and rushing over to your side. 
You laughed. 
He helped you out of the water and you both laughed, now dripping wet. 
“That was so much fun!!!” You shouted, falling down onto the grass. 
Bellamy laid down next to you. You moved so you were over his chest, putting your hand behind his neck and kissing him.  Roughly you pressed your lips to his, pushing your tongue into his mouth, taking control of the kiss. He didn’t like that much though. Taking action himself, he rolled the two of you over so that you were now on your back with him on top. His lips trailed kisses along your jawline and down your neck. 
Slowly he moved his hand up your thigh, rubbing the inside of your leg to tease you. He traced patterns on your leg, which tickled a bit. When he moved his hand over to your panties, he could feel through them just how wet you were already getting. Lightly his thumb caressed your clit through the fabric and you grew desperate to feel more. He popped a finger into his mouth, getting it wet. As he planted his lips on yours again he slipped the wet finger inside of you and began rubbing right against your g-spot. 
In response, you bit at his lower lip, causing him to slide in a second finger. You moaned happily against his mouth. Immediately you could feel the pleasure building from within you. It was almost as if with every motion of his fingers he was pulling the orgasm out of you. With every touch, you felt yourself getting higher and higher. 
Forcefully he kissed you, going back down to your neck and leaving small bites. His thumb moved up to circling your clit as he continued to thrust his fingers in you. You felt breathless, but wanted to go further
“More” You demanded, strained, barely managing to get the word out. 
Instantly you felt him slide in a third finger, filling you up. He pumped his fingers deeper inside of you, continuing to rub against your spot and making you more and more crazy with each time. 
Once he knew you were really close he added to the experience. Firmly he pressed against your clit, increasing the pressure and sending you over the edge. Shoving your hands into his hair, you clutched the wavy, dark brown strands as you felt the muscles in your body tighten on his hand. You gasped, feeling all the emotions flow out of you and the freeing of the tension.  
As you panted, laying on the grass, he moved to your side. 
He laid next to you again, giving you a minute to catch your breath. 
You took in the sight of the vast sky, the stars glimmering above you, seeming so close. You imagined for a moment what would happen if you reached up toward the sky, would your fingers get tangled in the galaxies. You closed your eyes, feeling suddenly very tired. 
Bellamy watched your eyes flutter closed. Deciding it was late and you likely needed your rest, he scooped you up into his arms, and began carrying you off the golf course. 
You mumbled a protest as he set you down into the golf cart. 
“Shhh,” he hushed, “rest now. I’ll wake you up when we get back to the resort.” 
You nodded your head sleepily. 
As promised, he woke you when you were close enough to the resort. The cart couldn’t take you all of the way so you’d have to walk a bit. Following a path back, you passed two people in a dark corner by the building, obviously having an intimate moment. As you neared by them on the road, it became apparent that one of the two was the bride, and the other… oh shit. Was that your ex? 
Hearing you approach, the two pulled away from each other. 
“Well, hey there Y/N” Your ex smiled, obviously drunk. “I was just congratulating the beautiful bride here.” He wiped the lipstick from his face. 
The bride was now wearing a horribly embarrassed expression. She gave you a desperate look, silently begging that you wouldn’t tell your cousin. At the moment you weren’t sure what you’d do. It was obvious that she was drunk too. 
As he started to approach you, you took a step back, not wanting anything to do with him, especially drunk. 
“Go to hell.” You told him, attempting to walk past him now. 
“You always were a feisty one.” He commented and slid over, so he was now blocking the path. There was no way you could pass him without getting too close for comfort. 
Bellamy stepped forward now, standing in between you two. “C’mon man, just let us pass.” 
Your ex looked Bellamy up and down. “So, are you my replacement?” He turned his gaze between you and Bellamy. “I know I’m a tough act to follow but geez Y/N, you could’ve at least tried.” 
“Would you just fuck off?” You retorted, hoping he’d leave you alone this time. 
But he ignored you. “Remind me why I let you go again?” He said, eyeing you up. “‘Cause right now looking at that rack I can’t for the life of me recall.” 
That was it. Bellamy’s patience snapped and his fist was colliding with the face of your ex. 
“Don’t you fucking talk to her like that!” Bellamy yelled, walloping him a second time. 
The slimeball dropped to the ground, hitting the pavement with a loud smack, too drunk to get up. 
You stood there, gaping in shock. 
“C’mon, let’s get out of here.” Bellamy said under his breath. He placed an arm around your waist and lead you on your way. 
Still in shock, you weren’t sure what to say to him. Finally you got up the nerve to in the car. 
“I can’t believe you did that.” You started the conversation. 
“He was being rude, he deserved it.” Bellamy stated, his eyes fixed on the road. 
“Well, thank you. No one has ever defended me like that.” You paused. “And earlier this evening, with my parents. You did your best to stand up for me.” 
“Don’t worry about it, it was nothing.” Bellamy smiled a bit, briefly glancing your way. 
Your thoughts wandered the rest of the drive. The day had been amazing, and honestly most of the time with him recently had been amazing. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been so happy. 
He walked you up to your apartment but you stopped him before saying goodnight. 
“Bellamy, I…” You paused, trying to find the words. “Would you ever want more than what we have right now?” 
“You mean a relationship?” He asked to clarify. 
You nodded. 
“Honestly I’d be up for whatever you want. The last while has been great, and if I’m honest… the real reason I wasn’t interested in any of those girls tonight is because I guess I’m just not interested in anyone other than you.” He placed a hand on the back of his neck and tried to hide the fact that he was slightly blushing. 
“Really?” You said in disbelief. 
“Well, yeah. But I mean, if you want to keep things casual that’s totally fine too.” He rushed to add. “I promise I won’t do the whole feelings thing or let it get in the way if you don’t want me to.” 
You pressed your lips to his in a soft kiss. 
“Please do the feelings thing.” You smiled. “I’ve caught feelings for you too so please, let’s do the feelings thing.” You giggled. 
He grinned. “Yeah? Okay. I guess we’re in a relationship then.” 
“I guess we are.” You beamed happily. 
Even though you hadn’t seen it before and it took you awhile to get to it, you couldn’t help but feel confident. The more you thought about it the more you felt overjoyed that you’d done it, you finally found an awesome relationship. And it all started out with a friend.
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Shaped Like A Gun: Chapter One
A/N: I posted this on both AO3 and FanFiction, and I thought I would post it here. I have found so many wonderful Peaky Blinders fanfictions and imagines, and I thought I would throw my hat in the ring, and maybe, hopefully, someone will like it. 
Summary:  Essie Rosen wanted to stay far away from the crime that occupies Camden Town, and one that her brother is a part of. But after his death and being laid off, Essie finds herself in a desperate position. With no other options, she finds herself working for Alfie Solomons, her brother’s old boss. Her position becomes desperate once again though, as she finds herself falling in love with him. AlfiexOC
Essie Rosen had not been expecting any visitors. Particularly any male visitors. Her landlady, Ms. Hirsch, had strict rules on the women in her boarding house receiving gentleman callers. They were only allowed between seven in the morning and seven in the evening. The men had to be related to the women they were calling on, and they were not allowed to leave the sitting room. It was ten at night and since her elder brother, David had been killed a month prior, there were no men in her life. The closest thing she had to a man in her life was her old boss, Dr. Kennedy, and she had been out of his employ for the past three weeks.
It was a mistake to leave him. Since her brother’s death, she couldn’t afford the flat that the two of them shared, and she had take a room at Ms. Hirsch’s boarding house. She couldn’t stay working for Dr. Kennedy. He would often flirt with her, and that was something that made Essie deeply uncomfortable. His flirting was getting continuously worse and Essie couldn’t take it anymore. And Essie had snapped when he kissed her. She had been tempted to slap him, but she restrained herself, just barely. She handed in her notice and she hadn’t seen him since. She had been looking around for another but it had been hard. Any place that was hiring, wouldn’t hire her, because her bitter old boss wouldn’t give her a reference.
Essie was just about to go to bed. She always saved just a little bit of money, as she always hoped that she would do something else in her life, besides just be a secretary. She would have preferred to open a sketch artist and she had been saving up for new supplies. Now, that money was being used to pay her rent in her new boarding house while she was looking for a new job. Her dreams were put on hold, most likely forever. But Essie couldn’t complain. She wouldn’t complain. She took everything in her stride. She had a roof over her head, and food in her belly, and for now, that was all that mattered. She had more than plenty of others. She had no right to complain. Essie wasn’t one for complaining, very much unlike her brother. Her brother had been a good man, but he complained all the time, always wanting more. And while Essie herself wanted more, she kept her wants to herself, deciding that she had it better than others and she had no right to complain. Just as Essie was going to turn off the lamp and go to bed, she was shocked to hear a knock at her door.
Essie went to open the door, confused as to what it might be. It was ten at night, the doors were locked, and the only people in the house were Ms. Hirsch and the other girls. There were eight in total in the house. Essie guessed it might have been Geraldine. She was often came to Essie to borrow various things, but it was too late for her. She was probably still awake, but there was nothing that she would need now, was there? Essie opened the door and she was shocked to find the disapproving face of Ms. Hirsch. Granted, Ms. Hirsch always looked disapproving, but now, she looked angry.
“Yes, Ms. Hirsch?” Essie asked, beginning to feel a little nervous.
“Would you care to tell me why I have Alfie Solomons in my sitting room at ten at night asking for you?” Ms. Hirsch asked.
For a moment, Essie looked confused. What could she have been talking about? She knew about her brother, how he had been one of the first member of Alfie Solomons gang. Essie had even met the man a few times. It was very brief, and she didn’t think that he had paid her any mind. She didn’t approve of her brother being part of a gang, and she made that clear to him. Her words did nothing and he continued working for Alfie, and Essie just chose to ignore, making a rule for him to never talk about his work inside the house. Any sort of gang-related activity was left at the door. Essie didn’t want to hear about it. She want to pretend that everything that he was doing was legal and his half of the rent was coming from legal businesses.
She couldn’t understand why Alfie Solomons would be here to see her. She never had any sort of relationship with Alfie Solomons, there was absolutely no reason for him to see her. She had never exchanged more than a few words with the man, nothing more than ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye.’ And seeing the look on Ms. Hirsch’s face, made Essie even more nervous. She knew that even if her conversation with Alfie did go well, she would never hear the end of it from Ms. Hirsch, and that wasn’t something that Essie was looking forward to. Essie had heard Ms. Hirsch speak of Alfie Solomons and his gang and she made it clear that she really didn’t think highly of them. She thought that he was an evil heartless man and it was clear that she had a particular dislike towards Essie because of her brother being so closely affiliated with the gang, and that was saying something, as Ms. Hirsch clearly disliked everyone, and she never hid it.
“Er-I don’t know, ma’am,” said Essie, the wheels in her mind were turning trying to think of some reason that Alfie Solomons would want to see her.
“Well, go and see,” said Ms. Hirsch.
Essie said nothing, she only nodded. Ms. Hirsch stepped aside and Essie exited the room. Essie was wearing a peach robe over a sleeveless peach nightgown, both of which fell just below her knees. Unlike the day, when her brown hair was pinned up in a stylish but understated up-do, it was falling in loose curls, some of it tumbling over her shoulders and the sides that she cut to her chin, framing her face. Her gray eyes were wide with curiosity and fear, wondering what a man like Alfie Solomons could want with her. She hadn’t been wearing any shoes or slippers, so her bare feet quietly padded down the stairs making little noise. She stopped as she reached the threshold of the sitting room.
“Mr. Solomons?” Essie asked, her voice small and timid.
Essie did not want to show fear to Alfie Solomons, but she was failing miserably. She couldn’t help it. Alfie was sitting on one of the chairs and it was such a stark contrast. The chair was upholstered with pink fabric and it had a floral pattern. Alfie Solomons was dressed entirely in black, apart from his white shirt. Essie could see a few stains on his clothes, all understandable, considering all of the work Alfie did in his distillery—bakery. Essie scolded herself for thinking of the word distillery. She knew that Alfie had a temper. Everyone knew. The slightest thing could set him off. And she knew confusing ‘bakery’ and ‘distillery’ as well as ‘bread’ and ‘rum’ was something that would set off his temper. She did not want to be on the receiving end of his temper. She had never seen it, but she heard her brother speak of it. Even his descriptions were frightening. Alfie had a cane and he leaned on it as he stood up. Essie could feel herself shrink back as his eyes looked over her. It wasn’t in a lustful was, though, no the way that Dr. Kennedy looked at her. It was more of just getting a good look at her. It made her feel uncomfortable, but it was a different sort of uncomfortable. With Dr. Kennedy, she was afraid he would go too far, the kind of too far when he had kissed her. With Alfie, it was a fear of the unknown. Why he wanted to speak with her. There was no reason, as far as Essie could guess, that he would need to have any association with her. Essie would be lying if she said she didn’t find Alfie Solomons attractive. He certainly was. But he was also intimidating. He wasn’t that tall, but he was broad, and that was intimidating to Essie. He was could certainly knock Essie out in one blow, and Essie did not want to set him off. Would he hit a woman? Essie didn’t know. She had never heard of him hurting a woman. Any time she heard of anything he had done, any bodily harm that had been done, had been done to a man. But when he noticed how frightened she had looked, his face soften the tiniest bit, and seeing that made Essie relax a little bit.
“Ms. Hirsch said you were asking for me?” Essie continued, her voice shaking just bit.
She was wondering how he got in here. Ms. Hirsch’s rules where meant to be followed, and no exceptions were made. But then again, this was Alfie Solomons. He was always an exception. She was sure that everyone could be bribed with a certain amount of money, even someone with such staunch morals as Ms. Hirsch.
“You don’t have a job, Miss Rosen,” was the first thing he said.
Essie was shocked by his statement for a few reasons. The first, that he knew that she was unemployed, and the second, that he had come to talk to her about that. Was this really the reason that he was here? To talk to her about her employment status?
“Yes, sir,” said Essie, her voice laced with confusion and uncertainty.
“You do now,” said Mr. Solomons. “Be at my bakery at nine tomorrow morning.”
His words shocked her and she didn’t speak or move, a million thoughts running through her head. He began to take his leave walking past her and leaving the room and making his way passed Essie. Essie was frozen in place, her mind still trying to process his words. He just told her she had a job with the only details being that she needed to be at the bakery at nine. What sort of use would she be in a place like that? She didn’t even think he had any women working in his bakery. She certainly wouldn’t be useful as the kind of baker he would need. It wasn’t until Mr. Solomons opened the door, letting the cold night wind in that Essie finally jolted from her daze and looked towards him, and finally able to speak.
“Mr. Solomons?” Essie asked, her voice soft and nervous. “Forgive me, but I’m afraid I don’t exactly understand.”
Mr. Solomons turned around, and looked at her. Essie was relieved that he didn’t look angry. He closed the door and took a few steps towards her. In a few short strides he was directly in front of her and Essie’s eyes widened. Had she said something wrong? Was he going to hurt her because of that?
“I am in need of a secretary,” he said simply. “And you are in need of a job.”
Essie breathed a small sigh of relief, pleased that he didn’t seem angry with her. But she was still completely confused. She didn’t even think she wanted to work for Alfie Solomons. She knew that it was a dangerous line of business and she didn’t think she could be a part of it. She didn’t even want to be a part of it. Her brother was, and now he was gone.
“Why me, sir?” Essie asked, not being able to wrap her head around it.
“Your brother spoke highly of you,” said Alfie.
Essie looked confused. She knew that her brother was one of the first members of Alfie’s gang and had served with him in the war. And she and David had been close. But knowing that he spoke highly of her did make her smile. He had always been so reckless and despite how close they were, it had mostly been her taking care of him and not getting a thank you. Knowing he spoke highly of her warmed her heart.
But, she was still confused. Did that really qualify her to work for Alfie Solomons? Granted, she did have previous work as a secretary, she knew what she was doing. She was clever, an she was well aware of that. She had a good head on her shoulders, she was organized and she had a good head on her shoulders. But she was not a criminal, and she didn’t know if she could work for one.
“I take care of those who work for me, right?” he said. “And their families, if they die in my service.”
He continued as if that explained everything. She had heard about this from her brother. He had a tendency to be vague and expected everyone to know what he meant without elaboration. Her brother knew it, and after sometime, he was able to decipher what Alfie said. Essie didn’t have that sort of practice, though. For as clever as she was, this was something that was incredibly confusing for her.
“Look, you won’t have to do anything illegal,” he said, noting how apprehensive she looked at his offer. “And I’ll pay you double what you was making for that bastard.”
Essie seemed to be contemplating the offer. She was still confused. How did he know about her old job, the bastard that she used to work for, and how much she used to make? She decided not to question it. She was tempted to take this job. Her saved money wouldn’t be able to last for much longer, and as much as she didn’t wish to work for Alfie Solomons, beggars couldn’t be choosers.
“Alright, Mr. Solomons,” said Essie. “I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
“Well, that’s fucking great, innit,” said Alfie, giving Essie a wide grin that she hadn’t been expecting, but it did bring a soft smile to her face.
As he turned and headed out the door, Essie said a quiet, “Goodnight, Mr. Solomons.”
She couldn’t believe it! She had a job and one that paid better than her other one, at that. It wasn’t her ideal job. Most jobs would have been better than working for a gangster, but like she had said, beggars couldn’t be choosers. She hadn’t been able to treat herself to new art supplies for quite some time and with double the pay, she would finally be able to buy some. That would make it all worth it.
Essie couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she turned around and made her way upstairs. But it disappeared when she saw Ms. Hirsch standing at the top of the stairs, waiting for her. She didn’t look pleased at having company so late, especially when that company was Alfie Solomons. He most likely had to bribe her with a hefty sum to be allowed in.
“What did that man want?” Ms. Hirsch asked, sounding annoyed and angry.
Essie couldn’t tell her that he had come to offer her a job. She would be thrown out on the streets if she found out that one of her boarders was working for Alfie Solomons. Now that she would have a steady income again, she could look for a place that didn’t have such strict rules. But she couldn’t do that just yet. She had to keep it hidden until she got her first pay check.
“Er-he just wanted to ask how I was getting on after my brother’s death,” said Essie.
Ms. Hirsch looked at Essie skeptically, but she didn’t say anything. Ms. Hirsch turned and began walking back to her room, and Essie breathed a sigh of relief. The smile that she was wearing as Alfie left returned to her face as she went back to her room. She closed the door and locked it as the reality of what she had done by accepting the position of Alfie Solomons secretary set in.
She would be lying if she said she wasn’t scared. Despite her brother working as a gangster, or rather ‘baker’ was the correct term in Alfie’s mind as well as her brother’s, Essie wanted to be as far away from that sort of thing as possible. She wasn’t cut out for that sort of thing. She couldn’t shoot a gun. Hell, she didn’t even own one. She didn’t think she would need one though, or so she hoped. She was just a secretary. That’s it.
Being in such a close proximity to Alfie Solomons day in and day out was a little bit nerve-wracking. She had heard about his infamous temper and she was terrified that one day she would be on the receiving end. She wasn’t cut out for this sort of life, she was sure. She wasn’t tough in the way that gangsters were. But she reminded herself that she wasn’t a gangster, she was only a secretary to one.
Essie was the brains of her family, that’s what her mother had told her, while her brother was the brawns. David had once tried to teach her to shoot a gun. She fired one shot, and it scared her off. Even something like that was a little too much for her. But she wouldn’t be needed to fire a gun, or at least she hoped. She would just have to sit at a desk and do what she was told. That was nothing unfamiliar to her.
Essie tried to put her fears behind her as she settled into bed and turned off the light. She had to get to sleep, as she finally had a full day of work ahead of her. As she drifted off to sleep, she found herself looking forward to it. It hadn’t been so long since she had that, but she found that, while she had been looking for a job, she had missed it.
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jamesjohneye · 7 years
Prompts request #7
Prompt; Lateo; Mamma Bear Maggie
Thank you for the prompt!
‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ Maggie asks as she hands Daryl his pack. There are dark circles under his eyes and he’s wearing his cap the right way around for once. It makes it impossible for anyone to look him in the eye. He’s been wearing it like this more and more the last couple of weeks and Maggie hates it. ‘I’m fine, thanks, I got it,’ he grabs the pack and hoists it onto his shoulders. His voice is flat. ‘I’m taking Khamsin, okay? I’ll be back soon.’ ‘Yeah, okay. Be careful,’ she walks him to the door of their room. ‘Hey, if you want another job, we can arrange that. You can go hunting or help the blacksmith, or –‘ ‘I like being a messenger.’ She reaches out to touch his shoulder and make him turn around. With a sigh, she plucks the cap off his dark hair to turn it around. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days. The blue eyes are dull. ‘You don’t look like you like doing it.’ ‘I’m just tired,’ he mutters. ‘With Hershey and everything…’ ‘We can get you another room.’ ‘I don’t want another room,’ Daryl bites out. It came out harsher than he intended because he adds as soft ‘sorry,’ immediately after. ‘I just – It’s fine. It’s nothing. I’ll see you when I get back.’ He hugs her briefly before walking away.
Dante comes by to collect the laundry a couple of hours later. It’s become a routine by now and Maggie likes his little visits. Now that she’s still so busy with Hershel, he keeps her up-to-date with all the intrigues of Hilltop Colony. She’d once called it their daily gossip session but Dante keeps insisting that he hates gossip even though he came running the moment he’d heard that someone had caught Felix making out with Geraldine in a watchtower. It’s news, he’d say. And Maggie lets him believe it. ‘So,’ Dante says as he grabs the dirty clothes out of the hamper, ‘I don’t know whether… look, it’s not really my place or anything, I know that, but… Have you talked to Daryl lately?’ ‘This morning, why?’ ‘Oh. And – ‘ he frowns, ‘you’re okay with all of this?’ Maggie shrugs, ‘he wants to be a messenger. He’s good at what he does.’ ‘I know!’ Dante says quickly, ‘he’s really good, got us that deal with Oceanside, so… but - I just thought he wouldn’t… never mind.’ ‘Finish your sentence. You thought he wouldn’t what?’ ‘I just thought he wouldn’t have to go to the Sanctuary. That’s all.’ Dante fidgets a bit with the laundry in his hands, ‘but if you think it’s fine, then obviously it is, but…’ Maggie gapes at him. ‘Excuse me?’ ‘I know he’s yours,’ Dante says, ‘but he just… he isn’t sleeping and they keep sending him to that place and it just… breaks my heart, seeing him like that.’ ‘They’re sending him to the Sanctuary for trade deals?’ ‘I thought you knew,’ Dante says with a frown. ‘I didn’t.’ The words are clipped when she scoops Hershel out of his crib. ‘He told me he has been visiting the Kingdom.’ Dante looks a little guilty. ‘He hasn’t been there in months. I’m sorry, Maggie, I should have said something sooner –‘ ‘No,’ she takes a deep breath and cradles her son close. ‘Thank you for telling me. I need to talk to Felix.’
Felix is two years younger than her and currently in charge of the trading missions since Paul accompanied Beth to The Kingdom. Her sister is training with one of the doctors there while Paul is helping Alexandria to set up a new trading system. It’s easier to travel to Washington from Ezekiel’s realm. It’s no wonder that Daryl has managed to hide his destination for so long. Merle is at Alexandria too to help with the final stage of the rebuilding, and everyone must have assumed that the teenager either had permission or didn’t care that he had to go back to that evil place. Dwight is slowly turning it around with Eugene’s help, but nobody from Alexandria accepts the changes or the group. They usually send outsiders, people who hadn’t known the men, haven’t been betrayed by them during the war. It makes it easier. ‘Maggie!’ Felix jumps up when he spots their leader entering the large room. He’d been slouching in the chair that’s usually hers, at the head of the table. Daryl has painted a map of the entire area on the wood so they can pin flags in it without ruining paper maps. Washington is still a vague gray area on the border, but he’s steadily filling it in with routes and access points provided by Taiwo’s community. ‘Felix, good morning,’ Maggie nods before she walks over to Berthie and hands Hershel to the woman. ‘Give me an update. When will Paul be back?’ ‘We’re expecting him back in two weeks,’ Felix says immediately. ‘And Merle?’ ‘Also two weeks, ma’am.’ She nods. ‘Is that why?’ she asks. ‘I’m sorry?’ ‘Is that why you thought you could send my son to the Sanctuary, because both Paul and Merle are away? Did you think I would never find out? Or are you so blind and stupid to think that I would not care?’ Everyone in the room shifts nervously in their seats. Felix swallows with some difficulty. ‘He knows the community,’ he says. ‘It made sense to-‘ ‘He knows the community because he was held captive and tortured there by the man who’d killed his friends and family. And you send him back there.’ ‘He didn’t say he minded.’ ‘He shouldn’t have to!’ Maggie snaps. ‘He’s… I can’t believe you.’ She looks at the map. ‘Who is closest? Is anyone of us near the sanctuary?’ ‘No.’ Maggie’s eyes flash as she holds out her hand for the long-range walkie-talkie. ‘Get me Alexandria. Right now.’
‘I’m really sorry,’ Frankie says as she chews on her nails. Her jeans are dirty from working in the factory all day. ‘We should move to another room, you don’t have to be here – we can go outside and wait for-‘ ‘It’s fine,’ Daryl snaps. He’s sitting in Negan’s old room and tries desperately to avoid looking at any of the familiar pieces of furniture. The bar he used to sit on, the couch where Negan would tackle him into when he was feeling playful enough, the long table at which they used to share their meals. Dwight is drafting up a new trading deal in the room that used to be Negan’s bedroom. Daryl doesn’t understand how he can stand being in this place. He wants to throw up. ‘We can play cards?’ Frankie offers but chaos outside the room causes her to fall silent and then jump up. She grabs her knife and grabs at Daryl’s shoulder, pushing the teenager behind her. The door slams open. Merle waltzes in. He stops when he spots the woman shielding his baby brother. His eyebrows shoot up. ‘Now I don’t want you to take this personally, sweetheart,’ he says, ‘but I’m gonna need you to take a step back and take that hand off my brother. That’s better. Where the weasel? Yo,’ He stalks over to the other door and kicks it open. ‘New Dixon in town, asshole!’ ‘What the hell?’ Dwight asks as he stands up. ‘You’re dealin’ with me now,’ Merle grins as he falls into a chair. ‘Maggie sends her regards.’
‘I’m just really sorry,’ Felix says. Daryl frowns and slinks past him, ‘yeah, okay, whatever.’ ‘Just – just tell Maggie I apologized, okay?’ Felix shouts after him, a little desperate.
‘What the hell did you do?’ Daryl asks Maggie as he leans against the doorframe. ‘Hello, Dare,’ Maggie hums while waving her son’s hand at him. Hershel whimpers. ‘Say hi to your brother first.’ Daryl sighs and drags himself into the room, holding out his hands for the little boy. ‘Hey, Hersey Kiss,’ he murmurs when Maggie transfers the boy to his embrace. ‘You been lookin’ after your momma for me?’ ‘Is that what you think you’ve been doing, too? Looking after me?’ ‘You sayin’ I haven’t been?’ Daryl scoffs as he sits on the bed, cradling his little brother. ‘You been runnin’ me ragged gettin’ ya shit.’ Maggie sits down next to him on the bed. ‘That’s not what I mean. You’ve been a great help with Hershel. I meant with the Sanctuary runs.’ Daryl shrugs. ‘Nah, just… ya know? You got a lot goin’ on, and.. weren’t nothing,’ he kisses Hershel’s chubby cheek, ‘huh, bud? Weren’t nothing but ghosts anyway. Thought it was a joke at first,’ he says as he looks at Maggie, ‘when Felix said I had to go, thought he were jokin’ but they were all talkin’ shit about how I already had a room there and stuff.’ ‘Why didn’t you tell anyone?’ The teenager shrugs again. ‘Merle weren’t here. Beth and Paul were gone. Promised Glenn I’d look after you, help you out, not dump my own shit on top of yours.’ He strokes Hershel’s hair, ‘don’t matter anyway. Got the job done, right? ‘s all that matters.’ ‘That’s not all that matters,’ Maggie corrects him. ‘You matter, always. No matter what is going on, no matter how busy I am. You matter to me. And I can help.’ Daryl scoffs. ‘So, what? Dudes are being mean to me so I should go run and cry to my mom about it, yeah that –‘ he stares at Hershel for a second. ‘I mean – I didn’t, I-‘ ‘That’s exactly what you should do,’ Maggie cuts in. She gets up. ‘He waited until Merle and Paul were gone, thinking he could get away with it.’ Daryl gives her a small smile. ‘He’s gonna be real sorry when Merle gets back. He was real angry.’ She gives him a look. ‘He’s gonna be real sorry right now. First priority was getting you back here. Now I’ll go deal with the real problem. Watch Hershel for me?’ ‘Yeah.’ The door closes and Maggie’s footsteps fade down the hall. Daryl looks at Hershel. ‘Uh-oh,’ he whispers. ‘Asshole’s gonna get it good.’
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