#geoff cortlandt
justplainwhump · 5 months
Seat 2B
Dany faces Geoff.
Next installment of @wildfaewhump and I's Just A Fling AU. The perfect Geoff, Peyton and their mentioned friends are Vic's characters and they penned a lot of this piece.
[Just A Fling Masterlist]
Content / warnings: Intimate whumper, whumpee meeting whumper in public, past trauma and not ideal coping with it, mentioned serial killings, mention past noncon drugging and assault, sexually derogative language, mention of BBU-pets; pretty frank discussion of past noncon.
2B is Dany's favorite seat on most long distance flights. Best class available, be it First or Business or whichever names they came up with. Aisle, meaning she can get out without the need to talk to anyone. Second row instead of first so there's a bit more air in front of her instead of a wall. 
She's gotten it for this flight as well, the way home after some intense days of preparing and ensuring the final acceptance of their newest freight terminal. It's been a success. Another one. Dany is good at her job, and she knows it. 
She leans back in her plane seat and opens her laptop to check on the press release the company is about to send out, tuning out the busy noise of the last passengers boarding and filing to the back of the plane.
"Excuse me, Madam" someone next to her says, half bored. "I'm 2A."
She's not sure if its his voice that sets her off, the smell of his cologne, or his looming figure, some inches too close to be entirely polite, but her whole body is on alert suddenly.
Geoff Cortlandt.
"Oh. Ms Hammond," he says, eyebrows up. "Hadn't recognized you, fully dressed."
Dany's hand, halfway to the tray table, freezes mid-air. Geoff's gaze feels heavy on her skin. Even without looking up, the smug amusement radiating from him is almost palpable.
She sets her jaw and reaches out to pick up her laptop and slide back the tray table to let him pass. "Mr Cortlandt." 
"Just kidding," he whispers, as he squeezes past, too close for the amount of legroom the plane offers, and pauses, his mouth next to her ear. "You were not actually memorable undressed, either."
"Peyton saw that differently." It slips out, before she can think twice, her voice perfectly even. She's taken seminars on it, on her way to becoming the negotiator she is today - quick comebacks, how to deal with low blows. 
Paying back in turn ranks very low on the list.
And it is downright stupid, when it's about the exact thing Peyton's tried to warn her about in his very own, very inappropriate manner. 'We were getting pretty close. And I was… distracted by you. In a way that wasn’t working for Geoff.'
Geoff freezes for a moment, and she thinks she sees a muscle in his jaw twitch, before he breaks into an easy smile. "Well, he's luckily left that behind him now, didn't he?"
He slides into his seat next to her, just as a flight attendant leans into their row. "Can I offer you a drink before take-off?"
"Champagne," Geoff says smoothly. "For both of u-" 
"Vodka for me," Dany interrupts. She'll have to sit through this. She's not going to fold, not again, not after she panicked at the tennis match and let him have it. "Straight."
The attendant lifts his eyebrows, but doesn't say a word, while he prepares a plastic flute of champagne for Geoff and then bends down to the bottom of his cart to hand Dany a tiny bottle of Vodka and a glass. 
"Well, then." Geoff waits until the attendant has left for the next row, before he raises his glass. "Cheers, Ms Hammond. Go on. Drink up. We both know you're more fun once you've got a little liquor in you." 
"We both know it wasn't just liquor. We both know it wasn't fun." Dany screws open the cap of her bottle and pours it into the glass, pausing before she looks at him again. "And we both know you walked away. Is it just like that? Do you always just happen to get away with it?"
He smiles, and it's shaped like it should be charming. It's not. It's just empty. "I'm here, aren't I? Makes you wonder. Is it really possible for someone to do 'wrong'? Or are we just afraid? If right and wrong were the immutable forces we treat them as, wouldn't it be impossible for us to do wrong?"
Dany chuckles dryly and shakes her head, then downs the vodka in one go. "I didn't say anything about right or wrong, you started that yourself. My degree is in psychology, not philosophy." She puts the glass down and grimaces. "Pretty sure you, Mr Cortlandt, are an interesting case for both fields."
He laughs a little in return, and it makes her stomach churn. "I like that." He sips too, his eyes wandering over the cabin, before he turns back to her, shifting in his seat to pull up one knee and cross his opposite ankle under it, leaning in like they're good friends. "So," he says. "What did you like most about fucking Peyton?"
"There's a reason you and I were only intimate when I was unconscious, Geoff, and that's because I don't fucking want you in my bed. Not physically, and not mentally either." She smirks and tilts her glass at him. "You'll never know."
His grip on his glass is tight, but he doesn't retreat, and his smile doesn't drop. If anything, it gets more dangerous. "Fair enough. You know-" He glances around like he's about to share a secret. "There was this one time, he and I. We had a little bit of a threesome, there was this girl. We had her between us, on her hands and knees like a whore, she was so hot for it. Peyton has this way he angles his hips- her whole body seized. She wasn't really my type, but the way she looked right then, coming undone for him with my cock so deep in her throat she couldn't breathe... I almost had to keep her." He takes a deep breath and smiles brightly. "Anyway. I can only imagine he was a great lay for you too."
Dany can't breathe. Couldn't then. Can't now. It is her, it was her, the woman caught between them, betrayed, helpless, powerless. Images she can't remember, but dreams of anyway. 
She has to get away. Her hand flies to her waist, unbuckles the security belt, and she staggers to her feet to escape towards the restroom.
"Madam," someone yells, and before she can flee, a stranger is over her, presses her back into her seat. "You cannot get up, Madam, we're in the middle of takeoff, are you insane? Mr Cortlandt, Sir, could you please take care of your friend? She's endangering everyone."
There's more hands on her, Geoff's hands, on her shoulders, wrapped around her own hand, and he's talking over her, her own voice stuck in her throat. "Of course, I'm so sorry about her. She's a nervous flyer. You'd never want everyone on the plane in danger because of you, would you, Dany? We're going to get through this together, I promise. You just need to put your seatbelt back on."
"You got her?", the other man asks sharply.
It's all too much. The shaking of the plane, the hands all over her, the images, and Geoff, Geoff, Geoff, he's next to her, he's over her, he's inside her, 'my cock so deep in her throat that she couldn't breathe', she's dizzy and nauseous and nothing makes any sense.
"No," she whispers weakly, "No, I don't want this, please."
He's not leaving. His hands are on her hips now, almost tender, pulling at the seatbelt, locking her back in. "I know, but there's nowhere else to go. You're just going to have to endure. I'll stay right here with you the whole time, alright? You're not getting rid of me." 
Louder, to someone else, he adds. "I think I've got it from here. Thank you for your help."
The plane's rattling gets heavier, then stops, as it raises from the runway, pushing her back into her seat even deeper. 
Dany's whole body is trembling. Tears are catching in her lashes, but she's not even able to cry. "Why?" she whispers tonelessly.
Geoff whispers in her ear, one arm around her shoulders. "Why not? You were just a fling."
They stay like that, Dany locked in her seat, caught in her own body, Geoff leaning in over her, holding her hand in his like a friend would, until the plane has reached cruising altitude and the seatbelt lights turn off with a little ping.
Only then does Dany manage to shake her shoulder and brush his hand away from her. 
"I hate you."
Geoff settles back into his own seat, the grin on his face satisfied and smug. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." He pulls out his phone and opens his picture gallery. "Hey, want to see pictures of my pets?"
She can only shake her head tiredly. "I want you to die" 
"You first, princess." 
It's almost casual, almost like smalltalk, but it cuts deep. Peyton's words ring in her ears. 'If we hadn’t done what we did, you would be dead. Pieces of your body would have been hidden from here to Georgia, and no one would ever have found you.' Geoff had been ready to kill her. He'd not, he'd found another way, but he'd been close. 
"Don't call me princess," she says, even though she knows it's hollow and empty and he'll do whatever he wants anyway. It's easier to reply to that part of his line, than acknowledging the meaning of the other. 
He leans closer again anyway, swiping through pictures of a young Philipino person, sultry eyes thick with mascara and shadow as they watch the camera from repose in a king-sized bed. "This one's Lourdes. They're my latest, just got them a couple weeks ago. I always like to have one picture when they're brand new." He swipes again, and the next picture shows someone with similar features. This one, a young man, is hollow-eyed and clearly frightened as he sits stiffly on an ornate couch, hands clasped tightly between his knees. "See? They just... lose that spirit, after a while."
She doesn't want to look at his phone, but it's not like she can go anywhere. Pets are people, she thinks, she's said it so often, but she doesn't now. Because if anyone is aware of this, she's sure it's him. That's why he's showing her these pictures. Because they're people and because he enjoys to make them miserable. 
Like he enjoys to make her miserable.
You first. 
"You kill them," she says flatly. "Don't you? That's what you're going at with flashing this photo gallery at me." 
He glances around, as if to make sure no one is taking an undue interest in their conversation. "What a horrible thing to say! I love all of my pets. And they're all still with me in one way or another. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that bond, since you have none of your own. You're not very caring, are you, Dany? You flit through life without ever really taking anyone with you. It's why I didn't like seeing Peyton get caught up as your latest infatuation. You would have moved on eventually without a drop of care for what it did to him."
"I did move on," she says, carefully. There's something about the way he's phrased it that rubs her wrong. "He moved on, even before I did. Without a drop of care. You made sure of this." She chews her lip, processing what he's said. "What difference would if had made, if I had 'cared' for him?"
His phone screen darkens as he puts it away, voice turned into an angry hiss. "He deserves better! He actually liked you. 'Dany this' and 'Dany that'-- he sounded like he was twelve, discovering Emiliana all over again. And all you wanted was his dick."
His sudden anger is frightening. Still, it's more manageable than whatever mood that was he's been in before. "All he wanted was my body," Dany hisses back. "He didn't care about anything else. He didn't even care about my consent, for fuck's sake. And, he's married. He didn't deserve better. He just didn't deserve anything I ever gave him. He even handed me to you, to shove your fucking cock into me. What the fuck more did you want? For me to actually love him? Or for him to only have eyes for you?" 
"Please," he rolls his eyes. "His marriage is as real as the tits Valerian's always going on about getting someday. What I want--" He breaks off to smile, as the steward passes down the aisle. "What I want," he resumes in a whisper, plastering on a smile again, "is for you to be forgotten so entirely that it's as if you never existed. But I'd settle for getting off this plane."
Dany laughs, sudden, harsh, almost broken. She doesn't bother putting up an act, just stares at Geoff plainly, waits for him to meet her gaze. "You wouldn't ever get that," she says then. "Whatever Peyton does or does not forget about me, the problem is yourself, Geoff. Because wherever I am, whatever you do to me, you, you will remember there was someone else in Peyton's life, someone he couldn't get enough of, even while he had you." The corners of her lips pull up, almost a grin, but it's too desperate. "Which means you always lose."
The armrest creaks under his grip. His grin is a macabre stretch of lips over teeth. "Have a pleasant flight, Ms Hammond. Wherever you're going after this, I hope you reach your destination safely." 
He slips out of his seatbelt and grabs his jacket with clipped, angry force. 
This time, when he passes her, he keeps his distance. 
Dany doesn't turn around, when he passes her to go towards the back of the plane, just hears a whispered apology to someone else and the re-buckling of a seat belt. 
He's in front of her, when they disembark, walking away from the plane, from her with long, determined strides. Dany pulls out her phone. She still has Peyton's number. She never even bothered to block him. She's pretty sure he didn't either. 
*You're the one in danger, Peyton. You know he can't stop. And you're the centre of it all.*
*He'll kill you.*
*Take care.*
She puts the phone down and looks through the huge airport windows at the cloudy sky outside, before she adds,
*Or don't. I don't actually care.*
The messages are marked as read right away. He doesn't reply.
Just a few hundred meters away from her, Peyton Montgomery looks through the windows of his car, spotting the tall figure of his best friend stepping out of the airport doors. 
A quick flick of his thumb deletes Dany's messages. 
Geoff would never hurt him.
When Geoff gets into the car, Peyton's smile is as easy as ever.
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justplainwhump · 5 months
"Match, set, and game" for the prompts!
This one sentence prompt has been in my ask box forever, and long before this AU was born. But now, it fits perfectly.
Part of the heartbreaking Dany/bad!Peyton-AU with @wildfae-afterdark ; Geoff and Peyton are their characters.
[Just A Fling Masterlist]
Content / warnings: vaguely implied past noncon (m/f), past noncon drugging, vibes of abusive relationship and date rape, survivor struggling to cope.
"Game, Set and Match."
Grinning, Dany drops her racket, and bumps Dennis' fists.
It's a beautiful day, the sun's shining over the lush grounds of the tennis club, filled with cheers and idle chatter, and both Dennis and her are in great shape.
"Langley/Hammond qualify for the quarter finals."
They do the obligatory handshakes with the losing team, and Dany fixes her ponytail before she grabs their water bottles.
"Watch the other match?" Dennis asks. "Check the competition? They're still at it. Not everyone can win to zero."
Dany takes a swig from the bottle and shrugs. "Sure, why not."
It's not really necessary in a tournament like the Fitzwilliam Memorial Trophy, that's more of a societal summer event than a sports challenge- their only true challenge are Sita and Sanjay and they've been drawn into another bracket entirely.
"Who is it?"
"Kim/Carter vs Cortlandt/Cortlandt."
"Cortlandt?" The water tastes foul somehow, and Dany sets down the bottle. Her stomach feels queasy.
"Yeah." Dennis looks at the names on the draw and then down at the other court with a shrug. "Geoff and Liza. Cousins. They're not horrible, I guess. Not a threat, either."
"I, uh." Dany looks at the players and trails off. Geoff Cortlandt moves with long, measured strides, his game not focused on speed, but rather on a precise strength. It makes her shiver.
She reaches out to steady herself on the railing.
She doesn't look at Dennis, can't, when Geoff picks up the ball to serve and bounces it once. For a moment, his gaze flits over the audience and settles on her.
His lips twitch into a slim grin, and then he turns back to the court, tosses the ball into the air and slams it over the net with impossible force, unreachable for Stevie Kim.
"Dany?" Dennis repeats. "What was that? You're having history with Cortlandt?"
She forces herself to breathe, slowly shakes her head. "Just an acquaintance. Met him a handful of times. I, uh. I just don't like him."
Dennis chuckles. "Yea, nobody really does. Only ones who can stand him are that weird little cult around him and Peyt-" He trails off and clicks his tongue. "Oh. That's how you know him, huh? You still seeing Montgomery?"
"No." Dany exhales softly, not bothering up to ask him how he knows. Rumours travel fast, in their circles. "It's over." It's over. They haven't seen each other since that gala. Peyton had left the very same night, set off to Georgia.
With Geoff.
Seems they're back.
"But you're good?"
"Sure am." She chuckles darkly, almost in reflex. "I won't let a fling affect my mood."
If she'd look, she knows she'd see that Dennis doesn't believe her. But she doesn't look.
She can't take her eyes off of Geoff. There's something about him, something deeply unsettling, something that makes her sure if she looks away just once he'll show up right in front of her, and he'll grab her head and-
She shakes her head. Ghosts. He's getting into her head, she needs to focus on the tournament, nothing else.
Like Dennis, who's mumbling into her ear about their techniques and weaknesses, about tactics and strategy.
She can't listen. She's trapped.
And she knows that he knows. If anything, it makes him play better. They make the next point, too, and the next.
"Match, set and game."
"Cortlandt/Cortlandt qualify for the quarterfinal."
Before even congratulating his partner, Geoff's gaze locks with Dany's again. He moves his hand, a slow gesture, as if he's holding a champagne glass.
"Showoff," Dennis next to her groans. "He's not even half your level."
Geoff raises his imaginary glass to a toast, and Dany's legs give in.
It's only Dennis' quick reaction that keeps her from falling. Dennis' arm around her waist. Like Peyton's, when Geoff had toasted to her at the gala. Like Peyton's, later, when her mind was foggy and they were somewhere darker, more private.
But not alone.
They hadn't been alone.
Geoff Cortlandt had been there.
"Withdraw." She staggers back to her feet and shoves Dennis' hand off her. "We withdraw. I... No. No. I can't. Not that."
"What?" Dennis steps back to stare at her in disbelief. Behind him, the players leave the court and walk up the stairs.
She spins on her heel and flees towards the bathrooms.
She's thrown up twice. It helps, to deal with her body, not her mind. It helps to think about what's real. She cleans up her face, straightens her hair in front of the mirror, trying not to think too much about the other time she's tried to fixed herself up from a messed up state.
At least the shadows have a face now.
I'm sorry, she texts Dennis.
We need to talk, she texts Peyton.
Then, she throws in a breath mint and goes find Geoff Cortlandt.
He's seated in the player's lounge at a corner table, scrolling through his phone, his face still a little flushed from the game. His eyebrows shoot up when he sees her, but the short hint of surprise shifts into an easy smirk. "Ms Hammond. Too sick to play, I heard? Still hungover from that gala, where we've run into each other?"
Dany's jaw tightens. "What did you do?"
He laughs a little, leans closer like they're best friends. "What did we do? Nothing you didn't beg for, princess. You still can't remember? I guess the tabloids were right about your partying reputation."
She should've sat down as well. Her knees threaten to give in again. And somehow it's not the pet name, not the insinuation, not the humiliation that hurts her most.
It's the 'we'.
"I had a tox screen made." Her voice is slow, but firm. She's a negotiatior, after all. She can keep her voice steady, even when everything is pulled away from underneath her. "I'm sure you know how it came back. It was you, wasn't it? It was you, who spiked my drink."
He looks at her, hooded eyes flat and suddenly unamused. "Whatever you took that night is none of my business. I had enough to do keeping my friend out of your clutches."
She feels dizzy, and yet, weirdly relieved. The ghosts, the nightmares, the faceless void they've manifested into something real. She's still lost at sea, but she's been drowning before, and now she's broken through the surface, she can breathe again. Breathe, and fight.
"That's why?" She stares at him. "You drugged me and you fucked me and you left me like trash, because you felt threatened?" A wild giggle escapes her throat. "Oh. Wow. What a pathetic little man you are. Go fuck yourself, Mr Cortlandt. Or go fuck Peyton, for all I care. But guess what? I fucked him better."
Anger flares up in his gaze, his muscles tense, his weight shifts to the edge of his seat - but instead of attacking her, his lips bend into a fake, calm smile.
"Who we fuck isn't your business any more, Ms Hammond. My game is up. Gotta win a tournament." He gets up and brushes over the front of his pristinely white shirt. "Have a good day."
Dany stares past him as he leaves, counts her breaths to twenty to calm her racing heartbeat.
Then she calls her driver.
She needs to know.
She needs to see Peyton.
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justplainwhump · 3 years
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Character Intro / Masterpost
Danielle 'Dany' Hammond
Rich and confident daughter to a crime-lord-slash-businessman, designated heir to his business. Odd mix of ambitious and hedonistic. Semi professional tennis player, college student majoring in psychology, skilled negotiatior, surprisingly good at handling herself. Confident and determined. Afraid of knives. Aromantic. Freckles.
Currently ongoing story lines are Just A Fling and the BBU!AU Making Angel (both linked further below).
* marks the pieces that have been added since Oct '23.
Just A Fling* (Peyton / Geoff / Dany)
Dany is 29, successful manager in her father's company, but a casual affair with Peyton Montgomery pulls her deep into the dangerous toxic friendship between Peyton and serial killer Geoff Cortlandt.
Tropes: consensual affair, noncon drugging, intimate whumper, dubcon, a lot of aftermath and coping, toxic relationship dynamics.
Collaboration with @wildfaewhump.
[Just A Fling Masterlist] *
Princess (Ridley / Dany / B):
After her father is betrayed by those closest to him, 20 year old Dany is sold off as a prize and falls into the hands of mean man Ridley Lordin, who keeps her captive in his apartment alongside his WRU guard dog B (both characters belonging to @hackles-up ) and makes it his pet project to break her.
Tropes: intimate whumper, co-captives, pet whump [even though Dany isn't a WRU pet; but B is], lots of noncon/dubcon, forced relationship. Each post is tagged individually as well.
Before Ridley
[Run, Dany] with Frankie 
First Steps with Ridley
[Housekeeping] at Ridley's house
[Shower] at Ridley's house
[Hate] (torture and noncon) at Ridley's house, with Leo
[Lesson (prompt fill : collapse)] with Ridley and B
[Waiting] [Office Day (part 1)] (noncon elements; part 2 currently in planning) with Ridley
Interlude at the casino
[Bodyguard] (cw noncon) [+ aftermath] with Frankie
Things are getting serious
[Almost (prompt fill: strangle)] with Ridley and B <- very very good, shouldn't miss this one
[Lights Out] written by moose
[Night Terrors (short prompt fill)] with Ridley
[Gift] with Ridley
[Slap (short prompt fill)] with Ridley
[Alone together] with B, comfort and consensual spice between people that can't really give consent
[Game of Trust] with Ridley and B [continuation from Ridley/B PoV by moose ] &lt;;- this is easily the best post of the series but I'm afraid it works best if you're familiar with some context
[Not Fair] Ridley and B, written by moose
[Plushie] prompt fill, with Ridley and B
[Dressing Room] with Felicity
[Smile. | Wedding ch. 1] with Leo and Ridley
[Break Room | Wedding interlude]
[Placeholder for more of the wedding]
[Celebration] with Ridley
[The Christmas Party arc] with Ridley (noncon) <- pure smut, explicit in the last part but even if you're only here for the noncon, it should really be read together
[Boring] with Ridley
[Lost] with Ridley and B
[Hold On] with Ridley and B
[Rebellion] with B
After Ridley (”The Ridley-Dies-Arc”)
[Turning Point] with B
[Not without B] with B
[Amends] with Frankie, Frankie PoV
[Passports] very short snippet, with Frankie
[Bad News] Lydia without Dany
[Ben] with Frankie and B
After Ridley (The Fighting Ring Arc; also has its own masterlist)
[Spotted] with B
* [Big Night]
After Ridley (maybe canon)
Snippets (Canon)
There are several "intoxicated Dany" pieces in replies to asks, like this one [What would you do?]; all are tagged #drunk dany
Shattered Diamonds
Dany is in her late 20s, career criminal in her father's company, married to Lorenzo, who enjoys his life as her spoiled trophy husband. But Dany's business follows her home, and Lorenzo gets taken hostage as leverage. The kidnappers are willing to break Danielle down entirely - and her pretty husband turns out to be the perfect tool to that end.
Tropes: forced to watch, mafia whump, abduction, whumpee x caretaker, noncon (m/m and m/f).
Collaboration with @ocean-blue-whump, extremely angsty short miniseries.
[Shattered Diamonds Masterlist]
[Lorenzo cooking] written by blue, standalone, fluff
[Bahamas] collab with blue, fluff and smut; Backstory
Pet!Dany AU
Dany says no to a powerful rich man, but he knows how to get what he wants: Dany as his pet 'Angel', unable to say no ever again.
This turned into a huge, fully independent AU that focuses both on facility whump, but also Angels later recovery.
Developed with @angst-after-dark
[Making an Angel Masterlist]
Other / Abandoned AUs and drabbles
The Romeo and Juliet AU (in which Dany is free, raises in her ranks of her father's organisation and starts a doomed affair with another crime boss, with @painful-pooch)
[Juliet at his door] (trauma aftermath)
[Juliet in his bed] (trauma aftermath, a little nsfw)
Kidnapping Arc (abandoned)
[In the Woods]
Selene/Dany AU (abandoned, collab with @whump-ventures)
[First Meeting] written by Khal
[First Kiss]
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