#gender can be changed where it applies! definitely not something constrained to one gender or the other. except maybe terfs
glacialtimeframe · 3 years
More poorly structured thoughts on Scott's last couple of posts on the internet culture wars:
I feel like Scott is trying to develop some sort of Turchin style theory of internet culture wars, and I find it weirdly abstract and disconnected from real world events. The model Scott seems be proposing is purely cyclical, in a way that seems totally independent of actual politics on the ground.
Like, all the discussion of trans issues ignores a couple of very simple causal factors explaining trans related internet trends: the timing of anti trans legislation being passed or pushed for by Republicans in the US, and the high profile coming out of Caitlyn Jenner. That explains the spikes and declines much better, with the peaks in 2015 and now.
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It's certainly a much better explanation than this:
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Like, the Toast stopped being active in 2016! That's a long time ago in internet land. I don't think the narrative from this commenter squares with Scott's narrative
And, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has internet experiences which doesn't match this comment at all. I've never seen any online feminist group explicitly ban or discourage talking about experiences unique to cis women! Like, what ARE these feminist groups!
Is "groups that focus on cis women's issues" code for TERF groups? It..kinda sounds like it. Where is this person looking?!
Mainstream online feminism to me seems pretty comfortable talking about both cis and trans women's issues. It's not like talking about abortions or contraception is taboo in feminist spaces - far from it (and rightly so!).
I've talked about this before but I also really dislike this implicit framing of the dominant model of left wing discourse as a generic activist block engaged in a signalling battle to be the most virtuous. Like, that's definitely something that happens, don't get me wrong. But it's a second order effect. But what about the first order effect of people (not usually full time activists!) responding to people who need help and against bad government policy?!
I'd argue the direction of activist effort (from both pro activists and laypeople) is dictated far more by need and real world events than it is by signalling games or organised strategy. That's ascribing too much agency to an amorphous ever-changing blob of people.
And there's this argument which.....
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I'd argue this proves way too much, in the sense that it's just a slippery slope argument applied to any kind of progressive change. Like, you can make this argument about anything! And yes sure sometimes it makes sense to be wary of slippery slope effects, but at the same time if you apply this argument indiscriminately you end up with generic reactionary conservatism.
There are good reasons to think the changes to language motivated by trans and gender diverse people have a natural upper limit in the same way that there is a natural upper limit to the changes to societal norms motivated by gay marriage. Sure, society might be open to Polyamory but there is an extraordinarily low chance society accelerates to widespread acceptance of bestiality, for example. It's just too uncommon a preference (to say nothing of the harm to animals).
In the same way there are good upper bound reasons to be sceptical trans inclusive language will become compulsory for everyone outside of the relatively narrow contexts where it makes sense. For most people going about their daily lives it won't make a scrap of difference if they refer to their reproductive functions in an inclusive way day in and day out. There's no reason for leftist activists to push for enforcing inclusive language in private speech, too. There's just no benefit there to trans/GD people whatsoever, and a massive risk of backlash.
And, you know, if people face a bit more pressure to use inclusive language in a public context, is that so bad? It's like a conservative reaction from 10 years ago to gay marriage or gay antidiscrimination laws: "but then I might have to acknowledge a gay union is equal to a straight one in a public context" or ""but then I can't discriminate against gays in the workplace." Well, yes you might be constrained in public! But will you be at risk of being forced to engage in gay acts at home/in private against your consent? No! And there's no reason for leftist activists to lobby for this - it actively makes the world worse.
People having to change their behaviour in the public domain isn't inherently a bad thing. It's a step further to mandate private usage and actions but we haven't seen the slightest desire by leftist groups to push in that direction and rightly so.
Ugh anyway rant over I just feel like Scott has become a lot more uncritically conservative lately and it's getting to me.
Edit: I guess the other thing that was bugging me about this slippery slope argument is that it's barely an argument at all - it's a feeling as stated explicitly by Scott. And you know, that's fine, conservatives (and Scott!) are allowed to feel afraid of social movements. But at the same time if you're a political commentator (and especially if your whole project is a self described rationalist one!) I do feel like you have an obligation to critically interrogate those feelings and work out if they're actually reasonable fears to have!
Otherwise you risk making the world worse, not better.
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the-queer-look · 3 years
Queer Limelight
Name: Anton Age: 59 Location: Redfern Occupation: News Presenter Sexual Orientation: Gay Gender: Male
I’ve been a news presenter for the past twenty five years, and I’ve spend just over twenty two with SBS, in the presenters chair since 1999. I identify as a gay man. Of all the labels you could apply to yourself in life that would be the one that most defines who I am. I would describe myself as being quite conventional in the way I present in terms of gender, and fashion forwardness. I don’t think I’m particularly adventurous when it comes to fashion, I like to look smart and presentable, but because there is a public version of me and a private version of me, I tend to keep the two fairly seperate. For professional events, appearances, and broadcasts there is a very specific way that I am required to dress, and it’s quite constrained. When I’m not in that mode, just walking the dog, hanging out with my partner, or doing sports it’s much more dressed down than even just meeting someone like I’m meeting you today where I would want to be along that line of smart and comfortable. In terms of presenting gender wise I present as very male. I come from a generation of gay men where there was a very strong divide between flamboyant men, and masculine men, and no one wanted to be the flamboyant man who was easily identified as gay – It was a time when you wouldn’t want to be easily recognised as gay, luckily times have changed, but I still feel that that sense of who I am is leaning to that masculine side. Given I’m not a particularly masculine personality, the way I present is definitely leaning in that direction.
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A lot of people say that it (realising your sexuality) happened very young for them. High school for me was the turning point where I realised that there was an attraction that I felt. The way that my guy friends were getting crushes on girls, I was getting crushes on boys. Initially you just think “oh thats just a phase I’m going through, don’t worry about it.” but by the time I reached high school I realised that’s a feeling that isn’t going away and that it felt very natural. It’s a fairly agonising time, realising that that’s part of who you are, and not just something that you’re going through and will grow out of.
I am more assertive as a gay man, There is a burden that is lifted from you when you come out, and thirty five years ago it was a very different process coming out compared to what it is today. It manifests in smaller things like… would a man wear a scarf? There was a time when I wouldn’t do that because it felt too flamboyant, too obvious. Now though I feel much more comfortable, I’ll wear statement pieces, I wear an ear stud on camera – there was a time that would have been completely unacceptable for being too gay. Today? No one gives a stuff, News presenter is wearing an ear stud? So what? I’ve had it in since 1982, it’s not a new thing, but I can now feel comfortable having it in and presenting a part of my personality. I used to have to take it out and replace it with one of those blank studs for the news, its so much easier now!
I’m originally from South Africa, which was a fairly repressive society, and there was a lot of pressure to conform. I was outed by a newspaper reporter who just ambushed me saying “I just found out this information, would you like to comment on this story? I’m going to publish it anyway.” I was outed and not sure where it would leave my television career, but it was also like a liberation, I didn’t have to hide anymore. From there I became active in sports administration, gay and lesbian sport specifically. That was a big validation for me, it was like finding a home to be where I felt comfortable. We were actually campaigning for change, acceptance, and awareness. We had media campaigns going, local and international sports events going and that was a big turning point for me in terms of feeling comfortable as a gay man.
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It was both empowering but at the same time those were the early nineties. It was a time of great transition for all of South Africa. Apartheid was being broken down, all of that negotiation was going on and it felt like the gay community… we weren’t the main game, but there was an opportunity for the community to say “hey, don’t forget about us, there are all these major political reforms, new constitution and everything, and we are a part of the deal.” It was quite empowering – I wasn’t a part of the process, that was for all of the advocates, lawyers, campaigners, and activists, who were doing all of the negotiating, but it was quite exciting to be a part of something new – to go from a system of great repression to a model constitution that was a world leading document that included a bill of rights that specifically included no discrimination on the basis of age, gender, sexual orientation, ableism and so on. It felt like being a part of history.
It was interesting to come to Australia from that, a whole different environment that was completely unknown. I came into a media market where I had zero experience and just lucked out at finding any employment. In about 2002 there was a thing in “The Good Weekend” called “Just The Two Of Us.” where they just interview two people about their relationship. They called me up and asked me to take part and I didn’t think for one second whether I should consider the implications, or consult my employer, and it was like a second coming out, just here in Australia. I outed myself as a gay man to a national publication. Luckily I work for quite a progressive network where that sort of thing has never been an issue.
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I’m quite positive about the term “Queer”, I’m very much in the camp that says “That’s out word to use in whatever positive and constructive way that we want”. There was obviously a time in my life when that was used as an insult, and you couldn’t speak back against that because that was just the way society was set up in those days. There was the “establishment” the state, the church, community leaders, psychologists, everyone was on one side, and you were the exception, the outsider, the rule breaker, the disruptor, and the establishment could use all of these weapons to beat you down and try to make you conform, and that was one of the words that they used in those days to try and force you to be something you were not. I celebrate the fact that nowadays we can take a word like that and say this is our word, this word is for us and we have the right to shape how it is used.
I thin it’s very important to keep some pressure on all media to keep everyone honest. We all have a place in all of those platforms, and you need to keep reminding them that cant have an all white newsroom, and all white presenting team, and all heterosexual presenting team, or an all non-indigenous group. We need that diversity, and we need to keep reminding people when they fall down on the job. There are organisations like Media Diversity run by Antoinette Lattouf from Chanel Ten, and it’s really important to have organisations like that to support people trying to get opportunities in the media, whatever little support and advocacy you can get as a minority is always welcome and needed.
I always try in whatever small way I can to support organisations, individuals, campaigns that try to present a positive image of the larger gay and lesbian community. I’m not sure if that counts as being completely engaged in the queer community, I’m not an activist or advocate, but I try to support the community whenever I can.I feel absolutely connected with gay and lesbian people in the wider community. It is very much a part of who I am and how I see myself. I’m proud to be a part of that community, it isn’t something that was thrust upon me, it’s something I embrace. You don’t want to be pigeonholed as the “something” person within the media landscape – I don’t want to be labelled as the gay news presenter, or the brown skinned, or the migrant. We are many things in many situations, but my connection to the gay community is a key part of who I am.
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I think that, like it or not, those of us that have a public profile have a sense of having to be better just to be good enough. You cant be just another person. There aren’t enough queer people in the media in order to just disappear and not make an impression and not make a positive impression on the airwaves. I don’t regard myself as a role model, but whatever positive presence I can present I can, and if I’m here then there’s room for other people like me to be here as well, and if that’s the only message that I can put out there then I’m happy with that.
We’ve come such a long way, but I would like to reach a point where it becomes more ordinary. We shouldn’t just be noticed when it’s Mardi Gras, or have someone be noted as our first gay something or other. I don’t want my gayness to be the main thing that people define me by. I want to reach a point where a person’s gender or sexuality is present, but unremarkable.
Full gallery on Facebook.com/thequeerlook
follow us on instagram @thequeerlook
Please contact us if you would like to be involved
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trampisms · 6 years
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What is your character’s full name? Michael Bennett How is it pronounced? Mike-al Benn-ett Is there a meaning behind it? His parents just liked the name, but Michael actually means ‘Who is like God’ which is ironic, because, not him. Does your character have any nicknames? He’s almost never referred to as Michael. He goes mostly by Tramp, a moniker given to him by his boss, Tony, who applauded how the then-teenager had ran away from home with no plan of action. When and where were they born? February 18th, 1991 in New York What’s their zodiac sign and what traits do they most relate to? Aquarius. Tramp doesn’t know much about astrology, but if he were to Google his sign and list off the traits that apply to him, he’d say that he agrees with the following: independent, runs from emotional expression, eccentric and often feeling limited/constrained. What’s their nationality? American What’s their occupation? His official title at Tony’s Italian Restaurant is dishwasher, but since he’s basically family to Tony himself, he’s sometimes allowed to make a few extra bucks bussing or waiting tables. His casual and not-so-legitimate side job is a street con artist. What gender do they identify themselves as? Cisgender male.
What’s their eye color? Dark brown Do they wear glasses or contacts? Nope. Hair color? Dark brown, almost appears black when it’s all greased and slicked back. Have they ever dyed their hair or wanted to? Nope, why ruin his iconic look? Height? 5′9″. Body build? On the skinnier side, but surprisingly fit and healthy. Do they have any birthmarks? He has two tiny dark moles just beneath the lower left corner of his lips. Do they have any piercings or tattoos? Surprisingly, no. If not, do they want to get some? He’d definitely consider getting a tat or two! Do they have a healthy life style? No. He drinks and smokes excessively.  How easy do they get sick? Not very, he doesn’t even seem to get hangovers. Any marks on their body ( injuries, … )? He has a couple small scars here and there from past minor altercations, but nothing major.  What’s their personal style/how do they like to dress? Despite the constant comparisons to Danny Zuko from Grease, he’s more of a Kenickie. Bad-boy dress sense that’s heavily influenced by 50s Greaser style, but a little less polished. Black fitted tees, faded jeans with signs of wear and tear, Converse, leather jackets with a few scuffs on the sleeves. What is their favorite and least favorite feature about themselves? His hair is his favorite, obviously. His least favorite would probably be his... he’ll get back to you when he can think of something.
Positive traits? He’s resourceful, independent and charming. Negative traits? He’s also deceptive, mischievous and cunning.   What do they consider to be the best and the worst part of their personality? He loves his ability to get away with anything due to how undeniably likable he is despite his often rebellious behavior. The worst part would have to be his lack of motivation to chase a more fulfilling way of life, despite being unhappy with his current level of fulfillment.  Are they more extroverted or introverted? Definitely extroverted! Any talents?  ‘Charming’ people to get what he wants out of them, providing comic relief, and finding treasure in another man’s trash. He also occasionally sings and plays guitar, but this is just a casual hobby rather than something he takes seriously.  What are their fears? Everything in his life eventually becoming boring. Do they have any phobias? Others seeing him vulnerable. What is their soft spot? Love. List 3 pet-peeves they can’t stand? Authority being taken too seriously, people with the inability to lighten up, upper-class folk looking down their noses at him.
How far did they go in school? Are they still studying? When Mike arrived in Carthay and Tony took him under his wing, he had the opportunity to go to college, but it was too much money and not really his kind of thing. Do/Did they like school? He liked high school, but it was mostly just the social side of it that he enjoyed, as well as a few classes such as Literature and Sociology.  What type of student are/were they? He was the perfect combination of class clown and bad boy. The type of guy who had everyone wanting to sit at his lunch table, but would also be caught smoking and skipping class every now and then. What is/was their favorite subject? Literature. And their least favorite? Anything Math-related. What were they/would they have been voted as “most likely to…” in the yearbook? Most Likely to Defy Expectations
Who are your character’s parents? Elizabeth Bennett (née Reed) and Larry Bennett. How would your character describe them? Mike resents Elizabeth and Larry a lot. They essentially kicked him out when he was still just a teenager, and that has had a deep, lasting effect on him. Despite this, he still loves his parents and misses what he had with them before they lost the ability to see eye-to-eye with him. Do they have any siblings?  He has a little brother, Max, a thirteen-year-old who he has lovingly nicknamed ‘Scamp’. Tramp and Scamp are actually in contact with each other, they write letters back and forth, but have actually only met a handful of times due to the distance and estranged nature of their family.  Are they close with their family? If all of that didn’t answer this for you already: no, he’s not.
What’s their romantic and sexual orientation? Bisexual and biromantic Are they seeing anyone right now? No? Maybe? It’s complicated. He’s definitely got his eye on one person only. Have they ever been in an relationship? Yes! Quite a few, actually. Have they ever been in love? He might be in love right now, for the first time — even if he can’t see it. How easy do they fall for someone? In his own words, “I never fall in love but I often fall in lust.”  In their view, why didn’t any past relationships work out? Because he’s only ever treated romance as a source of validation, a way to feel wanted.  What do they look for in someone? A taste for fun and a big heart. Do they believe in love at first sight and fate? Yes but also no. What’s their views on romance? Do they go after it or avoid it? He spreads romance around like a common cold, that’s for sure. But he’s starting to change now that he’s got his sights set on just one person, for the very first time. Did they have their first time already? How was it in their point of view? He doesn’t even remember his first time, he’s slept around a lot. What a hoe. What is their view on sex? People over-romanticize it. Sex is fun and people shouldn’t take it so seriously when it comes to judging others about it. What are their turn ons and turn offs? Turn ons: breathy whispers, eye contact, lots of kissing, lip biting. Turn offs: any cliches being used in dirty talk. Were they ever cheated on or have they cheated on someone? Not surprisingly, Tramp has cheated during past relationships, but he wouldn’t do it again. Do they want to get married in the future? Tramp Bennett? Tied down? Have kids? Tramp Bennett? A parent?!
Are they right or left handed? Right. What’s a word that’s always on their lips? “C’mon.” Is there a saying they keep on repeating? “It’s all ours for the taking!” Do they curse? Quiiite a lot. What’s their worst habit? Deceiving people. Do they drink or smoke? How frequently? Yes, frequently.Tramp finishes a pack of cigarettes every couple of days, and he drinks most weekends and some nights after work. Are they an early bird or a night owl? A night owl for sure. How tidy is their room? Put it this way, it’s far from perfect. His room is relatively hygienic but there’s quite a lot of clutter. How long to they usually take getting ready in the morning? Probably about half an hour, most of which is dedicated to his hair.
What’s their favorite color? Brown. Favorite movie? Into The Wild. Music Genre? Old Britpop and good ol’ rock n’ roll. Food? Spaghetti. Book? On the Road by Jack Kerouac.  Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Coke. Ice Cream Flavor? Chocolate. Indoors or outdoors? Outdoors.
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