#gen didnt mean to sound harsh i was just really surprised and my impulse response kicked in
wolflyndraws · 2 months
sorry if my tone came as harsh but i was kinda just surprised cause some asks that i didnt answer publicly read as passive aggressive to me and about something that i didnt even know people would misinterpret about so and my mental health is also not helping me with this
TLDR cause some still think i said i came up with the name ?
In the post about their names I said "june's name came first" as in when we were thinking of names in our private chat we thought of june's(the first daughter's not the name itself) name first in our convo and I said "it was faye's idea" as in like it was their idea when we were talking about names.... in our dc chat...
i meant it in a how did we come up with the name! kind of thing not i claim that this is our name or we were original in coming up w the name litearlly just meant it as a we liked the name june not we came up with the name and its original
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