#gel polish isn't gel polish if the bottle is see-through. bottles of gel always have completely opaque containers and you can't see
sergle · 5 months
Hey! Can I ask you for some advice? I want to get my friend a gift, but she's the type who will not accept expensive gifts, she prefers to treat herself. But, she DOES love cosmetics like nail polish, and I thought, ohhh, I know who to ask about that. So, do you have any recommendations for good bang for your buck for the gal who has everything, nail polish-wise?
HMMMMM!!! That's hard if she's The Gal Who Has Everything, if you dip into a brand that you know she likes, then you can't be totally sure you're not buying her a polish she already has... you're going to have to break into her house and write down the names of all her nail polish No but like. As a nail polish girl, the first thing on the table is that this is a rare occasion where I don't think a gift card is a cop out at all! Like, if there's a specific brand she really goes after, then going that route would just allow her to pick up a future release of her choosing, or specific stuff she has an eye on. If she's a nail polish girlie but has a brand you DON'T think she's frequented a lot (mooncat, ilnp, starrily, holotaco are all ones with catalogues that I like a lot- mooncat is probably highest quality and ilnp has the most range and the best deals) then hitting some of the polishes from there will mean you aren't risking doubling her up on some product. As far as picking colors and finishes, that's the fun part, that'd be up to you. The last option, also, the foolproof one: get shades from a collection of polish that is a New Release! And pray that she's not buying it at the same time as you. lmao Bang for your buck: I think one of the more fun things I've gotten for myself was gold leaf/gold flake? that shit they put on ice cream to justify the price hike in expensive restaurants. It's very very cheap to pick some up, and it's fun to use for nail art! You can also get her Tools and Basics that are helpful, like unusual magnets if she uses magnetic polish, glass nail files, cuticle pushers, stamping plates, or maybe a cute nail mat. One of those silicone ones. If she does gel (or is inch rested in it but hasn't done it herself) there are some pretty affordable gel kits by beetles, w the curing lamps too, I actually got one for myself one time. (but I don't do gel nails anymore) (I don't like taking them off) (but if she's a long-wear nails person she might enjoy doing gels at home) and if you do this, then you so need to buy her some buffing powders. That's like the number one reason to try gel, is you get to use those cool as fuck powders that don't work on regular nail polish. The Twinkled T ones are great. Buffing powders are how you get those really smooth glass-like looks like this:
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and a tub of that shit is like $12. But it doesn't work on regular polish! I think that's all I've got. hope that helps!!
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