#gay peter strahm is so precious to me for some reason overall i can't even fully explain to you why 'cause
I respect people who headcanon Peter as bisexual and like I get it! I also do get why people ship him with Lindsey tbh! But like, personally, I honestly cannot even picture him being in a relationship with any woman
Like even before I started shipping Hoffstrahm (yes, there was a time like that, can you imagine????), the first time I watched the Saw movies my first impression of Peter was like - "damnnnn that man is SOO gay 👀👀👀" and as I say I didn't even ship him with anyone at that time 😭 I cannot even explain it! Something about his vibe just screams "gay" so much to me!!!
Don't even get me started on people who think Strahm is straight like actually how can this man be straight, bisexual I can see and understand, but straight??? How???? 😳😳😳 It's genuinely so confusing to me dhdhdh
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