#gaby morlay
genevieveetguy · 2 years
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You know how it goes. Contempt has always followed possession. To spend your whole life with someone, you don't need lust - which is quickly extinguished - but a harmony of minds, temperaments, and humor.
Le Plaisir, Max Ophüls (1952)
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thedabara · 2 years
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Renee Godfrey at 44 from cancer
Mona Barrie at 54 from unknown events
Diana Wynyard at 58 from kidney disease
Gracie Allen at 69 from heart attack
Helena Makowska at 71 from unknown events
Gaby Morlay at 71 from unknown events
Naomi Childers at 71 from unknown events
Lissy Arna at 63 from cancer
Kate Manx at 34 from barbiturate overdose
Gertrude Michael at 52 from liver disease
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rwpohl · 7 months
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les nouveaux messieurs, jacques feyder 1928
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perfettamentechic · 11 months
4 luglio … ricordiamo …
4 luglio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Robert Hoffmann, attore austriaco con 21 film nella sua filmografia. La sua carriera tra cinema e televisione fu esercitata prevalentemente in produzioni europee. Dopo aver studiato recitazione in Francia, Hoffmann debuttò in Le avventure di Robinson Crusoe del 1964, serie televisiva che ebbe molto successo in varie nazioni. (n.1939) 2022: Mona Hammond, pseudonimo di Mavis Chin, attrice…
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jokal1407 · 2 years
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Le Plaisir (1952)
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Georges Grey and Gaby Morlay in Quadrille (Sacha Guitry, 1938) Cast: Sacha Guitry, Gaby Morlay, Jacqueline Delubac, Georges Grey, Pauline Carton, Jacques Vitry. Screenplay: Sacha Guitry. Cinematography: Robert Lefebvre. Production design: Jean Perrier. Film editing: Myriam Borsoutsky. Music: Adolphe Borchard. One of Sacha Guitry's strengths as a filmmaker was that he was a prolific playwright who knew how to craft dialogue and plot. One of Sacha Guitry's weaknesses is that he was a prolific playwright who never quite mastered the difference between a play and a film -- namely, that the actors in a film have to perform without benefit of an audience, and the dialogue they're speaking shouldn't ramble on, as it tends to do without the interruptions of laughter or other unscripted responses of a live audience. The masters of film comedy -- I'm thinking here of directors like Howard Hawks and George Cukor -- knew that a continued stream of bons mots or wisecracks needed the right pacing to keep a movie theater audience from covering up the best moments. But Guitry's characters in Quadrille talk non-stop, none more so than the director-writer-star himself, never giving us a break to savor what has been so wittily said or so poignantly evoked. Quadrille is a pleasant French romantic comedy about a publisher with a mistress who's a star on the stage. She cuckolds him with a handsome American movie star, just as the publisher is about to propose marriage to her. When she learns that she has just blown the possibility of marrying him, and it looks like the movie star has decamped, she attempts suicide. But things are set right by the fourth player in this quadrille, a pretty reporter who manages to sort things out, rescuing the actress in the nick of time, sending her off with the movie star, and taking the publisher for herself. Guitry plays the publisher, with Gaby Morlay as the actress, Jacqueline Delubard as the reporter, and Georges Grey -- who had made his film debut in a small role in Guitry's The Pearls of the Crown (1937) -- as the movie star. There's a certain French insouciance about playing the actress's suicide attempt for comedy -- it doesn't work in the more American context of Billy Wilder's Sabrina (1954), for example.
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detournementsmineurs · 8 months
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“Le Plaisir” de Max Ophüls (1952) - adapté de trois nouvelles “Le Masque”, “Le Modèle” et “La Maison Tellier” de Guy de Maupassant (1881-89) - avec Jean Gabin, Danielle Darrieux, Madeleine Renaud, Ginette Leclerc, Daniel Gélin, Simone Simon, Claude Dauphin, Jean Galland, Gaby Morlay, la participation de Pierre Brasseur et la voix-off de Jean Servais, octobre 2023.
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giagia201112 · 2 years
Cartier là một tên tuổi lớn trong ngành kim hoàn và sản xuất đồng hồ xa xỉ. Từ thời vua Edward VII trị vì, Cartier đã được vinh danh là “Nhà kim hoàn của các vị vua, và vua của những nhà kim hoàn” - "The Jeweller of Kings, and the King of Jewellers" Hơn 150 năm trôi qua, Cartier vẫn là một trong những thương hiệu nổi tiếng nhất thế giới, đại diện cho sự xa xỉ, chất lượng và Sự cách tân không ngừng nghỉ.
Sau khi chiến tranh thế giới lần thứ nhất kết thúc, sự thành công trong ngành kính đã thôi thúc Cartier thiết lập một lĩnh vực mới – KÍNH GỌNG VÀNG 18K. Những chiếc kính được sản xuất tại nhà kim hoàn trên con phố xa xỉ Rue de la Paix đã hấp dẫn một khách hàng mới – Jeanne Lanvin – nhà thiết kế thời trang nổi tiếng của Pháp. Ông là khách hàng đầu tiên đặt Louis Cartier một cặp kính đeo mắt vào năm 1925. Tiếp đến là những trí thức, nhà văn, nhà soạn nhạc và diễn viên nổi tiếng: Paul Claudel, Henry Bernstein, Francis de Croisset, Jean Cocteau, Colette, Gaby Morlay, Gabrielle Dorziat, Coco Chanel...
Kể từ đó, Cartier đã sáng tạo và sản xuất không ngừng những chiếc GỌNG KÍNH CARTIER 18K tuyệt vời. Giống như các sản phẩm khác của Cartier, mắt kính Cartier là một sự kết hợp hoàn hảo của sự cách tân , xa xỉ và tiến bộ công nghệ.
Cartier là nhà thiết kế và chế tác kim hoàn ở Pháp. Năm 1847, người sáng lập Louis-Francois Cartier đã mở cửa hiệu đầu tiên tại Paris. Cho đến nay - công ty được vận hành bởi CEO Stanislas de Quercize và có hơn 200 cửa hàng rải đều trên 125 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ. Bộ sưu tập kính cận gọng vàng Cartier ngày nay gắn liền với quá khứ nguy nga của thương hiệu hơn 100 năm tuổi cũng như gắn liền với lịch sử ngành mắt kính thế giới. GỌNG KÍNH CARTIER 18K luôn làm kinh ngạc thế giới bằng sự kết hợp không thể hoàn hảo hơn giữa các chất liệu, từ sự kết hợp truyền thống giữa đá quý và kim loại quý, đến sự kết hợp giữa các chất liệu hoàn toàn mới. Nổi bật trong số đó là bộ sưu tập Precious Wood bằng việc đưa chất liệu gỗ quý hiếm Bubinga – một loại gỗ quý chỉ có ở Châu Phi vào trong các thiết kế của mình. Lấy cảm hứng từ thiên nhiên, những đường vân mô phỏng vân ngựa vằn, cá sấu hay vân báo kết hợp với kim loại quý đã tạo cho chiếc kính một vẻ đẹp tự nhiên, kì bí và độc tôn.
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SAMEDI 1er OCTOBRE 2022 (Billet 2 / 3)
Pour l’anniversaire de Marina - très prudents nous nous y sommes pris assez à l’avance… nous avons réservé 2 places pour aller au théâtre de la Michodière voir :
« LORSQUE L’ENFANT PARAIT » d’André Roussin.
Résumé :
Après la seconde guerre mondiale, la vie rangée d’un sous-secrétaire d’Etat à la famille qui a obtenu la fermeture des maisons closes et l’augmentation des peines sur les délits d’avortement, bascule quand il apprend le même jour, que sa femme attend un enfant et que son fils a mis enceinte sa secrétaire ! Ce n’est que le début d’une succession d’événements imprévus qui vont bousculer les repères de cette famille bourgeoise…
Mise en scène : Michel Fau
Comédiens : Catherine Frot, Michel Fau, Agathe Bonitzer, Maxime Lombard, Quentin Dolmaire, Hélène Babu et Sanda Codreanu.
C’est la personnalité et le talent des deux comédiens principaux qui nous y ont incités. On les adore, surtout Catherine Frot qui est excellente dans tous les films où nous l’avons vu jouer. Il y a de fortes chances que ce soit le succès de la rentrée théâtrale !
Nous avons envoyé notre reporter attitré repérer les lieux (voir les photos ci-dessus) et surtout prospecter autour du théâtre pour réserver également après le spectacle une table dans un restaurant sympathique – c’est fait !
« Lorsque l'enfant paraît » a été créé le 6 octobre 1951 au Théâtre des Nouveautés. Le rôle principal était tenu par Gaby Morlay. Cela a été un immense succès, la pièce totalisa 1603 représentations. Elle a ensuite été reprise de nombreuse fois et il en a même été fait un film. (Source : wikipedia.org »)
La bande-annonce ci-dessous est plus que minimaliste mais on comprend mieux la présence des lapins quand on connaît le sujet de la pièce...
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mariocki · 5 years
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L'amour d'une femme (The Love Of A Woman, 1953)
"Do you remember that first night, in the jeep? We spoke about our jobs and we understood one another perfectly. You even told me that I was lucky to be a doctor. What's changed?"
"I'm thinking of us now."
"Think of me, too."
"That's what I'm doing. Didn't you hear what I just said? The two of us."
"Yes, I heard. But the two of us means you."
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lyslily · 6 years
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Gaby Morlay Après l'amour, Léonce Perret (1931).
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laurent-bigot · 2 years
Parce que la mémoire collective est vite saturée, elle ne peut retenir, d’une époque ou d’un style, que cinq ou six noms. C’est un phénomène profondément injuste, puisqu’il privilégie les signatures que le souvenir a retenu dans sa passoire, mais il répond à un penchant naturel de l’esprit. Le but de cette série de publications sur les films français des années 1930 est justement de faire échec à…
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ozu-teapot · 6 years
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Le Plaisir | Max Ophüls | 1952
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
4 luglio … ricordiamo …
4 luglio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Dick Rienstra, Dauwe Auke Anne Dick Rienstra, attore e cantante olandese. Sotto lo pseudonimo di “Floris VI” incise nel 1966 un singolo. Nel 1970 formò con Martin Käfig il duo De Jantjes. Apparve in televisione in varie produzioni. Ha avuto dei ruoli nei film A bridge too far, Soldaat van Orange, Flodder in Amerika, Sinterklaas en het Uur van de Waarheid e Senza nome e senza regole. Dick…
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killer-klowns · 6 years
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Le Plaisir / Le cœur n’a pas besoin de bretelles, comme le fait remarquer une éloquente prostituée.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Simone Simon and Daniel Gélin in Le Plaisir (Max Ophüls, 1952)
Cast: Claude Dauphin, Gaby Morlay, Madeleine Renaud, Ginette Leclerc, Mila Parély, Danielle Darrieux, Pierre Brasseur, Jean Gabin, Jean Servais, Daniel Gélin, Simone Simon, Paul Azaïs. Screenplay: Jacques Natanson, Max Ophüls, based on stories by Guy de Maupassant. Cinematography: Philippe Agostini, Christian Matras. Production design: Jean d’Aubonne. Film editing: Léonide Azar. Music: Joe Hajos. 
Pleasure, as the poets never tire of telling us, is inextricable from pain.  Le Plaisir is an anthology film dramatizing three stories by Guy de Maupassant that center on what has been called the pleasure-pain perplex. An elderly man nearly dances himself to death in an attempt to recapture his youth. The patrons of a brothel quarrel and even come to blows when they discover that it is closed. An artist marries his mistress to atone for his cruelty to her. Max Ophüls brings all of his elegant technique to the stories, including his characteristic restless camera, which prowls around the wonderful sets by Jean d'Eaubonne, who received a well-deserved Oscar nomination for art direction. It's also, like Ophuls's La Ronde (1950), an all-star production -- if your stars are French. Claude Dauphin plays the doctor who treats the youth-seeking dancer; Madeleine Renaud is the madame of the brothel, Danielle Darrieux is one of her "girls," and Jean Gabin plays the madame's brother, who invites her to bring the girls to the country for his daughter's first communion, hence the temporary closure of the brothel; Daniel Gélin is the artist, Simone Simon his model/mistress, and Jean Servais his friend who also narrates the final section. Of the three segments of the film, the middle one is the longest and I think the most successful, moving from the raucous opening scene in which the men of the small Normandy town discover the brothel closed into a comic train ride to the country, which is as fetchingly pastoral a setting as you could wish. The sequence climaxes with the filles de joie dissolving in tears at the first communion -- the little church in which it takes place is one of d'Eaubonne's most inspired sets -- then returning to town and a joyous welcome. Ophuls never lets us inside the brothel: We see it only as voyeurs, through the windows. Nothing of this segment is "realistic" in the least, making the melancholy first and last segments more important in establishing the film's theme and tone. The first segment does its part to set up the course of the film as a whole, beginning with a riotous opening as tout Paris flocks to the opening of a dance hall, a pleasure palace, followed by scenes of lively dancing, then the collapse of the elderly patron, who is wearing a frozen and rather creepy mask of youth, and concluding with the bleakness of his normal existence, tended by his aging wife, who is fittingly played by Gaby Morlay, once a silent film gamine. The final segment is the bleakest of all, as the film concludes with the artist pushing his wheelchair-bound wife along the seashore, penance for having provoked her suicide attempt.
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