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the-evil-authoress · 7 months
Finally got over the sheer indecision of seeing so many wips (lots of interesting one you got there), so!
RE:CREATE and/or Hero Mask?
Re:CREATE (wip title honestly this thing is brain soup and idk what to title it anymore, original title when the story ends) is actually a fic for the anime the aforementioned character I might shove in the Twist fic is from, Re:CREATORS. In which I decided to throw Kanoya Rui back into the 'real world' and gave him a boyfriend. :3 (There is also sex but uh we're not gonna talk about that here. ^^;)
And I just realized that this is all semi coherent nonsense without a single fully fleshed out scene so lemme just find something that isn't too illegible
Kanoya out on the town one day, still getting used to this new life of his and trying to find a place.
“Excuse me.”
Kanoya looks up at a young woman, probably around his or Meteora’s age, [insert description]. Everyone here looks so plain compared to the bright colors Kanoya’s used to from his home world. 
“This might sound a bit strange but can I get a picture of you?” Just over the woman’s shoulder, he catches sight of a somewhat frantic looking young man, ‘No, wait, what are you-’ “You look exactly like my best friend’s favorite anime character.”
“Aya!” the boy comes running up and grabs his friend’s shoulder, frantically spewing words “I’m so sorry about her, it’s really nothing- you can’t just go asking strangers for their picture-”
Kanoya’s confusion turns to a grin and a laugh. “Sure! I don’t mind!”
“Great!” Aya claps her hands together “And since you’re here, you two should take it together!”
“EH?” The other boy stumbles and flails as Aya eagerly shoves him into Kanoya’s space.
The boy awkwardly stands next to a grinning Kanoya as Aya gets her phone out - “Closer!”
“So, your favorite character - is it Kanoya Rui?”
The boy startles “Eh? Ye-yeah. How did you know?”
Kanoya just beams and casually throws his arm around the boy’s shoulder as Aya calls for them to stop talking and smile at the camera. The boy squawks, embarrassed as fuck.
“Did you get a good one?”
“The best!” Aya laughing at Kazuhiko’s face in the photo. Kazuhiko.exe has stopped functioning. “Thank you!”
Kazuhiko probably comes back online to start wailing at Aya again, or Aya just prompts him to start moving.
“Oh, by the way, do you know how to get to place?”
“Yeah, it’s just over __.”
“Cool. Thanks. Later!”
“He even sounds exactly like him!” stunned. Aya laughs. “I cannot believe you just did that.”
“Well you weren’t going to.”
“Of course I’m not going to ask a complete stranger for a photo! We’re not even at a con! … You better send me that.”
“Ohhh? What if I don’t?”
“You didn’t even want me to take the picture and now you want to keep it!”
“Of course I do! He looked like freaking Kanoya come to life!”
“Haha, you should have gotten his number. Or at least his name.”
“For what? It’s not like I’m ever going to see him again.”
Hero Mask is actually my giant GX rewrite ft OC(s) that I keep posting snidbits of for prompt events and never actually writing. ^^; ONE DAY! I AM DETERMINED. Lemme see if I can pull up something that hasn't been posted before.
Hero Mask
Jaden moves in her peripheral and Christina looks up to see him wandering down a hall as if drawn by something. An armored spirit he can't see disappears around a corner ahead of him.
"Uh, Jaden? Where are you going?" Syrus peers nervously after him.
"There's something going on this way! I can tell!"
Ohhh Jaden's dueling senses are kicking in. Still scary how accurately he can pinpoint that. Or maybe a part of him can still sense duel spirits? No, stop that, that kind of wishful thinking is setting herself up for disappointment. 
"What kind of something?" Syrus whines as he scampers after. Pocketing her PDA, Christina follows. She knows better than to get between Jaden and his current hyperfixation.
"A duel! Can't you just smell it, Syrus?" Jaden breathes in deeply and marches forward. The duel spirit hovers ahead of them, seemingly oblivious to the humans following it.
Syrus pauses to sniff the air curiously. "Um...no?" 
Jaden leads them into a large open room lined with stadium style seats and a raised dueling platform that looks like something straight out of the Kaiba Dome. Christina can't help but feel impressed, if a tad cynical. You can tell Seto Kaiba went all out on the budget for this school.
"Get a look at this!" Jaden's eyes practically sparkle.
Their presence draws the attention of a couple of boys in blue standing on the dueling platform, and the way they sneer down at the four of them has Christina's hackles rising. "What are you doing here? Scram." The one with pointy hair has the gall to make a shooing motion at them with his hand.
"And why should I?" Jaden protests.
The other blue perks at the sight of Jaden. "Hey wait, that's the guy who beat Dr. Crowler." He leans back to call over his shoulder, "Chazz, the kid who beat Dr. Crowler is here!"
A third blue appears above them with spiky emo hair that could almost put Yugi's to shame. He looks down his nose at Jaden as if appraising the other boy and Christina does not like his expression one bit. "Huh. Doesn't look like much. Told you it must have been a fluke. Anyway, scram before we call security on you trespassing." He waves a dismissive hand as he turns away.
"Trespassing?" Jaden sputters as Syrus very meekly tries to pull him back to the door. "I'm a student like you. I have every right to be here."
"Nuh-uh." Spiky hair number one points above their heads and Christina twists to see a giant Obelisk crest hanging over the entrance. "This is the Obelisk Blue arena."
"Then he gets a free pass," Christina says coldly, arms crossed. "Cuz I'm an Obelisk Blue and I say he can be here."
The guy balks at her. "You're a gir-"
"Ya wanna go, porcupine head?" Christina bares her teeth, stamping a foot on the first step up the area. Jaden casually steps back as the other boy jerks.
Chazz only smirks. "Feisty, I like that."
"Gag me," Christina scoffs.
“Maybe later if you’re offering.” EXCUSE ME, did this little turd just- “But how about a duel first?”
"Hell yeah! Now you're talking my language!" Jaden eagerly steps up.
"Not you!" Chazz snaps. "Why would I waste my time on a worthless slacker like you?"
Oh, Christina is going to enjoy mopping the floor with this sleaze. 
"Give it a rest Chazz," a new voice cuts in with an ample amount of tired annoyance, and Christina jerks at not having realized her presence sooner. Hey, wait, that's her roommate. "Just ignore him," Alexis says, walking into their midst and bares a few teeth as she stares Chazz and his cronies down. "Chazz is a bully."
Chazz straightens his back, glaring his nose down at the girl, but his demeanor shifts as if he actually cares what Alexis thinks of him. Too flipping bad. Maybe he should have thought about that before picking fights with 'slackers'. "Alexis. What brings you here?"
"I'm here to remind you that the Obelisk welcome dinner starts soon." Oh, Christina knows that tone. Alexis sounds like an exasperated babysitter. Probably should just let this guy crash and burn though. Doesn't seem worth it.
Chazz scoffs and turns away with his cronies. Jaden pouts at the loss of an opponent.
"The Slifer welcome dinner should be starting soon too." Alexis addresses the Slifer boys with a smile.
"Oh, so we eat at the dorms then," Jaden musses aloud. "Thanks, we'll catch you later!" With a wave, he books it out of the arena, Syrus hot on his heels; then abruptly stops and calls over his shoulder as he jogs in place, "Christina! Come by the dorm tomorrow! I want ya to meet Chumley!" He barely waits for her response before he's jogging down the hall.
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