#fuyuko nino
penguinkyun · 3 months
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onk shitposts to cope with recent chapters
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aihoshiino · 4 months
I have a question do you think that the two hairpins for these people Kyun and Nino have any symbolism for their characters and the animals themselves 
Nino's panda hairpin is pretty straightforward! It's more of an in-universe thing than the layered bunny symbolism Ai has.
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In chapter 109, when we're first introduced to Yura, she introduces this idea of actresses with name recognition being used as 'pandas' to attract an audience.
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Chapter 117 ties this motif to Kana, too - the chapter is even called 'Panda'.
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At the time, this was more about connecting Kana to Yura (as she is becoming increasingly heavily foreshadowed as a potential Kamiki victim) but it also served as foreshadowing for the B-Komachi member she'd be playing - people correctly guessed based on this that she'd be playing Nino (even if we didn't know her name at the time).
As it later turns out, though, Nino was also a panda in the way that OnK has assigned it symbolism - she was used as an attraction to draw in an audience, at least before Ai joined B-Komachi.
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As for Kyun and penguins...
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I have no shame in admitting I have no idea lol. People smarter than me, sound off with ideas in the notes!
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skyflyinginaction · 4 months
Hikaru’s back this chapter and we are in trouble, he embodys the worst traits of the entertainment industry as a result of his trauma that he experienced as a child if there was anyone who was poisoned the most by the entertainment industry its him. Why is it trouble you may ask? because like Fuyuko, Hikaru is obsessed with the idol ai than the actual person. Hikaru associating with Kaburagi for the film production would erase her humanity
Yeah, that's true, Hikaru like Niino saw Ai as an invincible idol and remained obsessed with her even after her death. This may be why he killed an actress who was trying to play the role of Ai. 
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the phone call with Nino meant that he was going after Ruby his own daughter this has been foreshadowed before in the series. 
Yeah, Hikaru’s involvement with the film is what I feared because it meant that he was going to ensure that he would make Ai the idol image still stay and Hikaru would do that by killing his own daughter.
The wording that Kaburagi used meant that he was aware that it was a film made to get revenge on him.  
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penguinkyun · 5 months
finally got to read onk 136 and wow. okay.
love the understanding we're slowly getting of just how bad things were in first gen b-komachi! that fight is incredibly real and heartbreaking to witness
nino, in her own way is trying out of sheer desperation and a whole emotional cocktail to reach out to ai, to find something, letting loose all her bottled up feelings in one go but all she's getting back are practised perfected smiles and deflecting answers in response to the emotion shes pouring out because ai has no idea how to handle this because shes never had friends nor any major fight before so she's falling back on the "smile and please everyone" tactic but it isnt working here because that isnt what nino wants to hear so she gets even more hurtful but ai doesn't know that so all she can do, all she can try right now is smile and its a slow suffocation of everything that could've been because they were friends but now the cracks go too deep and can't be patched up at all because ai is now dead and nino is left with a bunch unresolved feelings that still affects her more than a decade later
its just so heartbreaking and frustrating to witness just exactly how everything culminated into what it is now because no one who could have did anything about it either, not even their manager which pushed the singular star - everyone else is just a side actor narrative even more
continuing on, kana's detachment yet empathy with nino as she observes from a distance while ruby is very much embodying ai, being her instead of keeping herself separate. kana knows herself and now she's able to sort out her hidden feelings easier now that she has an outlet in form of nino (she uses her own emotions for acting after all) but ruby with her years of grief and the sudden understanding of ai...yeah she is Not handling this well at all someone please get her out of there
this movie in terms of Ai Potrayal is getting worse and worse by the second oof
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penguinkyun · 11 days
there really is something so utterly tragic about ninoai in that the whole entire reason the fight even happens is that nino so entrenched in growing hate and envy and admiration for ai that she is begging ai to give her a human response, like how nino is screaming out all her feelings at her only to get deflected and inadvertently dismissed and then years later, years after ai's death and never receiving any closure, in 45510 when she reads ai's emotional attempt at reaching out to her group members nino completely and utterly rejects that very humanity from ai that she once desperately asked for with nothing but hatred and revulsion
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aihoshiino · 4 months
Ninos real name is revealed to be called fuyuko niino, there is abundant of symbolism in her name like her given name for example it has the kanji for winter this can note to how shes stuck in one point in time and refuses to move on always in a cold winter. 
the kanji for Ni means “new, change, reform” I find that has irony in her character if you consider her character in the story and series. no has the same kanji as ai's no it means wild or wilderness can mean "of" in Japanese. what do you think her name means?
I don't think the 'Niino' part of her name is super meaningful - moreso that it was just extrapolated backwards from her stage name being 'Nino'.
I think the 'Fuyuko' part of her name is really interesting, though. Like you said, I think it signifies her being trapped in time, unable to move forward... but more specifically, it represents her being unable to move on from Ai's death, which is symbolically connected to winter in OnK - it snows three days after she dies, after all, and in Viewpoint B, Kyun draws the comparison more explicitly by saying that her memory of that day is tangled up with the idea of snowfall and that even though, logically, she knows that the snow didn't come until later, she has an emotional association between snowfall and the day Ai died.
In that sense, you could say that Nino is so defined by Ai's death that it even supersedes her own identity.
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