#future edit: i scanned over it and my gosh its littered with typos hhh
mister-lady · 3 years
I did fic gmkfkdkfr. And it what, only took me several weeks to write a fic for Dice? Mvgkdkkf. This was still fun and I liked it :3 and sorry if ttheres a lot of typos, I only seemed to be able to write this before I went to bed or before I woke up so it might be a little sloppy fkdkdkdk this was also a lot longer than I intended so ubm,, sorry about that
AU: uhh.. I dont know if theres a proper au name? Store clerk au? Idk but you'll get it cjfms
TW: talk about food, mention of blood, mention of looking like someone got murdered, talk about sharks eating someone
Matt had a party he was invited too, and for Matt this was a special occasion, so he decided to go out and get some formal wear! He had a few dresses and such at home, but he wanted something with a newer and fresher feeling. Lucky for him, there was a nearby tailor shop that he knew about. He's never been to the tailor shop because he's never really needed anything from the place, so he was a mixture of excitement and nervousness at going. Thankfully for him, the nervousness wasn't too overwhelming this time.
As Matt stepped into the tailor shop, he was quickly hit with the smell of strong perfume- or was it cologne? Either way it was powerful enough to give him a small headache the second he walked it. He couldn't help but notice the small bell that jingled as he walked in, and smiled at the noise. Matt decided to look around, and caught a glimpse of a perfume stand that had it's own counter and shelf to it. Matt could only guess that's what was causing his headache. He couldn't help but also notice how big the store was too. He expected it to be some small tailor shop like the stores you would find inside a mall, but this once mind as well be the mall. He could only imagine how much money this place was gaining to be so big, and the concerned him because that normally ment it was pricey, and Matt wasn't really in the mood to go 50 miles elsewhere because he was a broke sucker. The interior had bright white walls and white floor tiles too, and the lights made the whole place seem to glow, only contributing to his minor headache. Though, it did make sense that they would need good lighting if it was a tailor shop, which seemed to have mini stands inside that sold other stuff, like the perfume one he had spotted earlier. Matt walked further in to get a better look and saw some other people that were presumably with store clerks that were taking their measurements or picking out clothing that would work with them. Matt also noticed that the majority of customers were females, which made him grow a little self conscious and contrary to what the website said, he almost started to doubt if this place had items for more masculine customers like himself. Matt hadn't gotten too far into the store before being abruptly stopped by someone. Matt shrunk a little, the person that stopped him looked rather intimidating, they were wearing mostly black clothing that hugged his body and had a scarf wrapped around his neck even while indoors, and also had a pair of shaded circle glasses that made it harder to see his eyes, again, while also indoors. 
"And what brings you here?" The mystery person had asked.
Matt quickly scanned the person for a nametag, and found one on his chest with his name written on it. "Uhmm… I came here to maybe find an outfit for a party I need to go to later?" Matt was debating if he should bother using the person's name, as he wasn't ready to potentially butcher it.
"A party? Tacky; but fine. Come with me I'll help you pick out something." The man waved his hand, signaling Matt to follow him.
"T-tacky??" Matt blurted out before wishing he hadn't spoken up.
"Uhm, yeah. Tacky. We sell things like dresses and suits, not poorly colored and terrible silk clothing for a party no one is going to remember." The person didn't even turn around to face Matt while speaking, and kept walking.
Matt was left speachless, he didn't even know how to respond to that, especially because it was a slightly true statement. After a few minutes of Matt not knowing what to say, and feeling stupidly shy, he decided to at least look around and see if anything caught his eye. Matt didn't realize that the person he was following had stopped, and almost bumped into him. 
"Here, stand on this stool." The guy pointed to a small stool that was set infront of a mirror against a wall. 
Matt obeyed and stepped onto the stool. He looked at himself in the mirror before quickly looking away for several reasons.
"Stand up straight." The idiot wearing glasses indoors ordered.
Matt quickly shot up and fixed his posture and stretched his arms out straight and was quickly filled with embarrassment. The worker pulled out a tape measurement and quickly started taking Matt's measurements. Matt, like the dork he is, felt his cheeks flush at someones hands being so close to his body, especially when taking measurements for clothing, which that normally required waist and bust measurements. Matt looked away, avoiding eye contact like it would kill him. He was probably making the situation seem worse that it probably was. The worker stood up and put the tape measurement back into his pocket before seeming to think about something.
"Don't you need to write the measurements down?" Matt shyly asked.
"I do this every day as a job, I have it in my head." The worker spoke with a tinge of sass in his voice. "What are you particularly looking for, anyways?" 
"Uhm.. well, I was mostly looking for a suit, though I normally don't wear the overcoat with it so maybe just a fine button-up shirt with a tie?" Matt had subconsciously reverted back to being slightly hunched over and his hands were fiddling around with the cuffs of his sleeves. 
"I'm sure I can find something for that. Any particular color you're looking for? And what type of tie? Are you allergic to any fabrics? I need all the details." 
Matt was overwhelmed by the sudden burst of so many questions and almost immediately blanked on anything he was just asked. "Oh I uh.. I'm not allergic to anything, uhm.. I'm not too picky about color, and I'd prefer a bowtie." 
"Very specific, aren't we?" The worker teased.
"Well I don't want to seem too picky, I mean I don't want anything too expensive." Matt stumbled over his words.
"Darling, being picky here is what we need. Lucky for you I'm not someone that just throws anything on you for money." 
"Ah yes, how lucky I am." Matt muttered sarcastically.
"So, are you sure you don't have a preference? Becuase I don't want to pick soemthing for you and you go complaining." 
"I won't complain!" Matt stubbornly said.
"Fine, fine. You're words not mine." Then he walked off, probably to go and find something for Matt.
Matt couldn't help but think how oddly the place was ran. Matt didn't expect it to be that they pick something for you, he thought it'd be like any normal clothing store, where he could pick out what he wanted to wear. Of course, if a customer pointed out something they liked then the worker would probably get it for them or allow them to look around, but Matt would rather die than speak up like a normal person. Plus, this guy seemed to know what he was doing anyways, so Matt didn't mind too hard. While Matt was thinking about looking around he decided to see what was around him anyways. There was a small jewelry section nearby which probably had necklaces and earrings and chains and bracelets. There were also shelves on either side of Matt, not too close to him, but if he stretched out both of his arms fully, he could probably touch the two shelves. They looked like they would be shoe wrecks, but actually had folded clothing on them. Matt noticed an orange Hawaiian shirt with pineapple print all over it and three white buttons extending down from the collar of the shirt. He couldn't help but giggle as he picked it up, but made sure to not unfold it in the process. I mean, it was a party after all, right? Not some elegant ball. And it's not like a silly pineapple shirt hurt anyone anyways, right? He carefully set it back where he had grabbed it from, and eagerly scanned the shelves for anything else that might catch his interest. Most of the things on the shelves, as for the rest of the store, were all silky material stuff or fancy and were probably meant for more special occasions rather than a party that Matt was going to sit out in the bathroom all night. Yet… something felt different about the clothing on these shelves. Most of the shelves were a beaming white, and only had three or four shelves near the bottom for shoes and some folded pants or socks and stockings, and had hangers at the top for skirts and dresses and shirts and gowns and such. The shelves near Matt were brown and only had folded clothing on it. And Matt just noticed the prices were a lot cheaper too. It was like he found the discount regect section of the store. Though, Matt didn't mind it too much because he found a shirt he liked.
Matt was so lost in thought, he didn't realize his "buddy" had already came back. Matt actually didn't even know until a shirt got tossed at him, causing him to almost drop it. Matt held it up and examined it. It was a green button-up shirt with black buttons. Matt glanced up at the worker, like he was expecting him to say something, which just lead to them kinda blankly looking at eachother for a little bit.
"Well?" The worker prompted.
"Well what?" Matt echoed.
"Do you like it? I found a pastel purple one too, and you could maybe wear brown slacks with them, but I think black would better suit you." 
"Well I don't mind it, than sounds fine." 
"Don't mind it? We need something you'll love, not just feel neutral towards." The worker said it as if he was offended. "Did anything catch your eye maybe while I was gone?"
Matt hesitated for a moment, and shyly glanced at the pineapple shirt and pointed at it as if he wasn't allowed to touch it. 
"Really? That?" The worker questioned and furrowed his brows.
"W-well you did ask…" 
"Yeah it's just… theres a reason it's in a separated section from everything else." 
"I assumed so, but it's pineapples.." 
"But you'll look like a a torrist that got lost."
"Ouch, thanks."
"Look, I'm trying to say it nicely, but you'll look like a complete dork."
"No dorkier than your name." 
"Hey! My name is not bad, if anything it's plenty better than whatver yours is."
"I didn't say it was bad! I said it was just dorky." Matt said defensively. "I like dorky things. I am a dork." Matt added.
"Yeah, uh, you do realize normally dork isn't a compliment, right?"
"Emphasis on normally."
"Look, if you like my name I'm not going to complain, alright?"
Matt huffed out a sigh. "I just wanted a shirt how do these situations happen to me." 
"Here, I found this too." The worker said and tossed another shirt into Matt's arms.
"Jesus christ." Matt muttered.
"Dice- can I call you that? I mean it's your name but..- Anyways, this shirt stinks."
"How? I mean if you think it's bad you don't have a sense of fashion." 
"I mean, I don't but…anyone looking at me far away will think I got stabbed." 
"And then they come up, see what it really is, and want to try it themselves. It's perfect."
Matt shook his head in silence. The skirt was white, but it had big flowers on it that were a deep red color, making Matt look like someone tried to shank him all over. Matt loved flowers but this was just asking to mess something up.
"If it helps, it's better than your pineapple shirt that you wanted." Dice said, like that was supposed to help somehow.
"If you don't like the pineapple shirt so much, cant I just buy it then?"
"No, I'm trying to save you."
"Save me? The only saving I'll need is from when someone calls the paramedics cause I look like I swam with some sharks." 
"Oh yes, because being dressed like a fruit helps. It's not even a floral print it's a pineapple. I don't even need to explain what's wrong with that."
"Do you do this with every customer or?.."
"No, just you." 
"Theres so much good clothing in here like suits and dresses and better patterns and nicer clothes and things that compliment you, than some pineapple shirt you can get at a Dollar Tree store."
"Y'know, you almost make me want to thank you."
"Well, you should be thanking me." 
"I'm not going to." Matt made sure to say this in a rather playful tone, even though most their conversation had been teasing banter.
"Here, how about we just find something we can both settle on?"
"You're best idea yet. That sounds fine."
"Good." Dice walked off to go and look for something for Matt, but this time Matt decided to follow him as well.
It didn't take long for Dice to spot something and show it to Matt. "Here, how about this?" Dice offered.
Matt recoiled a little bit when it saw it. "It's not bad but..-" 
"But?" Dice cut off Matt.
"Well.. it's so scratchy looking!" 
Dice looked over Matt as if he was trying to check if Matt was being genuine or not. "You haven't even tried it on yet!!"
Matt timidly reach out a hand and rubbed it across the shirt before cringing back a little bit. "No."
Dice sighed before putting the shirt back and going off the hunt for something else suitable for Matt. Matt glanced around, he felt a little bad and a little afraid that he was being annoying, but he tried to push it away. Matt let in an excited gasp as he spotted something, before scampering off to go and pick it up. 
Matt picked it up with a wide grin and held it up to show Dice like he discovered something new.
"That one?" Dice questioned.
"I am not letting you talk me out of this one! It has a space theme and that is final." Matt pointed at the shirt he was holding up, which had stars and planets all over it.
Dice held up a hand to his chin and looked over the shirt like he was considering it. He ended up giving in. "Okay, it's not too bad and I suppose it's better than that pineapple shirt…"
"I don't know what's with you and pineapples but I'll take it!" Matt was beaming and was bouncing on his heels from happiness. 
Dice gently took the shirt from Matt's hands and checked for a price tag. Matt frowned a little, he completely forgot that prices were a thing since he was so caught up in his excitement. Dice glanced around and snagged a pair of long purple jeans and handed the clothing to Matt. 
"How much will it cost?" Matt asked, almost not wanting to hear the answer.
"....I'll just say fifteen dollars." Dice responded.
"For both?" Matt asked, surprised.
"I want to help you pay for it." 
Matt was surprised by the answer. "Are you sure?" 
"Isn't that illegal in a way though?.." 
"Maybe if you want to look at it like that, but you're cute so I'm letting it slide."
Matt felt himself get flustered at the comment, whether it was supposed to be flirtatious or not. He decided to not respond and just shake his head in response, though he was pretty sure Dice had noticed anyways.
As Matt ran up to the nearest counter to pay, he couldn't help but feel the need to Wave goodbye to Dice. Things like that happen when you become attached to people after five minutes. Matt was oddly surprised to see Dice wave back but was warmed by the feeling. As Matt ran off to his car so he could try on his clothes sooner, he noticed a small paper hanging out the pocket of the shirt he had just picked out. He grabbed the paper before it could fall out and got deeply flustered and joyous at what was written on it. There was a small drawing of a single die cube, and a phone number written next to it. It didn't take long for Matt to quickly punch the number into his phone and pray it wasn't some rouse. He decided to just send one small message saying "hi :D". Right as Matt went to put his phone back into his pocket, it buzzed signaling he got a new notification. Matt checked it and tensely checked if it was what he was truly hoping for. He read the message so fast he had to read it a second time after not picking up what it had said. It read:
Already texting me right as you just left? Someone's clingy and in love.
Matt sighed and smiled and stuffed his phone back into his pocket. He had a feeling this was going to end up being something he needed to buckle in for, but whether that was necessarily a bad thing? He didn't think it was.
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