funny-cat-noms · 1 year
Eating Potter
In sixth year, someone cursed Harry, shrinking him to a foot, and he tries to find a cure, but little did he know that a blond Slytherin boy was in the room with him
Harry ran into an empty classroom, freaking out. Someone put a curse on him that shrunk him down to a size of around thirty centimeters (a foot).
 He struggles to climb onto the self, that had a book of curses, hoping that he can find a counterspell to it.
But like did he know that a blonde Slytherin was watching him from the corner of the room.
Harry pushed the book off the shelf, jumping down with it. He cracked his glasses as he landed on his face. 
“Bloody hell!” He mumbled under his breath, as he began to flip through the pages of the book. 
He just kept flipping page after page, not realizing that the Slytherin was slowly approaching behind him.
 Harry found he was looking for a page and immediately looked for his wand, which wasn’t in his pockets at all. He realized that he left it in the common room when he got into an argument with Ron about eating his candy.
When he thought it couldn’t get worse, it did. He saw a shadow appearing in front of him. He gulped as he hesitated to turn around to face the thing that was making it.
“Hello, Pottah,” Draco said, looking down at him. 
“Don’t do that again Malfoy! You scared the bloody hell out of me!”
“Sorry, Chosen One,” the blond said sarcastically.
“Don’t call me that! Now help me get back to my normal height, please,”
“How about hmmmm no,”
“What?!” Harry said, staring him in his silver eyes.
Draco responded snarkily, “Did I stutter? I said no”
He immediately snatched Harry up and stared at him, not saying a word.
Harry started to struggle in his grip.
“Draco let me go, NOW!”
“You’re so small, I could eat you up”
“Haha, so funny now let me go!” Harry said, trying to escape his hands still.
Draco just smirked and lift him closer to his mouth. Harry looked at him confused. 
Draco stuck out his tongue and licked the Gryffindor’s face. 
“You taste like butter beer,” Malfoy said with a smirk.
“Malfoy don’t you dar- MPFH!” Harry said but was interrupted by Malfoy sticking him into his mouth.
He started to salivate his face but cut his tongue on something sharp. He immediately pulled Harry out of his mouth.
Harry started yelling at him but Draco just told off his broken glasses and put them
in his pocket. He proceeded to look at the saliva-covered boy before shoving him into his mouth.
Harry squirms as Draco slowly licks his head and shoulders, yelling at him to let him out.
Draco just let's go and tilts his head back before gulping Harry’s head down. He started to lick the upper part of his chest, enjoying himself. While Harry struggled in his throat, getting squeezed, to his surprise, it wasn’t hurting him.
Draco gulped again, sending one-third of Potter in his mouth. He kept swallowing Potter until his feet were the only things left in his mouth.
He could feel Harry’s head entering his stomach, making him feel ill. He knew that Potter was too much for him to handle if he swallowed him all the way, he just wanted to scare Potter. He was about to cough him up until someone slammed the door open.
Draco gulped, accidentally swallowing Harry whole.
“Sorry, lose track of time,” he responded, feeling the rest of Harry enter his stomach, making him full. He could feel Harry beginning to squirm, still yelling at him.
Pansy just grabbed his arm and dragged him to the dining hall.
Draco began feeling sick but sat down, not grabbing any food.
“Eat,” Blaise said, staring at him.
“I did this morning tho…”
“Pansy did he?”
“Yes,” she said eating her plate.
Draco barely talked and looked over at the Gryffindor table seeing Ron and Hermione looking around worried, probably looking for Harry.
“I’m going to go to the common room, I don’t feel well,”
“Ok,” Blaise and Pansy said in unison.
He got up and started to the common room, placing a hand on the tiny bump made in his slim figure. 
Harry wouldn’t stop squirming against his stomach walls, making him sicker.
“Stop moving Pottah!” He said.
Harry could hear his voice echo around him in the small space.
“LET ME OUT!” Harry yelled, kicking his gut more.
He clenched his stomach in response, stopping some of the abuse happening in his gut.
Harry kept trying to struggle but it was too tight to move now, so he just stand there. He could feel the walls move around him, the wetness of his stomach. He could also hear the growls, gurgles, and groans of the stomach trying to digest him, and Draco’s heartbeat and breath. It would be comfortable if he fitted into the small space.
“Are you going to digest me?” He finally asked as Draco walked into the common room.
“You would be half melted if I was,”
“Can you let me out now?”
“You kicked me into the gut too many times! Plus I am tired! So get comfortable,” he said laying on his bed, using a spell to change into his pajamas.
Harry kicked his stomach in response, pissed that he has to stay the night in the Slytherin’s gut. 
Draco rubbed the small bump sticking out until he yawned and snuggled his pillow next to him.
Harry could feel his body relax and heard his breathing and heartbeat slow down as he fell asleep.
Harry put a hand to the gut and gently rubbed it, he heard a gurgle in reply. Harry relaxes against it and closed his eyes, knowing he will be fine, as he fell asleep.
But what he didn’t know, this would of one of many times he would be stuck in here.
(this is my vore fic, I hope you enjoy)
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funny-cat-noms · 1 year
Swallowing Worries
This happened right before season four, with Jonathan over studying for the final exams and Argyle trying to figure out how to stop him from studying.
Jonathan was studying his notes, stressing about the exams since it is in two days. He has been studying for weeks nonstop tho.
“Dude, you have been studying all week, I am sure you will do great!” Argyle said.
“I have to make sure I do go tho! I have to get accepted to the college Nancy is going to!” He responded, knowing it was a white lie.
Argyle watched him study, watching him tense about it.
Argyle hug him from behind and tried to take the study guide but Jonathan just looked at him and frowned.
“Sorry!” The black hair boy exclaimed. 
He thought long and hard thinking of ways to make him stop studying. Then he heard his stomach grumble and figured it out.
“You sound hungry, want to order pizza?” Jonathan mumbles, not taking his eyes off the guide.
Argyle didn’t answer and just grabbed his hand.
“Argy- what are you doing?” He said as Argyle put his hand in his mouth.
Argyle started to lick it, covering it in saliva. The shorter male looked back, trying to pull his hand out but Argyle bit down on his hand, hard enough to keep it in place that wouldn’t hurt him. Argyle suddenly gulped down the shorter boy’s hand.
Jonny boy immediately tried to pull it out, but Argyle kept swallowing.
“What are you doi- MFP!” interrupted by Argyle shoving him into his maw.
“ARGYLE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Jonathan screamed, dropping the paper with his free hand.
Argyle just licked his face until he gulped down his head.
Jonathan didn’t know what was going on and was paranoid. He didn’t know if this was safe or dangerous. He just kept struggling against him, as he felt his hand enter his stomach.
Argyle lifted his head letting gravity help him in swallowing Jonathan down quicker. He touched his neck, feeling the rest of Jonathan falling into his stomach. He could feel Jonathan struggling in him and placed his head on his swollen stomach. He felt so full.
“Why not!?”
“You need a break from studying, so get comfy. You’re going to be in there awhile,” Argyle said, lighting a joint.
Jonathan stopped kicking, and sat there, paranoid. Then he tried to get comfortable, but couldn’t. He could just feel the walls moving around him and the sounds of Argyle’s organs.
He smoked it for a while until he was high. Jonathan could smell the weed and started kicking.
“Don’t do drugs while I am in here AT LEAST!”
“Sorry dude,” he said, putting it out.
He could feel Jonathan squirming trying to get comfortable and he just giggled at the feeling. 
Jonathan finally got comfortable after ten minutes, trying to relax in the stomach of his friend and/or crush. But immediately got tense as he felt a squeeze, and he began to squirm again.
Argyle hugged his stomach, feeling his snack squirming again.
Jonathan got comfortable again, barely able to move but not caring at this point. He snuggled close.
“You taste like chicken tenders and weed, dude,”
“Like the good chicken tenders from restaurants,”
“Ok?” he said, listening to Argyle’s heartbeat as he ranted.
Jonathan pressed his stomach feeling the weird texture of it, which was surprisingly comfortable.
Argyle could see the outline of the hand and giggled a bit, liking the feeling of it there. 
Jonathan brought his hand back, hugging himself, as the walls squeezed him. He snuggled ever closer to the warmth, eventually falling asleep.
Argyle just snuggled the bump that his friend made in him, as he fell asleep too.
(I kinda wish there was more vore stories of these two)
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