#fun fact the Spartans going to emerald cove during training is cannon
ask-blue-team · 11 months
Who is the best cook? Who's the worst?
Kelly: I’m definitely the best cook.
Fred: No you aren’t! I’ve seen you burn MREs!
Kelly: So have you!
John: You’re both terrible cooks. Every time we let either of you cook during boot, you poisoned us.
Kelly: No we didn’t!
Fred: Yeah, I don’t remember that!
Linda: Remember Emerald Cove?
Fred: No.
John. No, you wouldn’t, because you two were unconscious the whole time with shellfish poisoning.
Kelly: Well that was whoever cooked the fish’s fault, not ours!
Linda: You guys were the ones who found and cooked the clams.
John: Linda is the best cook. Conversation over.
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