#full disclosure I was playing improbable island
nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 25: fresh cut grand theft auto
mala: happy pride month...?
"sorry max"
okay that's sick as fuck
"fire" jglkdfjgkldf
I somehow forgot about taste of tal'dorei
I JUST noticed what sam is wearing
matt is going a face journey with everything erika says about this place
I have missed the last ten minutes bc I was getting a screenshot of the last time sam wore that
Who Just Burped
"sephora-like blast"
oh look my secondhand embarrassment says it's time to go make food
also 90% of this is absolutely wasted on me bc I've never been to Medival Times and I don't drink
like I appreciate a good lore drop but the spa in EXU Kymal hit more for me
"lore! lore! lore!"
okay I'm paying attention now
birdie and ollie
apparently this episode is ~5 hours long but after the last episode of calamity it's a baby
"does she feel real?" "yeah, sure"
"it says fuck"
shoutout to me after I gave birth angrily stating the year and who the president was to prove I was cognizant despite my 103F fever to get them to listen to me
(it didn't work)
the disappointment
"and drink heavily"
[kanmi voice] fuck you, you're not a royal
"and he's also here"
oh she's trying to butter imogen up, 100% forgot they're in a fight
"you do not have a flesh tongue and I do not cross my eyes"
oh shit oh shit
Meet At Joe's
"I know you're going to anyway, but try not to look like tourists"
"why not"
fearne has a vex commemorative plate lksdjflsa
"would you like anything in return?" ashley
"comic sans is an odd choice"
laura's gonna kill sam in the parking lot
delilah go bllleahhhh
I can't believe dwayne johnson would do this to imogen
right after I typed this someone made the exact same joke in discord skdfjsl
"a heartbeat or something" fcg
fcg are we projecting
laudna :(
someone hug the dead lady
tot holder
everybody trying to get imogen and laudna back together
twitch I'll kill you
"that lady's got a lot of love in her"
"whitestone is for lovers" skdlfjslk
("quinn nobody's gonna get that" that one was for high-school me)
fdlskj dorks
sergeant slaughter
SLEEPY OMAR that's all I need
gonna beat up fcg until he admits he's a person
I have straight-up zoned out for 20 minutes
"furiosa style" caleb style
"I'll figure it out" she will not, she will pop out of polymorph and lie badly
chetney calling fearne princess is giving me grunthor calling rhapsody duchess and if you get that reference I'm so sorry
Big Fearne Energy
Mike Hunt
matthew say the names out loud BEFORE the game
the spirit of purvon
I just realized this is literally just chorizo from far cry 6
"he's got LITTLE WHEELS"
erika ishii, known chaos goblin
taliesin jaffe, known erika ishii enabler
I didn't think he was actually gonna go in but he did
"let her step on me" marisha no
A Rock-Based Apology
....pebble and the penguin
"I've definitely learned my lesson" immediate hysterical laughter
"I really wanna steal a crawler machine"
ashton is proud of you, better reload
grand theft fcg
travis is a combination of "WEREWOLVES GDI" and "STRATEGERY GDI"
laura ur vex is showing
liam hears it too
wait what happened I zoned out again
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feministfataley · 5 years
How Dare You Stop Me From Breaking Into Your House?! Indy Reviews Hello Neighbor
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Full disclosure – this game is broken.  So very, very broken.  I played this through several times to get achievements and there are sections that are borderline unplayable because of glitches hiding key objects or because of an invisible wall stopping me from reaching key locations.  It took willpower to get to the end, and even more to grind for the achievements.
Ah Mr Neighbor.  What secrets you hide.  A tragic backstory with his children being kidnapped and his wife dead in a car accident.  Still doesn’t give you the right to kidnap children however.  This is another Very Odd Game. You play as a male human throughout different stages in his life, navigating traps and improbably built houses to escape the Neighbor’s clutches and find out his secrets.
Well.  I say find out his secrets.  This is a little more open to interpretation than I would have liked. Hello Neighbor lacks a defined storyline.  A lot is inferred but never clarified, which is a little frustrating.  The only reason I know that he had a family was by finding a photograph in a room I had no reason to be in other than pure exploration.
Going by the silhouettes on the missing posters around the neighbourhood and the cut scene of the Neighbor sobbing while putting the posters up we can infer that these are his children that are missing.  Both of these things are missable however if you just burn through the levels as quickly as possible.  
In fact, there’s rather a lot about this game that is unsatisfyingly vague.  The control system is anything but intuitive, with different buttons to throw or put down or pick up.  It takes a while to get used to and even hours in I was losing key items by throwing them out of reach accidentally.  They don’t respawn so I had to start the chapter again.  
Then there’s the puzzles themselves.  I had to use a walkthrough to get anywhere in this game.  I don’t know if that’s just me being thick or if it is bad design, but either way I was a slave to a guide I found online.   You can find the keys to access the basement in act three but if you miss three other puzzles before going down there you will be trapped with no hope of escape (or finishing the game).  
The puzzle clues are a bit hard to decipher as well, and usually involve you picking up every object you see and putting it safely in your house for future use.  For example, one puzzle requires you to freeze a model of a globe and put it in an unmarked holder.  How are you told to do this?  With a map of the world that looks like it’s frozen over in one of the rooms. No further explanation.  
Maybe this just isn’t my kind of game.  I found it incredibly frustrating and disliked having to use a guide to know where to go next.  I really disliked the vague story.  The whole game felt like a bit of a waste of time.  And I wasted so much time playing it.  Not to mention the three hours required to attempt the Snow White achievement.
If you’re looking for a puzzle game I’d recommend the Monkey Island series instead.  Difficult puzzles but not insurmountable and a tangible storyline that feels like it’s going somewhere.  I feel like there was a lot of missed potential with Hello Neighbor and there’s nothing sadder than that.  I guess that’s life for you though.
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