#fucking unpog.
thechaoticplayer · 4 months
I'm going to literally yeet myself off a minecraft cliff
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[ ID: a screenshot of YouTube mobile playing a marble hornets video with several Magnus archives videos in the recommended videos / end ID
Light mode is even worse I hate it I hate it I hate it
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Okay story time bc im almost crying in the stable right now
So backstory i wasnt in a good mood before i drove to the stable bc i got basically bullied by my grandma for the 2 hours i saw her. I drove out to the stable to get my head off a bit and my fucking horse was so cute. She let me cuddle her head for as long as i wanted, she basically pressed it against my upper body and wanted me to hug her and just stayed like that for a while.
And now i was outside with her and all is good and im just waiting for her to finish her extra food she gets and the stable cat just ran in and violantly meowed at me and rub himself against me. Why are animals the best haha i love my babys so much
Aww~ that's so cute!! I would've taken a picture if I was there 🥺🥺
Annoying grandma is so unpog 😒 really wanna smack some decency in her little brain hmph 😤
Well, im glad you're feeling better now, puppy~ animals truly are the best!!
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teamrocketmemes · 1 year
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In honor of Luxiem’s first anniversary, this is a sentence starter from this Vox Akuma VOD where they reminisce about old phrases they all have said in a game format. I’m taking both the phrases discussed specifically as well as other funny quips said during the stream. Content warning for mild language. Feel free to change pronouns if necessary.
“I’m a really smart guy and I definitely thought about this really hard before we started.”
“Are we introducing ourselves??”
“Sussy among us…”
“I’m the detective guy, but there’s someone cooler next to me.”
“[Name] is eating spicy noodles by choice now.”
“I was having the cravings and I—I just went for it.”
“There’s no such word as can’t.”
“Burrito?? Is that a Naruto character??”
“You swear to everything holy that these are not fabricated??”
“Why does it look like you etched his name in blood??”
“I was right on his ass shoving that thing in.”
“Every single [name] quote has the word POG in it.”
“I felt a strange vibration in my wenis.”
“Google it. The Flagina is real.”
“I got to Urban Dictionary and I don’t think I wanna read this out.”
“I have a meme for this. Hold on.”
“My phone is on 5% but that’s enough.”
“Staff, for legal reasons, that’s a joke.”
“Guys… How do I delete my canvas??”
“[Name] has created a horror so real that it won’t leave.”
“If I keep on guessing, one of them has to be [Name].”
“Let’s have a look at what—” Burps really loudly.
“You want to fight me in Tetris after seeing my brain??”
“They do call me the master baiter.”
“No!! I like his hat!!”
“I feel like it’s me but when the fuck was this??”
“When I read it, I can hear [Name]’s voice.”
“Here’s [full name], he says LOL.”
“This is a historic quote.”
“They didn’t say laugh out loud, they said LOL.”
“If someone ends with a full stop, I feel very threatened.”
“The grammar police in my head is just like ‘You gotta do it [name]’.”
“We had to just decipher something that was written in binary but we didn’t realize that it was binary–”
“I was straight up incapacitated for a while…”
“Oh! the double penetratio–”
“I will be putting some of you on blast today.”
“This is me but I stopped earlier, in my defense…”
“No matter what you say, it will always return to bite you in the ass.”
“My favourite position? I like beieng on my computer playing League of Legends.”
“You’re absolutely right. League absolutely plays [name].”
“Are you a mistletoe? Because I want to be under you.”
“What’s something funny… Does anyone remember the movie Sky High??”
“All I know that it’s like— My Hero Academia several years before it came out.”
“If they’re asking for a kick in, they should get a kicking.”
“Waitwaitwait— I’m drawing a funny.”
“What an unit indeed.”
“Meow, bottom.”
“Only real ones remember.”
“Ooooh the memorie– Wait, no.”
“Mine is the default Windows wallpaper.”
“You guys know the incident I’m talking about. Don’t try to play dumb.”
“That might be the most awesome thing that’s ever gonna happen on this stream.”
“I’ve never had more raw panic into my body than when it kept going after the car.”
“You exposed yourself on this one.”
“Liar has 5 letters.”
“Why is [name]’s number all the way to the right??”
“I feel like a worm on a piece of concrete.”
“See, the first question you ask is would you say this to yourself??”
“I have this really bad habit of having these really overly specific analogies that I never remember but everyone else does.”
“Did [Full name] say this??”
“[Name] really is the kid who reminds the teacher that they had homework.”
“Who really needs restraints such as handcuffs?? There’s a perfect space between the tip of my show and the heel where your wrists fit just right.”
“I can’t guess because I don’t know what this means.”
“That’s such a mid S.”
“I’m drawing with a mouse. It’s good enough.”
“Unless you did not know, I don’t wear heels.”
“[Name] is depicting a fucking cave drawing.”
“Number 12 is, I guess, cock.”
“All of my quotes are sexual.”
“I’m sorry for putting you on blast.”
“It’s not that there’s something in the sentence that blatantly gives away who it is.”
“Does he know?? He doesn’t know.”
“Like, dude, you don’t understand, it’s rectangles man.”
“Most likely to become a Bro…”
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boymounter · 1 year
ok fuck you [unpogs your champ]
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osc-confessions · 2 years
helloooo working on that bfb wcau revamp. so far i only have a few things but i need some ideas. theres gonna be four clans, so two bfb teams join together to be each clan. cant figure out who should be with who except for death p.a.c.t. and bleh (all eight names said at once) so i dont know who will be what leaders... loser is the leader of his clan and i think leafy will be her clan's first leader but get ger lives revoked for being ass at it. not sure who would be another leader... not sure of what to do for the tpot split either
as for hfjone wcau ive got some stuff. airy changed everyone to apprentices regardless of their actual ranks so thats the name changing thing. imagine being named some cool shit like....idk mossfang or something and getting your name changed to moldpaw what an unpog move lmao
also gonna do an aib wcau because i think. i think making fireball be called flameclaw or fireclaw would be cool. i just really like designing catified characters, it's fun. i do humanizations sometimes too but i really like making wcaus. i think ive made a wcau for like....most of my recent interests. omori, pokemon, the osc... ok pokemon was like literally last fucking year but i havent had many recent interests i hyperfixated on omori for nine fucking months and it still consumes me sometimes (/pos as hell i love omori)
anyway i went on a rant there, oops! you guys (anons and You, mod) can feel free to give me any suggestions if you want i dunno i jyst like talking abt this nyak nyak
-wc with her longest one yet
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lvcae · 1 month
this doesnt rlly affect me since im free trial but apparently square fucked up the payment system for ff14 unpog :( are have started telling people to just start over from scratch Again
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iriswashere · 3 months
When I'm stressed out or am just emotionally tired and the smallest thing happens I just immediately think/say out loud "kms" or "I'm gonna kms" but I remember that's v bad and instead think "unpog" or "I wanna- go to sleep"
Some other things to say instead of "I'm gonna kms":
I wanna eat some food
Fuck you G-man/[insert god here]
Dinkleberg.. 😡
If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to add onto this tiny list. Let's change our mindset together 🫡
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turner-strait · 5 months
oh fuck me, i think i've lost my glasses
unpog, man . unpog. :c
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local-lovenukes · 5 months
ok so im too fucking soft for this man. uuugh oh my god. unpog. clickbait. cap. cringeeee.
its just so fucking CUTE that he actually sometimes goes and likes art of me online. while- while like. im right there. its like he can't get enough of me. uuuuugh he's so cringe im gonna kill him. im gonna kill him im gonna kill him
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lizzorasaurus · 1 year
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gogyismydaddy · 4 years
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dream’s whispers + reactions
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aueua · 3 years
Hey there! I have a question (im a new follower)-
I have noticed Lurien's butler uses the adjective "oily" a lot in some of your comics ("its quite oily outside" or "oily cannoli", hilarious if you ask me), but is that an inside joke or am i missing something in general?
inside joke! inside joke . it's because poggy thorax exists and he verbatim says
"Just look at me! A great big, juicy, fatty, oily... scrumptious bug. No wonder I'm so popular around here."
and so then it was a whole mess it was just a whole thing it was a whole "haha wouldn't it be so funny if other bugs subconsciously started saying stuff like pog poggers and poggy and oily as a result of him" and then it just it kind of just it ju
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ghostb0o · 3 years
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Hype for slime rancher 2 boyssssssss
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andfuckmcyt · 3 years
I want to talk about the omori x dsmp au I made but gatekeepers are scary(not terrifying scary but like scary in a oh god this bitch will annoy me forever and they'll make thier little group also annoy me type of way yknow?) (Or am I just Rambling idk)
Literally today I saw someone getting attacked over the fact they posted a drawing where they compared thier design of c!Tommy and Basil because it looked similar
gatekeepers / antis you are literally so unpog tho like it's so unnecessary of you to go out of your way to hate someone because they watch British boys play Minecraft roleplay in a server
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ambrosiadreamer · 3 years
words i have started pronouncing differently in less than a month:
-directly (currently pronounce it as “die-rekt-lee,” used to pronounce it as “der-ekt-lee”)
-bury (currently pronounce it as “burry, used to pronounce it as “berry”)
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