#fuck rupert murdoch
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Two foreigners in the United States plot their further plunder of the world together. They might get away with it because they are rich, white and male.
They are both products of colonialism. The Dutch colonized South Africa and the British colonized Australia. Then they took this wealth from the people and the land they exploited and used it to buy citizenship in the US, another genocidal empire and continue their raping of the world.
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triple-mayday · 1 year
There’s hella theories floating around about the reason behind Tucker Carlson’s sudden divorce with Fox News, but there’s one that I love the most.
Its the sexiest, pettiest, most delicious bullshit to ever be conceived. Behold:
We know for a fact that Tucker got bitch slapped across New York City by Rupert Murdoch himself. Not only that, but baby boy was laid off sometime on Friday and notified only on Monday, when he came to work. So, this unforeseen development was like a kick in the balls. For the uninitiated, Rupert Murdoch is the name of the demonic entity responsible for the creation of Fox News.
Tuckerson and Rupert had a special relationship. According to Tucker himself, the now ex-host was “100% [Rupert’s] bitch” (we love a proud sugar baby). Tucker was basically a glorified court jester - he cosplayed for daddy Rupert as a pro-worker, anti-elitist, anti-establishment, Christian, relatable everyman that broke republicans could relate to. That was, of course, a load of horseshit. As said by Tucker himself.
You see, back in Mesozoic Era (circa 2008-2011), our boy was an active participant in shock radio programs where he paraded himself as an open and proud elitist and a self-admitted trust fund baby.
All of this deliciousness speaks for itself. Tucker Carlson is a chameleon that changes his face depending on what’s resonating best with his conservative audience. Which brings us to the nearly orgasmic culmination of events that could have possibly led to Tucker’s current unemployment.
Tuck roleplayed as a hardcore Christian for quite some time. On that fateful Friday night, he turned it up to 100 for his speech at the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation’s 50th anniversary gala. Bubba was popping off, calling abortions “child sacrifices” and demanding daily prayers. The audience loved it. Rupert? Not so much.
The thing is, for Rupert business comes before fascism. Grandpa worships money, Jesus is merely a profitable business strategy. For a businessman, the rabid fundie shit was already incredibly off-putting. And Tucker’s villain monologue just happened to be the last drop in the bucket that was already filled to the brim by Murdoch’s ex. That’s right. The chair of Fox News broke off his recent engagement because his fiancée was a Jesus freak.
Now onto the good shit. Rupert’s ex had a favorite show. Guess what that show was?
Tucker Carlson Tonight
The woman in question even had tête-à-tête chit chats with her favorite TV personality, thanks to her connection to Fox News CEO.
Tensions were rising in the Murdoch household. The ex-fiancée’s obsession with Tucker only added fuel to the fire. The woman went as far as declaring that Carlson was a messenger from God. One day, Tucker had a dinner at his boss’ estate. In the middle of dinner the Jesus lady pulled out a Bible and began discussing the book of Exodus with Carlson.
Rupert just sat there like 👁️👄👁️
In the end, the man was too freaked out by Christian fundamentalism and kicked Tucker out after his particularly awful speech. It was also a cute little fuck you to his ex cause now her favorite show got canceled
This is just one theory, but it’s my favorite, so I prefer it above all else, and now you get to experience this beauty with me
God, I adore American politics
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aceniixx · 8 months
Australians think we are so much better than everyone else and we can see through political crap, and then we overwhelmingly vote no to give first nations people what amounts to a pity committee because "if you don't know, vote no" and "THEY ARE GONNA STEAL UR BACKYARDS"
We are a disgrace.
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antidrumpfs · 1 year
Perhaps the single most damaging new allegation about Fox’s politicized operations is the claim in Dominion’s second filing that Murdoch shared Biden’s campaign ads with the Trump team. That’s an astounding ethical breach that should give pause to Democratic candidates who seek to run ads on Murdoch’s media properties in the future.
“During Trump’s campaign, Rupert provided Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner, with Fox confidential information about Biden’s ads, along with debate strategy … (providing Kushner a preview of Biden’s ads before they were public),” the filing alleges, citing Murdoch’s sworn deposition.
Murdoch has a long personal relationship with Kushner and was speaking with him weekly during his tenure in the Trump White House, The New York Times reported in December 2017. The Fox honcho also regularly advised Trump as president. These relationships paid off for Murdoch, with federal regulators repeatedly acting in his benefit over the course of the Trump administration.
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lost-carcosa · 1 year
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qqgk · 9 months
it’s almost embarrassing how much i’m getting a kick out of lachlan murdoch’s early life section on his Wikipedia page being edited to say “eldest boy” instead of “eldest son.” succession is real and it’s happening on your internet now
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nando161mando · 10 days
Our PM has shown himself to be just another Murdoch pawn, essentially suggesting views inconsistent with the mainstream media should be suppressed.
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thefabelmans2022 · 10 days
if you're australian and you're considering getting a binge account do not fucking do it it's the absolute worst streaming platform i've ever used.
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sussex-sweetheart · 1 year
Well well well, Edward Falk, the main press regulator in England, was scheduled to have dinner with Rupert Murdoch at his home... So not only is the media bullying and harassing people to the point of suicide, but the bodies set up to regulate said media are having private hangouts with the owners of the papers publishing this shit. And the royal family STILL hasn't said a word.
I don't want to hear from anyone who thinks Meghan is lying ever again. Just shut the fuck up. That whole fucking country is corrupt.
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msclaritea · 21 days
Oh dear, that Sunday Times article must be devastating for you.
Benedict Cumberbatch talks extensively and fondly about his children and parents. No mention of his mother abusing him, in fact quite the opposite, he talks about what wonderful, supportive, loving parents he has.
And other people from the film also talk a lot about his family, wife and children. Almost as if the actual people who spend time with him have no hesitation in acknowledging the reality of his three lovely boys.
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the way that Lachlan Murdoch is closer to Roman Roy and James Murdoch is closer to Kendall Roy
And Lachlan is taking over, just before the next US election
the one who's politics is closer to roman roy's is going to have massive influence over the US 2024 election
fucking yikessss
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watchingroger · 1 year
Roger Allam interviewed by Ayesha Hazarika for Times Radio - available free to listen (if you can't access it let me know, I'm fascinated by geoblocking and would never try to help someone circumvent it. Ever. No. Not me.)
Talking about Tetris (out on Apple TV today), Endeavour, The Thick of It, IRL politics, and west end theatre. Roger tells his story about going to the Old Vic for 15p like he does every time he talks about theatre. It's like having an old grandpa who tells the same story every time you see him. Which, in case you don't have an old grandpa (gender and bio relationship irrelevant) who does this, is lovely.
Content warnings: Adverts. TTOI clips with the swears bleeped out.
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pr · 1 year
i am incapable of not being viscerally envious of young rich people like sorry my vice is feeling like they couldnt possibly understand and truly empathize with the struggles of regular ppl, while simultaneously wanting what they have
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sleevebuscemii · 1 year
i wish logan roys grave was real so i can piss on it
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