redmessenger · 10 months
What the - "Professor?..."
He does not recall seeing him on the ship - not to mention, is Professor Lukas not from Valentia? Was he not supposed to travel there? Or is Leonardo somehow that inattentive?
"Were you on our ship with us? Did I somehow miss your presence?" He is trying to remain calm and collected, but the confusion is clear as day on his features.
"Of course... I am glad that you're here, your prowess and experience will be a great asset to us. Speaking of which... you're unharmed, I hope?" He should probably ask about that. "We had quite a crash."
"Leonardo?" At last is a familiar face, though not one of the few bound for Valentia. Still, Lukas smiles wide as Leonardo makes himself known. "Peace, my friend. I was on the ship headed towards Valentia, my homeland. Our ship was caught up in a terrible storm... I'm not without my share of wounds, but after all that happened, I'm just grateful to still be drawing breath."
The others, though... there's not much Lukas can do right now except pray they are still alive. Alm and Celica were on that ship... whatever gods are left, please protect them.
What about the others, he wonders? "How about the rest of our group? Are they from other ships as well?"
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rafent · 11 months
7. A memory they want to forget
7. a memory they want to forget
Humans would be humans wherever Rafal went. Loud. Delusional. Over-friendly. Over-sharing. Every period of his independent travel peeled back another layer to the sweet-sour rind that was humanity. Always killing and bickering amongst themselves, always loving and multiplying in the same continuous way. Rafal witnessed their flaws and virtues alike and he was thankful to return to Lythos at the terminus of every year where his siblings waited. Dragons, not humans.
"You're leaving?"
"A shame. You helped to defend our village. That means you've earned a place in it."
He stiffened at the remark, the buildup ever familiar- you helped us, how kind you are, how heroic, you're not as scary as you look. No matter how many times he explained that his helpful actions were whim or coincidence they never learned. He adjusted the rest of his knapsack across his shoulder and prepared to leave.
"I am thankful for your shelter, but know that I have no place here. I am not human." That was beyond important, it was fact, and where another Fell Dragon might have hesitated to say it- to unveil their ugly natures and risk persecution- Rafal said so with clarity, expectation even; acceptance of the causality before it even occurred. But—
His host reacted as if those words weren't worth a blink. "I knew that." He followed Rafal out, leaning against the door. Haloed in light with such harsh contrast against the darkness that it enveloped his face in shadow. Rafal was glad for that. He was never one for goodbyes, for meeting eyes when he said them. Especially with the short-lived humans who he knew would never be seen again in his lifetime.
"I knew that. And you're still welcome here."
Rafal looked at him strangely then like something had clicked. The perpetual kindness he wielded for a stranger, the mysterious brush of their hands on the passing of every plate at supper, the sideways-leaning posture against the door bordering on playful- all of these cues and signs that he'd labeled as mere kindness now whispered of deeper meaning. Rafal, however, would be Rafal; as timeless and eternal as the humans themselves, and humans were so—
". . .Foolish," he muttered brusquely, stepping out into the night. Ignoring that silent invitation, swearing to forget it though he knew he wouldn't. Another worthless and insignificant memory to dog the Fell Dragon who never forgot a thing.
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starrook · 4 months
hc + snow
Alcryst gets cold very easily. In Givre Port he also mentioned that his hands are always cold:
It’s freezing here. Numb hands make for poor bowmanship…and my hands are always cold.
At the very least he tries to wear a jacket. In winter he bundles right up and wears enough layers to stay nice and toasty. Alcryst is drawn to heat sources like a cat and stays by the fireplace when he’s cold. Also wears fingerless gloves to combat the cold hands.
When Alcryst was younger he loved to play in the snow! Now he’d rather not throw himself into the cold and freeze to death lol. He still loves to skate when the lake freezes over and go ice fishing.
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inferniso · 1 year
✢⁎. DAHLIA. 
The Ethereal Ball is nigh! The planning committee is hard at work preparing for the second biggest event of the year and asks for volunteers to help make it happen! There’s plenty that needs to be done, from picking out the menu to securing the supplies you need for the dance cards.
Fixing platters, tying ties, arranging venues--there are so many tasks to sign up for. Idunn is excited for the ball. Though one can’t surmise this from her lackadaisical stare or mouth drawn permanently into a line, she wants to join in on the fun. It will be a night filled with flowers and people and smiling faces, she had heard. And it sounds like the kind of thing Fae would enjoy. But the process of lending her assistance to its preparations presents an impossible challenge: overchoice.
Too many jobs are out of reach. While it would fit her to go out picking flowers to use as decorations, such an activity is already part of her daily routine. The point of this all is to branch out, growing in as many ways as she can. A tree that only sprouts up is no different from a stick: it needs buds and leaves, fingers and a wider reach into the sky. She knows she will enjoy whatever she ends up doing, it’s just a matter of picking something out.
She frowns at the list of jobs. A finger presses into her cheek as she struggles to read them all. Some words she has to squint at, and others are foreign to her even if she looks closely. It’s an ordeal, to say the least--a strong gust of wind that might very well uproot her and knock her over. But she remembers, as her head dips low and small hands begin to tremble, that she doesn’t need to weather every storm alone.
Breaking her depressive trance, she lifts her gaze and scans the room. Surely someone would be able to help, someone she’s met before and trusts...
There it is. That head of glistering gold. Those eyes like a hawk. She could pick him out from a crowd of ten-thousand if she had to, for the bond they share tangles them together:
Wasting not a second of her time, Idunn’s feet shuffle over to the archer. She doesn’t wear her usual look of despondency; not with him. Leonardo’s presence is one that lifts her eyelids and threatens to turn the corner of her mouth. Knowing he has a family that he loves, friends that he values--that she is somewhere in the middle--casts light onto her lonely heart. She fiddles with a thread on her sleeve before speaking, but really, she’s glad to see him.
“You are also here, for the ball.” That much is obvious. It’s what everyone has decided to pack themselves into this room like produce for. “Can we... Help out, together? I don’t know what to do,” she softly admits that fact, and whatever happiness she expressed moments prior fades away. Asking for help so that she might help twists a jagged axe into her side. It strikes her with a kind of worthless feeling, that doing something for others falls outside her parameters.
“But I’m sure that with you... I can do something good.” 
//starter for @freedomarrow
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justices-blade · 10 months
Once again, a mission separates them - and having not forgotten what happened last time, Leonardo cannot help but find himself unsettled. Before the ships depart, he makes sure to track down his best friend for one final farewell.
He does not have to explain, and he knows that. Without saying anything more at first, he pulls him into a hug. Just for a moment - just to enjoy the feeling of his breath and heartbeat for a little longer.
"I'm sure you know what I'm going to say here," he sighs, pulling away to look him in the eyes, doing his best to smile in spite of everything. "Be careful, don't die, come back safe. All that. Alright?"
From his satchel, he produces a small, neatly wrapped package and hands it to Edward. A medicinal kit, small but handy, in the perfect size for one of the other's spare pockets.
"I'm sure you'll have healers on board, but this is for emergencies. This salve here helps stop bleeding almost on the spot. Doesn't even sting too much when you apply it, it's great. I stocked up a while ago. And some bandages, of course. I hope you won't need it... but you know how those situations usually go."
He clasps Edward's hands in his own one last time, giving him a decisive nod.
"Good luck out there. I'll... of course try to stay safe myself, too."
He's cut off — There's just too many syllables in the other's name for him not to be, and this is a preferable greeting, anyways. Edward huffs out a little chuckle into Leonardo's shoulder, and presses his own face further into it, arms crawling up to pull him closer — There, under his skin, the thrum of his pulse, the rise and fall of each draw of breath. Proof of life, so much warmer and so much more real than that nebulous dream months ago. Long enough that details almost elude him; But he still has a bloodstained shirt and a broken good-luck charm back in his room to say otherwise.
He holds reality close a moment longer, before letting Leonardo go. "Yeah, yeah," he says, rolling his eyes good-naturedly. "Right back at you, by the way — What's this?"
He takes the little parcel, pries a bit of it open to peek as his friend explains. "Ohhh! Yeah, this looks real handy." He slips it into his pocket to judge its size, finds with glee that it really is a cute little thing, twisting a little to demonstrate. "Look! Perfect fit!"
And — Ah, palm to palm, holding fast with a bit too much finality for his tastes. That won't do. While not eager to let go again, he's still got something to...
"Wait," he's rifling in another pocket now, "Hold on... Did I bring it... There!"
He pulls out a little drawstring bag by the string with extra gusto, catches it deftly when it pops out, pressing it into Leonardo's hands with both of his own, holding them fast like seconds ago. "For you! Trail mix, like how we did it back home! I still had some dried berries and apple chips... No fruit on the sea, after all." His grin turns a little impish. "Can't have all your teeth falling out like a real pirate, heh!"
And his smile softens again, reassuringly, full of trust and confidence. "Hey. I will be, and I know you'll be, too. You're my best friend in the world."
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aubins · 5 months
edelweiss :   what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ?are they known to be courageous from then on ?
botanical headcanons
bravest is certainly an interesting question i think because i don't think they would ever describe themself as brave in any serious manner; they don't actually think very highly of themself & their actions, regardless of what they say. personally, i think yuri is at their bravest when it comes to protecting people they care about.
to answer the actual question though, i'll go with the moment he decides not to kill bernadetta because i think it's the first time he's ever had to choose between himself and someone else. he chooses bernadetta's life— and proceeds to immediately pay for it.
Yuri: I crept into your room one night and readied my blade. Yuri: The whole thing had been a breeze, up until that moment. I couldn't bring myself to do it. — FE3H, Yuri & Bernadetta, A-Support
like, yuri knows it's bad. he's literally been caught red-handed trying to murder a noble house's heir. whatever's going to happen to him now, it's not going to be pretty. they're probably going to kill him, and if they don't, then whoever hired him in the first place will be happy to do so instead, if only to keep him quiet. he might as well take her with him.
i'm sure he thought about it too. wondered if he would finally find the resolve to actually kill her. and i'm sure he found that he couldn't do it anyway.
yuri didn't plan to spare bernadetta, the same way he never planned to kill those people from the church. both were decisions made in the moment, when the lives of people he cared for were suddenly threatened. when yuri turns his brain off for a moment and acts on emotion rather than plain reason, then he is brave. the bravest he'll ever be in his life, probably.
but these moments don't make them more courageous. if anything, they just make them more cautious. because it's dangerous to think that way. yuri doesn't trust things they can't guarantee the outcome of. it'll get them and the people they care for killed. but as constance says,
Constance: Yuri is exceedingly devoted to his friends[...]. — Cindered Shadows, Chapter 5: Danger in the Dark, Explore
and even if they would never consider themself as ‘brave,’ they'll do anything for the people they care for.
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damegalantea · 1 year
deja nue / team 1 gold round
When she would play saints & elites with her brothers, and then later with the ever competitive heirs to houses Gautier, Fraldalius, and Blaiddyd there was always a tussle over who would be Seiros.
She remembers her oldest brother swinging around a shield, proudly declaring that Ingrid would just have to take on the role of Ceathleann if she was unable to unarm him. The real Seiros could disarm a soldier with naught but her gaze. The real Seiros shone as bright and pure as her gold hair was said to be, and no one cared that she was a warrior but not a man for she was more than that, she was divine.
Garbed in white armor, holding a spell book in one hand and a staff in another Ingrid remembers those days, on how enraptured she had felt the one time she had managed to slip away to see the Opera troupe from Enbarr and heard Seiros speak for the first time, remembers how she had copied the actress’s stance and stage swordplay for weeks on end afterward until her instructor had told her how terribly unrealistic, and unbecoming it all was in reality.
Reality or not, Ingrid finds herself facing the Nue once more and there in the center of battle - the center of the stage - she feels right at home, as if the Goddess herself has placed her here.
“Again, we meet,” Ingrid calls up to the chimera: “have you stopped running? Know by now you cannot win this chase.”
Ingrid peers around her at the comrades she’s come to trust - Leonardo, Kent, Hector, and Sakura, and finds herself grinning. Again and again, they have knit themselves back together - compared to that the Nue’s miracle seems nothing but a parlor trick.
It stares blankly back at her, but Ingrid does not flinch; flips through the unknown spellbook until she feels the Faith strum through her fingers and then flings it the Nue’s way.
Ingrid attacks Nue with Luce. 1d4 roll: 3. Illusion does not proc!
For a moment the Nue shimmers like a heat mirage but then the spell hits with a blast of divine light and pinned there in the air Ingrid feels the magic strike true.
1d20: 8. Hit! (-2HP) Nue’s HP: 48/50. 1d4 roll: 3. Nue reflects all physical damage! Ingrid remains unaffected.
“Now is our chance!” Ingrid calls, excitedly, breaking character for the moment to shout to the others and in that moment the Nue howls: nearly causing Ingrid to drop her book, though she stays upright by leaning on her staff.
Nue counters with Omen. 1d20 roll: 14. Hit! (-2.5HP) Ingrid’s HP: 7.5/10.  Ingrid is inflicted with Void! 
Playing center stage certainly seemed to have its draw backs as well, but nothing she couldn’t handle. “I’m alright,” Ingrid assures, “just, ah, unused to this new toolkit. But, please, let us not falter! Surely this is the last stand!”
> @gentlenekomata@liegebound @braveryinblue @freedomarrow</
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exclted · 1 year
don’t mine at night 
The children of this town take up jobs in the quarry to earn some pocket change. It’s dangerous work, but as you enter the bounds of the quarry, it’s just another day on the job. Some of you are perceived as “younger” children and are tasked with chipping away stone and sweeping up chalkos. Others are perceived as “older” children and get more responsibilities for their trouble, supervising the young ones and detonating explosives to make way for them. 2d3 Stone, 1d4 Chalkos, 1 Obol for every post. @blaydiud & @freedomarrow
On a scale from one to what in Naga’s holy name, Lucina would likely rate the scene before her a solid seven.
She is already mid-swing of a pickaxe she has never seen before now, startled by the way the way her strike reverberates up her arms as it connects -- as though she had not known she was doing so until, well, it happened. 
Stone from the wall chips away, clattering to the floor. She stares down at it a moment before a familiar commanding voice shouts her name from somewhere a bit further down and she resigns herself to hefting the tool upwards again. 
Her pickaxe strikes again and she allows herself a glance around. To her left are two familiar blonde faces, both with their own assigned tasks. Eyes zero in on the thing in the nearest one’s hand.
“...is that a bomb?”
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"Watch out, sir!"
Leonardo's alarmed voice comes moments before an unnatural noise behind Cadros' back, something between a loud hum of leaves and a stifled groan, before the vine that sought to grab him from behind withdraws, together with the rest of the plant.
"That was close... Are you unharmed?" He asks as he comes closer, though maintaining a bit of a distance out of respect. "These plants are carnivorous, and I think the Elementals did not feed them enough..."
He sighs, shaking his head to refresh his thoughts, before finally a small smile comes up on his lips. "I'm Leonardo. It's nice to meet you, sir. Are you one of the newly appointed faculty, perhaps?"
Cadros startles slightly as he darted out of the way of a plant, a plant that he would have assumed was completely harmless, had it not been for the shout of warning a few moments before it may have been too late.
"Ah! Thank you for the warning, young sir! That could have been quite... disasterous indeed!" He smiles, always the picture perfect image of prestige, even after barely escaping dangerous situations with his life hardly intact. A very regal king indeed, always happy and joyful, even if he had very nearly just died.
"Yes, I am a new member of the faculty. My name is Cadros, I'm a professor for the Blue Lions."
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fangedjustice · 1 year
Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet
Task: Your (their) child fawns over all things cute and fluffy and is absolutely obsessed with rabbits. A live one may be a better gift than one that’s stuffed... Just as the thought occurs to you, you might just suddenly recall a field near the quarry that’s always teeming with rabbits. Figuring out their favorite foods should be enough for you to catch one. Sometimes it pays to be in the dream world! 2d2 Herbs per post.
There was a growing sense of unease as one week rolled into another. Days had gone by in this strange push-pull of knowing or remembering what they had to do, and then getting distracted or otherwise caught up in the tangle of dreams. There was more tension with the growing number of soldiers coming and going, the aliens becoming louder in their differing views as well.
The child that seems to come and go in the house, details murky in Lloyd’s mind beyond that they are related to the instrument maker that shares their workshop, speaks often of the rabbits that live near the quarry. It seems a perfect excuse to get away from the bulk of the city and try to clear his head. More eyes and hands for the endeavor was good, so Elincia and Leonardo join along to the grassy fields that lay beyond the sound of explosions and metal picks against rock. He’d not dealt with Leonardo very closely until now, but surely the skills of an archer brushed up alongside those of a trapper somewhat.
If it were merely hunting, it would be no question, but they were not here for something so simple.
“Have either of you trapped rabbits before?” Lloyd asked over his shoulder, kneeling down briefly to glance over the grassy terrain. Short, brittle grass was closer towards the quarry and its cliffs, but it became softer and more vibrantly green the further into the field it went. There were subtle tracks in the dirt here, small groupings of droppings on little animal paths in the grass. It seemed they had very little to fear here.
@amitieos, @freedomarrow
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braveryinblue · 1 year
"Mmm. Good evening, Sir Hector."
The quiet voice is heard behind the larger man's back, and sure enough, if Hector turns around, he will see Leonardo standing there with his arms wrapped around his chest. He flashes the other a smile, but it is soon replaced with the wince from a moment ago.
He gestures with his head to the scene off to Hector's left - the insect orchestra, tuning their instruments before the next piece - before sighing.
"It's kind of pathetic, isn't it. I've fought tiger shapeshifters almost ten times my size, but I draw the line at bugs that mean me no harm..."
He shakes his head, before turning his attention back to Hector, making an attempt at a smile again. "How has your evening been, anyway? I hope you've been well... even if it is a little exhausting." He pauses, looking down - at the Earth-shaped mark on both their hands - before extending his towards Hector.
"... Care for an exchange?"
Hector jumps near out of his skin. He breathes an audible sigh of relief upon turning to find a familiar - and non hostile - face.
"Oh, Leo, it's you-- you near scared the daylights outta me!"
He, too, winces, clearly on edge. However, upon closer inspection, Hector wonders if Leonardo mightn't be as well.
He opens his mouth to ask, but Leonardo takes the lead.
"… Ah."
Well, it is kind of pathetic in a way, sure. But one doesn't always choose their fears, right?
"It's nothing to be ashamed of," Hector starts with a grin that bodes ill for his friend despite firmly good intentions.
"The evening's been treating me well enough, thanks. Though, exhausting sounds apt..." He claps Leonardo's hand in a shake. It's the least he can do... or is it? "Hm! Hey, I've got an idea."
Of note: he's yet to relinquish Leonardo's proffered hand.
"Let's go see these creepy crawlies of yours up close! It's safe down here, nothin' can go wrong! We'll get rid of that fear of yours in no time flat."
And away they go.
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frauleindermorgen · 2 years
never use a messy recipe | leonardo and micaiah
It’s your turn on cooking duty, and you know exactly what you want to make: delicious pizzas! The kitchens are well stocked today; *too* well-stocked, in fact, because there are way too many choices for toppings, with everything you can imagine from meat to veggies to more unorthodox choices like chocolate or mapo tofu. Will you and your cooking partner come up with a brilliant new recipe, or spend the entire time arguing over whether or not that pineapple belongs on the pizza? [Grants Authority +1]
Micaiah had tempered her expectations upon first coming to the Officer’s Academy, knowing only that she was here so that she might serve Daein as a better queen; since then, she had certainly learned much but perhaps the biggest surprise was her newfound knowledge of culinary arts.
She would not say she was good at any of it, exactly, but prior to coming to Fodlan she had never even imagined the breadth and variety of dishes a single nation could have. Garreg Mach brought all three of their nations’ delicacies together, even including some from far off trading posts near Dagda and Morfis.
It was fascinating and had Micaiah thinking about food in an entirely different way.
Still while undoubtedly excited to be put on cooking duty, looking at all the toppings before her had her a bit overwhelmed. Well - at least she knew what pizza was from past experiences, and she could start on making the bread base until her help got here.
Humming a bit, Micaiah started in on the dough; content to be doing something with her hands she was not sure how much time had passed when she first heard the kitchen door open but when she saw who was on duty with her a large smile came to her face unbidden.
“Leonardo! I thought you were here.”
Placing the dough down, Micaiah rushes over - apron and all - to greet her friend. She’s relieved to see he looks well as it’s only been a week or so since the projectionist fiasco and Goddess knows what may have happened to him during that time. They had so much to catch up on!
“Please forgive me for not coming to see you earlier. Pelleas mentioned you were in the Blue Lions, I believe? Oh - I’m, it’s just so good to see you.”
She raises her floury hands and then pauses. If this were Edward or even Nolan she wouldn’t think twice about going in for a hug or a pat on the back, and if he’d been Sothe he’d doubtless already have flour all over his face already but Leonardo, just as dear to her as the rest, had always been a bit more reserved.
She decides to take his hand, anyway, laughing as she looks down at powder on them. “Today’s recipe is pizza! Have you ever had it, Leonardo?”
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rafent · 1 year
In between a dance or two that he joins - if only to avoid overthinking the current predicament - Leonardo finds himself in need of a bite to eat in order to keep himself going. Having already tried some of the more salty and savory food available to the ball's participants, he directs his steps towards the confection table for a change.
He wonders what he could take that would be both filling and to his taste; eventually, the blond's eyes land on the last sweet bun currently available at the stand, and he reaches for it -
only for another hand to pop up within his line of sight, prompting him to quickly back off.
His eyes dart up, meeting a pair of bright, sharp rubies of a man he vaguely recalls from the vicinity of the Black Eagles classrooms. A quiet, short gasp escapes him, before he nods in greeting and takes a step back.
"Ah. Apologies, Professor. Please take it if you want... I'll find something else."
Glucose- sugar- was the primordial fuel of all bodies no matter whether they were human or dragon. Only the Corrupted raised from crypts and gravestones had no need for such things. If only for that fact alone, Rafal could not fault any living soul which pursued the same articles of fine dining as he did, including the youth who crossed not only his path but also nearly his hand in a mutual aim for the sole remaining custard-filled sweetbun.
The dragon's imposing voice radiated authority, a moment of pause incited for his inspection to fall over the other. Some innermost part was pleased by the calling of professor but even more at the all too quick surrender. Surely, it was only natural for the weak to shrink back when faced with a potential onslaught of the strong. That sense of preservation found itself threaded even into the attitudes of the fell dragons who used power to dispose among themselves the living and the dying. Rafal, however, stood at the top; considered strong among both living and dead; and such a creature bore meaningful counsel in mind.
"You are not my student, else I would have noted someone so weak as to cede the rights to a last bite so easily. For our differing houses you are beyond my reprimand. However, heed my word of advice."
A cluck of his tongue struck sharply, succeeded by his crossed arms.
"If you should ever find yourself at a crossroads, trapped between your desires and that of another's, it is your own that should come first. Even if you must tear off the head and hand of your enemy to see them to fruition." Where had the blistering intensity of an 'enemy' suddenly been derived from? Though it was a solid question to deliberate, the self-satisfied professor provided no further elaboration beyond a nod. A fire-marked palm raised more hesitantly though proud nevertheless, evoking the popular human custom of a handshake.
"Rafal. You may call me such. Next time we meet, if at all, I expect to see of you a stronger showing."
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aystra · 1 year
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                                            *    𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖗    ayra  ... " lady ayra? my apologies... you startled me. " " i did not expect you to be awake so late. " " is something wrong? "                                       𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 :  @freedomarrow.
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              a breath slaughtered by a overwhelming sense of emotions ,       butchered  &  strangled.   beneath moonlight, the few she could confide in and it makes no sounds, or faux promises. it was a comfort so sincere she felt every bones in her body shift and contort her threatening to spill over her cheeks in a form of burning salt - water, but she stubbornly refuse to let it get the best of her. believing the tide would pass her.
  she pauses, as she hears her name on a foreign voice. ashen hues quickly snap to the blonde, startled just as badly, but just like the moonlight she made no sound as he slowly approached. her thoughts scattered and gathered was like an anthology with the words she could say but the pages were torn and out of order.   managing to breath out nothing but a simple :    “  no , but i'm sorry .  ”  
  trying not to lay it on the cold side of things with churning reveries weaving realities and nightmares like ghost stories.  a haunting history of her own mind :  where it had no room to leave a good impression when all it’s ever done was etched her grief and hatred against herself all-night, bleeding ;  scars tissues:  unhealed.   never to be seen by anyone but her. 
  she grips herself in her arms ever so tighter,  a gentle wish to not fall at the mercy of trepidation as the wind picks up like a warning sign.  ayra begins to admit the perhaps something was wrong but, tonight was not a night to discuss the woes that plagued her mind.  she takes it upon herself to wave her hand in lazy denial.
  “  hah, nothing at all, to be quiet honest. the stars just feel closer than usual tonight, so i decided to join them for a bit. however, i will admit, it's quiet cold out here so it is wearing down me down to drowsiness.  ”     it wasn't exactly a lie. a yawn rolled off her tongue as eyes water like morning dew between thick lashes and hazy vision they aimlessly wander around from his worried expression to the distant astrals. acting as if she didn't acknowledge the gesture.    “  ah... what about you, sir leonardo? i didn't exactly take you for a night owl.  ” 
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inferniso · 1 year
continued from here @freedomarrow
The stars are falling.
His arrow flies true and its tip sinks into the membrane of Idunn’s scaled wing. She rears up in response, taking a gargantuan step backward to steel herself from the shock of it all. He stands, and puts up a good fight. 
Though, a moment is all she shall need; Leonardo’s shot hurts, but it does not pierce her in the way swift Mulagir would. 
Idunn (3/5) attacks Leonardo with Phoenix Claws! Roll: 1 and 18, Hit and Hit. -1 HP and -1 HP (Leonardo 1/5)
Iduun reengages, thrusting herself forward to close the gap they have both created. Arrows can certainly harm a dragon’s wings, but they are not as easy to rend as a pegasus or wyvern. Divine demon retains most of her mobility and, once it is put to use swooping her into Leonardo’s range, she blasts him with another pair of fireballs. These seek his body directly, fired off with the wholehearted faith that he would be able to handle them.
He survived her last attack rather elegantly. Surely, Idunn believes, he can last this one, too.
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justices-blade · 1 year
a kiss against the cheek after discovering the other is napping
❥ kiss meme
The day's sunny and pleasant, and it's not all that much of a surprise that Edward's started dozing off against a wall, in a sunspot falling through the arches. The light turns brown hair caramel at the edges, warmth peppering sleepy kisses across his face, sun warming the stone that he leans against, palms flat on the floor to take in as much of it as he can, even in his sleep. His breaths come slow, steady, head lolling slightly to his right.
Steps approach, a cadence so familiar it doesn't even rouse him; Someone else to join the sun in gentle adoration, the presence next to him like the dip of a straw mattress, like filling the gaps between his fingers, like blue chasing sunrise-red. Breath fans against his skin, a soft huff of affection. Lips press featherlight to his cheek, a faint tickle of blond hair against his nose and eyelids making his lashes flutter in day-dream.
He might've dozed off while waiting, but that's alright; The world has slowed, its hand gentler than it's ever been. They have time. Stone cannot dip, so it does not, but quiet adoration settles next to him all the same, patient and indulging.
Time has slowed like syrup from Fódlan maples, novel and sweet; It's strange to think about how they had none before, how easily they can think this now, that they have time.
Patience, indulgence. They have endured. remember when I said the world can be kind?
They have time.
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