#free video editing app for instagram reels
I read this week that Instagram is pushing “overtly sexual adult videos” to young users. For a Wall Street Journal investigation, journalists created accounts that could belong to children, following young gymnasts, cheerleaders and influencers. The test accounts were soon served sexual and disturbing content on Instagram Reels, alongside ads for dating apps, livestream platforms with “adult nudity” and AI chatbots “built for cybersex”. Some were next to ads for kids’ brands like Disney.
This is something I’ve been trying to get across to parents about social media. The problem is not just porn sites. They are of course a massive concern. Kids as young as nine are addicted. The average age to discover porn is now 13, for boys and girls. And many in my generation are now realising just how much being raised on porn affected them, believing it “destroyed their brain” and distorted their view of sex.
But the problem is bigger than that. Porn is everywhere now. TikTok is serving up sex videos to minors and promoting sites like OnlyFans. The gaming platform Twitch is exposing kids to explicit live-streams. Ads for “AI sex workers” are all over Instagram, some featuring kids’ TV characters like SpongeBob and the Cookie Monster. And there’s also this sort of “soft-porn” now that pervades everything. Pretty much every category of content that kids could stumble across, from beauty trends to TikTok dances to fitness pages, is now pornified or sexualised in some way for clicks.
I think this does a lot of damage to Gen Z. I think it desensitises us to sex. I think it can ruin relationships. But beyond that, I also believe a major problem with everything being pornified is the pressure it puts on young girls to pornify themselves. To fit the sex doll beauty standard; to seek validation through self-sexualisation, and potentially monetise all this like the influencers they’re inundated with.
Which, of course, puts girls at risk of predators. Predators who are all over TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat. Predators whose algorithms helpfully deliver them more content of minors and steer them towards kids’ profiles. Predators who are taking TikToks of underage girls and putting them on platforms like Pornhub.
And this is even more terrifying because adolescent girls are especially vulnerable today. They are vulnerable anyway at that age—but today they have far less life experience than previous generations of girls did. They are extremely insecure and anxious, and much less resilient. Combine this with the fact that they are now more easily exposed to predatory men than ever before in history, and served to strangers by algorithms. And another thing: girls are also able to look way older now. They have AI editing apps to sexualise themselves. TikTok filters to pornify their bodies. And access to every kind of make-up and hair and fashion tutorial you can think of to look sexier and more mature. I don’t think enough parents realise how dangerous this situation is.
Which is why I find it so frustrating to see some progressives downplay the dangers of all this. Those that dismiss anyone concerned about the pornification of everything as a stuffy conservative. And somehow can’t see how the continual loosening of sexual norms might actually empower predatory men, and put pressure on vulnerable girls? That seems delusional to me.
Let’s just say I have little patience for those on the left who loudly celebrate women sexualising themselves online, selling it as fun, feminist and risk-free, but are then horrified to hear about 12 year-olds doing the same thing. C’mon. No wonder they want to.
But I also find it frustrating to see some on the right approach this with what seems like a complete lack of compassion. I don’t think it helps to relentlessly ridicule and blame young women for sexualising themselves online. I don’t think it’s fair either. We can’t give girls Instagram at 12 and then be surprised when as young women they base their self-worth on the approval of strangers. We can’t inundate kids with sexual content all the time and be shocked when they don’t see sex as sacred, or think sex work is just work! We can’t give them platforms as pre-teens where they are rewarded for sexualising themselves and presenting themselves like products and then shame them for starting an OnlyFans. We can’t expose them to online worlds where everything is sexualised and then be confused why some of Gen Z see their sexuality as their entire identity.
And again, on top of these platforms, girls are growing up in a culture that celebrates all of this. They are being raised to believe that they must be liberated from every restraint around sex and relationships to be free and happy, and many have never heard any different. Celebrities encourage them to be a slut, get naked, make/watch porn and make money! Mainstream magazines teach them how to up their nude selfie game! Influencers tell millions of young followers to start an OnlyFans, and pretend it’s about empowering young girls to do whatever they want with their bodies! I can’t say this enough: their world is one where the commodification and sexualisation the self is so normalised. It’s heartbreaking. And cruel that anyone celebrates it.
So sure, young women make their own choices. But when we have children sexualising themselves online, when girls as young as 13 are using fake IDs to post explicit content on OnlyFans, when a third of those selling nudes on Twitter are under the age of 18, I think it’s safe to say we are failing them from an early age.
I guess what I’m trying to get across is this: it’s tough for girls right now. It’s tough to be twelve and anxious and feel unattractive and this is how everyone else is getting attention. It’s tough to constantly compare yourself to the hyper-sexualised influencers that the boys you’re interested in are liking and following and thinking you have to compete. It’s tough to feel like the choice is sexualise yourself or nobody will notice you. The sad reality is we live in a superficial, pornified culture that rewards this stuff, and in many ways punishes you if you’re modest and sensitive and reserved, and a lot of girls are just trying to keep up with it.
We need serious cultural change. We need to wake up to how insane this all is, how utterly mental it is that we allow young girls anywhere near social media, and how we’ve let the liberalising of sexual mores escalate to the point where pre-teens are posing like porn stars and are lied to that it’s liberation. And where we need to start is with an absolute refusal from parents to let their kids on these platforms.
So please. If the relentless social comparison and obliteration of their attention span and confusion about their identity wasn’t enough, this has to be. Don’t let your daughters on social media.
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pixifybeat · 11 days
"Create Stunning Reels with ThePixify: Your Ultimate Reel Maker App"
Discover ThePixify, the ultimate reel maker app that transforms your videos into captivating reels effortlessly. Whether you're a social media influencer, a content creator, or just someone who loves sharing moments, ThePixify offers a suite of powerful editing tools, trendy effects, and user-friendly features to make your reels stand out. Download ThePixify today and unleash your creativity with ease!
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maddielevel6fmp · 3 months
Research; Design and marketing
To do next:
Competitor research
     - Apps that are made for students mental health and are successful 
     - Apps that are made for students/ gen-z that aren’t for mental health but still successful
Design research 
     - poster research- what makes a good poster thats aimed at gen-z / students that are successful and work well.
     - how to make a successful instagram presents in order to correctly market to gen-z (reels?)
Pre-existing marketing done by headspace 
      -Why do they work?
     - What do they do to make it successful 
     - do they make videos/reels to promote their app and website 
Competitor research:
Smiling mind- Smiling Mind is an Aussie mindfulness app designed to help users unwind and de-stress from the pressures of daily life. This one is more tailored to different age groups, though, which is helpful for younger users. Your child can choose their age group (e.g. 10-12), and access a range of different daily guided meditations and mindfulness programmes and exercises. It even has a 'Mindfulness in the Classroom' section for both pupils and teachers to use.
Rise up and recover- This app is designed for those in recovery from an eating disorder, or for anyone who is struggling with food, exercise and body-image issues. Rise Up + Recover allows your child to log their meals, emotions and behaviours, based on the self-monitoring homework aspect of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Your child can also save and share their logs on the app with their therapist if they're receiving treatment. Other features include motivational quotes and pictures that can be shared among users to create a positive and supportive community.
notOK- notOK is an innovative app for people in crisis - it's essentially a digital panic button. It's designed to get users immediate help and support when they need it via their trusted contacts. If your child suffers from depression or anxiety, asking for help isn't always the easiest thing. This app aims to make it easier. If they're not OK and need to reach out, they simply press the big red button on the app and it sends an alert to their selected trusted contacts to either text, call or come find them.
Happify- Happify helps users combat negative thinking and improve their emotional well-being; perfect for when your child is having a down-day or week and needs a pick-me-up with effective methods. It's packed with science-based activities and games, so you can improve your mood while having fun and thinking creatively. Happify focuses on positive thinking, stress management, building confidence as well as mindfulness.
Apps made for gen-z:
BeReal is a commonly and well known app used amongst gen-z its all about being real and raw with what  you’re up to in the moment the notification goes off, no fake posts not filters just hoensty. The be real goes off once a day and you have to take. Front and back photo where this is uploaded of your friends to see, at the end of he year be real compieles all your real momenta into a slide show, creating memories along the way.
Be Authentic. The BeReal app encourages people to be their authentic selves by eliminating filters and the need to stage, overthink, or edit images. 
Share Behind-the-Scenes Content. 
Advocate for Mental Health.
What do cereal do right in terms of marketing to their target audience?
-Currently Be real don’t use or run adds on their platform, Users can enjoy an ad-free experience while browsing their friends' daily posts. This simplicity may be a critical factor in the app's popularity and growth, but it remains to be seen how BeReal will monetise its platform in the future.
Within two years from its release, after securing large amounts of venture capital funding, BeReal was able to implement a unique marketing strategy in early 2022. The company started using college campus ambassador programs to market itself to this social media savvy and influential crowd.
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Design research: Posters for gen-z
Gen-z marketing and poster design mood board:
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Gen-z Social media marketing:
Headspace marketing (Existing):
social media:
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Headspace have an Instagram account as part of their social media presence, this is one way ill be also improving to market towards young people more as social media plays a big part in successful marketing to gen-z.
What do they do well?
posts are all cohesive to one and other.
stick to a clear colour theme
informative/ gives advice
simple and clear design's
Do they use reels/animations to promote their service?
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They do make reels, some of their reels are animations of breathing exercises and some are expert advice/thought's on questions from app users/follower's.
0 notes
affiliateinz · 4 months
Visionize Ai Review – Canva And Photoshop Killer
Hey I’m Inzamul, Welcome to my Visionize Ai Review – Canva And Photoshop Killer.
Say Goodbye To Hiring Designers, Artists, Video Editors, Or Using Expensive Apps… This New AI Model Is A Canva Killer…. No-Experience AI App Allows Us To Generate Stunning AI Animated videos, Ai Cartoon Images & Videos, 4K HD Images, Instagram Posts & Reels, Facebook & YT Videos, AI Drawing & Images, Ai Sketch Images, Ai Cinematic Pictures, Story Telling Images & Videos, AI Logos & Graphics
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Table of Contents
Visionize AI Review- The Overview
Creator: Pranshu Gupta
Product: Visionize Ai
Date Of Launch: 2024-Feb-09
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Product Type: Software (online)
Support: Effective Response
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed: All Levels
Coupon Code: “Visionize” $3 discount
The Features Of This Software
Click Here to Get Instant Access of Visionize AI Right Now >>
Generative AI: Utilizes 2nd generation generative AI for creating visuals like images, logos, banners, videos, animations, 3D models, infographics, and more.
Unrestricted Access: Provides unrestricted access to AI capabilities without monthly payments.
Wide Compatibility: Works across various devices including desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
Keyword or Voice Input: Allows input via keywords or voice commands, similar to virtual assistants like Siri.
Fast Generation: Quickly generates visuals within seconds using AI algorithms.
Commercial License: Includes a free commercial license, enabling users to sell generated visuals.
Marketplace Integration: Facilitates selling visuals on an integrated marketplace with millions of active buyers.
Mobile Edition: Offers a mobile edition for operating VisionizeAi on smartphones or tablets.
Comprehensive Training: Provides detailed training videos covering all aspects of the software.
World-Class Support: Offers reliable support to assist users with any issues or queries.
Graphics Generator AI: Generates graphics with a single click without the need for additional software.
Content Generator AI: Creates realistic images surpassing previous AI models.
Videos Generator AI: Produces videos without recording or editing, enhancing video marketing efforts.
Mobile Optimizer: Optimizes visuals for mobile devices, ensuring compatibility and performance.
Traffic Generation: Includes built-in features to drive traffic to generated visuals.
Advanced Editing: Offers features for reconstructing, inpainting, and colorizing images.
Logo Design: Enables users to design logos, banners, business cards, and other branding materials.
User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be beginner-friendly, requiring no prior experience.
Money-Back Guarantee: Backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee for customer satisfaction.
Bonus Package: Provides additional bonuses including special training, mascot characters, infographic guides, video marketing graphics, and 3D icon maker packs.
Visionize Ai Review – Canva And Photoshop Killer more info
Generate AI Images
Generate ANY Logo & Graphic
Generate Sketches & Drawings
Generate AI Videos
Generate AI Animation
Generate 3D Designs
Generate Instagram & Facebook Reels
Generate YouTube Shorts
Generate 4k HD Images
Reconstruct Images
Image Colorization
AI Images Inpainting
AI Image Denoising
AI Images Recogninzation
AI Images Synthesis
AI Cartoon Generator
AI Background Eraser
AI Image Filters
Free Commercial License
30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
How Does It Work?
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Visionize Ai Review: Who Should Use It?
Click Here to Get Instant Access of Visionize AI Right Now >>
Affiliate Marketers: Those in the affiliate marketing space can use VisionizeAi to create compelling visuals for their promotional efforts, such as banners, social media graphics, and product images.
CPA Marketers: Cost Per Action (CPA) marketers can leverage VisionizeAi to design eye-catching creatives for their campaigns, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
Blog Owners: Bloggers can use VisionizeAi to enhance their content with visually appealing images, infographics, and videos, making their posts more engaging and shareable.
Product Creators: Individuals or businesses creating digital or physical products can utilize VisionizeAi to design product packaging, logos, branding materials, and promotional videos.
E-commerce Store Owners: Owners of online stores can benefit from VisionizeAi by creating high-quality product images, videos, and advertisements to showcase their merchandise and attract customers.
Local Business Owners: Small businesses can use VisionizeAi to create professional graphics for their websites, social media profiles, advertisements, and promotional materials without the need for expensive design software or hiring a graphic designer.
Agency Owners: Marketing agencies can incorporate VisionizeAi into their service offerings, providing clients with visually appealing content for their digital marketing campaigns, social media channels, and websites.
Visionize Ai Review: Who Should Use It?
There are several reasons why you might consider using the VisionizeAi app:
Ease of Use: VisionizeAi boasts an intuitive interface that allows users to generate various types of visuals with just a few clicks. Even those with little to no design experience can create professional-looking graphics, videos, logos, banners, and more.
Time-Saving: With VisionizeAi’s AI-powered capabilities, you can significantly reduce the time spent on creating visuals for your projects. Instead of manually designing each element, you can quickly generate high-quality images, videos, animations, and 3D models in seconds.
Versatility: Whether you’re an affiliate marketer, blogger, e-commerce store owner, or agency owner, VisionizeAi offers a wide range of features and functionalities to meet your visual content needs. From social media graphics to product images to video ads, VisionizeAi can handle it all.
Cost-Effective: Unlike many other design tools that require a monthly subscription fee, VisionizeAi offers a one-time payment option, giving you unlimited and unrestricted access to its features without any recurring costs. This can save you money in the long run, especially if you’re on a tight budget.
Commercial License: VisionizeAi comes with a free commercial license, allowing you to sell the visuals you create to clients or on the built-in marketplace. This opens up opportunities for freelancers, agencies, and entrepreneurs to monetize their design skills and generate additional income.
Cutting-Edge Technology: VisionizeAi leverages 2nd generation generative AI technology, making it one of the most advanced visual content creation tools on the market. With features like AI graphics generation, content creation, video editing, and more, VisionizeAi stays ahead of the curve in terms of innovation.
Overall, if you’re looking for a user-friendly, time-saving, versatile, cost-effective, and technologically advanced solution for your visual content needs, VisionizeAi could be an excellent choice for you.
What’s The Cost?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions about VisionizeAi:
Do I need any experience to get started?
No, you don’t need any prior experience to use VisionizeAi. It’s designed to be user-friendly, and all you need is an internet connection to access its features.
Is there any monthly cost?
If you purchase VisionizeAi now, there is no monthly cost. However, the pricing model may change in the future, and there could be a monthly subscription fee if you wait to purchase it later.
How long does it take to make money?
While results may vary, some users have reported making their first sale on the same day they started using VisionizeAi. However, individual results may depend on various factors such as marketing efforts and niche selection.
Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
No, VisionizeAi is a complete solution that provides everything you need to create visual content. There are no additional purchases required to make it work.
What if I fail?
VisionizeAi offers a money-back guarantee to mitigate any risk for users. If you try the app and don’t achieve the desired results, you can request a refund, and the company may even offer additional compensation as a gesture of goodwill.
How can I get started?
To get started with VisionizeAi, simply click on any of the buy buttons on the website or promotional materials. Once you’ve made your purchase, you’ll receive access to the app and can begin using its features to create visual content.
Where can I get support if I have questions or issues?
If you have any questions or encounter any issues while using VisionizeAi, you can reach out to the support team via email at [email protected]. They should be able to assist you with any inquiries or technical difficulties you may have.
Click Here to Get Instant Access of Visionize AI Right Now >>
These FAQs should provide you with a better understanding of VisionizeAi and its features, pricing, and support options. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to the VisionizeAi team for assistance.
Thank for read my full review article, Visionize Ai Review – Canva And Photoshop Killer
Visionize Ai Review – Canva And Photoshop Killer
Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
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marketingprofitmedia · 4 months
Vid Monopoly Review – Creates Viral Shorts & Reels In 1-Click
Welcome to my Vid Monopoly Review Post. This is a real user-based Vid Monopoly Review Review where I will focus on the features, upgrades, demo, pricing and bonus how Vid Monopoly Review can help you, and my opinion. Creates the ultimate AI app that 100s of viral shorts and reels pull in millions of views, Subscribers and sales in just minutes!
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<< Click Here to Get Vid Monopoly + My $29000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
Vid Monopoly Review: What Is It?
Vid Monopoly is an AI-powered platform designed to empower content creators like you to crack the code to viral video success. Forget struggling with ideas and editing complexities — Vid Monopoly provides a user-friendly suite of tools to streamline your workflow and boost your content’s reach.
Consider a straightforward platform that develops interesting screenplays, edits your video with drag-and-drop ease, and even recommends emerging themes to capitalize on. Vid Monopoly goes above and above by providing automatic thumbnail generation, social media scheduling, and thorough statistics to help you better understand your audience and improve your approach.
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Vid Monopoly Review: Overview
Creator: Yogesh Agarwal
Product: Vid Monopoly
Date Of Launch: 2024-Jan-25
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
Official Website: Click Here
Product Type: Software (Online)
Support: Effective Response
Discount : Get The Best Discount Right Now!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Vid Monopoly Review: Key Features
Effortlessly Dominate Every Short Form Video Platform — Youtube, Instagram, FB, TikTok, Linkedin and more.
​Ride the Trend, Enjoy FREE Traffic: Instagram, YouTube are pushing short form videos — ride the wave and enjoy free, organic traffic to your offers.
​Say Goodbye to Content Struggles: No more burnouts trying to brainstorm content ideas — let our AI do all the heavy lifting for you.
​No Need To Be On Camera, No Voice, No Complex Video Editing Skills Needed.
​Save Time, Money, and Effort: Replace expensive tools and tedious processes, save tons of time, money, effort & resources.
​Instant Exposure, Instant Traffic: With 100s of videos created & Viral accelerator method, magnetise traffic to your site instantly.
​Stay Ahead of the Competition: Capitalise on the latest trends by creating 100s of videos around popular topics.​​
​Newbie-Friendly and Simple: It’s simple, user-friendly, and requires no technical skills.
​Unlimited Potential: Works In Any Niche, Any Offer. It’s Fully Scalable & Repeatable.​
​Low 1-time Price During Launch Period
​Commercial Licence Allowing You To Re-sell These Videos For High Profits!
<< Click Here to Get Vid Monopoly + My $29000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
Vid Monopoly Review: How Does It Work?
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Vid Monopoly Review: Can Do For You
Dominate EVERY Short Form Platform WITHOUT Breaking A Sweat!
Instagram & YouTube Favours Short Form Videos & Send You FREE Traffic
No More Struggling With Video Creation & Content Ideas!
Save Tons & Tons of Time, Money, Effort & Resources!
Gain Instant Exposure & Traffic To Your Websites And Offers!
Catch The Latest Trends & Stay Ahead Of The Competition!
Newbie Friendly, Easy-To-Use & No Skills Required
Scale To Infinity & Beyond!
24X7 Support and 100% Uptime Guaranteed
Vid Monopoly Review: Verify User Feedback
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Vid Monopoly Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
​Business Owners
​Youtube Content Creators
​Make Money Online Bloggers and Podcasters
​F​ounders, CEOs, CMOs, Founders
​eCom & Shopify Store Owners
​Social Media Marketers
​Coaches, Mentors or Gurus
​And anyone else who wants free, stress free and easy traffic!
Vid Monopoly Review: OTO’S And Pricing
Front End Price: Vid Monopoly ($17)
OTO 1: Pro Edition ($47)
OTO 2: DFY Edition ($147)
OTO 3: AudioAvatar Edition ($47)
OTO 4: MultiMarketer Edition ($47)
OTO 5: ChatGPT Edition ($37)
OTO 6: Reseller Edition ($147-$117)
<< Click Here to Get Vid Monopoly + My $29000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
Vid Monopoly Review: My Special Bonus Bundle
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Vid Monopoly Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: COMMERCIAL LICENSE (Value $297)
The commercial license allows you to use our videos in any way you want. This means you can use them for your personal or commercial projects without any restrictions. You can sell videos created with VidMonopoly to clients for any price you want. You can sell them on Fiverr, Upwork, Warriorforum, and anywhere you want.
Bonus #2: LIVE Webclass (Value $297)
Join Our Live Web Class Where We Show You The Fastest, FAIL-PROOF, Plug-n-Play System To Make $10,000 PER MONTH Just By Giving Away FREE Passes! Learn The Exact System With The Step By Step Training (Even If You’re A Beginner)
Bonus #3: Traffic On Demand CheatSheet (Value $197)
Learn the exact strategies that make Shorts go viral. The research part, the strategy, and the step-by-step method. Learn everything you need to start driving traffic to your YouTube short videos in no time.
Bonus #4: 100 YouTube Shorts Channels List To SPY & Take Inspiration. (Value $67)
We researched and created a list of 100 profitable YouTube Shorts Channels. You can use these for inspiration, create your own, and become profitable from Day 1.
Bonus #5: The Unshakeable Super Affiliate (Value $297)
As you start getting traffic with AI Video Tales, use our SECRET affiliate strategies to quickly achieve your 1st $100, $500, and $1000. How to stand out and build a long-term, sustainable, profitable & unshakeable online business with affiliate marketing!
Bonus #6: Become A Successful Social Media Influencer (Value $197)
Learn how to become a successful Influencer and charge huge amounts of money per post. Follow the exact steps, and system other successful Influencers have followed and copy it.
Bonus #7: TikTok Marketing Checklist (Value $97)
Increase your following on both YouTube and TikTok and post your TubeRushr videos on TikTok as well. Learn 18 TikTok best practices, 25 strategies, and the best organic best practices to get FASTER results on TikTok.
Bonus #8: Free Instagram Traffic (Value $97)
Learn how to use VidMonopoly videos to grow your audience on Instagram. This guide will help you to define your audience, retain them, attract more followers, create an online store, drive traffic to your website, and avoid common mistakes.
Bonus #9: Easy Video Strategies (Value $97)
Leverage the power of video marketing to become an online sensation! Connect to your potential customers and become a powerful brand name! Enjoy unrivaled brand exposure and Get a competitive edge over others.
Bonus #10: 100X Youtube Advertising (Value $67)
Want to 100x your results with YouTube ads? Launch a successful YouTube video campaign quickly. Learn how to reach new audiences, and maximize traffic and profits with YouTube advertising!
Vid Monopoly Review: Money Back Guarantee
There Is No Risk. You Are Covered By Our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
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Vid Monopoly Review: Conclusion
In conclusion, Vid Monopoly isn’t a viral cheat code, but it’s a potent weapon in your content creation arsenal. Its AI-powered features, user-friendly interface, and insightful analytics arm you to craft high-quality, engaging videos that resonate with your audience. While virality remains a fickle beast, Vid Monopoly significantly increases your chances of success, making it a valuable investment for serious creators seeking to own their corner of the digital content universe. Take the reins, embrace the AI assistance, and unlock your viral potential with Vid Monopoly!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do I need to download anything to use VidMonopoly?
No, you don’t have to download anything. VidMonopoly is a cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) product. You can buy now and start using the product right away. All you need is your email ID and password to access it anytime from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Q. Is there a monthly fee?
No, once you buy VidMonopoly, you don’t have to pay a monthly fee. VidMonopoly is a one-time purchase product.
Q. What happens after the launch period?
The price will turn into a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION and the low one-time price will never be available again! We encourage you to take action before the launch period ends.
Q. Can I have a refund?
We guarantee that you will get more value from your purchase of VidMonopoly than what you pay us. However, if for some reason the product is not living up to your expectations at any time within 30 days of buying it, we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Q. What if I have no subscribers on YouTube? Can I still get traffic?
Yes. We will provide you with our personal Video Ranking CheatSheet that will rank your videos in no time. So you can get free traffic to your videos straight away.
Q. What about the future updates?
You won’t pay a penny extra for future updates. And, you’ll get free lifetime updates to keep your product up-to-date.
Q. Will you add more resources in the future?
Yes, we will keep adding more high-quality resources to keep it updated for you. And it won’t cost you a penny extra.
<< Click Here to Get Vid Monopoly + My $29000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
Thank for reading my Vid Monopoly Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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influnance5 · 5 months
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Mastering Instagram Marketing in 2024: Top Tools for Influencer Success and Brand Growth
Instagram is one of the most popular and fastest-growing social media platforms in the world, with over 1 billion monthly active users . Instagram is a short-form video app that allows users to create and share content on various topics, such as music, dance, comedy, beauty, fashion, education, and more. Instagram is also a place where brands can connect with their target audiences, especially the younger generations, through influencer marketing.
Influencer marketing is a type of marketing where brands partner with influential content creators to promote their products or services to their followers. Influencer marketing can help brands increase their brand awareness, reach, engagement, trust, and sales. According to a report by Influencer Marketing Hub, influencer marketing on Instagram can generate an average engagement rate of 17.96%, which is much higher than other platforms.
But how can you make the most of your Instagram marketing strategy in 2024?
What are the best tools and tips to help you create, manage, and optimize your Instagram content and campaigns?
In this article, we will share with you the top Instagram marketing tools you’ll need in 2024, and how they can help you grow your brand and business on Instagram.
Top Instagram Marketing Tools in 2024
Here are the top Instagram marketing tools you’ll need in 2024, along with their features and benefits:
1. Influnance
Influnance is the ultimate Instagram marketing tool for brands and influencers. Influnance is a powerful and user-friendly platform that connects you with the best brands and influencers for your niche and goals. Influnance also provides you with tools and resources to create and manage your Instagram marketing campaigns, and to optimize your content for SEO.
With Influnance, you can:
Find and work with the best influencers for your niche, budget, and objectives, based on data-driven insights and recommendations
Analyze the performance and impact of your Instagram marketing campaigns, using advanced metrics and analytics
Generate high-quality and personalized content, using natural language processing and computer vision
Enhance the customer experience, using chatbots and voice assistants
Launch and run your own affiliate program, and invite influencers to join and promote your products or services
Leverage live shopping as a sales booster, by connecting with the best live shopping influencers for your niche and goals
Influnance is easy to use, affordable, and secure. You can sign up for a free trial today, and start exploring the features and benefits of Influnance. You can also contact us for a demo or a consultation, and we will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you might have.
Don’t miss this opportunity to take your Instagram marketing to the next level in 2024. Join Influnance today, and discover the power and potential of Instagram marketing.
2. Canva
Canva is a graphic design tool that helps you create stunning and professional-looking visuals for your Instagram posts, stories, reels, and ads. Canva is easy to use, and offers thousands of templates, icons, fonts, colors, and effects to choose from. You can also upload your own images, logos, or videos, and edit them with Canva’s tools.
With Canva, you can:
Create eye-catching and engaging visuals for your Instagram content, such as photos, collages, graphics, or animations
Customize your visuals to match your brand’s voice, values, and aesthetics, and add text, stickers, filters, or music
Resize and optimize your visuals for different platforms and formats, such as Instagram posts, stories, reels, or ads
Download or share your visuals directly to your Instagram account, or schedule them for later with Canva’s scheduler
Canva is free to use, and offers a premium plan with more features and benefits.
3. Later
Later is a social media management tool that helps you plan, schedule, and publish your Instagram content. Later is an official Instagram partner, and allows you to schedule and post your Instagram content directly, without any notifications or reminders. Later also offers a visual planner, where you can drag and drop your photos and videos, and see how they will look on your Instagram feed.
With Later, you can:
Plan and schedule your Instagram content in advance, and save time and resources
Post your Instagram content directly, without any notifications or reminders
Preview and edit your Instagram feed, and make sure it looks consistent and appealing
Analyze and optimize your Instagram content, and see what works best for your audience
Later is free for up to 30 posts per month, and offers paid plans with more features and benefits.
4. Hashtagify
Hashtagify is a hashtag research and analysis tool that helps you find and use the best hashtags for your Instagram content. Hashtags are words or phrases that start with a # sign, and help users find and follow topics or categories they are interested in. Using hashtags can help you increase your Instagram visibility, reach, and engagement, and attract more followers and customers.
With Hashtagify, you can:
Find the most popular and relevant hashtags for your niche, industry, or audience, and see their popularity, trends, and related hashtags
Analyze the performance and impact of your hashtags, and see how they affect your Instagram metrics, such as views, likes, comments, and shares
Optimize your hashtags, and use the best practices and tips to make your hashtags more effective and engaging
Hashtagify is free to use, and offers a premium plan with more features and benefits.
5. Unfold
Unfold is a story creation tool that helps you create stunning and captivating stories for your Instagram account. Stories are short-form videos or photos that disappear after 24 hours, and are a great way to showcase your brand’s personality, values, or culture, and connect with your audience. Unfold offers hundreds of templates, fonts, stickers, and filters to choose from, and allows you to create stories that stand out from the crowd.
With Unfold, you can:
Create beautiful and engaging stories for your Instagram account, such as photos, videos, collages, or animations
Customize your stories to match your brand’s voice, values, and aesthetics, and add text, stickers, filters, or music
Download or share your stories directly to your Instagram account, or save them for later with Unfold’s scheduler
Unfold is free to use, and offers a premium plan with more features and benefits.
In conclusion, as Instagram continues to dominate the social media landscape with its ever-growing user base, harnessing the power of influencer marketing is essential for brands looking to thrive in 2024. The tools mentioned above—Influnance, Canva, Later, Hashtagify, and Unfold—form a formidable arsenal for crafting a winning Instagram marketing strategy.
Influnance stands out as the ultimate ally, seamlessly connecting brands with influencers, offering advanced analytics, and even providing AI-powered content generation. Canva unleashes the creative potential with its user-friendly design tools, while Later ensures strategic planning and scheduling to maintain a consistent and visually appealing feed. Hashtagify and its AI-powered hashtag generator elevate discoverability, while Unfold makes storytelling a captivating experience.
As we navigate the dynamic landscape of Instagram marketing, staying ahead requires not only leveraging these top-notch tools but also embracing innovation and adaptability. By incorporating these tools into your arsenal and continually refining your approach, you're poised to not only navigate the challenges of Instagram marketing but to thrive in the ever-evolving digital ecosystem of 2024. So, embark on this journey, amplify your brand presence, and let the world discover the unique story that only your brand can tell on Instagram. The stage is set, the tools are in hand—time to make 2024 your year on Instagram!
Sign up for Influnance today and start your journey with us. We can’t wait to see what you can achieve with Influnance.
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apkslink · 6 months
Canva Mod Apk (Pro or Premium Unlocked)
In the 21st century, the reasons behind every developed country are their high technology in every sector or field. Creativity is a currency of immense value for developed countries in every country. Visual communication is vital in conveying ideas, experiences, thoughts, and other essential messages. Do you know what role graphic design plays in our life? Whether for professional or personal communication, graphic design tools play a vital role because they create creativity in the thought process. Can you ever use the Canva MOD APK?
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Canva app is a graphic design tool where you can democratize design quickly, and there is no need for the help of any technical expertise. It is a straightforward and convenient app where you can easily edit photos without help. This app is a very famous application among all the graphic design tools. It provides excellent services to all the users, and this app’s features satisfy every user and make it famous worldwide. You can log in to the original canvas in the browser directly. Still, this apk is not available on Google Play Store, so don’t worry because you can download it through the website; very carefully download this apk only from trusted sources.
What is Canva?
Canva has prominent features helpful in designing any content of any size. In this app, there are a lot of templates, so you need not worry about how to design any banner. You can easily choose any templates from the suggested templates and design them according to your needs or your imagination. Using this apk, you can edit your photos by adding stickers and effects according to your requirements to make them unique or special. Do you have any social media accounts? If yes, this app will help you make unique or creative posts that you can post on your social media accounts. You can make posts and edit the videos or images to make them fabulous. You can use a filter to make it very beautiful and resize it according to your needs wherever you want to post it. The Canva mod apk is unlocked pro or premium features. You can also use other Video Editing Apps from our website.
Yes, this apk is free of cost without paying any subscription, so you need not use the original app where you pay for services.
Yes, in the Canva apk, you can access all features, and through using all features, you can design any graphic.
It is also available on mobile to edit your photos easily.
There is a bundle of features in the Canva premium mod apk, which is easily accessible to all the users who can download this apk from the website. With all its features, this apk makes life convenient for anyone without expertise in graphic design. So, the features of the Canva mod apk are as follows:-
Excellent Posts for Social Media Account:-
Every person wants to be active on their social media accounts and post new content daily to make it active. This app will help to make your social media accounts interactive and unique among all the user accounts. You can make a fantastic post and reel videos and edit any images and other content easily to make it awesome. Due to your creativity in the post, you can gain good feedback from your audience who are seeing this post. They can also comment, which is a good sign for any person. You can also design your Instagram VIP bio through this app.
Large Number of Templates:–
Through Canva mod apk download templates without a subscription. Using these templates, you can design your banner images, posters, pictures, reels, and anything else with a few changes in these templates per your needs. The quality of these templates is incredible, making it a luxury look if you can also design any pictures using them.
Remove any pictures background:–
Usually, no app can remove any background of pictures, but through Canva Pro APK, you can easily remove any picture background very conveniently. You can add a new background as suitable or make good-looking pictures. If you want to blur your background images, you can do this through this app.
Create any logos:–
In this apk, there are lots of logos that the app can suggest, so you can only pick any logo and design that logo as per your business requirements. You can choose 2-3 different logos and combine them all in one to make it unique and astonishing.
Customization in size to make images:–
Through Canva mod apk, you can easily customize the size of whatever you want to make it. You can resize your images without any interruption so that you can post these images anywhere. You can easily adjust the images per size you want to post on any social media account.
Export and Share any designs:–
Its immense feature allows you to design and export any images wherever you can, either on mobile or laptop. You have a feature to share these images with anyone who you want to share them.
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222221144 · 6 months
Igram Video Downloader
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Instagram Video Downloader
Sssigram is a popular Instagram downloader that allows you to easily download videos, photos, stories, and IGTV content from Instagram in just a few simple steps. Whether using a PC, Mac, Android, or iOS device, sssigram.com offers a seamless experience for Instagram data downloads without additional software or extensions.
Instagram is a popular social network where users can interact with stories, browse reels, post their best images and videos, and take advantage of a number of video editing tools. Instagram posts millions of new pieces of material every day, but users frequently run into issues when trying to download and store these images, videos, and stories on their devices. This is where sssigram comes in, offering an easy way to extract Instagram content.
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Access from Any Device
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Unlimited Download
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Free Service
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IGTV provides longer videos on Instagram, and sssigram allows you to download them for offline viewing, even without a Wi-Fi connection.
Features of sssiGram:
Download Instagram Photos
Easily download Instagram photos with the Instagram Photos Downloader on sssigram.
Download Instagram Reels Videos
Enjoy free downloads of Instagram Reels videos in MP4 format on all devices (PC, Mac, Android, iOS).
Download IGTV Videos
IGTV provides longer videos on Instagram, and sssigram allows you to download them for offline viewing, even without a Wi-Fi connection.
Download Instagram Story
Instagram stories combine images and videos to create engaging narratives. Using sssigram.com, you can download Instagram stories for offline viewing.
Private Videos Downloader
sssigram allows you to download high-speed videos from Instagram (IG, Insta) in HD video quality.
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How to Download Instagram Videos and Photos:
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Open the Instagram app on your Android device or visit Instagram.com on your PC. Log in to your Instagram account.
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Find the content you want to save. Click on the “…” icon at the top of the post and select the “Copy Link” option.
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Open the sssigram.com website. Paste the Instagram link you copied into the input box on the top page of sssigram. Click the “Download” button, and file will be download into your device..
The service offered by sssigram.com is updated frequently to deliver the highest quality Instagram data downloads. Spread the word about this tool to your friends so they can download Instagram content without any hassles.
You can download movies and images uploaded from your account with the aid of our downloader tool. Please be aware that utilising this service to gain unauthorised access to the websites or data of others may result in the termination of your access.
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ashokgandotra7485 · 6 months
InstaSave: Reel Edition
In the fast-paced world of social media, Instagram's Reels have become a captivating way for users to share short and engaging video content. Whether it's a hilarious skit, a mesmerizing dance routine, or a quick glimpse into daily life, Reels allow for creative expression in bite-sized moments. However, the ephemeral nature of these videos can leave viewers longing to preserve and revisit their favorite content. This is where "InstaSave: Reel Edition" comes into play, offering a seamless solution to capture and cherish those memorable Instagram Reels.
The "InstaSave: Reel Edition" app is designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind, providing users with a user-friendly interface for hassle-free downloading. With just a few taps, you can transform a fleeting Reel into a lasting keepsake on your device. The app acts as a digital vault, allowing you to curate a collection of your most cherished Reels, ensuring that the moments you love are always within reach.
One of the standout features of "InstaSave: Reel Edition" is its versatility. The app not only supports the download of your own Reels but also allows you to save Reels from other users. Whether you're inspired by a friend's creativity or captivated by a trending Reel from a popular creator, this tool ensures you can build a library of diverse and entertaining content.
Privacy is a top priority, and "InstaSave: Reel Edition" respects the rights of content creators. The app operates within the bounds of Instagram's terms of service, ensuring a secure and ethical downloading process. It doesn't compromise the integrity of the platform but enhances the user experience by extending the lifespan of Reels beyond their 24-hour shelf life.
As social media continues to evolve, "InstaSave: Reel Edition" stands out as a valuable companion for Instagram enthusiasts. It bridges the gap between the temporary nature of Reels and the desire to create a lasting archive of meaningful content. With this app, the vibrancy and creativity found in Instagram Reels can be enjoyed long after they've disappeared from the platform, making it an indispensable tool for anyone who values the artistry and spontaneity of this dynamic form of expression.
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bestarticlestoread · 7 months
Diwali Poster Maker & Diwali Video Maker App for Diwali Festival Celebration 2023
Diwali Poster Maker & Diwali Video Maker App for Diwali Festival Celebration 2023
Ready to use Diwali Poster 2023 Templates with Business Details….
Are you in search of how to make Diwali Poster online from your mobile? Then you are right place here is Diwali 2023 templates ready to use to create stunning posters and videos for social media post.
Diwali Poster Maker App is the best app to create customize posters with your business details. One can create Deepawali poster in different Indian language. Customize Diwali Poster in 1 minutes with your business logo, name, address, contact number, etc. Diwali is the best time of the whole year to celebrate the Indian Festival.
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When is Diwali in 2023 in India?
This year Diwali is on 12th November 2023, Sunday in India.
What are the 5 Days of Diwali in 2023?
Day 1 - Dhanteras [10th November, 2023 Friday]
Day 2 - Choti Diwali/Kali Chaudas [11th November, 2023 Saturday]
Day 3 - Diwali [12th November, 2023 Sunday]
Day 4 - Gujarati New Year [13th November, 2023 Monday]
Day 5 - Bhai Beej [14th November, 2023 Tuesday]
Deepawali is the biggest festival celebrated all over the India and some other countries. The festival is also known as the "festival of lights" and is celebrated for five days in India. It is the festival of light, diya, lamp, love and happiness. It symbolizes the spiritual “victory of good over evil, and light over darkness”.
Diwali Poster
Nowdays creating all festival post is in very much trend. One can easily create social media post without having professional designer skills with this Diwali Poster Maker app. Download the app and add required details to display on the image.
Other than Diwali Poster one can create different types of posters like Rama Ekadashi, Vagh Baras, Dhanteras, Choti Diwali, Lakshmi Puja, Narak Chaturdashi, Govardhan Puja, Happy New Year, Bhai Dooj, Labh Pancham, etc. Pre-made Diwali Advertisement Poster to promote your business online. With a wide range of customizable features, you can create a unique post that will get your noticed.
From this app you can select and choose from inbuilt options of posters and videos. After that Edit Frame, Text, Color, Font Style, Add Stickers, Drag and Drop business details. And lastly you can Save, Diwali Poster Background Download and Share post with you friends and family or in group.
Customize DIWALI POSTER 2023 in Languages like:-
Diwali Poster Maker in Hindi
Diwali Poster Maker in Marathi
Diwali Poster Maker in English
Diwali Poster Maker in Tamil
Diwali Poster Maker in Gujarati
Diwali Poster Maker in Telugu
Diwali Poster Maker in Punjabi
Diwali Poster Maker in Kannada
Diwali Poster Maker in Bengali
Diwali Poster Maker in Urdu
Promote Your Business Online on this Diwali by creating eye-catchy banners, flyer, reels, etc. in few clicks.
Diwali Poster Banane Wala App
This Diwali Poster Banane Wala App is very easy to use for the users or customers. Diwali Poster Background Templates Free Download on one click. Happy Diwali Video Maker for WhatsApp and Facebook. Generate Diwali Video Status or Reel from your gallery photos or short video clip.
1. Download the App
2. Signup with your mobile number and add required business details such as logo, name, address, website, contact number, WhatsApp number, company url, address location.
3. Select the Festival or Day Image or start from scratch.
4. Choose the Language
5. Select the Image or Video template
6. Opt the Frame design which is more suitable to your background theme.
7. Select and Deselect the business details to show or hide.
8. You can Text, Change the Font Color and Style.
9. Also you can Add Sticker.
10. And finally save or share the post directly on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.
Diwali Poster Maker Online is the very popular and easy way to generate festival banners. Happy Diwali Poster Maker Online is an app that allows anyone to create Deepavali posters quickly and is the most beautiful design. So, download the app for digital marketing and for personal use with this app.
Amazing Diwali Poster Making with My Photo to celebrate the special day. Diwali Poster Making App to send wishes to loved ones. Diwali Poster Background in Hindi, English, Gujarati, Marathi, etc. regional languages. Also create Greetings, Full Screen Status, Flyer, Brochure, Banner, etc. for Deepavali 2023.
You can also use these posters for business marketing to promote business products or services online. Using this application is the best way to create a beautiful Diwali Poster in minutes without spending lots of hours on designing the post.
Which is the best poster maker app ?
Diwali Poster Maker & Video app is the best poster maker app.
Can I make Diwali poster for business ?
With this Diwali Poster Maker any one can design Diwali poster for business with details such as logo, company name, mobile number, discount offer text, etc.
Can I promote my Diwali Poster ?
Yes, off course you can promote Diwali Poster on your social media accounts.
How to make Diwali Poster ?
To make Diwali Poster with is Diwali Poster Maker android app is very easy. Just use readymade template to instantly make the post.
1) Select a template
2) Choose a Language
3) Personalize your poster with details like Company Name, Logo, Phone No, Address & Website
4) Add Text, Stylish Font & Color
5) Share it through social media or Save it in your phone
Can I Add Logo in my Diwali Poster ?
YES, you can add logo in your Diwali Poster 2023.
Diwali Poster With Photo And Name
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futureailist · 7 months
Simplified: Revolutionizing Modern Marketing Collaboration In today's fast-paced world of marketing, collaboration and efficiency are paramount. Enter Simplified, the all-in-one app designed to streamline your modern marketing team's efforts and elevate your content creation game. With a plethora of features and tools at your disposal, Simplified is here to simplify and supercharge your marketing endeavors. Unleash the Power of AI Simplified is the trusted partner of over 2.5 million marketing teams, creators, and businesses worldwide. With its AI powered graphic design tools, millions of free photos, and thousands of design templates, you'll save time and money while producing stunning visuals that resonate with your audience. Effortless Design Background Remover: Eliminate backgrounds from images with just a click, enabling you to create tailored product listings, ads, and campaigns. Magic Resizer: Resize designs instantly for various platforms, ensuring your content shines across Instagram, Facebook, banners, and more. Brand Kits: Create and share unlimited Brand Kits, seamlessly incorporating logos, fonts, and colors into your designs. Captivating Video Creation Simplified's video capabilities are unmatched, catering to all your needs: Video Editor: Edit, transcribe, add subtitles, and remix videos effortlessly, including YouTube shorts and reels. Premium Stock Videos: Access a library of premium videos and GIFs, or upload your own, for multi-channel marketing. Animation Maker: Bring your designs to life with captivating animations. Royalty-Free Audio: Search a vast library for audio clips that set the right tone for your brand. AI-Driven Content Creation Simplified's AI Writer is a game-changer for content creation: Long Form Writer: Craft plagiarism-free, long-form content in various languages and tones, combining templates for originality. Content Rewriter: Expand and revamp copy in seconds with the content rewriter tool. Company Bio: Generate keyword-focused business bios to elevate brand awareness. Simplified: The Ultimate Free AI Image Creator Elevate your design game effortlessly with Simplified – the ultimate no-code solution for all your graphic design needs. Craft stunning invitations, ads, social media posts, videos, and more, all in one convenient platform. Our AI-powered tool revolutionizes design, making it accessible to everyone – no prior experience required. Explore a world of limitless possibilities with thousands of templates catering to posters, brochures, flyers, business cards, and beyond. Let your imagination run wild and effortlessly design captivating logos and marketing materials on our user-friendly platform. Experience design like never before with one-click editing tools that redefine simplicity: Seamlessly resize designs for various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Precision crop images using pre-determined ratios and creative clipping shapes. Add dynamic flair with intro and outro animations to captivate your audience. Effortlessly remove backgrounds in a matter of seconds. Elevate your visuals by replacing graphics with watermarked images from our extensive stock library. Simplified isn't just a tool; it's a collaborative hub that empowers teams to thrive. Invite team members to edit, manage, tag, and provide real-time comments on projects. Streamline feedback, approvals, and final design touches while keeping your work meticulously organized in dedicated folders for clients and projects. Fuel your ideas with professional templates and elements that transcend the ordinary. Craft brand assets, social media content, banners, graphics, and more within minutes. Dive into our Premium Asset Library to cherry-pick design components and elements that resonate. Amplify your designs effortlessly with animations that catch the eye – all within the grasp of Simplified. But the journey doesn't end at designing; it's about showcasing your brilliance too. Seamlessly
connect your social media accounts, import or create designs, and harness the power of our Content Calendar to schedule posts. Plan weeks or months ahead with ease, as Simplified simplifies both the process and the outcome. Crafting Compelling Content: Your AI-Powered Advantage Elevate your content game with the revolutionary AI Copysmith Engine. Craft diverse copy for over 50 genres in mere moments through the cutting-edge AI Scribe. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to unparalleled, non-plagiarized content tailored to blogs, essays, promotions, commodities, websites, and the dynamic world of social media. Forge Prime Content Using a Versatile Arsenal of 50+ AI Templates Ignite conversions with precision-crafted copy for a wide array of purposes. From engaging corporate bios to captivating Facebook promotions, detailed product descriptions, impactful email campaigns, persuasive landing pages, enlightening YouTube elaborations, memorable taglines, and more – our AI content artisan has you covered. Choose from over 10 intonations to reach your audience, expanding your impact across a diverse spectrum of 30+ languages. Mastering the Craft of the AI Penman Experience a seamless free AI content generator with our user-friendly platform: Navigate to your Dashboard and engage the AI Aide. Select either the Protracted Configuration or the Succinct Structure Scribe. Designate your preferred language and tone, then execute the assignment. Click 'Forge' and cherry-pick the content that perfectly aligns with your aspirations. Elevate Your Writing Prowess with the Copy AI Redefinition Apparatus Transform your verbiage instantaneously with our complimentary AI Scribe. Refine and reshape motivational prose for Facebook and Instagram snippets, compelling quotations, vivid portrayals, persuasive marketing literature, or captivating webpage material. All this magic is orchestrated by the mystical AI Copysmith apparatus and the AI textual generator. Enhance your prose with our content remolder, elevating clarity and coherence while preserving the global significance. Say Goodbye to Writer's Block with the Elaborate Form Scribe Craft elaborate narratives with ease using Simplified's Elaborate Form Scribe. Craft compelling blogs, thought-provoking treatises, and even captivating volumes. Polish your prose with the manuscript remolder, phrase expander, and AI paragraph creator. Harness the power of our complimentary AI author and banish the notion of writer's block from existence. Harmonize Teams and Engage Audiences in Real-Time with Simplified Streamline your social media presence with Simplified. Schedule posts via the content chronicle or dispatch them directly from the application. Blueprint a plethora of audio-visual wonders weeks or even lunar cycles in advance for a seamless debut. More Tools: AI Image Generator AI Social Media Quotes Generator AI Video Script Generator AI Color Palette Generator AI Tweet To Image Generator All AI Tools
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soundmelive · 7 months
Why Instagram Reels Matter Ever wondered how some people manage to create Instagram Reels that are just too good to scroll past? Let's look at why these short videos are so important for your social media game. The Rise of Short-Form Content Short-form video content is taking the digital world by storm. If TikTok's explosive growth wasn't convincing enough, the Instagram Reels feature offers a new avenue to express creativity and attract followers. Getting Started In Mobile : To create an Instagram Reel, follow these steps: Opening Instagram Reels Open your Instagram app and swipe right to open the camera feature. Here you'll see an option for "Reels" at the bottom of the screen, tap the + button in the top right corner. Understanding the Interface On the left-hand side of the screen, you'll see icons for various functionalities such as speed, music, and effects. Familiarizing yourself with these tools is your first step toward creating an awesome Reel. You can now start recording your Reel. You can record multiple clips by tapping and releasing the record button. To stop recording, tap the square button at the bottom of the screen. Crafting Your Reel Choosing Music Music can set the mood for your Reel. Tap the music icon and browse through Instagram's library of songs, or even use your own original audio. You can add audio to your Reel by tapping the music note icon at the top of the screen. You can choose a song from the Instagram music library or upload your own music. Using Filters and Effects Want to add some pizzazz? Instagram offers a variety of filters and effects to take your Reels to the next level. From augmented reality (AR) features to color grading, the possibilities are endless. You can also add effects and filters to your Reel by tapping the three dots icon at the bottom of the screen. Speed and Timer Settings Instagram allows you to adjust the speed of your video, which is particularly useful for slow-motion or fast-forward effects. The timer feature enables hands-free recording for a specified length of time. Recording Techniques Single vs Multiple Takes You can record your Reel in one continuous take or use multiple clips. Instagram offers a handy align feature to help you transition seamlessly between clips. Hands-Free Recording Wanna go hands-free? Simply set the timer, hit record, and do your thing. Once you are finished recording and editing your Reel, tap the Next button. Editing Your Reel Trimming and Adjusting Clips Once you're done recording, you can trim your clips or reorder them for better flow. Adding Text and Stickers Embellish your Reel with text captions, GIFs, or stickers. Just tap the sticker icon and explore your options. Optimizing for Engagement Captions and Hashtags A compelling caption and relevant hashtags can make all the difference. Use trending hashtags to boost your Reel's visibility. You can now add a caption, and hashtags, and tag people in your Reel. Choosing a Cover Image Select an eye-catching frame from your video or upload a custom image to serve as your Reel’s cover. This is the first thing viewers will see when scrolling through Reels. Posting and Sharing Where to Share You can share your Reel to your feed, story, or the Explore tab. Each has its own set of advantages and reach.Tap the Share button to post your Reel. Analytics and Insights Instagram offers analytics for your Reels under the Insights section. Keeping track of engagement metrics can guide your future content strategy. Tips and Tricks Creative Ideas Looking for inspiration? Think about trends, challenges, or your unique talents as potential topics for your Reels. Common Mistakes to Avoid Over-editing, ignoring audio quality, or not engaging with your audience can hamper your Reel's performance. Be mindful! Monetizing Instagram Reels Instagram is rolling out options to monetize your Reels through brand collaborations and sponsored posts.
Keep an eye out for these features. Instagram Reels offer an exciting way to engage with your audience and grow your following. With the right techniques and some creativity, you'll be on your way to reel stardom!
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jhanvisolutions1313 · 8 months
Instagram was started in San Francisco by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, who tried to create a platform similar to Foursquare but then turned their attention exclusively to photo and video sharing. The word Instagram is a combination of “instant camera” and “telegram”. In this modern era, Instagram is a top-rated social media app that allows us to share photos, videos, and stories. American company Meta Platforms owns it. Instagram allows users to upload media that can be edited with filters, organized by hashtags, and also associated with location via geographical tagging. Posts and videos can be shared publicly or with preapproved followers. Users can see other user’s content by tags and locations, view trending content like photos, and follow other users to add their content to their feed. You can also share anything with a select group of friends.
 You can also view comments and likes posts shared by their friends on Instagram. Instagram is available on both iPhone and Android & absolutely free. Instagram is very beneficial for businesses like producing and promoting goods, company sponsorships and utilizing fan membership and advertising to finance videos and more. You can also add your bio to Instagram on the profile page.
Nowadays Instagram is a trending app and everyone uses this for sharing their videos and photos. The main benefits of Instagram is reaches a target audience and helps you to track your sales and leads. Advertising is free of cost. Moreover, builds trust and business character in which influencers are amazing business partners.
 Instagram also allows us to do chats and video calls in DM. Dm is a digital word that stands for “Direct Message”. In my personal opinion, Instagram is a very useful app for businesses and uploading content. People make so much money through Instagram through their trending content and reels. Instagram does not pay anyone they make through brand collaborations and paid promotions. There are currently 2.35 billion monthly active Instagram users and this number makes Instagram the 4th most popular social media app in the world. Instagram is safe for many. Users have generally access to many tools to ensure the security of their accounts. For instance, two-factor authentication, account activity logs, and other privacy settings. Lastly, I would say Instagram is a great place to build a social life for yourself by posting about yourself, your business, content, and many other things.  
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impossiblemakerfire · 8 months
Bite Sized Bundle App – ✳️ What is BiteSyzed Bundle? ✳️ Coupon Code
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From One 60-Minute Video to a hundred Viral Short Clips: Multiply Your Content 100x the usage of AI-SPEED with BiteSyzed. Imagine taking that lengthy webinar or speak you taped and, in only mins, releasing a flood of charming, bite-sized clips prepared to move viral. With BiteSyzed’s clever A.I. Context Technology, you’re not simply changing – you’re amplifying. TikTok, Instagram Reel & YouTube Shorts are dominating the social films right now, with billions of views each month. Creating 100s of entertaining, micro-content material style films for social media, for each month in your enterprise or your very own emblem, is easy no longer clean. In 2023 , the age of quick-video-overload, the real winners are folks that control to offer chew-sized, relatable viral content that resonates instantly. To simply stand out, you reworking long-shape movies into a myriad of snackable clips, constantly, day by day. The venture? Contextually slicing, enhancing, and curating these clips without draining hours or losing the core of the unique message. Businesses are in search of a tool which could automatically recognize, phase, and supply those clips with out the constant hassles of editing, segmenting, or overspending on specialized teams. Nobody wants to spend countless hours segmenting a webinar, annotating important moments, or stressing over what to keep and what to reduce. What they want, is solution that can take that one-hour video, examine it the usage of AI, find speakers, viral elements, context…and,Bite sized bundle app ios, inside minutes, generate 100s of quick, effective clips, primed for virality, while making an allowance for custom branding and personalised messages.…movies they could use for advertising, promotions, producing site visitors…or for ads. That’s precisely in which BiteSyzed comes in. BiteSyzed OTO Reviews Coupon Code: There is two front cease provide: BiteSyzed Starter & BiteSyzed Professional Commercial Agency Licensing Included, BiteSyzed Bundle (SAVE $194), BiteSyzed Fast-Pass Bundle (SAVE $144) and 3 One Time Offers. The 1st is BiteSyzed Unlimited, the 2d BiteSyzed OTO is BiteSyzed Professional, the third is BiteSyzed Enterprise. There are a few different down sells. The product is by Ben Murray, Karthik Ramani & Madasamy. All the links >>> If you buy it through my referral link, I will give you a unique gift from me. This praise will assist you make more money whilst mixed with BiteSyzed. ✳️ ALL three BITE SIZED OTO LINKS BELOW OTOs Don’t Work If You Don’t Have Front End, Can Get Any 1 Or More OTOs From Below If Already Got Front End! ➡️ Bite Sized Bundle Deal (SAVE $194): Get BiteSyzed Commercial + ALL Upgrades For A Low, One-Time Payment + Use Coupon Code “bitebundle” for a $50 Discount >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount ➡️ Bite Sized MegaBundle: Get VIP Training, Our Next Launch Free, & Far More by means of Upgrading Your Bundle Deal >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount ➡️ Bite Sized FE: BiteSyzed Commercial >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount ➡️ Bite Sized Fast-Pass (SAVE $a hundred and forty four): Get Complete Package of All BiteSyzed Upgrades for A Low One-Time Fee >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount ➡️ Bite Sized OTO 1: BiteSyzed Unlimited >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount ➡️ Bite Sized Unlimited-Lite $70 OFF >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount ➡️ Bite Sized OTO 2: BiteSyzed Professional >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount ➡️ Bite Sized Professional-Lite $forty OFF >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount ➡️ Bite Sized OTO three: BiteSyzed Enterprise >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount
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From One 60-Minute Video to a hundred Viral Short Clips: Multiply Your Content 100x the use of AI-SPEED with BiteSyzed. Imagine taking that lengthy webinar or speak you recorded and, in just mins, releasing a flood of charming, chew-sized clips geared up to head viral. With BiteSyzed’s current A.I. Context Technology, you’re no longer just changing – you’re amplifying. TikTok, Instagram Reel & YouTube Shorts are ruling the social motion pictures proper now, with billions of views every month. Creating 100s of attractive, micro-content fashion videos for social media, for every month for your commercial business or your very own emblem, is easy not smooth. Bite sized bundle app download, In 2023 , the age of brief-video-overload, the real winners are folks that manipulate to supply chunk-sized, relatable viral content material that echoes right away. To honestly stand out, you repurposing long-form movies into a myriad of snackable clips, continuously, daily. The undertaking? Contextually cutting, modifying, and curating those clips without draining hours or losing the essence of the authentic message. Businesses are in search of a tool that may intuitively apprehend, segment, and deliver those clips with out the constant hassles of modifying, segmenting, or overspending on specialised groups. Nobody desires to spend countless hours segmenting a webinar, annotating essential moments, or stressing over what to preserve and what to reduce. What they need, is solution which could take that one-hour video, examine it using AI, find audio system, viral elements, context…and, within mins, generate 100s of short, effective clips, primed for virality,Bite sized bundle app apk,  at the same time as allowing for custom branding and customized messages.…films they are able to use for marketing, promotions, producing visitors…or for advertisements. That’s exactly wherein BiteSyzed is available in. In these days’s age, where micro-content reigns ideally suited on structures like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, BiteSyzed is your ticket to omnipresence. With BiteSyzed, you’re not just creating motion pictures; you’re crafting a narrative that resonates with your target audience, driving engagement, and conversions. Bite sized bundle app android, To get started with BiteSyzed, observe these 3 truthful steps: Step 1: Upload your source video – this may be a webinar, podcast, tutorial, or every other content you wish to repurpose. BiteSyzed’s AI will analyze the content, ensuring the satisfactory segments are selected for repurposing. Step 2: Customize your clips. Choose the quantity of clips you need, and allow BiteSyzed’s AI do its magic. It will routinely generate captions, upload engaging visuals, and even render for all video sizes for all social systems. Step 3: Review and put up. Once it has transformed your video, you may evaluate every clip, make any final tweaks, after which submit to systems like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and greater the usage of AI generated titles, captions and hashtags. Alternatively, down load the clips for use elsewhere. Dive into the future of video content with BiteSyzed and ensure your content material constantly stands proud from the group. They’ve poured huge assets into making BiteSyzed the most powerful video content multiplication platform ever created. And we've got large plans to make it even better. To fund ongoing upgrades and aid, I’ll be increasing the fee drastically after this preliminary launch length. BiteSyzed may additionally even switch over to a monthly subscription version down the road. So be clever. Get in now at the same time as it’s still cheap. Lock in discounted early fowl access today before the rate skyrockets. This is arms down one of the smartest investments you could make in your online commercial enterprise and advertising and marketing efforts. They guarantee BiteSyzed can pay for itself typically over in boosted site visitors, income and earnings. But you want to act fast to maximise savings before the price is going up!
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AI Short Form Clip Creation Made Easy – No Technical Experience Needed Convert Podcast, Webinar, Zoom Call Recording, YouTube Videos & extra into short chew sized motion pictures for social media. Make Thousands Per Month Immediately With VIP Commercial License! AI Analyzes The Best Clips & Gives You Viral Content On The Spot! AI Creates All Captions, Transcriptions, and Emojis To Give You Engaging Videos In Minutes! Creates Every Type of Video Every Major Social Platform Fast! Post To All Platforms and Have Months of Content Ready In 2 Minutes. No Need To Be On Camera Ever – Use Others Video Content For Success! AI Tells You Beforehand How Viral Your Clip Will Be – Giving You Insight Into Which Clips To Use and Which Ones To Not Use. ✳️ WHAT BITE SIZED CAN DO FOR YOU Grow A Social Following You Can Monetize: Give the people what they crave – a by no means finishing deliver of wonderful bites of content material – and watch your following grow. Then monetize that huge target market with associate promotions, virtual merchandise, training offers, and more. The earning potential is endless. Grow Your Own Email List For On Demand Profits: Churn out a torrent of addictive content and direct that tidal wave of site users for your opt-in pages.. Send that identical traffic in your gives and sales funnels anytime you please whilst building a digital ATM machine producing automatic habitual sales every month. Make More Sales For Your Digital Products and Courses: Produce a countless buffet of snackable content material to entice scrollers into turning into possible buyers. Then send them to your income pages and convert like loopy. The more fee-packed videos you make, the greater merchandise and courses you’ll market. Get More High Level Coaching Clients Easily: Establish yourself as an unquestioned expert by using pumping out droves of beneficial films with BiteSyzed. Attract your ideal prospects and e-book limitless streams of high-ticket training calls on call for. Charge premium charges while becoming the most up to date train to your area of interest. Boost Your Ecom Store’s Revenue: Remarket to internet site site visitors and convert them into customers even as cutting fee per acquisition greatly. Show off your goods to purchasers and gGive your ecommerce keep revenue a massive adrenaline shot. Build Massive YouTube Channels For Profit: Shorts robotically get thousands and thousands of perspectives and one long video can generate limitless YouTube Shorts. BiteSyzed helps you to tap into that explosive growth that fuels brief form video visitors into long form video watchers. Take benefit of the set of rules and sell your countless shorts just by means of repurposing existing films. Make Six Figures Helping Others Convert Their Videos: Tap into the billion dollar enterprise by way of assisting local corporations who desperately want social video content to draw clients. Convert client films into shareable shorts or make absolutely new videos based on their website content material. Best of all, you could earn a clean six figures whilst working from everywhere within the global. BiteSyzed Review – $5000 Bonuses, Coupon Code, OTO Details By Alex Huynh October 6, 2023 BONUSES AND COUPON 0 Comments If you buy it via my referral hyperlink, I will provide you with a special praise from me. This reward will help you earn extra cash while blended with BiteSyzed.
OTOs Don’t Work If You Don’t Have Front End, Can Get Any 1 Or More OTOs From Below If Already Got Front End! BiteSyzed Bundle Deal (SAVE $194): Get BiteSyzed Commercial + ALL Upgrades For A Low, One-Time Payment + Use Coupon Code “bitebundle” for a $50 Discount >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount BiteSyzed MegaBundle: Get VIP Training, Our Next Launch Free, & Far More by way of Upgrading Your Bundle Deal >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount BiteSyzed FE: BiteSyzed Commercial >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount BiteSyzed Fast-Pass (SAVE $one hundred forty four): Get Complete Package of All BiteSyzed Upgrades for A Low One-Time Fee >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount BiteSyzed OTO 1: BiteSyzed Unlimited >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount BiteSyzed Unlimited-Lite $70 OFF >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount BiteSyzed OTO 2: BiteSyzed Professional >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount BiteSyzed Professional-Lite $40 OFF >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount BiteSyzed OTO three: BiteSyzed Enterprise >>>Grab Your Early Bird Discount BITESYZED WHAT IS IT
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From One 60-Minute Video to 100 Viral Short Clips: Multiply Your Content 100x the usage of AI-SPEED with BiteSyzed. Imagine taking that lengthy webinar or talk you recorded and, in just mins, releasing a flood of fascinating, chew-sized clips geared up to move viral. With BiteSyzed’s current A.I. Context Technology, you’re not just changing – you’re amplifying. TikTok, Instagram Reel & YouTube Shorts are ruling the social motion pictures right now, with billions of perspectives every month. Creating 100s of enticing, micro-content style movies for social media, for each month in your business or your own brand, is simple now not smooth. In 2023 , the age of short-video-overload, the real winners are individuals who manipulate to give chew-sized, relatable viral content that resonates right away. To simply stand out, you repurposing lengthy-form movies into a myriad of snackable bits, constantly, day after day. The task? Contextually slicing, modifying, and curating those clips with out draining hours or losing the essence of the original message. Businesses are in search of a tool that can naturally apprehend, phase, and deliver those clips with out the regular hassles of modifying, segmenting, or overspending on specialised groups. Nobody wants to spend infinite hours segmenting a webinar, annotating important moments, or stressing over what to hold and what to cut. What they want, is answer that may take that one-hour video, analyze it the usage of AI, find audio system, viral elements, context…and, inside minutes, generate 100s of brief, powerful clips, primed for virality, while taking into account custom branding and personalized messages.…motion pictures they can use for advertising and marketing, promotions, producing visitors…or for advertisements. That’s precisely where BiteSyzed is available in. Thanks to Abhi Dwivedi, I get the results I wanted In today’s age, where micro-content material rules very best on platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, BiteSyzed is your price tag to omnipresence. With BiteSyzed, you’re no longer just creating motion pictures; you’re crafting a narrative that resonates with your target audience, driving engagement, and conversions. To get began with BiteSyzed, follow these three trustworthy steps: Step 1: Upload your supply video – this could be a webinar, podcast, academic, or another content material you wish to reuse. BiteSyzed’s AI will analyze the material, making sure the first-class segments are selected for repurposing. Step 2: Customize your clips. Choose the range of clips you need, and allow BiteSyzed’s AI do its work.pro apps bundle,  It will automatically create captions, add engaging visuals, and even render for all video sizes for all social platforms. Step 3: Review and send. Once it has converted your video, you may evaluate each clip, make any very last tweaks, after which post to structures like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and greater the use of AI generated titles, captions and hashtags. Alternatively, down load the clips to be used elsewhere. Dive into the future of video content material with BiteSyzed and make certain your content continually stands out from the crowd. They’ve poured huge sources into making BiteSyzed the most powerful video content material multiplication platform ever made. And we've big plans to make it even higher. To fund ongoing upgrades and assist, I’ll be increasing the price greatly after this initial launch time. BiteSyzed may even switch over to a month-to-month subscription plan down the road. So be smart. Get in now whilst it’s still cheap. Lock in cheap early chook get entry to today earlier than the charge skyrockets. This is fingers down one of the smartest investments you may make in your on line commercial company and advertising and marketing efforts. They promise BiteSyzed will pay for itself typically over in boosted site visitors, income and earnings. But you want to move rapid to maximize savings earlier than the fee goes up!
Vendor Abhi Dwivedi Product BiteSyzed Launch Date 2023-Oct-10 Launch Time 11:00 EST Front-End Price $37 Coupon Code bitebundle Bonuses HUGE BONUSES Refund YES, 14 Day Money-Back Guarantee Product Type Video Marketing Support Effective Response Discount Read the full article
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superbbeardarbiter · 9 months
World's First App That Research Optimize, Create and Monitize Short Videos
ShortsAIStudio Review: What is ShortsAIStudio
Welcome to my ShortsAIStudio review. ShortsAIStudio is a groundbreaking application that promises to revolutionize the world of short video content creation and monetization. Dubbed as the "World's First App That Research, Optimize, Create, And Monetize Short Videos," ShortsAIStudio offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to tap into the vast user base of popular short video platforms like TikTok, IG Reels, Facebook Videos, and YouTube Shorts. With a single click, it opens up an incredible opportunity for content creators, regardless of their experience level, to conquer these platforms and reach an audience of over 5.3 billion users.
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One of the standout features of ShortsAIStudio is its ability to streamline the entire content creation process. It provides powerful research tools to help creators identify trending topics, keywords, and content ideas, ensuring that they are always in tune with what's hot and relevant on short video platforms. Furthermore, it offers optimization tools that help creators fine-tune their content for maximum engagement and discoverability, taking the guesswork out of the equation. This means even beginners can quickly adapt to the fast-paced world of short video content creation.
Click Here to Get ShortAiStudio>>
ShortAIStudio Review: How Does It Work Setp-1: Login Login To ShortsAIStudio Powerful Dashboard (Dead-Easy To Use)
Step-2: Enter Your Keyword That’s All You Need To Do. ShortsAIStudio Will Do Everything For You (All In Autopilot)
Step-3: Profit Yup That’s It. Everytime We Create A New Campaign, We Wake Up To Money Like This
ShortAIStudio Review: Financial Benefit
Ai Technology Instantly Generate Thousands Of Buyers Clicks For Free - That's PRICELESS
Leverage AI To Generate “Goofy” Videos With Few Clicks - Worth $997
ShortsAIStudio AI-Powered App To Automatically Create Unlimited Short-Videos For Instagram, Facebook, YouTube & TikTok - Worth $997
ShortsAIStudio Built-In Traffic - That's Worth $997
Few Clicks Monetization Feature With Our DFY HighTicket Offers - Worth $997
Ai VoiceOvers To Turn Any Acript Into Professional Human Emotion Based Voiceovers - Worth $997
ShortsAIStudio Mobile EDITION - Worth $497
100% Newbie Friendly - (Beyond A Value)
Step-By-Step Training Videos - Worth $997
Round-The-Clock World-Class Support (Priceless –It’s Worth A LOT)
FREE Commercial License - That's Priceless
ShortAIStudio Review: Final Recommendation In conclusion, ShortsAIStudio is a game-changer for anyone looking to make their mark in the world of short video content. By simplifying the research, optimization, creation, and monetization processes, it levels the playing field and opens up new opportunities for creators of all levels of experience. With the ability to tap into the massive user base of popular short video platforms, ShortsAIStudio empowers content creators to finally conquer TikTok, IG Reels, Facebook Videos, and YouTube Shorts with confidence and ease.
ShortAIStudio Review: Are You Ready Yet? You reading this far into the page means one thing. You're interested. The good news is, you're just minutes away from your breakthrough. Just imagine waking up every day to thousands of dollars in your account Instead of ZERO. The bad news is, it will sell out FAST. So you need to act now. Ready to join us?
Click Here to Get ShortAiStudio>>
The best of luck.
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reviewtech · 9 months
Revolutionize Your Social Video Marketing with AISocials: Your Ultimate AI-Powered Solution
What is AISocials?
AISocials represents a comprehensive AI assistant designed to manage and operate a social video marketing agency on your behalf. AISocials employs cutting-edge 'AI variations' technology to craft hundreds of captivating, original social media posts and videos based on keywords, catering to your needs or those of your clients. Moreover, it autonomously publishes this content without the need for manual scheduling, leveraging groundbreaking AI 'self-scheduling' to ensure optimal posting times. This results in a continuous flow of traffic, making AISocials the pioneer in the realm of AI-powered 'push-button' traffic solutions. It not only generates unique content but also drives traffic as effectively as if you had a dedicated agency team working around the clock.
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AISocials - User-Friendly Experience
    Start by Discovering Viral Topic Ideas for AI Content Creation.
    Input Your Desired Keyword and Specify the Quantity of Posts and Videos to Generate.
    Preview the Already Completed Content.
    Personalize Anything with Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Technology.
    Incorporate Posts into AI 'Content Streams.'
    Observe as the App Continuously Publishes Your Content.
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Key Features:
AI-Powered Social Video Campaigns: Generate captivating social posts and videos effortlessly by simply providing keywords. Compatible with TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more.
AI Agency Social Media Campaigns: Automatically construct lead campaigns using just a keyword, attracting clients with exclusive, viral content.
AI 'Self-Scheduling' Technology: Eliminate manual scheduling by letting the app autonomously publish content at optimal times without any scheduling hassle.
AI Midjourney Image Technology: Create attention-grabbing AI images for your social content using Midjourney, the leading AI image engine.
AI Social Video Wizard:s Enter a keyword, and AISocials will compose a script and craft a high-retention video that you can customize with clips, text, layers, and more.
AI Viral Post Wizard: AISocials generates viral social media posts for your chosen social networks. Edit them with text, images, fonts, emojis, and more using the built-in editor.
AI Variations Technology (Generate Hundreds of Posts): Input a seed keyword and the desired number of variations, and AISocials will create numerous unique posts based on that keyword.
Find Trending Topics: Discover trending topics on social media, then let the AI create a multitude of unique posts around these trends for effortless mass traffic generation.
Agency Content Calendar: Organize all your social posts with a user-friendly drag-and-drop calendar. Schedule one-time posts, keep track of AI-generated postings, and manage content for different clients efficiently.
Agencies: Trim hours of labor and substantial costs while scaling your business to six figures effortlessly.
Freelancers: Boost your income by providing a highly sought-after service, leaving you with ample time for other pursuits.
Coaches/Consultants: Establish a robust social presence and draw organic traffic to your webinars and funnels for coaching services.
Affiliate Marketers: Direct free traffic to high-converting offers, securing a monthly stream of passive income.
Busy Professionals: Balancing a 9-5 job at a digital marketing company? Automate most of your tasks with AISocials and shine as a star performer.
Ecommerce: Bid farewell to costly PPC campaigns; attract a flood of eager buyers to your store without sacrificing profit margins on paid ads!
How Does AISocials Differ from Other AI Apps?
AISocials stands out as the only app capable of generating a wide range of social media content, including posts, videos, reels, memes, quotes, and more, solely from keywords. It features a viral topic finder to inspire AI creativity and 'AI variations' technology for creating countless variations from a single topic. Unlike other platforms like Buffer and HootSuite that require manual content rescheduling, AISocials automatically and intelligently schedules your posts. Furthermore, it's one of the few AI tools that allows seamless client integration, enabling you to create and manage all their social content and videos with AI.
Can I Find a Better Deal on Another Page?
No. Since you were referred by a premium partner to this page, you are eligible for the best possible deal on AISocials if you make a purchase today.
What Can I Charge as an Agency?
Social media marketing agencies are in high demand and typically require substantial teams to operate. With AISocials, you can offer social media content and posting services for $3000+ per month, going beyond other agency services. Additionally, you can provide individual services like AI video creation, AI post creation, AI article creation, etc., for fees such as $500 each on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.
Where Can I Find Clients as an Agency?
AISocials is equipped with agency-focused features that not only create entire social campaigns but also help you secure clients. It generates complete and engaging social campaigns and videos tailored to specific client types such as dog trainers, plumbers, dentists, real estate agents, and more. Plus, if you order today, you'll receive VIP live training to guide you through the process of landing your first client.
What Types of Marketing Materials Does AISocials Create?
AISocials can produce AI posts and images for Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, as well as AI video content for YouTube, TikTok, reels, and more. Additionally, you can create Medium articles, memes, quotes, individual images, and other content entirely using AI.
Is Comprehensive Training Provided?
Absolutely! AISocials is user-friendly, and it comes with detailed training and tutorials for both you and small business customers. Additionally, there's 24/7 support available to assist you.
Is There a Money-Back Guarantee?
Yes, it's straightforward. If you try AISocials and don't achieve the desired results with this AI marketing engine, simply let us know, and you'll receive a full refund. You're covered by a 14-day money-back guarantee.
How Many Clients Can I Have with This Software?
You can have as many clients as you want! By acting quickly, you can secure an unlimited commercial license, allowing you to create an unlimited number of campaigns for an unlimited number of clients who can either pay you per lead or a flat monthly fee.
Does It Work on Both Windows and Mac?
Yes, AISocials is 100% cloud-based, making it compatible with any system, device, or screen size, accessible from anywhere in the world.
Is Training and Support Available?
Indeed, there is comprehensive step-by-step training available if needed, along with hands-on support from the AISocials team, ready to assist you. However, the software is so intuitive that you may not require additional assistance.
Will the App Receive Regular Updates?
Yes, the app is regularly updated to maintain smooth operation and maximize its power.
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