#freddy carter lt. david friedkin
austinbutlermischief 4 months
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purpleyin 10 months
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A Freddy Carter fan poster for his character Lt. David Friedkin in Masters of the Air, made back in June for his fanbook. I was quite proud of this back when I first made it, but then I almost didn't post it now because I realized lately - having looked over set pics for the show and doing a little more research - that I probably got the uniform fairly wrong馃槶which embarrassed me (I'm quite the perfectionist at times). But I got convinced by a few people I know that other Freddy fans would still enjoy it despite the inaccuracy, so here it is.
I also originally intended to do a making of vid as well, to show the progression of it since it's my most complicated photo manip so far - and a friend of mine who saw all the drafts as I did it said that was interesting to see how it developed - but I got the wind knocked out of my sails re the uniform mistake so I hadn't in the end. But if anyone is interested in that, let me know and I might still be able to find the motivation to do it
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austinbutlermischief 4 months
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austinbutlermischief 4 months
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austinbutlermischief 4 months
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austinbutlermischief 4 months
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austinbutlermischief 4 months
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austinbutlermischief 4 months
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austinbutlermischief 4 months
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purpleyin 10 months
Still watching Band of Brothers but the narrative format they used made me wonder about Masters of the Air...
(Warning for both BTS spoilers and some vague character spoilers too)
BoB seems to use a secondary character(s) focus for each episode (e.g. Sobel episode 1, Hall + Guarnere episode 2, Blithe & Speirs contrasted in episode 3 etc). If we get this format again for MotA then it seems like there'll be an ep focusing on Tuskegee Airmen based on behind the scenes pics & I hope we get a focus on the servicewomen too perhaps.
So, a thought about Freddy Carter's character related to this...
His character is based on Lt. David Friedkin who was an actor/writer/director serving in the Signal Corps in WWII. I am wondering if we might get an episode focusing on ground crew supporting the airmen and/or about the Signal Corps specifically, with significant Friedkin in. Probably this is wishful thinking and I should keep expectations low about how much Freddy will be in the show, but I also don't think it's outside the realm of possibility we might get a Friedkin POV/focus given past narratives choices made for BoB. I guess we'll see in 1-5 months whether I successfully plotsniped this or not.
Also watch me hope that maybe just maybe we might get a POV/focus on Thomas Flynn's character too but I don't know what the chances are of that
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