#francés cress welsing
universalsankofa · 4 years
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Rona and Read Challenge
Hey everybody! Finding a lot of free time during the stay at home campaign for COVID-19? Well, exercise your mind! Don't binge watch shows all day, read! It doesn't matter if you are reading for pleasure or reading to learn, READ!!!!
A couple of years ago there was a challenge on instagram called #bookphonechallenge, look it up if you don't remember it. We decided to create a challenge during these times called #ronaandreadchallenge. The purpose of this challenge is to give people ideas of what other people are reading and introduce them to some new book titles.
Here are the rules for the challenge:
Post an image of you holding up to 9 books (can be a combo of books you have already read or going to read)
List the titles and authors
Tag 8 others to take on the challenge
Use the hashtag #ronaandreadchallenge
Sankofa’s reads...
The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz
Malcolm X - Walter Dean Myers
The Complete Works of Lao Tzu - Hua-Ching Ni
They Came Before Columbus - Ivan Van Sertima
The Isis Papers - Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
Metu Neter - Ra Un Nefer Amen
The City of Wellness - Queen Afua
Made it Out - Ross Williams
Unspoken Game - Andrew Beaver
Stacey’s reads...
Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza
Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity - Queen Afua
Fear - Thich That Hanh
Crabs in a Barrel War on Racism - Ross Williams
I Went Through All That For What? - Tierra White
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
Stolen Legacy - George G.M. James
Freakonomics - Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner
White Rage - Carol Anderson
We challenge you to join the challenge and exercise your mind! Tell us below what books you are reading or planning to read in the near future!
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