#found this out a few years ago in a random hyperfocus driven research session and it rattles to the front of my mind sometimes since then
caitas-cooing · 6 months
If you want to know about shady business in America just look at everything the tobacco industry has done and then boil with rage thinking about it like me. Like the kind of marketing and lying and trying to fight scientific evidence that tobacco was dangerous and all the companies involved in these plans still exist. They purposefully marketed to queer people and people of color because they figured most of them wouldn't be able to sue them. We have documents to prove all this! It's open knowledge that anyone can access! I'm school everyone says that back in the day they just didn't know the dangerous effects and now it's common knowledge, but even when they started figuring out how addictive nicotine was and how smoking is linked cancer they tried to cover it up. Like at least some people were aware and the reason it wasn't more widely talked about was that companies tried to cover it up.
I think the icing on this fucked up cake is that the way we market vapes has a lot of the same predatory tricks as the way they did it with tobacco. They were invented and sold as a way to help quit smoking but are now used as a way to get kids hooked on nicotine instead. Society really hasn't changed much
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