#forgot how nice that kinda online experience can be ๐Ÿ˜Œ
lineffability ยท 4 months
sappy little end of year post to celebrate my own personal lovingly curated corner of fandom that I've been enjoying immensely this year, full of correct opinions, good takes and little drama ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œโœจ
three special shout-outs to very lovely people:
@crowleyholmes chii you're such a ray of sunshine and your lovely tags and enthusiasm were just too fucking contagious, even before I was following you I kept thinking 'how can someone be THIS nice' but then you started talking to me and you ARE, aren't you ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ˜Œ glad to know you, you're a delight and, dare I say it, a friend
@chernozemm what can I say - I adore you, zemmie, ever since we started talking it feels we've barely stopped, I love bouncing ideas and headcanons and fics and just anything, really, off you, and you definitely know things, and me <3 just genuinely enjoy your vibe a lot, you gorgeous person
@queerfables you were the first person I started talking to in 2023 GO fandom I think, and we've exchanged auch lovely opinions and GO book memories, I love your fandom-familiarity and metas and you-ness โœจ
also just wanted to shout out some people I've simply enjoyed seeing on my dash, following, writing, reading, arting, metaing, talking, commenting, prev-tagging etc etc, you make this fun <3
@opscuritas @plumbum-art @fellshish @foolishlovers @nice-and-accurate-ramblings @fagziraphale @wraithee @ashfae @voluptatiscausa @gaslightgallows @copperplatebeech @sabotage-on-mercury @ineffabildaddy @crawley-fell @crvwly @gingiekittycat @nightingalecottage @azfellandco @goodoldfashionednightingale @wearecrowley @halemerry @books-and-omens @ineffableteeth @luminousslime @lonicera-caprifolium @mrghostrat @grntaire @snek-eyes @fremulon @focusfixated @aduckwithears
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