#forgive any errors I just wrote this in the notes app of my phone lol
ace-din-djarin · 9 months
Inspired by this post, here’s a soft & fluffy little Dreamling ficlet.
“Sometimes I miss the stars,” Hob murmured, low and soft. Dream glanced over; Hob was staring up at the night sky, head tilted back, face soft and quietly mournful.
“There used to be so many, you know? As far as you could see. Sometimes they felt like the only constant I ever had, through the centuries. And now….”
Now, humanity’s grim and tired march into the future had left their cities so bright they washed any hint of stars from the sky. Dream thought for a moment, and reached for Hob’s hand. “Come with me,” he said. Hob took his hand without hesitation, something that still sent a little thrill through Dream’s heart, that he could still trust Dream so thoroughly even after all this time.
Between the space of one breath and the next they blinked into existence within the Dreaming, seated just as they had been in the Waking but now among the tall soft grasses of Fiddler’s Green.
“Will these suffice?” Dream swept his free hand— for he had not let go of Hob’s, just yet— out, the sky above them rippling in waves as though he’d swept his fingers through a still pond.
Hob stared up at the sky for a long moment, eyes wide and mouth open. He turned to Dream, a slow smile spreading across his face. His eyes were unbearably soft.
“You never cease to amaze me, my friend. Thank you.”
Dream smiled back— smaller, quieter, but Hob’s eyes brightened to see it all the same. They sat together, watching the diamond blanket above them swirl and dance, shaping new galaxies and nebulas. And still, Dream did not let go of Hob’s hand.
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