#for... graphic description of flu symptoms i suppose? it's kinda gross sorry
littlelovingmouse · 2 years
ranting about being sick under the cut because it's kinda gross and you know me, i love a good long rant
sure excited for this syrup to finally fucking work after i tried tylenol, advil and buckley to stop coughing every five minutes; it's been an hour!!!
i have been sick for two weeks now, with what is apparently my first real flu since primary school
i usually (pre-pandemic) get two or three colds a year because of weather changes and a lower-than-average overall health
but it's NEVER this bad
i've taken 4 home covid tests so far and they all came up negative, so there's that, at least
but it still fucking sucks
my throat NEVER hurts when i get a cold, i always get, like, hay fever symptoms, basically, and exhaustion, but since monday my throat has been terribly sore and i have been coughing grossly
and my vocal chords have been out of order since thursday!!! my cat is sad because i can't meow back anymore!!! i can't go to work because my coworkers won't hear me in the loud as fuck restaurant's kitchen, i can't game on discord and roll20 because my friends won't hear me on my computer's microphone, i can't even call 811 to ask if should go to the hospital because the nurse won't hear me over the phone!!!!!!
and strangely enough i have not sneezed ONCE since i started coughing - it's like i have an entirely different disease than the week before
also my temperature has been staying under 36.5 the whole time, i even got 34 once, i was like 'okay but that is not physically possible, i should be dead' then i used the thermometer two more times and got 35.8, which is still weird but is at least plausible
i can't sleep because i have to get up every two hours to cough out a grape sized chunk of mucus the most disgusting green you have ever seen and then blow my nose non stop for twenty minutes
and after two weeks of blowing my nose constantly i'm starting to see a little blood in the tissues like, my nose has had enough
*i* have had enough
and i hate that i have to rely on my bf for errands because obviously even if i don't have a fever i'm not gonna show up to the pharmacy, the convenience store or the grocery store while coughing my lungs out, i hate it because i'm usually the errand person and i feel like a burden because i can't do much at home either, i barely have the energy to do the dishes, and i'm supposed to help my bf with his work for university but i can't focus on anything longer than a shitpost for more than five minutes
what's even weirder is that even after two weeks my bf is still not sick himself - like i'm a tiny bit bitter to be suffering alone but mostly worried because he usually gets sicker than me when we catch something...
also, what was the point of asking for my vacation pay as extra money if i have to take days off work anyway????
and on top of it i feel like an asshole for whining about this because my friend's 2 year old daughter apparently has the same illness and she's suffering because she's fucking TWO, like how hellish would all of this be if i was two and i didn't understand why it hurts to swallow my own saliva and why i keep coughing so bad i almost throw up every time????
(i probably got it from her, too, but i can't complain, she's been sick for a week longer and her parents are at their wit's end tbh)
i just hope i can at least go back to work on tuesday, though it seems unlikely at this point... i don't want to go to the hospital and wait for hours to see someone, or worse, actually catch covid
i keep flashing back to what little i remember of the whooping cough i got when i was 5 and the repeated laryngites i had as a kid, like, 'was it ever that bad??? i don't remember ever being this sick... but surely it was worse back then, right???'
meanwhile people are out there dying in droves while i'm sniffling and grouching on my couch like a wimp
at least those covid tests aren't as bad as people said, it just triggered a few sneezing fits (back when i was still sneezing)
okay i'm gonna try to at least wash the dishes before dinner so bf can cook right after he's done with work, whining over
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